Two White Washed People Dating?

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New Member
So I typicly date white white men, it's not that I'm not intreasted in black men, it's just that I don't connect with a lot of them, the way I do a white man.

Well.... Recently I was invited to a local skate park by my white friend who was there to cheer on her boyfriend.

Then I met him, 6ft 2, brown skin, incredible body, I could see his musuclar definition with ease as he rode his longboard shirtless. " Who is he" I asked my friend... she replied "That's Jason", "Your Boyfriend?" I said , "Sam's Friend" she replied.

Half an hour past. The boys were done skating. Jason and Sam(Boyfriend) came over, Sarah(friend) introduced me to Jason. He smiled a faint smile and continued to crack jokes at sam while the two made small talk and pleasantries and left.

Me and Sarah went to get a bite to eat, and out of nowhere she says "He's just like you" and I replied "Just Like me?" "Acts White" she replied. I wasn't offended me and my friend joke all the time about how much of an oreo I am and my white boy obsession :lol:

Jason apparently is a super oreo like me and pretty much date's thin WASP types, but I like him and attracted to him.... I can't believe it.... me the Biracial butterfly into a black dude:lachen:

Funny thing I've plenty of white men who never dated a black women, and I usally have no issue, but there's something a black man not being into black women that has my tummy in tangles...:lachen:

Wow, I kind of feel guilty, is this how all the black dude's who been intrested in me felt :nono:

Ladies how do I proceed with this one? Advice?
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Why are you going to proceed with anything? Did he tell you that he likes you? You only heard this from your friend, right? Wait until he makes the move.
So you are a women who only dates white men, who is attracted to a black man who only dates white women? If he shows interest in you, go for it. If not keep it moving.A lot of people have "types", but they still go after what they want.
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So you are a women who only dates white men, who is attracted to a black man who only dates white women? If he shoes interest in you, go for it. If not keep it moving.A lot of people have "types", but they still go after what they want.

I don't only date white men... It's just that I mostly do...
I'm trying really hard to reply to OP's post, but maybe it's just me, but phrases like "super oreo" and "white wash" makes me feel some sort of way.
Ok, you're back. So, does he like you? Did he say so? Are you thinking about asking him out?
I like a dude that's doesn't usually date Black Women.

I'm sorry if I've offended anyone and if my post isn't clear, feel free to ask any questions?

Nowhere does it indicate that the interest is mutual, so not sure what the dilemma is. But if in fact it is, what different does it make that he doesn't usually date Black women if he's interested you? All of this "I don't date Black men, he doesn't date Black women", oreo stuff is extra and irrelevant.

And this is your first post? :nono:
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^^^ If you don't think he likes you, and he doesn't date black women and you're black, I would pass on that.
End of story.
what the problem?

go for it. if you like him and he likes you than i say go for it.

lol @ this thread though....
This may not be helpful to your issue--I think the other ladies are doing well with that--but, just curious: is the friend who replied that you "act white" white or black? I'm visualizing here.
OP's post makes no sense whatsoever.
IDK, if I am friends with someone I would think that I would know if their boyfriend is black (especially if the chick is white) or what his name is. You couldn't have just stumbled upon this dude.
Sounds made up to me *shrugs*
Either way, you should keep it moving because he isn't checking for you.
Lastly :barf: at the title of this thread
OP's post makes no sense whatsoever.
IDK, if I am friends with someone I would think that I would know if their boyfriend is black (especially if the chick is white) or what his name is. You couldn't have just stumbled upon this dude.
Sounds made up to me *shrugs*
Either way, you should keep it moving because he isn't checking for you.
Lastly :barf: at the title of this thread

this could've been the first time that she met her friend's boyfriend and i would hope that her friend wouldn't say "yeah i'm dating this guy. he's black". i personally would be like "what does his race have to do with anything?" but that's just me. i guess the OP was interested in him, not the white guy, and wanted to make sure the friend wasn't with him. either way, the OP's post gets a side-eye from me.

what does it mean to be an oreo? to act white? do you really allow your friends to say that type of nonsense to you? smh my friends are pretty lax about race and there are things we'll joke about but not this because they're much too intelligent to insinuate that i'm different from other blacks just because i can speak proper english or have no problem dating inter-racially.
I don't think he likes me at all.

Yes, I'm thinking of asking him out,
but It's new territory for me so I'm nervous.
Hun, if you don't think he likes you why are you asking him out? Think about it this way, guys don't ask out girls they don't like now do they, so why would you ask someone out that doesn't like you? Just let it be and move on.
*lights up a newport one hunnit n pours me some henny STRAIGHT for dis hea bu'shyt*

Martin Luther King birthday was just a few days ago and already.....

but'r uh..

first of me a favor shuga n reach on ova to da "black" side of you, if any, so dat u can unda stand dis hea post.

now, lemme git dis hea straight. u consida urself white, judgin from ur post, as u say "biracial butterfly". ur white friend sara, susan or whateva her name is introduced u to her boyfriend's friend, jason. susan or whateva...let's just call her Sue cuz i don't feel like goin back to re-read whatchu wrote. but anywho, she says that he is just like you and "acts white" and only dates white broads while u only date white dudes. u date white dudes cuz u say u can't connect with black men...or how we say on dis side of da tracks..."da brothas".

*puffs n plucks ash*

now, u stuck like chuck cuz ur interested in him..but afraid to approach him cuz ur black? yeah. uh huh. das what it now u feel phucked up cuz ur interested in him, but fear u may get rejected cuz he only dates AUTHENTIC WHITE WASPY THIN LOOKIN GIRLS. even tho u "act" white and hang wif da white folks, you don't qualify, as per ur friend "Sue".

u got some serious issues dat only u can identify wif, but i will tell u this. to Sue, Sam, or whateva da group u roll wif, puleez understand dat at da end of da day u will always be da light skinted black chick who acts white.

now, keep in mind u said u can't connect wif da brothas, so what makes u think u can connect wif him? whatchu gonna do....act real real white (like becky) n convince him dat u can be his fantasy white girl, wif a dash of me unda stand cuz an ole woman like me ain't understandin....

u say it's new territory for u, right? well chile, it's new territory for me cuz i've read alotta dumb shyt on dis board but dis one has got to take da cake. biracial butterfly, oreo, etc......

*puffs n plucks ash*
This sounds like a post an angsty black 15 year old who listens to "weird" music and talks "proper" would write on Livejournal circa 2002.

"I'm misunderstood because I listen to Nine Inch Nails. I also straighten my hair within an inch of its life and use L.A. Styles gel to copy the choppy hair of my white punk idols. Who knows what it's like to be an oreo like me?"

Ugh, flashbacks. Anyway, the race stuff is completely irrelevant. Without all of that extra, the question would simply be "I saw this guy I like but I don't know if he likes me, what should I do?" Adding the racial stuff makes me think you're either super young or trolling.
*lights up a newport one hunnit n pours me some henny STRAIGHT for dis hea bu'shyt*

Martin Luther King birthday was just a few days ago and already.....

but'r uh..

first of me a favor shuga n reach on ova to da "black" side of you, if any, so dat u can unda stand dis hea post.

now, lemme git dis hea straight. u consida urself white, judgin from ur post, as u say "biracial butterfly". ur white friend sara, susan or whateva her name is introduced u to her boyfriend's friend, jason. susan or whateva...let's just call her Sue cuz i don't feel like goin back to re-read whatchu wrote. but anywho, she says that he is just like you and "acts white" and only dates white broads while u only date white dudes. u date white dudes cuz u say u can't connect with black men...or how we say on dis side of da tracks..."da brothas".

*puffs n plucks ash*

now, u stuck like chuck cuz ur interested in him..but afraid to approach him cuz ur black? yeah. uh huh. das what it now u feel phucked up cuz ur interested in him, but fear u may get rejected cuz he only dates AUTHENTIC WHITE WASPY THIN LOOKIN GIRLS. even tho u "act" white and hang wif da white folks, you don't qualify, as per ur friend "Sue".

u got some serious issues dat only u can identify wif, but i will tell u this. to Sue, Sam, or whateva da group u roll wif, puleez understand dat at da end of da day u will always be da light skinted black chick who acts white.

now, keep in mind u said u can't connect wif da brothas, so what makes u think u can connect wif him? whatchu gonna do....act real real white (like becky) n convince him dat u can be his fantasy white girl, wif a dash of me unda stand cuz an ole woman like me ain't understandin....

u say it's new territory for u, right? well chile, it's new territory for me cuz i've read alotta dumb shyt on dis board but dis one has got to take da cake. biracial butterfly, oreo, etc......

*puffs n plucks ash*

:rofl: :rofl: bwahahaha!! And she did refer to herself as a 'biracial butterfly', didn't she?! :lachen::lachen:

OP, how old are you?
The OP isn't black. She's mixed. She said she was a "biracial butterfly"...unless she was being sarcastic there... dunno
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