This made me sad: I left the love of my life because I thought I could do better.

my ex boyfriend did this to me. we were best friends then dated..lovd eachother then hé left me for à whore (yeah they did their sex stuff at my female best friends family party)... anyway that just broke everything up.
i wasnt i"fine enough"(i was very thin)..., hé had fantasies and hé wanted to test out other ladies....hé spoke to me like i was nothing when i asked for explaination.

results: 12 years after we did speak like friends again. he has à fiance and baby,i have my man + 2 babies but my ex boyfriend told me.that in histoire heart it was me......tooo late man.
he has been trying.for like 8 years i.kept saying no enough(i did have doubts.for à while but prefered moving on).
love can be complicated...