My Dh Keeps A Record Of Our Love Life....

Great advice in this thread. Have you always had a lower libido? Is there anything you think that could be contributing to it like birth control?
OP, also do a little self-reflection about why you are OK with your daughter sleeping in the marital bed...i.e. Are you emotionally unavailable? Etc?

I'm surprised your daughter hasn't asserted her independence and wants to sleep in her own room. When I was her age, I wanted to play with my Barbie, sneak and watch my TV, and eat cookies under my sheet tent...all after my 8:00pm bedtime.

BTW - If you don't want hubby to know that you've been snooping, don't forget to erase 'Recent Places'.

PS - When you claim your hubby back, get rid of any kiddie remnants in your bedroom; make it grown & sexy.
That's a possibility, but I think it's equally as likely that he's keeping the records just to make sure he ain't going crazy. I've heard of men who do that in situations like these. Normally, they're husbands who want things to work out and are actually trying not to beast on their wives, but they just need an objective record.

Most men could do it every day, real talk. :look:

That's exactly what my cousin just told me. I don't know how I could of missed this...
If you want your marriage to work you need to get your daughter out of your room and start having sex with your husband on a regular basis (whatever that means for you all). A seven year old in the bed with you and your husband in her room is just unacceptable. I really think he's keeping those records to use against you if he chooses to file for divorce.

I think this is why he is keeping a record. There is something in divorce cases called constructive abandonment where OP's husband can claim she left the marriage in spirit by refusing to have sexual relations. In sexual desertion OP's husband will have to prove abandonment, generally for one year, during which they share the same roof (but presumably not the same bed).

Constructive abandonment is a form of abandonment used as a ground for divorce, and it may also be considered a form of cruel and inhumane treatment.

OP, this sounds abnormal. Please start working on that peen ASAP. Put that man to sleep.
Awww, op, I hope you guys work it out! I love sex, but I can imagine that having a child can change that. It's actually one of my greatest fears. I am hoping that I get my mojo back soon after I have my baby.
Awww, op, I hope you guys work it out! I love sex, but I can imagine that having a child can change that. It's actually one of my greatest fears. I am hoping that I get my mojo back soon after I have my baby.

Mine too. I always make mention of interesting thread discussions with my husband and outright asked him about this topic. Looks like I have work to do too, OP! I told him its harder when a man has longer stamina - 30 minutes or more of constant crayoning everyday can takes its toll, especially if a brother is packing.

I mean they have to compromise somewhere, somehow, lol. I have no clue how we will fair once kids come into the picture. I guess its one of those things you will need to pencil in.

OP, it may also help to explore things in the bedroom as well. There are devices, etc. if you get my drift. It makes for some great fun! Don't forget the lingerie. :P
I don't think you should tell him you saw it, but ya'll do need to talk...AFTER you give him some good good--defenses will be down and he'll open up hehe. I read an article about a woman who was intimate with her husband everyday for a month and it worked wonders for their relationship. Oh yes, and throw some maca powder in your smoothies :drunk:
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Mine too. I always make mention of interesting thread discussions with my husband and outright asked him about this topic. Looks like I have work to do too, OP! I told him its harder when a man has longer stamina - 30 minutes or more of constant crayoning everyday can takes its toll, especially if a brother is packing.

I mean they have to compromise somewhere, somehow, lol. I have no clue how we will fair once kids come into the picture. I guess its one of those things you will need to pencil in.

OP, it may also help to explore things in the bedroom as well. There are devices, etc. if you get my drift. It makes for some great fun! Don't forget the lingerie. :p

SO and I actually just had this talk a few nights ago. He says that he loves when I initiate things, like I used to. I am 26 weeks pregnant, and I don't always feel like it. I had to ask him to get things started first, even though I know that me showing that I want him is enough to get things started. I am too sleepy now, and sometimes fall asleep before I mean to. We both agreed to try and do better, and he got things started the next night. Today he let me know that he would be expecting some action when I get home. Lol. I am not mad, I'm too happy that he is talking to me about this and acting on what he said he would do! I just gotta do my part. After the baby will be a whole new story.

OP, I hope that your next update is good news :-)
Awww, op, I hope you guys work it out! I love sex, but I can imagine that having a child can change that. It's actually one of my greatest fears. I am hoping that I get my mojo back soon after I have my baby.

Just want to comment on the above. don't worry about it, continue to make it a priority and it will work out :yep: Children never got in the way for me and all 3 of my kids slept in the bed until 2yrs old. We had sex in the living room a lot and would doze off afterward, then sneak back in bed. One time my oldest when she was 4 said in a sing songy voice "you get naked in the covers with daddy sometimes" I said "what are you talking about? :look: She said she saw me sleeping naked with daddy when she went potty sometimes. I said oh, sometimes we like to talk and don't want to wake your brother up :look: :lol: After that we had to get more creative but still got it in on the regular :yep:
Not sure I know what a "normal" libido is any more. DH was only my second.... Been doing a lot of soul searching....

I think on average women do have a lower drive then men naturally, however did you notice your desire used to be higher than it is now? My dh was my first so I don't know if that should make a difference. I noticed while I was on birth control it lowered mine significantly.

Are you still attracted to your dh? I only ask bc you stated that you are soul searching. It sounds like there is more to it then just your dd and life being busy.....
Just want to comment on the above. don't worry about it, continue to make it a priority and it will work out :yep: Children never got in the way for me and all 3 of my kids slept in the bed until 2yrs old. We had sex in the living room a lot and would doze off afterward, then sneak back in bed. One time my oldest when she was 4 said in a sing songy voice "you get naked in the covers with daddy sometimes" I said "what are you talking about? :look: She said she saw me sleeping naked with daddy when she went potty sometimes. I said oh, sometimes we like to talk and don't want to wake your brother up :look: :lol: After that we had to get more creative but still got it in on the regular :yep:
:lol: :lol:
I was cracking up reading this!! Lmfao at her calling you out and your response. That is soo cute to me, idk why. Lol. It reminds me of the thread about people seeing their parents doing the nasty. :lol: It's very normal, maybe that's why I find it so endearing. I am hoping that we can keep it together. We started to strategize already, so I hope that we can stick to it. That was very comforting to read, thanks for posting!
In my last relationship I had considered keeping track of how often me and my live-in bf were having sex. I can be pretty technical. I just wanted to gauge if it was "enough".

I don't find his spreadsheet weird. But it doesn't help that other's find me weird either. :look:

OP, you sound a bit too comfortable with the idea of not having sex. I wonder if he brought it up and you kind of missed what he was saying. Either way, I think the advice in the thread is pretty good.
@Honey Bee

dh and i are everyday ppl but thats just been our MO since day would be a serious everything stop situation if we went days without..thats our love language though so it works.....unless one of us is traveling then there are no children yet women we go thru the motions of everyday life so i get it...

i knew someone who divorced over this...and i know someone who is stepping out due to torn on this topic as women bare the bulk of childrearing and household duties and some men are not romantic at all or etc..they just want you to hop on top and lets its a double edge sword....if thats ya boo's love language one has to understand that though..just like if quality time is yours..marriage..relationships....yeah...many variables and components...

:yep: And I don't know how they do it. I get ornery when I don't have my 'medicine'. :look:
im torn on this topic as women bare the bulk of childrearing and household duties and some men are not romantic at all or etc..they just want you to hop on top and lets go
Yeah, but... women have to be more demanding. If you're busting your tail around the house and he busy trynna get some :rolleyes:, it's on *you* to state your needs. In fact, that's the perfect time. :look: If you say you 'need' a spa day in order to feel 'right' ;), if he wants some, you'll have your spa day. :lol:

Men are simpler than we give them credit for. We're the complicated ones.

OAN :look: every other day for us. I'd never get anything done if we did it everyday. I need my recovery time. :sleep2::lol:
If you love that man and you know that's what he wants/need give it to him! while you in here telling us you can be getting everything back together. Like someone else said if he doesn't get it from you sooner or later he'll be tempted to get it some place else. Let be real here we all know men think about it all the time, want it often, etc. But your DH done took it a step further and started tracking when he's getting some.

Naw I wouldn't say a thing to my man but I would kick my daughter out my bed and have him next to me every night adding some more y's to that little tracking sheet.
OAN :look: every other day for us. I'd never get anything done if we did it everyday. I need my recovery time. :sleep2::lol:

i think about this sometimes! when i was living with my ex we would do it once perhaps twice a week. idk it was hard to keep track because sometimes it would be like we would wake up and want to fool around, but i know i felt like i would have expected it to be more frequent since we were around each other 24/7. but we were just doing so much other fun stuff all the time! sex probably wasn't as fun as talking or cooking together or going out :lol:

after we broke up i met this guy and for the first few times we slept together i wanted him three, four times in a night. it was shocking because i was almost surprised i could want someone that much. i could NOT get enough of this dude. i wonder what it would be like to have a partner (LTR) that i felt that way about.
after we broke up i met this guy and for the first few times we slept together i wanted him three, four times in a night. it was shocking because i was almost surprised i could want someone that much. i could NOT get enough of this dude. i wonder what it would be like to have a partner (LTR) that i felt that way about.
We were like that the first few years, but people gotta work, people gotta cook/clean, etc. This dude be wearing me out. I used to be able to color, shower, and get back to the club. No more. :nono: I'm lucky if I can make it to the bathroom before passing out.
In my last relationship I had considered keeping track of how often me and my live-in bf were having sex. I can be pretty technical. I just wanted to gauge if it was "enough".

I don't find his spreadsheet weird. But it doesn't help that other's find me weird either. :look:

OP, you sound a bit too comfortable with the idea of not having sex. I wonder if he brought it up and you kind of missed what he was saying. Either way, I think the advice in the thread is pretty good.

Yes, I keep track on my period calendar. I just love seeing the month peppered with all the little hearts :lol:

Sometimes, I will try to purposely make a unique pattern with the hearts :look: so I will restrict and demand sex on certain days to make the pattern :look: and I take a screenshot at the end of the month and send it to him to congratulate him on our pattern :look: