Unrequited Love: Who's Been There?

Unrequited Love: Have You Been There?

  • Yes and it hurt like a tragic love story!

    Votes: 312 85.2%
  • No. I break hearts, I don’t get my heart broken!

    Votes: 30 8.2%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 24 6.6%

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  • Poll closed .
Been there done that. It was a guy that pursued me for the longest. I gave in. I tried helping him out. He was struggling in all areas of life and he was even big. I started gaining weight and he couldn't handle that. He got his act together and didn't want to be tied down. It hurt like heck when we broke up. The first time he broke up with me and I was crying like a baby. I cried for him more than I did my son's father. We got back together and tried it for 3 more months. He wanted out again and I agreed. What hurt the most was he did all the right things by another woman and married her. I was more upset that he got the dream life while I was still searching for the one. I just found out he had a child by this woman. My sister said he looked really good too when she saw him with his daughter.

I just don't understand this. My story is similar but different. Why do they get the benefit of a wife and family after all of the hell they put you through. I just don't get it. I had to pray and God has removed that pain but it just behooves me......ya know:wallbash:
Been there done that. It was a guy that pursued me for the longest. I gave in. I tried helping him out. He was struggling in all areas of life and he was even big. I started gaining weight and he couldn't handle that. He got his act together and didn't want to be tied down. It hurt like heck when we broke up. The first time he broke up with me and I was crying like a baby. I cried for him more than I did my son's father. We got back together and tried it for 3 more months. He wanted out again and I agreed. What hurt the most was he did all the right things by another woman and married her. I was more upset that he got the dream life while I was still searching for the one. I just found out he had a child by this woman. My sister said he looked really good too when she saw him with his daughter.

Hope your doing better and I hope you know that you're much better off without him, and I'm sure he's hurting too, just cause the facade looks perfect doesn't mean he's really and truly happy. He's not the one for you and you'll be happy that things didn't work out with him. :hug3:
I've been going through this for 3 years now. Lord help me!!! I'm goin mad. There's soo many reasons why I should let go, but I don't want anyone but this man. Lord, let me let him go.

Well I did, 21 days after this very post. I was doing fine, until the beginning of this month and I started thinking about him a lot. I have resisted the urge to call..That's one thing I will not do. My pride. It doesn't help that I have ZERO Men stroking my ego right now, but I WILL GET OVER HIM. God will help me.
I thought this would be a good topic to discuss.

Unrequited Love is love that is not reciprocated, even though reciprocation is usually deeply desired. This can lead to feelings such as depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, and mood swings such as swift changes between depression and euphoria. A notable form of unrequited love is self-inflicted masochistic infatuation.

ETA: Unrequited love feels like death. In fact, there are times when death would seem preferable to the unrelenting pain and frustration. There are those, even in the Church, who would seek to minimize or make light of this most unique agony: “Oh, don’t worry about it! Women (or men) are like street cars, there’s another one along any minute!” Like Hell. I don’t think there is any other pain quite like that of unrequited love, especially when rejection is involved, although that might even be preferable to being strung along with hopes raised and dashed with punishing regularity.

Both sides. I got over the unrequited love in due time, rather quickly. I figured out I was better off since he turned out to be this Brazilian casanova. :rolleyes:

As far as causing the unrequited love, this Nigerian man, a Muslim guy...nicest person on the planet. He was my buddy buddy and I was his "little sis," or at least, I thought it was that innocent...until he placed his hand on my behind one evening at a party. I was in shock. I just got up and never looked at him again...until like 6 months later. I was out of that circle for awhile so I never quite saw him. When I did, I was my usual nice self...he couldn't look at me. There just was nothing there. I was not the least bit attracted to him in that sense.
Been there done that it sucks and it hurts in the depths of your soul. I would never wish that feeling on my worst enemy
I've been going through this for 3 years now. Lord help me!!! I'm goin mad. There's soo many reasons why I should let go, but I don't want anyone but this man. Lord, let me let him go.

girl, going on 5 yrs for me. I can not get over him! :wallbash:
Been there...i never want to feel those feelings again.

First guy...really great friends to start/good connection...made the deadly mistake of hooking up sans commitment... i couldn't handle it (though i thought i could)....i fell head over heels...he just wanted to continue physical relations...i felt numb and hopeless and helpless

Second situation ....guy courted heavily...he developed major feelings/got pushy/too persistent...i rejected him time and again...he gave me ultimatum...i didnt respond how he wanted...he backed off a bit but we were still talking on the phone...i started to develop feelings...by that point he had moved on with another woman...i felt like crap...felt like i had really missed out on something good and i had all the chances in the world

The first situation screwed me up soooo badly. I did not want to eat, i did not want to go to work, i thought about him/situation all day...i put sad music on repeat play...my self-esteem got jacked up.

and when i think about them now..they really weren't worth all of those tears:lachen:.

One was fine as all get out..i can understand that. The second on was really distant..slightly nerdy..yet cool and he had a nice voice, intelligent and we liked the same things..well you could not tell me we were not meant to be together, besides...i liked the challenge, but i came to the conclusion that he really wasn't worth it. I remember i asked him out on a date and he turned me down flat.. I mean realy..who was HE to turn me down :lachen:. Anyway, I ended up going to the movie anyway, left my cell phone at home on purpose because i knew i wouldn't watch the movie without checking on my messages all of the time..Well when i got home that night he called 10 times..needless to say...i never called him back.

I have never felt so rejected in all of MY life.. Me ,sister and BFF and my sister's BFF spent the rest of the week end eating brownies and ice cream talking about past loves, especially the the unrequited loves. Then we spent the next two weeks at the gym trying to undo the damage of that one week end.:lachen:
"You can not reach to what is in front of you, until you let go of what lies behind you."

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YAY!!! :clap: There IS hope! :D

All I needed was closure.

For 5 years he never acted/showed that he had feelings for me, seemed like he completely moved on and everything. I could've went on his actions alone for closure, but I guess all I really needed was for him to TELL me. After I finally man'd (woman'd) up and asked him how he felt about me, he basically wasn't feeling me. A couple months later, I stopped thinking about him. *shrugs*

I wish I would've done this sooner, but [at the time] I was really trying to protect my ego/pride. Didn't want him to know that I was still feeling him, didn't want to go out like a punk if he would've rejected me :rolleyes:, and thinking I would eventually move on. Obviously, I couldn't without speaking up.
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I am going through this right now. I thought that I was going crazy. I am so glad that I am not the only one. I had to seriously pray for God to help me stop going through these rollercoaster feelings of depression and euphoria.
I am going through this now... my current boyfriend pursued me for soooo long and at that time I just wasnt interested. I gave him a chance and fell head over heels, and he treated me like crap, he was mean to me, cheated on me, and I just kept taking him back b/c I couldnt see myself without him, I would do crazy stuff thinking it would make him stay. Then when I would break up with him and not call him he would blow my phone up begging me to be back with him. It took me a long time to finally want out. I'm currently getting my own place. I had to get my confidence back, my self esteem, and me. Most of all I wanted to show my son that this isnt the way you treat someone and women deserve better. My situation is so emotionally abusive its not even funny. Now hes trying to be nice to me. I think he wants me to chase him and act crazy about him. I dont anymore. He's not worth it. I know I'm better than that.
I am going through this now... my current boyfriend pursued me for soooo long and at that time I just wasnt interested. I gave him a chance and fell head over heels, and he treated me like crap, he was mean to me, cheated on me, and I just kept taking him back b/c I couldnt see myself without him, I would do crazy stuff thinking it would make him stay. Then when I would break up with him and not call him he would blow my phone up begging me to be back with him. It took me a long time to finally want out. I'm currently getting my own place. I had to get my confidence back, my self esteem, and me. Most of all I wanted to show my son that this isnt the way you treat someone and women deserve better. My situation is so emotionally abusive its not even funny. Now hes trying to be nice to me. I think he wants me to chase him and act crazy about him. I dont anymore. He's not worth it. I know I'm better than that.

You may want to read "Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men" by Lundy Bancroft. It gave me some serious insight.
I am going through this right now. I thought that I was going crazy. I am so glad that I am not the only one. I had to seriously pray for God to help me stop going through these rollercoaster feelings of depression and euphoria.

Me too to the bolded and the worst part of it is that I sometimes feel like he feels the same so it so damn frustrating.
All I needed was closure.

For 5 years he never acted/showed that he had feelings for me, seemed like he completely moved on and everything. I could've went on his actions alone for closure, but I guess all I really needed was for him to TELL me. After I finally man'd (woman'd) up and asked him how he felt about me, he basically wasn't feeling me. A couple months later, I stopped thinking about him. *shrugs*

I wish I would've done this sooner, but [at the time] I was really trying to protect my ego/pride. Didn't want him to know that I was still feeling him, didn't want to be go out like a punk if he would've rejected me :rolleyes:, and thinking I would eventually move on. Obviously, I couldn't without speaking up.

Same here. :yep:

That's all I needed...VERBAL confirmation. Closure.

After I received my closure I could FINALLY move on without anger, resentment, guilt, or a feeling of "what if?"

I didn't think it was possible, but I'm about 98% over him. FINALLY! I'm FREEEE!! :D :D :woot:

It CAN be done ladies. You CAN get over unrequited love.

I think I sought my "closure" at the right moment too. I did it at a time when I was pretty much over him, and I didn't really care whether he really liked me or not. I think if I had done it too soon, I might have been devestated by his response. But I did it at a time when I didn't really care about the outcome either way. I just wanted the "drama" and not knowing to be OVER.

I think when we're younger, or less experienced, we kind of want that "bad boy", or that guy who's not really "into us". :rolleyes: But then we grow up, get wiser, and realize that what we really want is a NICE guy. A GOOD guy. One who really loves and cares about US.

I started realizing that the more and more I showed MYSELF love, forgiveness, and acceptance, the less and less I needed his love/acceptance (or that from other guys), and so now I don't really care if a guy isn't that into me. If he's not...his loss! :lol: NEXT! I'm on to the next guy who IS into me. Why?? Because I love myself.

I'm still working on it, but I think starting to truly love myself unconditionally and take care of myself like I would a best friend has really helped me to move on. :yep: :)
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But how can you get that "verbal" closure when you do swallow your pride and ask and he acts like your the best thing since sliced bread?

Sometimes you just have to let it go. I know that sounds simple, but it's the God's Honest Truth! There are some who "get off" on stringing people along. I just recently recognized a situation for what it was and decided to take back my power. Bottom line: if his actions don't reconcile w/his words OR they do, but are inconsistent . . . let it go. Real men who care about you are Protectors and Coverers. Most women want to feel safe with a man . . . physically and emotionally. It's impossible to feel safe in toxic, emotionally distant relationships. Check this out re: Detaching Emotionally: http://www.livestrong.com/article/14712-developing-detachment/

How to Develop Detachment
In order to become detached from a person, place or thing, you need to:

First: Establish emotional boundaries between you and the person, place or thing with whom you have become overly enmeshed or dependent on.

Second: Take back power over your feelings from persons, places or things which in the past you have given power to affect your emotional well-being.

Third: "Hand over" to your Higher Power the persons, places and things which you would like to see changed but which you cannot change on your own.

Fourth: Make a commitment to your personal recovery and self-health by admitting to yourself and your Higher Power that there is only one person you can change and that is yourself and that for your serenity you need to let go of the "need" to fix, change, rescue or heal other persons, places and things.

Fifth: Recognize that it is "sick" and "unhealthy" to believe that you have the power or control enough to fix, correct, change, heal or rescue another person, place or thing if they do not want to get better nor see a need to change.

Sixth: Recognize that you need to be healthy yourself and be "squeaky clean" and a "role model" of health in order for another to recognize that there is something "wrong" with them that needs changing.

Seventh: Continue to own your feelings as your responsibility and not blame others for the way you feel.

Eighth: Accept personal responsibility for your own unhealthy actions, feelings and thinking and cease looking for the persons, places or things you can blame for your unhealthiness.

Ninth: Accept that addicted fixing, rescuing, enabling are "sick" behaviors and strive to extinguish these behaviors in your relationship to persons, places and things.

Tenth: Accept that many people, places and things in your past and current life are "irrational," "unhealthy" and "toxic" influences in your life, label them honestly for what they truly are, and stop minimizing their negative impact in your life.

Eleventh: Reduce the impact of guilt and other irrational beliefs which impede your ability to develop detachment in your life.

Twelfth: Practice "letting go" of the need to correct, fix or make better the persons, places and things in life over which you have no control or power to change.

Steps in Developing Detachment
Step 1: It is important to first identify those people, places and things in your life from which you would be best to develop emotional detachment in order to retain your personal, physical, emotional and spiritual health. To do this you need to review the following types of toxic relationships and identify in your journal if any of the people, places or things in your life fit any of the following 20 categories.

Types of Toxic Relationships
* You find it hard to let go of because it is addictive.
* The other is emotionally unavailable to you.
* Coercive, threatening, intimidating to you.
* Punitive or abusive to you.
* Non-productive and non-reinforcing for you.
* Smothering you.
* Other is overly dependent on you.
* You are overly dependent on the other.
* Other has the power to impact your feelings about yourself.
* Relationship in which you are a chronic fixer, rescuer or enabler.
* Relationship in which your obligation and loyalty won't allow you to let go.
* Other appears helpless, lost and out of control.
* Other is self-destructive or suicidal.
* Other has an addictive disease.
* Relationship in which you are being manipulated and conned.
* When guilt is a major motivating factor preventing your letting go and detaching.
* Relationship in which you have a fantasy or dream that the other will come around and change to be what you want.
* Relationship in which you and the other are competitive for control.
* Relationship in which there is no forgiveness or forgetting and all past hurts are still brought up to hurt one another.
* Relationship in which your needs and wants are ignored.

Hang in there. It will get better sooner than you think! :)
But how can you get that "verbal" closure when you do swallow your pride and ask and he acts like your the best thing since sliced bread?

Hmmm.... I don't quite get the question. :look:

Are you trying to get over him or no? If he's acting like you're the best thing since sliced bread, then it's not really unrequited love. Unrequited love is when you are interested in, or in love with someone and either they don't feel the same way, or they don't even know you exist really. :ohwell:
Unrequited love pretty much describes my life when it comes to guys. Not always because the guy didn't like me back but sometimes other factors. I'm so sick of having feelings that are unreciprocated that now if I'm interested in a guy I give him one chance to reciprocate and then I move on. No turning back. I'm also more likely to give a guy interested in me a chance even if I'm not initially interested barring any deal breakers.
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Unrequited love pretty much describes my life when it comes to guys. Not always because the guy didn't like me back but sometimes other or other factors. I'm so sick of having feelings that are unreciprocated that now if I'm interested in a guy I give him once chance to reciprocate and then I move on. No turning back. I'm also more likely to give a guy interested in me a chance even if I'm not initially interested barring any deal breakers.

I think the second approach is best because if a guy is interested in the beginning you already know this and you have the "power" to determine how it's going to go it's been my experience that when I initiate I'm usually unsure about the depth of the guy's feelings currently I'm with someone who was interested in me and approached me and made his feelings known from the beginning and as a woman there's nothing better! Interesting enough he is not someone that I would've necessarily been interested in had he not approached me I'm so very glad he did I love him dearly and couldn't imagine my life without him so yes, try your secod approach
yes i have experienced this... this is why i am in the crap position i'm in now. it's why i've dated the wrong guys and why i'm single.

I thought this would be a good topic to discuss.

Unrequited Love is love that is not reciprocated, even though reciprocation is usually deeply desired. This can lead to feelings such as depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, and mood swings such as swift changes between depression and euphoria. A notable form of unrequited love is self-inflicted masochistic infatuation.

ETA: Unrequited love feels like death. In fact, there are times when death would seem preferable to the unrelenting pain and frustration. There are those, even in the Church, who would seek to minimize or make light of this most unique agony: “Oh, don’t worry about it! Women (or men) are like street cars, there’s another one along any minute!” Like Hell. I don’t think there is any other pain quite like that of unrequited love, especially when rejection is involved, although that might even be preferable to being strung along with hopes raised and dashed with punishing regularity.
I am going through this now and am ready to tell the person how I feel about them. I know that I am not following the rules, but I can't continue to go on like this.