Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (7/1/2012 - 9/30/2012)

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FINALLY took my twists out on Tuesday nite.. wore a twist out Wednesday morning then did my usual (dc, moisture, twists) I'm Happy Happy Happy now :D
checking in.
i've just been cowashing and bunning, not fancy.
i will be getting a weave next week for back to school (i need a hair break), so i guess that will make me ineligible to finish up the challenge.
Rocky91. Doggone...I'll miss your pictures:sad: One of these days I'm going to try to do that bantu knot style you had. You have to do what you do for you hair though. HHJ

Washing my hair in these twists tonight, then taking them down and finger detangling once about 80% dry. Plan on doing a braid-n-curl for the weekend and going back in twists on Monday.

I've been wearing scarves all week since my twists are a mess, but I was too lazy to take them out.

MeowMix You look adorable in that pic.

MsDee14, Awww, THANK YOU. You know I got some issues around taking my picture. You made my day. BTW, why am I seeing you with that scarf riding around in a convertible? Very classy:)
Rocky91 :( Nooooooooooooooo! :cry2: *pouts* I understand. *sniffle*

MsDee14 That scarf is so cute. I don't think your twists look a mess, but I guess you have me fooled with your styling. :)

I saw this photo on Tumblr, and I want a bun like hers:

i can't do a high bun to save my life. maybe when my hair gets longer. i wear my part in the middle, so i know that is an issue.
Hey girls! :yawn:

Checking in from almost the end of my first week of job training. Only tomorrow, monday, and tuesday to go! It's like being in class all day long, but I'm learning a lot. These mini twists are a life saver. going to wash them tonight...well my scalp at least. I'm going to avoid this Glover's sulfur :barf:
Yeah, I took out my big braids and threw some jeweled hair pins in my hair. I thought it looked ok. I got a few compliments (mostly from people who love me and/or live with me :grin:) but I also got a few side eyes... :ohwell: oh well...
Anyways, back to braids / twists for me... :drunk:
Oh and i THINK my hair is all natural now, I don't see any relaxed ends left. I have been cutting at least a 1/2 inch at a time for quite a few months now. STILL don't have a long term plan though...





Tibbar Very pretty!! I wore a similar style today and accessorized with a jeweled clip too. Congrats on being fully natural. I didn't realize that you were transitioning. :)

-PYT I'm glad you're enjoying your orientation. I'm getting nervous about starting my job, but I hope it will go as smoothly as yours.

I saw this photo on Tumblr, too. I don't think my hair will ever look this thick without adding some extensions:


One of my hair goals is to make a french braid (or two) that looks like a professional style. I need to practice my braiding. :ohwell:
Hey ladies... so... will you share the process you use when you wash and redo your twists? I want to try a different process.

The past 2 months I have been doing the following:
  1. Undo twists, section, and spritz water
  2. Apply deep conditioner then detangle per section
  3. Put shower cap over hair and let it sit for another hour
  4. Rinse hair and apply diluted shampoo to hair/twists
  5. Rinse out shampoo while massaging scalp then apply conditioner
  6. Rinse out conditioner then spritz twists with braid spray

I like that process because My hair gets tangled when I shampoo my hair loose. Also, I get the "hard work" done first. But I am getting a lot of build up on my scalp. It's getting disgusting. I intend to use a clarifying shampoo next week but I don't know if that will be enough.

So please tell me what you're doing on wash/twist day. Thanks!!
Thanks girl NappyNelle, you will be just fine. When do you start??? I'm trying to psych myself up about working nights. This will be a first.

isawstars hey! When I twist, I usually wash beforehand in sections focusing on my scalp (let me add that I detangle/pre-poo before washing with some tresemme naturals)

Then I rub on some protein balanced conditioner like aphogee two minute and then follow with a moisture dc. Rinse, detangle, style. I don't spray anything on it but I usually twist with castor oil because it keeps my hair's moisture locked in.
how long is it before you notice build-up?

Thanks for sharing! So 2 questions, you detangle before and after washing your hair? And how do you keep your hair in sections when you wash it? Clips?

I notice white build up after 1 week. I think that I dont get all the product off my scalp... But I dont know how to without washing with my hair loose... Which I am terrified to do. I am on week 2, and it's getting flaky and itchy! I cant take it anymore!
Hi all, just checking in. In the middle of a huge project. I'm wearing simple buns and french braids just doing the minimum with my hair.
Yeah, I took out my big braids and threw some jeweled hair pins in my hair. I thought it looked ok. I got a few compliments (mostly from people who love me and/or live with me :grin:) but I also got a few side eyes... :ohwell: oh well...
Anyways, back to braids / twists for me... :drunk:
Oh and i THINK my hair is all natural now, I don't see any relaxed ends left. I have been cutting at least a 1/2 inch at a time for quite a few months now. STILL don't have a long term plan though...






I think it looks good. I love your coily texture.
Tibbar your hair is beautiful!

isawstars I usually just soften my hair up with conditioner before I making sure there's no knots/tangles, then when I'm rinsing, I comb it out with the jilbere shower comb. That keeps it pretty detangled until I'm sectioning to style. I hope I'm not confusing you :lol:

But hmm...I wonder if you could limit how much you spray your hair with the braid spray and see how that works. Try sectioning your hair in 4 and using a color applicator bottle to apply the shampoo right on your scalp as you wash and scrub with the pads of your fingers making sure you are getting your scalp nice and clean.
Hey ladies... so... will you share the process you use when you wash and redo your twists? I want to try a different process.

isawstars Hm... what is my process? :lol:

  • Cover hair in hempseed or coconut oil.
  • Undo twists as gently as possible. As I go along, I finger comb the shed hair and any knots I may find. After I have removed a medium section of twists, I finger comb again, and then braid.
  • By now, I'm usually too tired to do anything else. Generally I will wear a braid out, bun, french roll, etc.
  • Undo each section, slather deep conditioner onto the hair, then immediately braid the section back up. I will steam or baggy with the conditioner for as long as I please.
  • Rinse out the conditioner as well as I can. Then I shampoo, concentrating on my scalp by massaging. I let the suds run down each braid until the water runs mostly clear. Sometimes, I'll do a quick condition using a lighter conditioner afterwards, but lately, I haven't done that.
  • Towel / Tshirt dry until hair is damp, but not dripping. Undo each braid, apply heavy butter, concentrating on ends, then braid again. Allow to dry completely.
  • Now that hair is dry and moisturized, I use those individual braids to grab-n-go twist.

My method seems like a lot of manipulation, but I don't do much to my hair for weeks following that. At night, I loosely bantu knot my hair in sections and release in the morning.

Thanks for sharing! So 2 questions, you detangle before and after washing your hair? And how do you keep your hair in sections when you wash it? Clips?

I notice white build up after 1 week. I think that I dont get all the product off my scalp... But I dont know how to without washing with my hair loose... Which I am terrified to do. I am on week 2, and it's getting flaky and itchy! I cant take it anymore!

I notice that too with my hair. And I don't need to go back to washing my hair loose b/c that is a clusterfluck waiting to happen.

I wonder if a light scalp massage with oil would help (like as I detangle, before I wash.) I wonder if it would help dissolve (like if I used jojoba and peppermint oil) or if it would just hurt things
NappyNelle, -PYT, kinkycurlygurl:
Thanks for the love ladies! After a year of just wearing twists or occasionally a bun or two large cornrows I'm trying out some new things...

I'm loving the pictures and ideas in this thread from everybody-- Keep em coming!!
@NappyNelle, @-PYT, @kinkycurlygurl:
Thanks for the love ladies! After a year of just wearing twists or occasionally a bun or two large cornrows I'm trying out some new things...

I'm loving the pictures and ideas in this thread from everybody-- Keep em coming!!

@Tibbar I love your hair, its gorgeous and thick and looks really soft!

@MsDee14 you are working that it! Totally my style! I have a slight matter how many I get, I always have my eye out for a pretty color or pattern I dont have...they are so cool bc its almost like no two are alike and they are all unique.

@MeowMix you do look cute in that pic you posted! the style pics you posted!

@isawstars....that is some amazing shrinkage!

Can somebody tell me why I wore my hair down today for the first time in weeks and it rebelled against me and wouldnt hold a style AT ALL???? Is there such a thing as being TOO SOFT? Its really soft and moisturized but so soft soft it wouldnt hold my braid n curl that was so cute when I left the house. By the time I got to work and got out of the car...I looked at my reflection in my car window and it was already a straight up afro, and not in a good way either...random straight puffy ends sticking out....not the bizness...:nono: lol. Any suggestions on how to make my styles hold? I used a little shea butter mixed with some talijah waajid curl cream to braid. Im going to try again tonight with the curl cream alone. Also, I did it on dry hair...wonder if wet hair may have gotten better and longer lasting definition????
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@Tibbar I love your hair, its gorgeous and thick and looks really soft!

@MsDee14 you are working that it! Totally my style! I have a slight matter how many I get, I always have my eye out for a pretty color or pattern I dont have...they are so cool bc its almost like no two are alike and they are all unique.

@MeowMix you do look cute in that pic you posted! the style pics you posted!

@isawstars....that is some amazing shrinkage!

Can somebody tell me why I wore my hair down today for the first time in weeks and it rebelled against me and wouldnt hold a style AT ALL???? Is there such a thing as being TOO SOFT? Its really soft and moisturized but so soft soft it wouldnt hold my braid n curl that was so cute when I left the house. By the time I got to work and got out of the car...I looked at my reflection in my car window and it was already a straight up afro, and not in a good way either...random straight puffy ends sticking out....not the bizness...:nono: lol. Any suggestions on how to make my styles hold? I used a little shea butter mixed with some talijah waajid curl cream to braid. Im going to try again tonight with the curl cream alone. Also, I did it on dry hair...wonder if wet hair may have gotten better and longer lasting definition????

Thanks for the compliment on my hair !
These are just suggestions because I don't really have a concrete answer for you --
Have you tried using gel on your twists or braids in addition to doing it on damp hair? You also need to make sure it is completely dry when you take your hair out. Also, how humid was it? Good luck, I'm sure others will chime in with more answers.
So I'm back in the challenge full force-- bun today and just got mini braids put in! :-). Wish my hair was thicker but oh well...

Finished my mini braids (although i noticed they got less and less mini as time went on, lol)

We'll see how I like them. I might just go back to the weekly twists I was doing before., even though I think these are cuter
jprayze My braids would look similar to yours. How long did you take to install?

ladysaraii :poke: Pitchas please?

Here is a pictorial for another type of bun. I would try it without teasing my hair:

jprayze said:
So I'm back in the challenge full force-- bun today and just got mini braids put in! :-). Wish my hair was thicker but oh well...

If I had minis they would look just like yours! I like but I'm scared my thin, fragile strands can't take it
I went to a braid shop to get it done. It took about 2.5 hrs but more than one person did it. Everyone wanted up try braiding my hair lol
Hi everybody. I've been meaning to check in but got hung up on 'well you have to take a picture first'.

Tibbar, I just love those shots. Thank you for sharing

NappyNelle, Thank you for the regimen. I'm sitting here making notes.

jprayze, thank you for posting your minis in this thread. I saw you in APL 2012 and just knew we'd see some snaps;)

Leslie_C & livinthevida. Thank you so much. You are ♫wonderful and marvelous♫. Guess where I was this morning? It is such a treat to be built up by hair friends. When IRL is not going or going to the left, I love hearing from such positive people on the board.
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Leslie_C I missed the afro paragraph, but yes, if your hair is too soft, it won't hold a style. I would set it with some gel on dry hair or very lightly misted hair.

MeowMix You have me singing Ricky Martin every time livinthevida posts. :giggle: ET: so much so that I typed the wrong screen name! :lol:

ETA: I saw this photo and thought you ladies, particularly bajandoc86

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I did a cute quick updo today with a hairzing in the back and jumbo flat twist to the side in the called in to work and forgot to snap a pic...:( sometimes I get the best styles from just playing around and doing something random and it just "works" for that day. Tomorrow Ill do my whole hair ritual. Gonna prepoo overnight. Gotta go out for bobbypins and a spray bottle tomorrow lol...lost most my bobby pins. (those things are worse than socks as far as vanishingf!) and my spray bottle was an old leave in conditioner spray bottle that wont spray anymore so time to spring for the $1 spray bottle from dollar tree...yep Im a big spender:lol:. ;0)
Once again... I ended up stretching my 2 week twists to 3 weeks because of my big move to Cali (yay!). I bought another beanie/beret before I left.... I now how 6 different colors... I am addicted.

Anyways, I tried rinsing my scalp and twists and it helped a lot with the itches. I can't wait to clarify when I shampoo. I am also looking forward to trying the tips some of you gave me about how you wash and twist your hair. I found my Darcy Botanicals twist creme that I have forgotten about. I am excited to use it.
Leslie_C I missed the afro paragraph, but yes, if your hair is too soft, it won't hold a style. I would set it with some gel on dry hair or very lightly misted hair.

MeowMix You have me singing Ricky Martin every time livinthevida posts. :giggle: ET: so much so that I typed the wrong screen name! :lol:

ETA: I saw this photo and thought you ladies, particularly bajandoc86


AHHHHHHHH!! :love: :love: :love:. Be still my heart. I WILL be doing this in the near future. *saves pic to hair inspiration folder*.

Maybe this weekend I'll take down the front of my current updo and try this. :scratchch Thank you NappyNelle! :kiss:
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