The "I'm Going to Get Married Thread"

I have the book now from the library. It's very quick reading so far. And the exercises aren't taxing either.
I had already decided to marry in Nov 2011, back when I said so in Whimsy's (I think) 2011 weddings thread.

Yes, I've begun reading it which is why I know it is labor intensive. Ya gotta do a buncha stuff to follow the 7-week program; you know introspective stuff. Probably not a bad idea, but I'm being lazy about it. I would love to read the Black woman's take on it all. Will you share where I can read that?

At this point, I ain't gonna lie, I don't know WHEN I'll pick that book up again.

hee's the black woman's take: 's review of Calling in "The One": 7 Weeks to Attract t...

aside from the fact that the woman who wrote that review has SERIOUS issues, she makes some valid points. Why is it that women are the ones always being told to do this or that in order to get a man, while men aren't told to do this? How many books do you see on the shelves directed at men telling them how to get a woman?

Besides, attracting The One is not something that can be done in a specific amount of time. And reading a book isn't going to help you accomplish it any faster. I would imagine that this would only make the process more frustrating.

I wouldn't want to see anyone help make this author rich. She is not an expert. And to be honest, as a white woman who ended up with a Black man, I doubt she did all the stuff she is encouraging others to do.
Awwwwwww woooowww, Changed. I am humbled! You sisters have stepped up to the plate here with me, shared your innermost thoughts on this matter so I feel compelled to act in kind.

I ain't gonna lie . . . weekends (for some reason) are very hard for me. The other day I was speaking with DD no. 2 and she told me of a conversation she had with an older woman on her job, basically about me. My daughter asks this woman has she ever been "afraid to live alone, be by herself" as in not have a man I suppose. I listened at the time. But kept contemplating in my heart. Well, this morning I explained to her that it's not about "fear"; it's about choice. I choose to not live the rest of my life as an old maid, alone with possibly two cats (nothing against our feline friends). I want a husband of my own out of a desire to share the remainder of my life with someone I can love and who loves me. I WAS CREATED THAT WAY. That which I desire is not strange, is not against the nature of things.

But back to this weekend thing. I worked last night 12-hour shift. You would think when I got off and arrived home I would drop a half dead fly. Well, so far (I've been working 12-hour nights since July) I do not fall out. I MAY sleep 3 to 3.5 hours then I'm up. Well this day, I still have not gone to bed. I get lightweight offended when folk make comments like, "Girl, just do you, Booh!" Well guess what, I do-do ME :yep:. I have a full life in working full time, I worship on two days out of the week. I joined that POF the other day (honestly, don't think I have the patience for it. One guy and I were mailing back and forth this morning and if I had a dime for every time he mentioned my "sexy body" . . . dayum got on my nerves, ladies. I joined another group or some such, folk contacting left and right. Ladies, ladies I don't have the patience for trying to date a goo gob of folk. Maybe there is a technique to all this, but while I am not fundamentally against online dating, I am beginning to think it ain't for me. And, really, to keep it on the real, the guy I told yaw'll about some posts above (unavailable with the adulterous wife); I think I'm digging him. But, I'm forcing myself to look at those who are available. I mean, I can't walk around here hoping she mess up again, that would not be Christian-like :perplexed.

But back to the issue. Weekends seem to be most difficult for me and really some months ago I shared this with him and he hit the nail on the head . . . he said weekends is when I would normally be engaged in ministry work which I no longer am involved in (I have been disfellowshipped from the religion of my choice. Since over 98% of my friends/support are of that religion I have NO ONE). That's another story, didn't share that for sympathy, I'm just explaining a LITTLE of why I feel as I do. And, for the record, I am working to be reinstated, living a celibate life FOR THE FIRST TIME in my life. And, to be honest, I am extremely concerned about whether or not I could find an online partner who is willing to date me sans sex ESPECIALLY at my age. That's a whole NOTHER topic, thread, discussion.

Meanwhile for the most part i do think positively and I do look to Jehovah God as my strength, and his son as my redeemer keeping in mind as long as I ask IN HIS NAME, and have faith, and am not asking for things outside of his will, I shall have them and thus this thread.

So in trying to not think about what I don't have (obviously ain't working too well or I wouldn't be on here whining, LOL) i decided to pull out my Cherie book and revisit some ayurvedic hair care principles. So, I concocted some oils for scritching, did that, my hair is now baggied. I may go ahead and sleep in it and wash deep condish in the a.m. Point I'm making is, I'm busy, I am DOING Me, BUT DANG-IT THERE is only so much me doing I can do, LOL (did that make sense?) I live on an island so tomorrow a.m. before people are buzzing I think I "may" take a walk along the channel, I don't know. I do not go to worship until later in the afternoon so I'll have alllllll morning to "do me" [rolling my eyez here, reall hard].

I'm fighting the urge to call an old, negative, flame who lives here (actually HE'S the one who suggested I move to FL when I told him I was looking to relocate last year. I was headed to ATL, really naw) that is going through clinical depression due to his ex wife not treating him right (oy vey); he pulls me down. Everything you suggest he comes up with why he can't; such a victim :ohwell: . . . I can't deal with him right now.

I won't call Mr. Unavailable, I usually let him call and check up on me, which is really nice to have at least ONE person do so (not including my kids), but I mean someone here in FL. Bless his heart, he has assured me I am "not alone". And, he went so far as to say that he was not only talking about God when he states that I am not alone. How kind of him.

For the most part I remain cheered and encouraged. Just wanted to share a lil of my struggle with you ladies. That gave me some moments of relief from the thinking, the thinking, the self talk, geeszch.

I have an embroidery sewing machine that needs a tune-up ($90) be glad when i get that done 'cause I have an anniversary steppin' event in March that I am almost sure I will have to make the dress (pastel is the theme . . . yeah, I'm wondering how THAT will look in a formal setting. :grin:

Stay strong my sister. Look me up when you get "back". ;)

I think she just wants to be more poised in public to attract a classy man. I don't think that the goal is to change your inner most personality, but to refine the outer parts of your personality that could be a turn off. But I'm young, so I could be totally off.
Like in my instance, purchasing fashionable items was a big step for me. I thought that a man should like me for my personality first and then my looks...but apparently he won't even notice me unless I look attractive. I still don't like the idea of that but I have to accept it.

To be honest I like being quiet, but I do need to get more social. I will always be introvert, because there are many advantages to being introvert. But I will attempt to learn how to relate more to people.
It's all about sacrificing the less important traits to get what you really desire.
Plus we are in the experiment phase. Many things will change throughout the course of the year.

LOL! :lol: You sound just like me! Yeah...I had to come to grips with this as well. :yep: When I was more naive and clueless about men, I felt that men should like me and admire me for my MIND and personality FIRST. Ha! What I didn't realize is that if the "outer package" isn't looking too hot, he's probably not going to have the desire to get to know my mind OR my personality much if at all! The only exception is if maybe the two of us were friends FIRST. Otherwise....:look:

So now days I embrace the fact that men are very visual and that the outer is what they see first. :yep: I make sure that I look presentable and attractive anytime I go out or am going to be in the presence of men. ;)

Those are not traits you should change to get a man. If that is genuinely who you are, then that's who you need to be when you interact with men. Above all, men want women who are comfortable in their own skin, being who they are naturally. If you show a fake side, you are going to war yourself out trying to keep up that facade. It isn't worth it. Just be yourself.

Omg, this is SOOO true. I had to unfortunately learn this the HARD way. Sure, you may not be able to attract the type of man YOU may want to attract to if you behave a certain way, but like others have said....most men don't even know what they want until they find it in a particular woman. So, by all means...BE YOURSELF! I once tried to be what I "thought" a guy wanted me to be in order to attract him. Ha! It just backfired. Not only was I always a nervous wreck when I was around him, but I could tell that I wasn't genuinely being myself. :nono: I couldn't let my natural free-spirited side show because I was always so afraid to offend, so afraid he wouldn't like me as myself. This didn't allow him to see my REAL side! I think he could sense that I wasn't being genuine/myself also. :( He ended up with someone else who was more "herself" with him. I vowed from that day forward to only be MYSELF around guys that I'm interested in. I won't just let it ALL "hang out" too soon (a woman has to reveal herself gradually of course ;) ), but I'm not going to be worried about what he thinks about me, etc.

I think we women tend to exhibit a very infectious, attractive, and enrapturing quality about ourselves when we are simply OURSELVES. The way we laugh, the way we smile, the way we talk, etc....these little things can be hypnotizing to a man when he can see that we are free to be ourselves in his presence. :yep: Even if we are completely different from the type of woman he is usually interested in, if he can see that we are simply being ourselves, and we're nice, open, trusting, and feminine, he will be intrigued. He will see that we have a certain comfortableness (read: Confidence) with ourselves and that is always a good thing! ;)
I'm having a slight issue.
In real life I talk quiet and seem nice which attracts annoying people, the homeless or visitors asking for directions. Because of this after about 2 years of living in this city, I just suspicious ignore people, clam up or give people mean looks so that I can have peace. It's a defense mechanism.
Well I made a promise to be nicer in public ( a small step towards not scaring away a potential future husband) and what do you know I'm already getting annoyed. This worker at Walgreens said that I talk quiet, normally I would just ignore him ( like he said I've done before) but I pulled some kindness from within me and had small talk. I thought ok, good job and I pat myself on the back. Then I walk into Walgreens again to get some chocolate.I stress easily, therefore I turn to sweets. I didn't notice was he behind until I heard " I want that bear for Christmas. You hear me. I expect you to get it for me." Other girls think that stuff is funny, Normal people probably wouldn't get angry, lol.:look: But I have such looowww tolerance. I just smiled. But to be honest I was actually angry that he had the nerve to interrupt my chocolate gazing for his stupid joke.
It really annoys me. This is teaching me that I have to learn tolerance. My lack of tolerance causes me to block out people. On the flip side it has prevented me from getting in a bad romantic relationship, however it's kept from getting into any romantic relationships. :nono:I"ve even started to try to devise ways to avoid him. Another goal that I will make is to learn how deal with human nature while protecting myself from harm.

:nono: No way!! This guy needs to be told that he is NOT funny!! :perplexed Don't entertain his foolishness!!! I HAD to say something because I used to be all nicey nicey when NOT so clever guys tried to get my attn. I say put him on mean mug AND ignore. :look:

I joined that POF the other day (honestly, don't think I have the patience for it. One guy and I were mailing back and forth this morning and if I had a dime for every time he mentioned my "sexy body" . . . dayum got on my nerves, ladies. I joined another group or some such, folk contacting left and right. Ladies, ladies I don't have the patience for trying to date a goo gob of folk. Maybe there is a technique to all this, but while I am not fundamentally against online dating, I am beginning to think it ain't for me. And, really, to keep it on the real, the guy I told yaw'll about some posts above (unavailable with the adulterous wife); I think I'm digging him. But, I'm forcing myself to look at those who are available. I mean, I can't walk around here hoping she mess up again, that would not be Christian-like :perplexed.

I kept a notebook nearby at all times with screen name = real name (note on looks etc while waiting for the first call) then <-programmed screen name along with real name in the phone with a small hint to let me know who it was once they called!!

This is how I kept track of everyone...

It's a numbers game so I didn't get all excited .... I planned meet ups that where convenient for me - 1/2 hour lunch "meetings" or such no big Friday night affairs (at first) just meet and get a vibe.... if I don't like I DON'T ever call or answer again. I had to develop a thick skin because the instant dump went both ways!! :yep:

Keeping your privacy from children could be tough because I do think online dating is a numbers game so you do end up having more 1 time only dates than normal real life. You'll have to be a little creative to remain discrete so not to involve the kids until you meet someone worth mentioning?

I'm glad you mentioned the bolded :yep: Thanks!

Congrats, but if you didn't love him, why let him decide that the two of you should be married?

I decided to date him exclusively early on but I did not lead him to think that we were going to get married? The fact that he was interested in marrying me didn't scare me off. Heck! men are in exclusive relationships with women all the time knowing full well that woman is interested in marrying them!! But women don't have the prerogative to speak publicly on the subject.

I'm thinking... if he wants to shout from every mountain top let him! shoot! He never said anything about me agreeing to marriage at that point. He was just expressing himself as he saw fit. :yep:

I just took it as him being marriage minded... and honestly so was I. I always maintained the best intentions with him and our relationship and vice versa and I liked the way he would make his little proclamations or add "the lovely lady" before referring to me. He is just an expressive person. I guess that was lost in my condensed version of our courtship.

But I never felt obliged to feel a certain way - he never put any pressure on me - He did not decide all by himself at all :nono:

I fell in love with him (his ability to express emotions is GREAT! :lol:) during the course of our exclusive relationship and didn't agree to marry him until after I knew he was the one for me and after he asked me.:yep:
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It's da stinkin' weekend and 'bout to have me some fun, gimme dat toot, toot - isn't that what the song says??? I WISH.

Well, I'm simply working to keep it (the mind) positive. At least this is my weekend to work so tomorrow and Sunday nights I will be occupied. Now, to get through tomorrow a.m. and afternoon (:spinning:).

I went to staffing and picked up some extra nights through the end of the year (a girlfriend told me to get busy doing something . . . work). Sooo, I took her advice. After all, can use the $ on my auto note. :look:

Oh wait, so let me give yaw'll an update. I joined POF, right. Contacts coming outta my ears. I actually got, umm, can't say "tired" of it, naaah, that's doesn't really fit; "bored" is not the word I'm looking for either. Gave cellie and personal email to one dude, a lawyer, who I found out is depressed. But hey, he did say he would teach me how to do paralegal work. Also, while there I found out I'm sexy over and again. Girls, for now, it wasn't me is all I can say.

To be honest, after some serious stuff shared with me from we'll call him, "Mr. Unavailable" (see references above) I just ain't into the online thing. Now, having said all that, IF something moves IRL, I'm open. To give a lil background, Mr. Unavailable has been there for me on some serious stuff since shortly after my arrival to FL. He's proving to be a true friend/shelter from the rain the best he can in his circumstances.

Soooo, it's the weekend ain't it? Sigh . . . I'll do some Bible reading and meditating before retiring. Yeah, that'll do it . ..
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So happy to see this thread. I'm also joining as I feel like we all need as much support in this as possible.

I'm in a royal-mess of a situation, as I live so far from civilization, I hardly have the opportunity to meet anyone, but I'm not going to let that stop me. I'm currently taking weekly dance classes and I'm on 3 online sites. I'm in the "shopping" phase, so I'm not really excited by anyone but I'm "claiming to the universe my wish for a loving, considerate, respectful, generous, fun husband" in 400 days as well. Sending all ladies here positive energy for their match too. Thanks so much for this thread!!!
So happy to see this thread. I'm also joining as I feel like we all need as much support in this as possible.

I'm in a royal-mess of a situation, as I live so far from civilization, I hardly have the opportunity to meet anyone, but I'm not going to let that stop me. I'm currently taking weekly dance classes and I'm on 3 online sites. I'm in the "shopping" phase, so I'm not really excited by anyone but I'm "claiming to the universe my wish for a loving, considerate, respectful, generous, fun husband" in 400 days as well. Sending all ladies here positive energy for their match too. Thanks so much for this thread!!!

The bold is the only part that does not fit. It's irrelevant. He could show up at your door if you really really wanted him to :lol:. Best believe. I'm not kidding. I know this lady who wanted to meet her husband that way. She did. They've been married 5 years. She really wanted that. Sending the positive vibes right back at you!
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Thanks for updates everyone. I was nervous that all the debate in off topic would put us in hiding.
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Inspired by DLewis' "Vision Board" thread

I had never heard of this, ladies. But, as I read over there I thought it might be something we can incorporate for ourselves and that which we desire. I think someone here did mention having one now that I think of it. Well, the concept has got my attention. I start tomorrow.

A vision board is simply a visual representation or collage of the things that you want to have, be, or do in your life. It consists of a poster or foam board with cut-out pictures, drawings and/or writing on it of the things that you want in your life or the things that you want to become. The purpose of a vision board is to activate the law of attraction to begin to pull things from your external environment that will enable you to realize your dream. By selecting pictures and writing that charges your emotions with feelings of passion, you will begin to manifest those things into your life.

What exactly is the law of attraction? The law of attraction law of attraction can be best explained by the information filtering system of the brain known as the reticular activating system (RAS). Vision boards serve the role of programming the RAS to tune into external stimuli that can help us move closer towards our intentions. states that we attract into our lives anything that we give attention to, regardless whether it be positive or negative.[2]

The RAS can’t distinguish between a real event and a contrived reality, however, and we can exploit this weakness to program it to seek out stimuli in our environment that resonate with our goals. The process of creating a vision board is one of the best ways to program the RAS. It programs the RAS to pay attention to certain things in your environment that are in frequency with your goal or vision, in much the same way as you are able to pick up your name being mentioned in a conversation on the other side of a room while talking to others. This selective attention filter makes you aware of daily things that can help you achieve your goal and it’s your job to take action on those opportunities when they present themselves.

Your personal vision board is only limited by the extent of your own creativity.

The general elements that a well-designed vision board should include are:
Visual. Your subconscious mind works in pictures and images, so make your vision board as visual as possible with as many pictures as you can. You can supplement your pictures with words and phrases to increase the emotional response you get from it.
Emotional. Each picture on your vision board should evoke a positive emotional response from you. The mere sight of your vision board should make you happy and fuel your passion to achieve it every time you look at it.
Strategically-placed. Your vision board should be strategically placed in a location that gives you maximum exposure to it. You need to constantly bath your subconscious mind with it’s energy in order to manifest your desires quicker than you hope.
Personal. Negative feelings, self-doubt, and criticism can damage the delicate energy that your vision board emits. If you fear criticism or justification of your vision board from others, then place it in a private location so it can only be seen by yourself.
Supplies Needed
Foam core board (recommended) or poster board
A large assortment of magazines. You want to make sure that these are in color. You can go to various businesses or hospitals to ask for their old issues.
Glue. I prefer the dispenser type tape rollers, commonly used to mount photos because they are clean and won’t damage your pictures.
(Optional) Color inkjet or laser printer
(Optional) 3 1/3” x 4” or larger printer labels. I use Avery #5164 mailing labels that work great.
(Optional) Internet access

Step 1—Compile your pictures. Start by going through your magazines and compiling all the pictures that you can find that are relevant to your goal. Don’t evaluate the pictures or start pasting them onto your board. Just stack them into a pile. If you are internet saavy, then a much quicker method that I do myself is to use an internet search engine to find good pictures that I can use for my board. You can either print the pictures out on paper and then glue it to the board, or print the pictures out onto a self-adhesive label so that it becomes a sticker. This is the preferred method because it is takes much less time to do and you can pinpoint your pictures using very good technology at your hands. Make sure that each image that you put on your board resonates with your heart and makes you excited at the mere look of it. It’s also important when selecting pictures to include anything that is congruent with your goal, such as any changes in your life that might result from obtaining your goal. So if your goal is to have a six figure income, then select pictures of a lifestyle that is congruent with your six figure income. Asking yourself the following questions might help you design a congruent vision board:
What would you do differently when you realize your goal?
Where would you travel?
Where would you live?
What would you wear?
What things would you own?
What kind of vehicle would you drive?
What would you do for work?...Or would you work?
Who would you help?

Step 2—Sort and Cut. Go through your pile of pictures and select the ones that impact you the most emotionally. Cut the extraneous material away from the image.
Step 3—Arrange and glue. Start arranging your pictures creatively on your board. Don’t worry about being artistic—that’s not the point. The point is that your board should resonate with your emotions. Arrange your pictures in a way that gives you an emotional connection to your vision board. After you are satisfied with the arrangement, glue all your pictures in place. Additionally, you might want to add writing or drawing on your vision board if you feel that it would better resonate with your emotions. A feature unique to my vision boards is that I also put two labels on the bottom of board that read: “Date created: [today’s date]” and “Date Manifested: [blank]” This lets me know how long my vision has been gestating since its creation and also every time I look at my vision board, not only am I emotionally charged with the pictures, but I also feel an overwhelming sense to see it manifested to completion.
Step 4—Strategic positioning. The most important part of having a vision board is having it in a strategic location that gives you as much visual exposure to it throughout the day. For most of us, this is in the office, but if that is not possible or appropriate, then try your living room or your bedroom. Some people I know mount their vision boards on the ceiling above their bed so that it is the first thing they see when they wake up and the last thing they see when they go to sleep. If you are sensitive to what others might say of your vision board, then be sure to keep it in a safe area where only you will see it. Negative criticism or justification of your dreams can kill the energy that your vision board releases. As Brian Tracy states, “What they don’t know, can’t hurt you.”[7]
Step 5— Update your vision board. Your vision board has to inspire you. It has to charge you with renewed passion everytime you look at it and over time and as you progress closer towards your vision, you might find that some of the images or pictures on your vision board don’t really carry as much emotional impact on you as they did before. When this happens, you’ll want to update your vision board with new fresh images that do inspire you. You’re vision board is not a finished piece of art after its initial creation. It’s a dynamic piece of art that shifts and changes as your vision shifts and changes. Therefore, if you find your level of passion that your vision board gives you is growing weaker, then update it to bring fresh new emotions to it.

Vision boards are an important tool in your success tool box. They are cheap to make and their potential value to you is immeasurable. Figure out what you want in your life and then commit yourself 100% towards making that first step of creating your vision board and activating the law of attractiondreams into reality.
I haven't been over there. What's up? Folk hatin' on folk with hope and love in their heart . . . what????
People seem to have a problem with women that really want to be in a relationship. I was almost called desperate.
But wanting a relationship is a basic human emotion, just liking wanting food or shelter.
If people didn't want to be relationship or have children, human life as we know it would not be around. That's why the feeling is so strong.

My personal update: I'm still very shy. I've been going to different events alone. But I'm usually too nervous to speak to people that I don't know, especially if they are in groups.
Edit: I also wanted to add that in my view desperate women are the ones that will get into or stay in negative relationships. I've NEVER been in a relationship. If I was desperate, I would be in a relationship right now. Trust me.
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I haven't been over there. What's up? Folk hatin' on folk with hope and love in their heart . . . what????

I've been over there and I haven't seen it so obviously I was not meant to. I didn't attract that :lol:.

People seem to have a problem with women that really want to be in a relationship. I was almost called desperate.

Stay out of discussions like that. You know what you want. Go after it. Does it really matter what other people think?
Phew, I'm glad to read you are on the right track. Like the lady above states, their issues are not yours (ours). Stay away, ignore 'em.

People seem to have a problem with women that really want to be in a relationship.
Edit: I also wanted to add that in my view desperate women are the ones that will get into or stay in negative relationships. I've NEVER been in a relationship. If I was desperate, I would be in a relationship right now. Trust me.
Thanks for updates everyone. I was nervous that all the debate in off topic would put us in hiding.

Ignore those threads and any threads that aren't adding value to your goal.

I told the party poppers in the husband/babies thread to not come over here with their negativity towards never getting married.
As for approaching people in groups, that's tough for almost everyone. Don't put expectations on yourself that even super out going people don't do. When I am in a situation where people are grouped up, I try to find another lone ranger like myself. After chatting that person up, I ask them if they would like to go with me to see what everyone is up to. It's Takes the pressure off of approaching the group alone.
Hey ya'll! I'm not trying to be married or in a relationship right now, but I scrolled thru the thread and saw someone's post about visions boards and it made me think about my homegirl.

About a year and a half ago I remember seeing her vision board up in her room (she was temporarily living at home, we were both not too long out of grad school). I was nosy and read her board. One of the things was a list of all the things she wanted in a man. There were other things like credit score, the house she wanted, weight loss goals, etc. Fast forward to the present, she has a new house, a new man, and a new job she likes much more than her other one. We haven't really talked a whole lot lately or in depth about it, but I think he meets most of the things that were on her board. She still has her vision board up in the bedroom of her new house with other things she is still trying to accomplish on it.

Just thought I'd share. Have a good day, ladies.
thanks for the extra positive vibes from the last posters, i could really use it cuz good lawd if these Philly "men" don't got me contemplating giving up hope

*looks at my vision board for inspiration*

i just wanted to share something I've had on my to do list for a couple months, Do something, Learn something, Share something, Change something - Meetup and if any one has heard of them or participated?

I'm still a lil lonely when it comes to wanting to go out and be social and a friend recommended those sites. Unlike online dating its no pressure cuz the goal is to do fun stuff w/a group of similar people and if a love connection happens well then that's an added bonus :)

I prob won't join until early next year or until my schedule lightens up a bit but just wanted to share in case anyone's interested in checking it out now

Good luck again all you future wives and have a happy, safe, blessed weekend!
:nono: No way!! This guy needs to be told that he is NOT funny!! :perplexed Don't entertain his foolishness!!! I HAD to say something because I used to be all nicey nicey when NOT so clever guys tried to get my attn. I say put him on mean mug AND ignore. :look:
Yeah, this is definitely my first thought. I'm glad that I haven't seen him lately. Especially since my patience is pretty short.
As for approaching people in groups, that's tough for almost everyone. Don't put expectations on yourself that even super out going people don't do. When I am in a situation where people are grouped up, I try to find another lone ranger like myself. After chatting that person up, I ask them if they would like to go with me to see what everyone is up to. It's Takes the pressure off of approaching the group alone.
I definitely agree. I actually tried to convince myself to do it, but that was even a bit difficult. The next day I was at another event and I was able to do that slightly but not hard enough.

These girls at my college have game. I'm far behind:lol: . I was at a volunteering event and of course the typical cute guy shows up. One girl spent the entire 4 hours talking to him. He was trapped and she wasn't going nowhere. In a back room another girl asked me his name so that she could facebook him and "get to know him." I was like, daannnggg.:spinning:
I noticed my own behavior at it seems like I do a lot of negative self talk. I keep thinking that he won't be interested in me no matter how nice or pretty I am because I'm black. Isn't that horrible. :blush: I blame society. Plus that is how I seem to get treated. Other races of guys will acknowledge that I'm nice or attractive.. but that's it. I know that I would make a good wife, but because of the stereotyping I get so defeated that I don't even try. Soooo I have to figure out how to fight the negative self talk.
thanks for the extra positive vibes from the last posters, i could really use it cuz good lawd if these Philly "men" don't got me contemplating giving up hope

*looks at my vision board for inspiration*

i just wanted to share something I've had on my to do list for a couple months, Do something, Learn something, Share something, Change something - Meetup and if any one has heard of them or participated?

I'm still a lil lonely when it comes to wanting to go out and be social and a friend recommended those sites. Unlike online dating its no pressure cuz the goal is to do fun stuff w/a group of similar people and if a love connection happens well then that's an added bonus :)

I prob won't join until early next year or until my schedule lightens up a bit but just wanted to share in case anyone's interested in checking it out now

Good luck again all you future wives and have a happy, safe, blessed weekend!
I'm going to try meetup once I stop being so awkward in social situations.
why don't you use the meetups to help you stop being awkward in social situations?
I'm going to get a bit more practice in the new organizations that I've joined and then take it from there with the meet ups. Plus it would be better if I wait until the spring/summer because there's nothing to do on campus anyway.
thanks for the extra positive vibes from the last posters, i could really use it cuz good lawd if these Philly "men" don't got me contemplating giving up hope

*looks at my vision board for inspiration*

i just wanted to share something I've had on my to do list for a couple months, Do something, Learn something, Share something, Change something - Meetup and if any one has heard of them or participated?

I'm still a lil lonely when it comes to wanting to go out and be social and a friend recommended those sites. Unlike online dating its no pressure cuz the goal is to do fun stuff w/a group of similar people and if a love connection happens well then that's an added bonus :)

I prob won't join until early next year or until my schedule lightens up a bit but just wanted to share in case anyone's interested in checking it out now

Good luck again all you future wives and have a happy, safe, blessed weekend!

I joined and will be going to my first event tomorrow. I also have about 2 or 3 scheduled for next week, so I feel like I now finally have quite a busy social calendar going on! :grin: I've never heard of, but will definitely check that out! Thanks.

I do like the fact that with meetup, I can plug in things that I'm interested in, and meet people that way, instead of the purely internet dating. The meetup seems like a much more organic way to meet a man.

I'm working to overcome my shyness and social awkwardness, so I'm going to push myself to go to as many events as possible and I also plan on doing a new vision board.
Re: Er um, ladies, gather 'round, check this out . . .

The other day someone I met earlier this year (totally unavailable, btw) said to me, " . . . . I would have a ring in your face so fast . . . ". When he had the opportunity to divorce the wife due to infidelity he chose to forgive her (a good Christianly thing). I bring this up here to say, we never know who is watching!!! An available man is just as easily watching us and I have filed the dialogue in the drawer titled "encouragement". That day I found it a tad encouraging to know I was thought of in such a manner. I know how this individual loves his children (whom by the way I have a good relationship with, they are good children)., and loves God and his relationship with, so for him to state such, I don't take lightly (though constantly reminding myself to stay in the real). :yep:

Lord, let me continually pray that his wife gets it together and sees what a loving, FORgiving husband that she has, Lord. 'Cause if she don't I will step in if she messes up again and love the h e double hockey sticks outta him. :lachen:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Amen, Sista!!!! :lachen: :lachen:
thanks for the extra positive vibes from the last posters, i could really use it cuz good lawd if these Philly "men" don't got me contemplating giving up hope

*looks at my vision board for inspiration*

i just wanted to share something I've had on my to do list for a couple months, Do something, Learn something, Share something, Change something - Meetup and if any one has heard of them or participated?

I'm still a lil lonely when it comes to wanting to go out and be social and a friend recommended those sites. Unlike online dating its no pressure cuz the goal is to do fun stuff w/a group of similar people and if a love connection happens well then that's an added bonus :)

I prob won't join until early next year or until my schedule lightens up a bit but just wanted to share in case anyone's interested in checking it out now

Good luck again all you future wives and have a happy, safe, blessed weekend!

Aaaawwww I am in Philly, and these guys are a trip and a half! Where do you get out, have fun and meet people?