The man always pays rule....


Well-Known Member
Say you and your SO/DH go out to dinner with some of your girlfriends....basically he's the only guy there. Would you expect him to cover the whole bill...would you be embarrassed if he only pulled out money to cover you and him?. Would you give him the side eye? Just wondering how this rule applies in this type of situation....
Hell naw, dh pays for us and that's it.

If we are out with a family member he covers everyone but friends pay their own way. The only exception is if I have offered to cover a friend of mine then I will pay for it.

Eta: If he was the only guy he would have to go find something else to do lol

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SO pays for the two of us when we're out with friends, unless it's a birthday and he'll chip in so the birthday girl or boy doesn't pay. SO pays for the table when we're out with his family unless someone offers. Usually he pays the bill, everyone else chips in for the tip. SO at least offers to pay for the table when out with my family, always leaves a generous tip. He has to fight with my father sometimes.
Hmmmm i've never been in this situation. I would say it doesn't matter. If I were the friend I wouldn't expect him to pay my bill.

Unless it was agreed upon prior. (Hey boo, Jackie is broke, let's buy her dinner.)

Not, well your BF is "the man" he should pay for all 6 of us.

I went to dinner with a friend and her BF and he said he was going to pay, lol he didn't.

I wasn't mad, because I am well able (shade) to pay for myself, plus I wasn't expecting it when I initially accepted the invite.
I agree with what's stated upthread.. If its family, then yeah pay... But I would toss him the side eye so quick if he all if a sudden yellin "I got it, put it in one ticket." There's always exceptions but this is my thought on a casual dinner. You just cover us.
He pays for me most of the time, unless I treat him. He pays for his family (they take in turns) when we all eat out.

I do not expect him to pay for my friends, no. If he was Richy McRich I'd side eye him.
Back when I used to go out...dinner no, but when we went drinking...they guys would be offended if I took out my wallet. Like angry. Kinda weird when I think about it.
No, he pays just for us unless its agreed ahead of time. If my mother came to town, he would pay for her; he would also pay for my sis, but that's about it.
This was my dad, before he got married. He had a habit of covering the entire bill when out with a group of women. I recall my aunt being upset with him because a woman he was dating was in the ladies room basically bragging that she had snagged him and he was a big spender. They didn't last much longer after that.

No, I would not expect a group of girlfriends to wait on DH to cover the bill. DH's money is my money and if we didn't offer to cover the full bill, it should not be expected. I would be embarrassed for them, especially if they didn't have cash or a credit card on them.

I think the "rule" about a man paying is when dating not for group events.

Say you and your SO/DH go out to dinner with some of your girlfriends....basically he's the only guy there. Would you expect him to cover the whole bill...would you be embarrassed if he only pulled out money to cover you and him?. Would you give him the side eye? Just wondering how this rule applies in this type of situation....
The men I have dated would pay for the women if he was the only man there. Usually it would only be me and another friend though. So it's not like he's paying a crazy amount. I appreciate that type of gesture.
I wouldn't expect my friends man to pay my portion of the bill if we're out in the group, if offered I'd take it BUT I wouldn't expect it...especially with a group of 6. That could easily become a $200+ bill. When I go out now with the guy I'm dating he always pays even when I tell him its my treat SMDH. He has this complex with women paying for anything.
this is why I prefer generous men. I like chivalry. Doesnt matter how much money he does or doesnt have, I expect him to take care of everyone I'm with. :yep:
If we were going out as adults, then no I don't expect SO or my husband to pay.

If its a birthday for me or something else that involves me, then SO or hubby should pay.

I love generous men when they are generous with me, lol.
I'd expect him to cover everyone I'm with.

That being said, I'd never invite him, or accept an invitation to dinner with just him and 5 ladies where he is the only guy.

That is my compromise. :look: Never putting him in that situation.

Besides, I think it's insulting, a) to be the only guy there, and b) to have ladies pulling out wallets in his presence. What he (we) look like? :lol: Signing the bill asking Kim you got yours?

um, no.
Ummm no lol. He pays for himself and sometimes he pays for me. If other people are with us and expect us to pay, they had better not hold their breath. My SO and I are the youngest and therefore the least financially stable of your friends and family. To ask us to pay would be rude
He would pay for all of the ladies present. He wouldn't feel right about a woman paying.

ETA: This excludes a freakishly large group of people though. He's not picking up the check for 20 women or anything.:lachen:
I was with a group of friends/ acquaintances one day, all single except one. Her SO had offered to drop us of at a restaurant we were going to for dinner. One girl asks if the SO will be staying for dinner and whether he'll be paying. The heck??!! We were livid.

I don't mind if an SO wants to pay for everyone, but for it to be just EXPECTED like that? Naw :nono:
Honestly my friends bf will pay or if it's reverse my bf will pay or if it's a double date the bfs will split the bill.

It isn't a hard and fast rule but that's what usually happens. I will keep my bill minimal though because I don't want to seem rude.
This only happened once. We were out to dinner with our kids, and a friend with her kids. Dh covered our family and hers. She was pleasantly surprised.

When we go out with family one person covers everyone, and take turns paying.
Say you and your SO/DH go out to dinner with some of your girlfriends....basically he's the only guy there. Would you expect him to cover the whole bill...would you be embarrassed if he only pulled out money to cover you and him?. Would you give him the side eye? Just wondering how this rule applies in this type of situation....

DH would pay. He always does this when it's my girlfriends. He came by a restaurant I was at with some friends this weekend just to pay our bill and leave.