Until I Get Married Blogger Jozen Cummings

Didn’t think of it that way. You’re absolutely right. Well at least on the BW’s behalf, their plan B dirty laundry isn’t attached with a name and a face (or is it? yikes). :confused:I’d be embarrassed as hell. That’s the only positive I can come up with.

While this guy is trash, why is a whole adult woman raw dogging with an ex who she just happens to run into in the club? For real, madam?! And she not on birth control...Folks playing with their lives for awkward Blasian crayon. A mess.
Wow. A quote from an interview he did:

On dating black women when you're multiracial:

I feel like for a while, I subscribed to this idea that I was actually being like, doing a noble thing. Like that I liked black women was somehow progressive….I grew out of that. And that’s when I, once I let that go, that’s when I started becoming more open to dating anybody....I used to feel like very much that they were a gateway, or they strengthened my identity.
I really hope all the major black media outlets stay far away from this dude. He has issues upon issues and his platform that he used to prey on women needs to be taken away.
Cackles :rofl:

As a Cali, to southerner, to NY Dude, the only thing missing from his resume is a stint in the Midwest so that he could hit the 4 corners of a well rounded US Kangdom education.

Jozen Cummings is a writer and editor living in New York City. He is currently the dating reporter for THE NEW YORK POST, where he handles the weekly blind date column, Meet Market. Jozen began his professional journalism career in the magazine business as a fact-checker at VIBE Magazine in 2004. In 2006, he went on to be the Web Editor at KING Magazine, and then came back to VIBE in 2008, where he was the Online Editor and Articles Editor, until the company’s closing in July 2009. He also served brief stints as an online editor at XXL Magazine and as a staff writer at HUFFINGTON POST.

Until I Get Married” is Jozen’s way of showing not only how fun the single life can be for today’s bachelor, but how difficult it can be.

From his hilarious stories about trysts with women who don’t speak English to opening up about the difficulty of repairing a damaged relationship with the man who raised him, Jozen has become a voice for many unmarried men who are trying to figure out women, and the many women who are trying to figure out men. He has also used his blog to give his own unique brand of dating and relationship advice for all the single and dating people in the world. “Until I Get Married” will tell you why a man should take a woman out for soup instead of dinner (“A Compromise on Taking Women Out To Eat”), why best friends should sleep together (“Five Reasons She Should Sleep With Her Best Friend”), and how women can be better platonic friends to the men in their life (“Seven Ways For Women To Be Better in the Friend Zone”).

As the dating reporter for The New York Post, Jozen is responsible for the blind date column, Meet Market.

Jozen is originally from Seaside, California and graduated in 2004 from Howard University with a bachelor’s degree in news/online journalism.
Didn’t think of it that way. You’re absolutely right. Well at least on the BW’s behalf, their plan B dirty laundry isn’t attached with a name and a face (or is it? yikes). :confused:I’d be embarrassed as hell. That’s the only positive I can come up with.
The ex-fiancee did not include the hookup's name in the pics of the text messages. Thank goodness. I'm glad, no need to go there. Keep the focus on him.
I would have gone there. :look: The hook ups knew good and well he was engaged. They'd both get dragged.
Nope she played it smart because 99% of the time when this happens, the focus shifts quickly away from the man once it’s revealed who the other women are.

Decades later the side women involved are still being attacked and dragged, while ol dude rides off into the sunset gets married, grows a beard, has kid, and lives his best life unscathed.
Nope she played it smart because 99% of the time when this happens, the focus shifts quickly away from the man once it’s revealed who the other women are.

Decades later the side women involved are still being attacked and dragged, while ol dude rides off into the sunset gets married, grows a beard, has kid, and lives his best life unscathed.

Also maybe she didn't know he's engaged. He doesn't sound like the type to say it upfront, and they just ran into each other at that bar. You know men withhold all kinda info until you ask them point blank.
Nope she played it smart because 99% of the time when this happens, the focus shifts quickly away from the man once it’s revealed who the other women are.

Decades later the side women involved are still being attacked and dragged, while ol dude rides off into the sunset gets married, grows a beard, has kid, and lives his best life unscathed.

:lachen: well dang.
:eek: “Until I Get Married” will tell you why a man should take a woman out for soup instead of dinner (“A Compromise on Taking Women Out To Eat”), :confused:why best friends should sleep together (“Five Reasons She Should Sleep With Her Best Friend”),:bat: and how women can be better platonic friends to the men in their life (“Seven Ways For Women To Be Better in the Friend Zone”)o_O

I must be old fashioned for real. Young women taking this dude seriously?

Also maybe she didn't know he's engaged. He doesn't sound like the type to say it upfront, and they just ran into each other at that bar. You know men withhold all kinda info until you ask them point blank.
I believe one was an ex. So she def knew. But yes you’re right it’s possible the other one or ones didn’t know. This guy is supposed to be a a “ popular blogger” and like I said I had no clue who he was until 16 hours ago. Relationship advice columns, blogs and the like are not my point of interest.
I believe one was an ex. So she def knew. But yes you’re right it’s possible the other one or ones didn’t know. This guy is supposed to be a a “ popular blogger” and like I said I had no clue who he was until 16 hours ago. Relationship advice columns, blogs and the like are not my point of interest.
He told one of them that they separated so I don't think dragging anybody but him is in order.
Where do you go for a soup date? Soup Plantation got buffet food and it was nearly $20 a person (without drinks) the last time I was there i.e. before the board shamed me for eating at a place with plantation in the name.

I can’t believe I live in a world where dudes who look like that are getting by trickin off soup. :rofl:

Every woman with access to Google that has given him so much as a whiff of vagina has the IQ of a seat cushion. I would say Do Better but they won’t.
I believe one was an ex. So she def knew. But yes you’re right it’s possible the other one or ones didn’t know. This guy is supposed to be a a “ popular blogger” and like I said I had no clue who he was until 16 hours ago. Relationship advice columns, blogs and the like are not my point of interest.
Haha :lachen:

I never heard of him until this thread. Looks like he hasn't posted on his blog in a while either. Shrugs.
Where do you go for a soup date? Soup Plantation got buffet food and it was nearly $20 a person (without drinks) the last time I was there i.e. before the board shamed me for eating at a place with plantation in the name.

I can’t believe I live in a world where dudes who look like that are getting by trickin off soup. :rofl:

Every woman with access to Google that has given him so much as a whiff of vagina has the IQ of a seat cushion. I would say Do Better but they won’t.

In NY in some circles, if you have a BA and can put a sentence together, you can pick up a decent amount of women. Then add that faux “trying to be a better man” nonsense and certain women will eat that mess up. Not surprised he was running women to this degree...Just surprised it took her five years to discover his true colors.
No quotes please.

“Until I Get Married” will tell you why a man should take a woman out for soup instead of dinner.

What a cheap :censored:! You would've thought he'd maybe say why men should cook for women instead or choose a place comfortably within your budget, because you're young or whatever...take someone out for soup? (And I'm sure his dog-faced behind is not talking about one of those bourgeois ramen places in the city.) Total trash, wants to put forth no effort. This guy lives in NY and is relatively young? There are millions of places where you can get a decent, non-chain full meal without breaking the bank.

Men who try to test women like that are garbage. :rolleyes: This is why I follow my own relationship advice. Men should be aware that they are receiving companionship which is priceless, so these little meals are not equivalent to having you, the woman, in his life.

I love trying random, locally known holes in the wall. I think most do. I remember years ago doing online dating (remember the online dating challenges we had a few years ago) and I had one guy ask me where to eat and I told him that I wanted to go to a hole in the wall that I loved. I only did that because I knew he wasn't my type, but may be friend material, we only went on one "date". Less than two weeks later DH contacted me and asked me out, and insisted on going to a restaurant and even chose a different one when I declined his first choice due to dietary preferences.
In this interview with Sway he further discusses how he’s a huge advocate for frugal dates. The advice on soup dates during the winter months has me so tickled :lol: He also says running errands and window shopping are creative date ideas for a woman who is complaining about not being taken on enough dates outside of the house. He also advised playing board games to spice things up within the home so the woman won’t focus on not going on enough outside dates. His ex-fiancé should be counting her blessings and it sounds like she settled. She looks like a kind docile woman that probably went along with the flow. The rest of us would’ve laughed in his face a long time ago.

Y’all. That soup date blog is a hot mess. He ain’t fine enough for this type of attitude. Whew

More trash! I wonder if he has severe financial problems or something. Maybe he hates women. How Sway?! Pardon the pun lol.
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Y’all. That soup date blog is a hot mess. He ain’t fine enough for this type of attitude. Whew
The comment section is priceless. I find myself amazed at how women will absorb all the b.s. in Men's spaces and come to women's spaces talking about being fair. I ain't nevah in the history of negrodom read a bunch of dudes talking about acceptable ways for women to weed them out on dates or how they need to be understanding because the woman is a little heavier/balder/older than in the filtered pictures.

jozen somehow, i feel like with this post… you are a brother from another mother…
imma ask my daddy. i don’t like to do anything on the first date that creates expectation. i insist on going dutch and meeting you there (just in case i have to make an exit). if it doesn’t work.. no love lost… i ate.. i paid, and i was out of the house being social.

Dude 2 two posts
Hmmmm. What’s that number again? Around 45%+ black women are unmarried. He may be an a-hole that dropped $200 dollars on dinner on the first date and you dropped the draws. He may be a great guy that dropped $30 dollars on the first date and you drop him. I think I can see where that number may come from.

Ok that may have come off a little harsh, but what I’m trying to say here is that just because the first date is soup is not grounds for dismissal. That may be a man’s way of weeding out the gold diggers or he may just have a tight budget at the time due to him making moves that will benefit his future. Whatever the case may be, he may still be the man you have been waiting your whole life for. Put the value on the person and not the material things he or she may provide for you. This may help lessen the chance of you overlooking the “good man” or “good woman” and falling for the “boy” or “girl”. Now if the second date is soup again you are then eligible to begin asking some serious questions.