The "I'm Going to Get Married Thread"

more proposal pics


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just a few more


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ok. last batch . . .


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Don't mean to hijack and sorry for the separate posts with pics, just wanted to provide us with some visuals to get into the feeling of what we are creating and will ultimately manifest!!!

Dang girl, I wish you'da posted these before I completed my board :drunk:.

Er aahh, along with your pics, TNM, just off tele and BFF is telling me about a job he has to get up and do, he don't feel like it (it's rainy here). So, I say, "Think of the money." So, he starts listing the I gottas bill wise. So, LOL, after each one I sad, "and . . . " so he'd say another bill, then I'd say "and". This went on for about 8 bills (geesh). So, I finally said, "And that other thing from the jewelry store". He laughed and stated, "Oh, I've already got that". :lachen: Come on Vision Board & LOA, work it!
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I'm wondering if Bunny ever came back and posted any pics? I think she got married last month :look:

I don't think she has as yet. Hopefully she will. She was the one who inspired me to get clear about what I wanted. In one of her posts, she said that she had written down the month and year she wanted to get married by on a piece of paper. She did that in 2008. So said, so done. Yup definitely an inspiration!

Bunny is happily married. Had a beautiful wedding and honeymoon. I'm sure she will be back and maybe even post pics at some point. But yes, Bunny is a success story :yep:.
Ladies, I'm getting married very soon, and so are you. So in order to prepare, I need to SEE some images to keep me focused.

I need to see some action-type photos and since proposing is an action, these photos are giving me inspiration.

Don't mean to hijack and sorry for the separate posts with pics, just wanted to provide us with some visuals to get into the feeling of what we are creating and will ultimately manifest!!!
Wonderful idea!
BFF presented me with the most beautiful ring I have ever possessed earlier today. I am happily exhausted (worked graveyard last night and have not slept a wink all day preppin' for his visit).
:hiya: Ladies,

Well, I finally did it....I have completely begun my journey to happily remarried and I could not be happier. I know that life holds some amazing things in store for me and I will be remarried in May 2012 and I know exactly who he is. I've been given a second chance at true love. God is so good. I've always wanted to marry near my birthday and, by gosh, I'm claiming it. My only Christmas wish was to bring joy back into my life. I can pinch myself I am so giddy. Who knew honestly deciding to be happy again could be so liberating. So, ladies, we will all be married very soon and have wonderfully blessed and happy marriages. Life is GREAT, GREAT, GREAT.

@Lovinlocks...that's AWESOME. Congratulations.
I am definitely meeting my husband in 2011. I think I've finally gotten over the belief that my ex and I are gonna work out after he decided not to make it to my graduation.

Anyway, I've started dating again, and I'm currently talking to 4 pretty cool guys. In my quest to date for marriage, I'm crossing them off my list as soon as I realize that it's not going to work. I can't do what I did in the past...wasting an entire year on a man that didn't deserve my time.

Good luck everyone!
I think 2011 is going to be my year!!! :grin:

I just get the feeling that I'm going to be in a relationship in 2011. I'm going to meet someone, or someone that I already know is going to be my boyfriend. I can just *FEEL* it! :woot:

I'm not thinking too hard right now about the how's, the when's, or whatever. I'll let things take their course. I think you can worry yourself to death wondering HOW you will meet someone, or WHEN you will meet someone. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. :D

But yes....I'm claiming it right along with you ladies...I WILL meet someone in 2011! :grin: :grin: I'm not claiming marriage in 2011 only because I would honestly like to date someone for about a year before I marry them, but who knows?? If it's someone I already know.....I may not need to date him for a full year! HAHAHA!!! :giggle:

So anyway, I'm just putting it out there myself.

I'm also:
-working on myself (inner, and outer beauty)
-taking better care of myself so that I will radiate happiness and an easy-going nature (no more letting stress get the best of me! :nono2:)
-working on being a better person and getting my life in order (afterall, a future wife should have her life in order right? :grin:)
-working out, eating healthy, and taking care of the OUTER package so that men will be drawn to get to know the INNER me ;)
-working on my relationship with God and strengthening it. I want a God-fearing man, so if I want to become a Proverbs 31:10 woman, I'm going to need to strengthen my spirituality. :yep:

So that's it ladies!

I'm excited for the new year! :yay: :woot:

Thanks so much for this wonderful thread!!!
:woot: I'll let things take their course. I think you can worry yourself to death wondering Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. :D but who knows?? If it's someone I already know.....I may not need to date him for a full year! HAHAHA!!! :giggle: Thanks so much for this wonderful thread!!!

Boooo yah, dats what I'm talkin' 'bout. WORK IT, woman!!!
I am definitely meeting my husband in 2011. I think I've finally gotten over the belief that my ex and I are gonna work out after he decided not to make it to my graduation.

Anyway, I've started dating again, and I'm currently talking to 4 pretty cool guys. In my quest to date for marriage, I'm crossing them off my list as soon as I realize that it's not going to work. I can't do what I did in the past...wasting an entire year on a man that didn't deserve my time.

Good luck everyone!

This is excellent advice. I am also doing the same thing. As soon as a guy shows his true colors and proves not to be genuine I move on away from him immediately. I am in my mid 30's so I don't have months and months to kick it with some Ill fitting dude. I have x'd folks out in a matter of a few days. I am truly looking forward to seeing what 2011 brings now my outlook on dating is very different from the past years. I hope 2011 and beyond brings all of is ladies what we desire in our heart!
I've been lurking in this thread because I'm not sure whether or not I want to make finding a mate a priority next year, but I so feel you Velvet Rain and Ediese. I don't even want to think about how many years of my life I've wasted on wrong guy after wrong guy.

When I do decide to get serious, this is something I'm going to have to work on. If I know from the jump that he can't/won't give me what I want or isn't a good fit for me, he has to go. No being friends, no waiting it out to see if things get better, none of that.

I'll be 33 in a little more than a month. I have no more time left to waste.
I feel the same way ms lady. Have not joined the other ladies formally in their quest. This is something very personl to me that I have not really shared with anyone.
I feel the same way ms lady. Have not joined the other ladies formally in their quest. This is something very personl to me that I have not really shared with anyone.

Yeah, it's a great thread and I definitely wish everyone the best of luck. :yep:

I just think securing a job and getting into my own place are the areas that really need the bulk of my energy right now. I'll feel much better and more confident about dating when those areas of my life are where I want them to be.
I think 2011 is going to be my year!!! :grin:

I just get the feeling that I'm going to be in a relationship in 2011. I'm going to meet someone, or someone that I already know is going to be my boyfriend. I can just *FEEL* it! :woot:

I'm not thinking too hard right now about the how's, the when's, or whatever. I'll let things take their course. I think you can worry yourself to death wondering HOW you will meet someone, or WHEN you will meet someone. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. :D

But yes....I'm claiming it right along with you ladies...I WILL meet someone in 2011! :grin: :grin: I'm not claiming marriage in 2011 only because I would honestly like to date someone for about a year before I marry them, but who knows?? If it's someone I already know.....I may not need to date him for a full year! HAHAHA!!! :giggle:

So anyway, I'm just putting it out there myself.

I'm also:
-working on myself (inner, and outer beauty)
-taking better care of myself so that I will radiate happiness and an easy-going nature (no more letting stress get the best of me! :nono2:)
-working on being a better person and getting my life in order (afterall, a future wife should have her life in order right? :grin:)
-working out, eating healthy, and taking care of the OUTER package so that men will be drawn to get to know the INNER me ;)
-working on my relationship with God and strengthening it. I want a God-fearing man, so if I want to become a Proverbs 31:10 woman, I'm going to need to strengthen my spirituality. :yep:

So that's it ladies!

I'm excited for the new year! :yay: :woot:

Thanks so much for this wonderful thread!!!
We both share the same goals! This will be a good year.

I've been thinking about my singleness and I kind of realize that I stayed away from relationships on purpose(on the subconscious level). I wasn't in the right frame of mind. Way too naive for relationship and I wanted to until I know all the things to watch out for.Now I'm more mature so I guess I looked up and was like...wait I've been single this whole time.
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Yeah, it's a great thread and I definitely wish everyone the best of luck. :yep:

I just think securing a job and getting into my own place are the areas that really need the bulk of my energy right now. I'll feel much better and more confident about dating when those areas of my life are where I want them to be.

I've been lurking in this thread because I'm not sure whether or not I want to make finding a mate a priority next year, but I so feel you Velvet Rain and Ediese. I don't even want to think about how many years of my life I've wasted on wrong guy after wrong guy.

When I do decide to get serious, this is something I'm going to have to work on. If I know from the jump that he can't/won't give me what I want or isn't a good fit for me, he has to go. No being friends, no waiting it out to see if things get better, none of that.

I'll be 33 in a little more than a month. I have no more time left to waste.
I swear MzLady I'm in the same position right now. I'm 27 and no time waste anymore on loosers!
dang yall got me excited for this all over again lol
congrats in advance to everyone for their beautiful, loving, & successful marriages!
Gentle on my mind

Well ladies,

You all were on my mind early this morning as I contemplated the end of yet another year. I'm so PROUD of you. I'll be at work tonight as you all turn to your loved ones and kiss them "Happy New Year" and probably won't be online here a whole lot today for social purposes.

I've been working the Mocha Money Makers Workshop as I am manifesting the principles of LOA in making a cottage industry a reality for me and my upcoming new family. Those three babies and the BFF will need mucho time and attention to get over some of the abuse they've endured the last eight years or so and the way I see it I don't have time to be making the employer's pockets thick when that time can be devoted to my fam. I'm excited about the possibilities.

Lifting my champagne glass to you all as we look forward to 2011 and all that we choose to allow it to bring to us. Physically, spiritually, religiously, mentally it's on in da '11 :lol:.

For those that will be out tonight getting their freak on (in a lovely way, of course), work it, be safe and ENJOY!

Love you all.

Lovin' Locks
Happy New Year to all you lovely future & current wives :D

Recently came across this, while i'm not a fan of rlshp articles i liked how they indirectly talked about manifesting the rlshp you want, acting like you already have it

How to make 2011 your year for love

How to make 2011 your year for love
By Barrie Dolnick

It’s another new year. What’s ahead for you? Will this be your year for love, romance and fun? It definitely can be, if you engineer the months ahead to bring you all of that. All you have to do is send an order up to Cupid and watch it get filled. As the author of the best-seller Simple Spells for Love and 11 other books on love, success and happiness, I have a plan to help you do just that. Here’s a three-tiered approach. Try one, two or all three moves. The more you do, the more powerful — and effective — your plan is.

Level One: Making a practical love plan
This is the easy approach for literally minded types; it’ll help you tap your resources for love and put yourself out there so love can flow your way.

1. Identify 12 friends or family members you can assign to each month in the year ahead. Ask your dear, supportive loved ones to come up with one potential match — just an introduction — for you in that month. You can stack the deck by putting those more likely to come through (your best friend, your sister) in the early months of the year so that you may never have to rely on Aunt Doris in November (you’ll be in love by then)!
2. Give yourself first-of-the-month reminders to canvas your closest coworkers for love referrals. You won’t be a pest if you ask quietly, carefully, and infrequently if they know anyone who is up for dating. Chances are, their circles and yours don’t overlap much, so they can introduce you to new prospects. Maybe they are members of a co-ed book group you could drop in on, or perhaps they have a sibling who recently got divorced and is looking to date again.

3. Give yourself three-month profile refreshers to keep you alive and well online. You’ll feel differently every season. Let that show in your profile, your photo, even your responses. Shift your personal message with the seasons. In winter, perhaps you’ll be looking for a fellow movie buff to hunker down with, bucket of popcorn in hand. Maybe spring is your time to invite prospects to plant window boxes with you. Let your passions come through by updating your headline, photo and the main text of your profile.

Level Two: Implementing the “as if” method
How many times have you found yourself rushing from the beginning of the week to the end and not having a moment to yourself? How often do you shove stuff under your bed, in a closet or into a drawer when you can’t find the right place to put it? How many storage containers have you bought lately? What’s in your fridge? When was the last time you had a weekend away, tried a new brunch spot, or heard some live music?

These are some important questions to answer if you want to invite love into your life. Love may very well be waiting patiently for an opportunity to find you but there’s no room at the moment. If you find that you’re over-scheduled, squirreling away stuff you don’t need or use, and living on frozen food and popcorn, you’re not exactly rolling out the red carpet for romance.

Make 2011 your year for love by living as if you’re already in a relationship. No, you don’t have to book a romantic table for two and go with a blow-up doll, but you need to consider what having someone in your life implies. Living as if you have someone in your life makes it much easier for love to find you.

1. Loosen up that schedule. If you have sports night on Monday, poker on Tuesday, tennis on Wednesday, the gym on Thursday and yoga class on Friday, exactly when would you be available for a date? Make room now. Being free one night a week isn’t going to kill you.

2. If you can’t find an inch of closet space for your own things, where are you going to put the inevitable stuff that comes with any big love? Coats, skis, sweaters, sweats — you need room to accommodate someone else. Look into paring down stuff you don’t need. Give your old clothes to the Salvation Army, and let those empty hangers in your closet welcome someone else’s shirts.

3. Stop living like you’re in a hotel. There is nothing enticing about a fridge that looks like a mini-bar or is filled with half-eaten takeout food. Learn to cook or at least boil pasta. Part of love is nurturing, and if you can’t nurture yourself, you’re not ready for love.

4. Build those skills and interests — attend a weekend seminar at a nearby museum; tour a historic home; sign up for that lecture by a noted author. You’ll become a more interested and interesting person... and who knows whom you might meet!

Living as if you are happily in a relationship puts you in the groove of love. It won’t be long before someone sees an opening in your cozy, welcoming life and applies to be your next great relationship.

Level Three: Creating a magical blueprint for romance
If you’re game for a big and powerful love connection, don’t be shy. Follow these directions for a love ritual, and you will certainly see romance in the coming year. Believe in it — thousands of single people who’ve read my books and attended my seminars have found success with it!

This process must be done after sunset and is best done between December 20 and January 13th:

1. Light a candle and sit comfortably in candlelight.

2. Make of list of the qualities in a relationship you desire. Use the present tense. Claim your power to create this love in your life. Here’s an example, but use your own words:

I create love in 2011 with someone who is screamingly funny, tender, caring, honest and compassionate. I create love with someone who loves animals, appreciates and respects my vegetarian diet. I create love with someone who complements my personality and who lovingly challenges me to be a better person. I create love with someone who loves music, adventure and joins me in volunteer work.

I have the power to create love with the perfect person for me.

3. Read your list out loud. And no, it will not work if you just read it silently. The power of your word is a strong force and this will help pull your wishes into reality.

4. When you’re done reading your lists, release this to the universe by saying, “So Be It and So It Is.”

5. Blow your candle out.

Hang onto your list. In the next 12 months, you’ll be able to see how your wishes were granted.
Blessed1, I am loving THIS. Especially the third suggestion with the candle and SPEAKING the word out loud. It would be nice to do this down the street on the beach early in the a.m. or at dusk.

Thank you, my hair sister.
You know what ladies, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Of all the "things" I have wanted in my life the only that I have not had is a loving marriage and by golly I'm claiming it. Anybody wanna stand up with me for what they want, for what they are willing to work for and put good karma, mojo, whatever YOU call it out into the universe?

I hereby stand in faith and claim that I will be married to a wonderful, loving, considerate, kind man who loves God and my yesterday's dirty drawers within 400 days. YUP, I'm putting it out there (as in the universe). Meanwhile I will be working on self, I pledge to:

  • Continue work toward the profile of a Proverbs 31 woman.
  • To keep myself chaste for him that God has chosen (oh, he's out there, we just will wait on God to find one another).
  • Continue to cultivate a positive mind because I do prescribe to some of the things Dr. Dwayne Dwyer mentions in The Power of Intention. And, I do believe we can "have what we say" for the most part (still working on that one, LOL). So, I am saying I am going to have a husband by the end of next year to share the remainer of my life with.
  • To have faith in "the process" . . . the process of letting go and letting God . . . the "process" of knowing and overstanding if God says it is for me to have; no one can take it away. The "it" is whatever I am supposed to have.
One aspect of this that is so exciting for me is watching and seeing what God brings me to for I do believe it is not for me to chase, to cajole, to convince, to pursue. Ultimately, I do believe all I have to do is continue to be me and to work on continuing the journey to being the best of me for life is indeed a journey. I'm excited.

Is there anybody with me . . . is they any lady there who wants to take charge of this area of her life and work with the power of intention, going for what you know girl, claiming that man that God has for YOU?

Speaking a thing into reality . . . . I feel the need to keep before me constantly that which I seek so as to not compromise and/or be fooled should a counterfeit comes along. No, at my age, this is the it for me . . . no games, no mistakes, I have no time for them for the time in the past for such things has been sufficient. Oh glory, hallelujiah I can't wait to see what Yahweh has in store for me, his child.

Anybody wanna stand with me in intention, perhaps encouraging one another as we go about watching this event unfold?
Amen, in Jesus's holy name, to everything you have written. Just watch what God will do for all of us this year! I am already thankful to him for the wonderful men and everlasting joy he has ordained will be ours. Thank you for this excellent, encouraging thread!
hope everyone is doing well with their journey in getting married

i had some stuff happen since my last post that's frustrating me, lemme vent for a minute

so i was with the I guess now he's my ex since beginning of october

he said he was looking for someone he could grow old with and wanted to grow old with

well i acted the same with him as i did to all of the other men ive dated: keep my appearance up (i'm fit, dress well and wear enhancing makeup) and complimented him often even when didn't feel like it to keep his ego up

he disappeared on me w/out warning for a week. & no we didn't have an argument

matter of fact his last words to me were i'm gonna see if can leave work early so i can see you. We hadn't seen each other in a couple of weeks cuz of our conflicting schedules

but we talked daily since we met in october

anyway he txts me Tuesday "I will explain later when I'm done :)"

yes thats all he said and had the nerve to put a dang smiley face

a couple of days after i got that i replied "?" Still nothing from him

it didn't matter cuz last Saturday i decided i didn't want to be miserable and let it go, laughed when he txted Tues cuz i was like it figures i put out the energy that I'm over it/him and then he contacts me

i'm just trying reallllly hard to stay positive. i know he's not the only man in the world

but i thought i just had to be attractive and an ego booster and good friend and thats all i needed to get a guy to marry me

meanwhile all the other girls i come across in my city don't put to much in their appearance, use bad language and manners, yet are married

although...i've noticed most of them their husbands married them after got pregnant

it's like do i need to let myself go and hv unprotected sex just to get my own husband?

sorry to bring negativity, i'm just a little frustrated. I've been wanting this for the last 5yrs and seriously have dated like 20 guys since then but nothing

end of rant :( Like I said I hope you ladies are doing better then me so far

Hope everyone has a beautiful valentines day by the way :)
Don't worry Blessed, the right guy will tell you and show you up front that he's ready for marriage and ready to marry you. That's what I have learnt from the threads here at LHCF and elsewhere. You do not even have to wonder or do anything special and definitely NOT get pregnant first. I am happy when they act flaky now because I'm like "great, thanks, know it's not you, NEXT" without batting an eye. I'm listening and watching for certain things. It's the whole package I'm looking for. You are either it or you are not. No convincing, no auditioning, no fact they have started auditioning.
HoneyA thank you i really needed that
i found out a couple of hours after i posted that he had been cheating on me w/a coworker that he said was his friend, maybe he wants to be w/her more so that's why he went MIA
but like u said i need to detach and see it as a blessing and not as personal failure
cuz it's bringing me closer to my own husband
i think i'm way too compassionate anyway cuz i saw red flags w/him & others and when i wanted to bounce they begged me not to, maybe so they could be the one to later do the dumping, IDK & don't care lol

anyway this is what i needed to hear yet again, thanks so much doll :kiss:
@HoneyA thank you i really needed that
i found out a couple of hours after i posted that he had been cheating on me w/a coworker that he said was his friend, maybe he wants to be w/her more so that's why he went MIA
but like u said i need to detach and see it as a blessing and not as personal failure
cuz it's bringing me closer to my own husband
i think i'm way too compassionate anyway cuz i saw red flags w/him & others and when i wanted to bounce they begged me not to, maybe so they could be the one to later do the dumping, IDK & don't care lol

anyway this is what i needed to hear yet again, thanks so much doll :kiss:

You are welcome :kiss:. I sorry you might be hurting but I am not sorry about what happened. Good riddance to him and as you said you are one step closer to the right one. You have to be ruthless with this when you see the red flags because these men will drag you through the mud and make you look stupid if you let them. No way we are having that. I would rather eat my hand :lol:.
Take it from me the right man will come into your life. Be optimistic and pray daily for him. Know within your heart that he is out there. Start preparing yourself to be the best wife. Enjoy this time with yourself you aren't alone. Practice all the domestic duties that will make your life easier once you are married.

Step up on the recipes and family budgeting and take up a hobby of sewing or knitting. I recommend a book called Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin. This book has helped me tremendously through the years understand the true role of being a woman.

Keep yourself celibate if possible. I know some may not agree but I do believe this makes a difference. The goal is that of a wife. For those who believe that God will send your spouse then simply follow his ordinances and see if it just won't happen.

Search the archives for a post I posted a while back titled "Is This Marriage Normal?" I am no longer married to the man that I discussed in that post. We are amicable but I had to move on with my life.

Letting go was very hard after almost 11 years of marriage however I was not being fullfilled within our relationship.

To fast forward I recently married the most wonderful man:yep:.
It's sincerely humbling how God in His infinite mercy removes one from your life to bring you better.

We must be content and patient through the trials to reap the rewards.

Although I have been married before I am the happiest I have ever been at the beginning of marriage.

God has blessed me with my soulmate.

~Sometimes we have to kiss a few frogs to find our prince~
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