Unrequited Love: Who's Been There?

Unrequited Love: Have You Been There?

  • Yes and it hurt like a tragic love story!

    Votes: 312 85.2%
  • No. I break hearts, I don’t get my heart broken!

    Votes: 30 8.2%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 24 6.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Im reading through the posts and thank you for sharing ladies...I know this is OT but kinda related...

How do you get over it???
How do you move on if your life has revolved around that person for several years?
And is this solely related to partners or has anybody experienced this with family members or friends?


What is the cure? How do you get over it? I've liked a guy for over two years. My co-workers told him I was interested without my knowledge. I was told that he said he liked me. He said he would contact me, but I saw him today and he said nothing. How am I supposed to let it go? I was fine until they told me he would be contacting me. Now I am losing my mind. What went wrong? How do I move on?

I'm not going to sugar coat things, this dude isn't worth your time and he is unsure of if he wants to be with you. I was just going through something similar, but I only liked the guy for a few weeks. He's always flirting with me and staring at me, but has yet to actually try to pursue anything with me. He's not into me.

You've liked this guy for 2 years? If he has not yet pursued you, especially knowing now that you like him, then the interest and hunger isn't there.

So let's say you two did get together. Would you be satisfied knowing that it took two years of liking him for this to finally happen? I'm sure that within a month of dating him, your attraction to him will be gone. Been there, done that.

I rarely buy into the whole "Men are afraid of women with power." I mean, there is some truth to it, but this guy KNOWS you are interested. As an attractive woman with power, men think along the terms of "She can have any man she wants", so why would any man, who knows you're interested, risk losing you to another man if they are really really into you? Is this man really worth your time if he can't even come up and compliment you? Or say hi?

Time and tough realization should start to heal those wounds. I know how it feels to be into a guy, and have to deal with the realization that it will never be. But he's missing out by not jumping at the chance to be with you. Not the other way around. You did your part, unknowingly. If he can't man up and put that testosterone to work, he isn't worth it.
I'm not going to sugar coat things, this dude isn't worth your time and he is unsure of if he wants to be with you. I was just going through something similar, but I only liked the guy for a few weeks. He's always flirting with me and staring at me, but has yet to actually try to pursue anything with me. He's not into me.

You've liked this guy for 2 years? If he has not yet pursued you, especially knowing now that you like him, then the interest and hunger isn't there.

So let's say you two did get together. Would you be satisfied knowing that it took two years of liking him for this to finally happen? I'm sure that within a month of dating him, your attraction to him will be gone. Been there, done that.

I rarely buy into the whole "Men are afraid of women with power." I mean, there is some truth to it, but this guy KNOWS you are interested. As an attractive woman with power, men think along the terms of "She can have any man she wants", so why would any man, who knows you're interested, risk losing you to another man if they are really really into you? Is this man really worth your time if he can't even come up and compliment you? Or say hi?

Time and tough realization should start to heal those wounds. I know how it feels to be into a guy, and have to deal with the realization that it will never be. But he's missing out by not jumping at the chance to be with you. Not the other way around. You did your part, unknowingly. If he can't man up and put that testosterone to work, he isn't worth it.

I completely and whole-heartedly agree! :clap: I've had to learn this the hard way. If a guy isn't doing SOMETHING to get your attention or to let you know that he's interested in you when you've clearly let him know that you're interested in him, then he's just not that into you. Hey may be a little interested, but he's not interested enough to actually DO something. Oh well....his loss. :ohwell:

I had to learn this little concept the hard way, because very rarely will guys tell you (unless they're just cold-hearted and rude) that "hey...you're nice, but I'm just not into you..." Or, "I like you as a friend, but I just don't feel the same way that you do about me". No....oh no...I think some guys like to keep girls "in the wings" just in case something better doesn't come along. Meanwhile, he's dangling a carrot in front of your face....just stringing you along. :nono:

For a LONG time I had resentment for him (this guy friend)...and some days I still do! :lol: But now I realize that it's his loss! I'm not resentful of him as much anymore. I just realize that he made a "choice". I still get the feeling that he's attracted to me, but if he's not pursuing me...then why even take notice?

What I don't understand though is if this guy is staring at you, and looking at you, and flirting with you...then why isn't he interested in pursuing something more?? I still can't for the lack of me understand that! Especially if he KNOWS that you like him!
I completely and whole-heartedly agree! :clap: I've had to learn this the hard way. If a guy isn't doing SOMETHING to get your attention or to let you know that he's interested in you when you've clearly let him know that you're interested in him, then he's just not that into you. Hey may be a little interested, but he's not interested enough to actually DO something. Oh well....his loss. :ohwell:

I had to learn this little concept the hard way, because very rarely will guys tell you (unless they're just cold-hearted and rude) that "hey...you're nice, but I'm just not into you..." Or, "I like you as a friend, but I just don't feel the same way that you do about me". No....oh no...I think some guys like to keep girls "in the wings" just in case something better doesn't come along. Meanwhile, he's dangling a carrot in front of your face....just stringing you along. :nono:

For a LONG time I had resentment for him (this guy friend)...and some days I still do! :lol: But now I realize that it's his loss! I'm not resentful of him as much anymore. I just realize that he made a "choice". I still get the feeling that he's attracted to me, but if he's not pursuing me...then why even take notice?

What I don't understand though is if this guy is staring at you, and looking at you, and flirting with you...then why isn't he interested in pursuing something more?? I still can't for the lack of me understand that! Especially if he KNOWS that you like him!

Girl, I've just given up on understanding men. I mean this guy will blatantly flirt with me even when I pay him no mind. I think some guys are just naturally flirtatious and see flirting as a sport. This guy KNOWS I like him, but all he wants to do is flirt, nothing more. I think he's got some other chicks in line, and when they don't work out, he'll try to get down to business with me. OH NO, you've had your chance!

This reminds me of a dude I drove myself crazy over about 2.5 years ago. He'd flirt with me for a while, then kinda become distant, and this continued for about a year. He was stringing me along. I finally realized that during his "distant" time he was working hard to try to get with other girls. I totally fell for it. Now that none of them have worked out, he's back trying to get with me, and I don't even find him attractive anymore. It's like, you are so into this person for so long, that it gets old, and you look for something new.

I'm becoming wiser to the games men play. These emotional tests teach us a lesson and force us to pay attention. When men are looking to BS you, but they soon find out you're onto them, they run away. They must not know 'bout me.
Ive been here more than once. This time its been almost 3 months and Im still not over him. I have mostly good days and few bad days now but seeing him happy with her just brings back old feelings. I know theyre still in the honeymoon phase but I dont care. And then its like I want him to be happy and Im still proud of the things he accomplishing now but then again I want to be with him. They say the best way to get over someone old is with someone new (which worked the last time, he was the someone new lol) but I just havent found that someone new yet. Frankly, Im not even attracted to any other guys right now, I havent found one where we shared common interests or anything.
Girl, I've just given up on understanding men. I mean this guy will blatantly flirt with me even when I pay him no mind. I think some guys are just naturally flirtatious and see flirting as a sport. This guy KNOWS I like him, but all he wants to do is flirt, nothing more. I think he's got some other chicks in line, and when they don't work out, he'll try to get down to business with me. OH NO, you've had your chance!

This reminds me of a dude I drove myself crazy over about 2.5 years ago. He'd flirt with me for a while, then kinda become distant, and this continued for about a year. He was stringing me along. I finally realized that during his "distant" time he was working hard to try to get with other girls. I totally fell for it. Now that none of them have worked out, he's back trying to get with me, and I don't even find him attractive anymore. It's like, you are so into this person for so long, that it gets old, and you look for something new.

I'm becoming wiser to the games men play. These emotional tests teach us a lesson and force us to pay attention. When men are looking to BS you, but they soon find out you're onto them, they run away. They must not know 'bout me.

OMG...are we living the same life?? :lol: This "guy friend" of mine will flirt with me when I'm not paying him any mind, and when "she's" not around, but won't do anything. Not only that, but he'll invite me places with his friends or over his house when his "gf" isn't going to be there. :rolleyes: Now, maybe he thinks that we're "just friends" and all so his actions are completely innocent, but still... He KNOWS that I like him! Maybe in the past he wasn't sure if I liked him, but now days I'm pretty 99.9999% sure that he knows that I like him. Oh, and don't get me started when we're invited by a mutual friend out to do things. If his "gf" is there, then things between he and I will be quite awkward. I'm trying my hardest not to let my feelings for him show. Add on to the fact that I can sense a mutual attraction between us. :look: But in all honesty I try my best to avoid situations where I know that he and she will be. It's just too awkward. I figure...let them have their space. I'm definitely not trying to break anything up. :nono: He's made his choice.

I just don't understand why guys do stuff like that. Men are a rare breed indeed! If I didn't have any feelings for a guy whatsoever, I wouldn't be flirting with him, and I CERTAINLY wouldn't be staring at him all the time if I didn't like him--especially if I knew that he liked me! :( My girl friend tells me all the time that there's this guy that is constantly staring at her, but never makes a move. She has even put out "feelers" for him, and is pretty outgoing so he's not shy to talk with her. Yet, he's not making ANY moves! :nono: I'm thinking: "Why stare then??" :confused:

Guys really do have girls on a "list" because if things don't work out with one girl, then they're quickly on to the next. I think my guy friend keeps stringing me along so that he can come to me if things don't work out with this other girl. :rolleyes: Right now he's pursuing who he thinks is "higher" on his list of girls I guess. What my guy friend doesn't realize though is that by the time he figures out who/what he really wants, it will be too late babe! Pay-off is a drag isn't it? ;) I won't be any guy's second-choice. :nono:

My only question is...what should I do when he's flirting with me, or making comments that hint his attraction for me? Should I just ignore him? Tell him off? Or shamlessly flirt back? Right now, all I do is either laugh or flirt back. But he's always the one to initiate it. It's more like a playful banter between us, not suggestive remarks or anything, so I don't feel uncomfortable. But I'm wondering if I should just call him out! "Would you be saying/doing this if your gf were here????" Or, if I should just chalk it up to playful banter between friends? I"m confused... :confused: I don't want to come across as being too uptight.
Ive been here more than once. This time its been almost 3 months and Im still not over him. I have mostly good days and few bad days now but seeing him happy with her just brings back old feelings. I know theyre still in the honeymoon phase but I dont care. And then its like I want him to be happy and Im still proud of the things he accomplishing now but then again I want to be with him. They say the best way to get over someone old is with someone new (which worked the last time, he was the someone new lol) but I just havent found that someone new yet. Frankly, Im not even attracted to any other guys right now, I havent found one where we shared common interests or anything.

Yeah girl...I feel you. :( I feel the same exact way. Seeing him with her is really hard sometimes. Sometimes I really feel resentment start to creep up. The fact that I have to see him and her every week @ church doesn't help either. :wallbash:

Oh well...what can you do? I know they say that the best way to get over someone is by finding someone else, but if you ask me...if you haven't cleared things up or fully had closure with the last person, then your demons will simply follow you from one relationship to the next. It's also not fair to the new person you'll be dating.

I say, make sure you've firmly patched things up either within yourself or this guy that you used to like BEFORE getting involved seriously with another person. Otherwise, I don't think you'll be able to fully give your all to the next relationship. Trust me, I tried doing this in order to forget about my guy friend, and it just backfired. I didn't feel like I was being honest. I felt like I was living a lie... :(

I'll end up dating again soon...trust me. But I'm on the road to recovery now, and I think I just need a few more months before really jumping in there seriously with another person. The fact that I don't really resent my guy friend as much anymore is already a good sign that I'm healing. We can even laugh and somewhat talk normally now, so that's another good sign. I always say, when you laugh, you heal. :)

I used to think people were lying when they said that "you will look back on this and laugh". But slowly but surely I'm starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Trust me, it will get easier in the future. It's only been 3 months for you. It's been 7 months for me and it's STILL hard. But then again, I see him every week...so that could be slowing down the recovery process too. :giggle:
OMG...are we living the same life?? :lol: This "guy friend" of mine will flirt with me when I'm not paying him any mind, and when "she's" not around, but won't do anything. Not only that, but he'll invite me places with his friends or over his house when his "gf" isn't going to be there. :rolleyes: Now, maybe he thinks that we're "just friends" and all so his actions are completely innocent, but still... He KNOWS that I like him! Maybe in the past he wasn't sure if I liked him, but now days I'm pretty 99.9999% sure that he knows that I like him. Oh, and don't get me started when we're invited by a mutual friend out to do things. If his "gf" is there, then things between he and I will be quite awkward. I'm trying my hardest not to let my feelings for him show. Add on to the fact that I can sense a mutual attraction between us. :look: But in all honesty I try my best to avoid situations where I know that he and she will be. It's just too awkward. I figure...let them have their space. I'm definitely not trying to break anything up. :nono: He's made his choice.

I just don't understand why guys do stuff like that. Men are a rare breed indeed! If I didn't have any feelings for a guy whatsoever, I wouldn't be flirting with him, and I CERTAINLY wouldn't be staring at him all the time if I didn't like him--especially if I knew that he liked me! :( My girl friend tells me all the time that there's this guy that is constantly staring at her, but never makes a move. She has even put out "feelers" for him, and is pretty outgoing so he's not shy to talk with her. Yet, he's not making ANY moves! :nono: I'm thinking: "Why stare then??" :confused:

Guys really do have girls on a "list" because if things don't work out with one girl, then they're quickly on to the next. I think my guy friend keeps stringing me along so that he can come to me if things don't work out with this other girl. :rolleyes: Right now he's pursuing who he thinks is "higher" on his list of girls I guess. What my guy friend doesn't realize though is that by the time he figures out who/what he really wants, it will be too late babe! Pay-off is a drag isn't it? ;) I won't be any guy's second-choice. :nono:

My only question is...what should I do when he's flirting with me, or making comments that hint his attraction for me? Should I just ignore him? Tell him off? Or shamlessly flirt back? Right now, all I do is either laugh or flirt back. But he's always the one to initiate it. It's more like a playful banter between us, not suggestive remarks or anything, so I don't feel uncomfortable. But I'm wondering if I should just call him out! "Would you be saying/doing this if your gf were here????" Or, if I should just chalk it up to playful banter between friends? I"m confused... :confused: I don't want to come across as being too uptight.


You have to be careful, considering that he has a girlfriend. I think it's best right now to just smile and laugh. If you want to call him out on it, do it jokingly and in a friendly way. But regardless, this man is taken, and it's best to respect that. If only his gf knew...:nono:
Im reading through the posts and thank you for sharing ladies...I know this is OT but kinda related...

How do you get over it???
How do you move on if your life has revolved around that person for several years?
And is this solely related to partners or has anybody experienced this with family members or friends?



been on both ends of this situation and not sure which one is worse. for me what makes my situation harder was that he was my first love, my first everything, and b/c we didn't end on terrible terms (ie, cheating, abuse etc) it made it that much harder for me to hate him and move on. plus he stayed in touch for a while afterwards and would always bring up our past together and give me hope that it could be re-kindled.

Its been the hardest thing to let go of, and I think 7 yrs later I'm still not fully over it. Personally, I think finding someone else who is on a higher level than your ex is the best way to get over it, b/c for me when I thought I had found that person a few years back I never thought about him, but as soon as that relationship began to sour, my ex popped right back in my head.

A broken heart is the worst feeling in the world, there were days when I felt like my heart was physically breaking and the pain was almost unbearable. Its a pain I wish I could forget, but everytime I think about it I literally get goosebumps and chill runs through my body.
I wanted to share this email that my "unrequited love interest" sent me. Sometimes these fools do grow up and recognize what they had, but it's too late. In a way this email made me feel validated, and I know it shouldn't hold that much weight with how I feel about myself, but it did. This was his response after I emailed him and said we can't communicate any longer(he's married now). I haven't communicated with him since.

I can understand and respect that I guess that I just miss talking to you sometimes and even though it cant be I still have a love for you. I know we have both put each other through alot but above it all when i think about you the thought brings a smile to my face. You are truly just a good and sweet person and I didnt realize how much I really took you for granted when you were a constant in my life. It was a lesson I learned as a man and it is a hard pill to swallow. I am not talking on a sexual reletionship deal I mean If this is the end I want you to know how much I regret all the bad things that I did to you and the many times I took you for granted. Dont ever let any man treat you less than you are Naomi because you are so intellegent , beautiful, funny and something I never was so open minded. I know that us communicating causes some problems and is unfair to others that may be in our lives so I will stop trying to contact you and move on from this but I just wanted you to know that I did and still love you very much and I will be thinking and praying for you to get all the good that you deserve in this life. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH........... whew now that I said that im good and i hope you know that I meant every word I was never the type to express my true feelings but I wanted you to know how I really felt I think this is the longest email i have ever sent in my life (lol) I respect you so much for keeping it so real with me thank you for your friendship and your love.

I was in love with this dude named Jeffrey in HS. I would put his name in any song I would hear. I would doodle Jeffrey & PH forever in anything that had free space for me to write. He would make me do all sorts of dumb errands for him because he knew I would hold breath if he told me to. I spent one weekend going to junkyards for a '94 Mitsubishi Eclipse front headlight because he needed one and didn't have the "time" to look.

We went to the prom together and he was 3 hours late!!!!!! Anyhoo, after that prom debacle it was a wrap. After being married for about 6 years he started calling me, telling me I was the best woman for him and he wishes we could be together. I told him he one of the worst men I ever met and how grateful I was that my Prince Charming could see what he is now seeing from day one!!!

I saw him at the local pizzeria a few months ago and he is some sort of a drug addict now. I know it's not crack because he's too big to be a crackhead. And that's what he gets for playing me. :naughty:

I was in love with this dude named Jeffrey in HS. I would put his name in any song I would hear. I would doodle Jeffrey & PH forever in anything that had free space for me to write. He would make me do all sorts of dumb errands for him because he knew I would hold breath if he told me to. I spent one weekend going to junkyards for a '94 Mitsubishi Eclipse front headlight because he needed one and didn't have the "time" to look.

We went to the prom together and he was 3 hours late!!!!!! Anyhoo, after that prom debacle it was a wrap. After being married for about 6 years he started calling me, telling me I was the best woman for him and he wishes we could be together. I told him he one of the worst men I ever met and how grateful I was that my Prince Charming could see what he is now seeing from day one!!!

GOOD for you! :up: :yep:

I saw him at the local pizzeria a few months ago and he is some sort of a drug addict now. I know it's not crack because he's too big to be a crackhead. And that's what he gets for playing me. :naughty:

Wow...looks like what goes around really does come around... :look:

I know mine will get his "just desserts" one day. Just LET him come to me trying to get with me claiming that he's now "seen the light". Ha! :rolleyes: I don't want to return evil for evil, but it seems to me that going to someone who has basically sort of rejected you in the past is a LOW blow. I think I'd have to tell him that since he didn't want me then, I don't want him now. You can't have one and a spare too. :rolleyes:
Wow, this is my story too. For years I was pursued, but I didn't want to date. Finally, when I thought he'd matured, I said okay. I developed feelings for him and that was the beginning of the end. I was strung along for a while and then decided to move on (which is, of course, when they always come back, but I was gone). It was definitely about the chase for him. I can't even remember the last time I hurt like that. I had major heartache for over a year and I'm still having issues trusting.

Dang! This is my story too. Still trying to rid myself of him after all these years.
I have been there once and let me just say, never again! I was young and naive and pursued someone who didn't want me, but chose instead to use my feelings against me.

I was in love with this dude named Jeffrey in HS. I would put his name in any song I would hear. I would doodle Jeffrey & PH forever in anything that had free space for me to write. He would make me do all sorts of dumb errands for him because he knew I would hold breath if he told me to. I spent one weekend going to junkyards for a '94 Mitsubishi Eclipse front headlight because he needed one and didn't have the "time" to look.

We went to the prom together and he was 3 hours late!!!!!! Anyhoo, after that prom debacle it was a wrap. After being married for about 6 years he started calling me, telling me I was the best woman for him and he wishes we could be together. I told him he one of the worst men I ever met and how grateful I was that my Prince Charming could see what he is now seeing from day one!!!

I saw him at the local pizzeria a few months ago and he is some sort of a drug addict now. I know it's not crack because he's too big to be a crackhead. And that's what he gets for playing me. :naughty:

HA!!! Love it!!!
After two years of talking on and off to this guy and having sex with him a few times, I FINALLY figured out I was just a booty call :nono:

He was the only guy at the time that I was actually interested in dating :ohwell:
I thought this would be a good topic to discuss.

Unrequited Love is love that is not reciprocated, even though reciprocation is usually deeply desired. This can lead to feelings such as depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, and mood swings such as swift changes between depression and euphoria. A notable form of unrequited love is self-inflicted masochistic infatuation.

ETA: Unrequited love feels like death. In fact, there are times when death would seem preferable to the unrelenting pain and frustration. There are those, even in the Church, who would seek to minimize or make light of this most unique agony: “Oh, don’t worry about it! Women (or men) are like street cars, there’s another one along any minute!” Like Hell. I don’t think there is any other pain quite like that of unrequited love, especially when rejection is involved, although that might even be preferable to being strung along with hopes raised and dashed with punishing regularity.

Haven't read through the thread yet. Will do that later in the week

To love and be loved in return is life's greatest pleasure

to love and not be loved back just hurts to bad. I really wish I didn't know what it feels like, but I do. It happened weeks ago, yet I'm still crying into my pillow. It's sad to think that our life together is the greatest story never told.

I'm going to stop. I depress people when I talk about it.

Here, but ain't staying long, " He broke my heart, & NOW its raining just to rub it in......... Yes i was burned, but i called it a lesson learned..." -Alicia Keys, singing it right now..........;)
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Here, but ain't staying long, " He broke my heart, & NOW its raining just to rub it in......... Yes i was burned, but i called it a lesson learned..." -Alicia Keys, singing it right now..........;)

giirl I played that song to death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This thread has been very painful to read :sad:

Thanks for the heads up. I won't be reading it then (I generally read the last posts in the thread before reading the whole thing), but remember ladies, the pain is only temporary.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18
16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

This thread has been very painful to read :sad:

I know :sad:

It's brought back so many painful memories of my own broken heart I've had to endure in the past :sad::sad:

Have any of you ever actually FELT your heart feel like it's breaking? I remember I used to cry so heavily over him that I felt this dull feeling in my heart. Like someone else said, it hurt like hell. :sad:
I know :sad:

It's brought back so many painful memories of my own broken heart I've had to endure in the past :sad::sad:

Have any of you ever actually FELT your heart feel like it's breaking? I remember I used to cry so heavily over him that I felt this dull feeling in my heart. Like someone else said, it hurt like hell. :sad:

Trust me, I definitely know the feeling:ohwell:
Been there. Lost weight. Lost sleep. Lost faith. Wanted to die.

Years later, I am SO glad I didn't kill myself. There IS LIFE after major heartbreak. Hang on.
was there for 4 yrs with the same guy. Sucked big time and i too actually felt physical pain from it. He used to tell me he loved me. I though" finally he feels the same" The next day he would tell me "i shouldnt have said that to you that's not really how i feel." Another time before one of our many seperations...we had a long talk and again...he admitted he had deep feelings for me and that he was ready to commit to me. We made love..then i didn't hear from her for 3 weeks. When we finally spoke again and i brought up the talk and asked him why did he say it if it wasnt true his response was ...AND I SH** YOU NOT...

"I said that because it seemed right for the mood of the conversation. I knew that it was gonna be my last time with you because i've been seeing someone else and i wanna be with her"

and right there i wanted to die.

(turns out he was leaving me for someone who was married and having and affair)

but of course......he came right back to me months later and i took his ruthless behind back.

I learned alot though i'll tell you that much. You can't convince a man to love you...unfortunately.

But remember ....once you've hit rock bottom....the only place left to go is back up. When i finally got him outta my system my standards were higher, i learned how to spot someone like him a mile away, i learned how much i was worth, and i learned how i deserved and wanted to be treated, and the very MINUTE I feel something for someone and that feeling is not reciprocated...LEAVE. Had i realized this back then i would left after 3 months ...NOT 4 YEARS. :wallbash:
Yet, I am still going through this. I posted in this forum last year about a guy that I was feeling. Spent some time with him, he bounced and I still don't know why. When I talk to him it is like nothing ever happened between us. I'm still not over it almost seven months later. I ask myself what is really bothering me. It is that I had a taste of what I thought I've always wanted? Is it that he bounced without giving me closure? Or is it that I'm 30 with no other prospects and I really really liked him?