The "I'm Going to Get Married Thread"

True, true. I agree that God does do everything in His own time and it took me a long time to realize that. Sometimes I forget and still tell Him when I want things and I'm always disappointed when I don't get what I want in MY TIME. So I do think that it is best not to put a time limit on it.

So is it okay to ask for specific characteristics? Or are we limiting God if we do that also?

Not necessarily. I posted some time ago about my frind's situation. When she was sixteen, she prayed to God that she would get married one day qnd that he would be a doctor so he could take care of her and their family. 12 years later she married a dentist who now has three very successful practices. Pm me if u want to talk more about it. :)
I know I'm getting married very soon. I don't know when or how and I don't really care. But I know exactly what DH is like. Don't get me started. You all should see the stuff I keep putting on my vision board about him. But suffice to say that he's got a beautiful spirit and he has eyes only for me. Our connection can only be described as incredible. I get more and more excited as the days go by. And my engagement ring is gorgeous!

ITA..... With your post.:yep:
Reading all the posts was inspiration. I didn't set a date, not because of religous reasons but because I don't want to rush myself into a negative relationship. I spend the day reading about how to increase my chances for marriage. Right now I am trying to figure out how to place myself in the right social circles. I came into college with no friends and I'm still in the same situation. No friends, no man!
I know I'm getting married very soon. I don't know when or how and I don't really care. But I know exactly what DH is like. Don't get me started. You all should see the stuff I keep putting on my vision board about him. But suffice to say that he's got a beautiful spirit and he has eyes only for me. Our connection can only be described as incredible. I get more and more excited as the days go by. And my engagement ring is gorgeous!

I lllooove it, HA!
You will never know what your words mean to me. I am sitting here crying right now. I honestly needed this. I do know that God has the right person for me. I am just stepping aside and letting him do His work. Though divorce is a horrible trial, I know that God will get me through this storm. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Lovinlocks. Thank you for this wonderful thread. You are a true inspiration. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Suga, no problem, no problem atall. Like I said there will be some tears through this, but by golly D Phi LHCF - I'm here for ya. I have nothing but time. xoxo LL
Reading all the posts was inspiration. I didn't set a date, not because of religous reasons but because I don't want to rush myself into a negative relationship. I spend the day reading about how to increase my chances for marriage. Right now I am trying to figure out how to place myself in the right social circles. I came into college with no friends and I'm still in the same situation. No friends, no man!

Well, LL, what are ya readin'? I'd sure like to shore up my book/info collection. If I am reading you correctly you are still in college, yes/no? Girrl, if so, join stuff, read everything. Does your college have standard football team . . . try out for cheerleading. Become a dorm leader . . . you feeling what I'm saying???
ITA..... With your post.:yep:

You have to believe it before you see it. It took me a while to get this but now I get it. I'm getting to know DH right now from all the stuff I dream up about him :lol:.

I lllooove it, HA!

You have no idea how happy I am to see a thread like this. We all want to have beautiful relationships and beautiful marriages and that is all we really have to focus on. Thanks for creating the thread!
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Anybody wanna stand with me in intention, perhaps encouraging one another as we go about watching this event unfold?

LovinLocks, I stand with you and others in encouragement. I was listening to "Stand" by Donnie McClurkin and Marvin Winans this morning, so we'll just stand and let the Lord bring you through. Don't you dare give up!

You know, even though I'm going through a divorce, I know that God has the right person for me as well....for all of us who desire it. :yep:

Yes he does!!!
Well, LL, what are ya readin'? I'd sure like to shore up my book/info collection. If I am reading you correctly you are still in college, yes/no? Girrl, if so, join stuff, read everything. Does your college have standard football team . . . try out for cheerleading. Become a dorm leader . . . you feeling what I'm saying???
I've just been reading random articles and blogs. I don't even know the exact ones. Mainly LHCF. Yeah I've been joining organizations. It's just hard for me to make friends. I make it difficult.
This is what I did :yep: No hyphen, I made my maiden name my middle name--I didn't have a middle name, so I thought it appropriate.

BTW, I wish you ladies all the best!!

:lol: I did this too! But, I do have a middle name. And, when I divorced, kept my married name. Now, I have credit cards and ID's in both versions using my maiden initial in the middle and sometimes using my real middle initial in the middle. It is confusing as heck! And, all my monogrammed jewelry is in my first, middle and maiden initials. I'm confused, no? I'm trying to decide now what I want on my JD maiden name in the middle or my maiden name as my last (in honor of my parents). IDK. If I were REMARRIED....this wouldn't be an issue. :look: Count me in OP. :lol:

Today I've started my little journal for marriage. I'll be updating it everyday. My current goals are to grow more feminine and social.
Today I've started my little journal for marriage. I'll be updating it everyday. My current goals are to grow more feminine and social.

I love it:yep:, those two things will make a big difference. Being very feminine and friendly is a very attractive feature, especially to men. I wish you the best.
I love it:yep:, those two things will make a big difference. Being very feminine and friendly is a very attractive feature, especially to men. I wish you the best.
Thank you!!
I'm really trying. I beat all the other statistics, I'll beat the marriage ones too.
Thank you!!
I'm really trying. I beat all the other statistics, I'll beat the marriage ones too.

What a beautiful attitude! I beat all of the statistics too. I have always been the type to create my own vision for myself. This is the life I will have. The is the type of home I will have. This is the type of marriage I will have, etc. And dreams do come true. Maintain your highest standards and let "the statistics" be somebody else's statistics.
What a beautiful attitude! I beat all of the statistics too. I have always been the type to create my own vision for myself. This is the life I will have. The is the type of home I will have. This is the type of marriage I will have, etc. And dreams do come true. Maintain your highest standards and let "the statistics" be somebody else's statistics.
I'm basically adopting the same positive attitude as the other women on here. Before LHCF, I would read all the statistics about marriage for black women and just give up. This will be my first time actually trying. When I look back I want to know that I put in enough effort in my prime years.
I know a lady who was married but then he left her with a set of twins and 4 other small children...all alone. She said she was so angry and miserable but G-d sent her a very compassionate and patient man. At the time he came to her and showed his interest, she had already written off men and tried to be mean to him to write him off as well. Guess what, he didn't allow it. And he married her and was the complete opposite of the idiot that left her in pain and alone to raise children. They have been very happily married for over 20 years now. So if your situation is similar, don't give up hope.:yep:
What a beautiful attitude! I beat all of the statistics too. I have always been the type to create my own vision for myself. This is the life I will have. The is the type of home I will have. This is the type of marriage I will have, etc. And dreams do come true. Maintain your highest standards and let "the statistics" be somebody else's statistics.

HOPEFUL! YOU YOU YOU! :huggle: You once posted a similar post sort of highlighting the same things you said above. You never knew but I copied and pasted that post and kept it and have read it occassionally over time. You are so inspirational. You never know what words you speak that will really touch someone deeply. Thank you for being you. :rosebud:
Hey guys! Good for yall! I'm a little confused though. I see that people are posting they'll be married by next year/other time frames....are you guys engaged or something? Is this thread for people who are engaged to be married? I mean, this thread isn't for single (meaning not dating someone) people, right? Or is it? And if it does that work??

But if it is I wanna join too! I'm single; I wanna get married some day! I'm certain I'll be married by this time in 2022! Woo that's a long time! But by the time I'm 32, I know I'll be married! Woot!
HOPEFUL! YOU YOU YOU! :huggle: You once posted a similar post sort of highlighting the same things you said above. You never knew but I copied and pasted that post and kept it and have read it occassionally over time. You are so inspirational. You never know what words you speak that will really touch someone deeply. Thank you for being you. :rosebud:

You are such a sweetheart! Thanks for the kind words and I appreciate you too :yep:.
I'll bite. I met my FH earlier this year.

I had been meeting caveman after caveman. I think I even started a thread about one wanting to purchase things for me like he was brokering a sales deal!! That got old quickly and I actually never accepted anything from him. His entire attitude disgusted me especially because he felt that since he looked good on paper he had free reign to behave badly. In fact MOST men I had dated felt the same way so I decided to do something different.

I decided to remain positive and avoided negativity like the plague. I mean REJECT - RUN - FLEE from negative men and MEN with bad attitudes.

I decided I'd rather be alone than to be a victim of these men.

I also decided to 'own' what I wanted in a relationship. I honestly didn't want to be wined and dined. I didn't want to be at the fanciest restaurant in town with someone who ultimately wasn't the one for me.

I decided that in order to have real connections I had to be real. Part of me being real was running from jerks but then also a part was opening up and revealing my true self to those positive men. I had become used to closing myself up trying to deal with men I didn't trust. :nono:

and when I met FH I didn't recognize him right away and was still talking on the phone with other men etc "trying to find the one":spinning:... then one day during lunch he told me that I was going to be his wife - just like that!.

I stopped and looked at him SERIOUSLY and paused. I thought "could this be true?" and he was just smiling and nodding his head.

I had been honest and open with him up to that point but I did not love him when he said this but I agreed to an exclusive relationship because I liked him ALOT!!! I would have fallen in love with him eventually anyway even if he had never said this.

So here I am planning to be married. I am truly blessed and the date is set August 20, 2011!!!
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I'll bite. I met my FH earlier this year.

I had been meeting caveman after caveman. I think I even started a thread about one wanting to purchase things for me like he was brokering a sales deal!! That got old quickly and I actually never accepted anything from him. His entire attitude disgusted me especially because he felt that since he looked good on paper he had free reign to behave badly. In fact MOST men I had dated felt the same way so I decided to do something different.

I decided to remain positive and avoided negativity like the plague. I mean REJECT - RUN - FLEE from negative men and MEN with bad attitudes.

I decided I'd rather be alone than to be a victim of these men.

I also decided to 'own' what I wanted in a relationship. I honestly didn't want to be wined and dined. I didn't want to be at the fanciest restaurant in town with someone who ultimately wasn't the one for me.

I decided that in order to have real connections I had to be real. Part of me being real was running from jerks but then also a part was opening up and revealing my true self to those positive men. I had become used to closing myself up trying to deal with men I didn't trust. :nono:

and when I met FH I didn't recognize him right away and was still talking on the phone with other men etc "trying to find the one":spinning:... then one day during lunch he told me that I was going to be his wife - just like that!.

I stopped and looked at him SERIOUSLY and paused. I thought "could this be true?" and he was just smiling and nodding his head.

I had been honest and open with him up to that point but I did not love him when he said this but I agreed to an exclusive relationship because I liked him ALOT!!! I would have fallen in love with him eventually anyway even if he had never said this.

So here I am planning to be married. I am truly blessed and the date is set August 20, 2011!!!

Wow, beautiful story. So did he formally propose or did he just make his declaration and you two are now planning?
Wow, beautiful story. So did he formally propose or did he just make his declaration and you two are now planning?

That day he made a declaration. It's funny because from that day he behaved as if we were already married. (soon after) He added me on as a domestic partner at his job so that I could begin taking free classes under his benefits! He started announcing to his co-workers, friends and any random person who would listen that he was going to marry me. But, he didn't officially propose. And while I was :look: happy. I did notice that fact.

He finally formally propose to me quietly at home last month w/out a ring :spinning:. But, we are shopping for one. :)
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That day he made a declaration. It's funny because from that day he behaved as if we were already married. He added me on as a domestic partner at his job so that I could begin taking free classes under his benefits! He started announcing to his co-workers, friends and any random person who would listen that he was going to marry me. But, he didn't officially propose. And while I was :look: happy. I did notice that fact.

He finally formally propose to me quietly at home last month w/out a ring :spinning:. But, we are shopping for one. :)

Aww, that is so sweet.. I wish you the best
Amen, Zora, amen. Shooot, I want to be invited to some of these weddings yaw'll . . :lol: I looooove a good wedding. Check out how I envision mine . . . they say "seeing is believing" and we need to see that which we seek clearly as if it has already happened . . .er aaa, isn't that called FAITH? K, I love water, moved to Florida to be near some . . . so how 'bout a
(beach) ceremony???? Take ya shoes off, wear some white linen or gauze and ladies let's just look purrrty, feminine AND be comfortable.

Get this, I am a Notary Public and here in Florida I have the power to perform marriage ceremonies (dang, I forgot about that). If anyone in our circle lives in FL, I gotcha when you say, "I do".

K, so back to my dream . . . yeah, the beach . . .uh huh. As far as the ladies who will agree to stand with me (and yup I am formerly asking my daughters and ALL OF YOU, right now) . . . .I say wear what ya wanna . . . it's going to be about the love in the place, not the garments. Oooh, our hair will be all condished, moisturized, and looookin' good from what we learn here and stuff. Mmm Mmm mm I shudder (in excitement) with my vision of my special day. That man just DON'T KNOW how wonderful his life is going to be, none of that devilish drama, no ahh huh, simply a woman who is going to
the heck outta him (spiritually and by-God physically too, amen). But wait, don't wanna get ahead of myself there . . .back to the ceremony, the
thing is blowing my mind (in a good way, I am truly excited). Wonder how long my hair will be by then? giggles :lol:

Lovinglocks, Oh you are such an inspiration. I love, love, love this thread.

Count me in on that invite list. I grew up in Florida and always love a great excuse to go home. What's better than a beautiful wedding?????...and yours sounds just dreamy. :love4: :love4: I'll be holding you to your notary duties when God truly sends Mr. Right my way. :lol: :lol:
I'll bite. I met my FH earlier this year.

I had been meeting caveman after caveman. I think I even started a thread about one wanting to purchase things for me like he was brokering a sales deal!! That got old quickly and I actually never accepted anything from him. His entire attitude disgusted me especially because he felt that since he looked good on paper he had free reign to behave badly. In fact MOST men I had dated felt the same way so I decided to do something different.

I decided to remain positive and avoided negativity like the plague. I mean REJECT - RUN - FLEE from negative men and MEN with bad attitudes.

I decided I'd rather be alone than to be a victim of these men.

I also decided to 'own' what I wanted in a relationship. I honestly didn't want to be wined and dined. I didn't want to be at the fanciest restaurant in town with someone who ultimately wasn't the one for me.

I decided that in order to have real connections I had to be real. Part of me being real was running from jerks but then also a part was opening up and revealing my true self to those positive men. I had become used to closing myself up trying to deal with men I didn't trust. :nono:

and when I met FH I didn't recognize him right away and was still talking on the phone with other men etc "trying to find the one":spinning:... then one day during lunch he told me that I was going to be his wife - just like that!.

I stopped and looked at him SERIOUSLY and paused. I thought "could this be true?" and he was just smiling and nodding his head.

I had been honest and open with him up to that point but I did not love him when he said this but I agreed to an exclusive relationship because I liked him ALOT!!! I would have fallen in love with him eventually anyway even if he had never said this.

So here I am planning to be married. I am truly blessed and the date is set August 20, 2011!!!

:clapping::blowkiss::love4: That's an incredible story. HUGE congratulations to you and your future DH. Thank you so much for sharing.
:clapping::blowkiss::love4: That's an incredible story. HUGE congratulations to you and your future DH. Thank you so much for sharing.

Thank you! It's really an emotional experience for me to share this story because I know how hard it is to wait and wait and keep waiting. It took a long time for me and it was a struggle at times (on and off).

But when I read this thread I was so inspired and encouraged because this is the kind of thread that keeps you positive !! :yep:

FH told me he prayed for me and boy did I ever pray for him too!!! So when I read this thread I just got sooo encouraged for all of the ladies who are praying because that FH probably has already said a prayer -or will soon say a prayer to find YOU TOO!!!:yep:
i'm in! This is one of my daily affirmations anyway: "I (insert my real name here) will be blessed with the perfect marriage to the man that will make the perfect husband for me by the time I'm 32 years old, claimed in Yeshua's name"

My prob is i hv a big heart and i gv it to the counterfeits & users in hope of being loved back...

ButI'm working on being the best me, cuz my affirmation states my husband will be the right man for me. So if I'm a lazy sleaze well, universal rule will bless me w/a marriage to a fellow sleazeball lol so I'm working on my attitude.

I also read the vision board thread the other day and bought stuff for mine that ill make this week.

I encourage others to do the same, even if its just writing it down on a small piece of ppr and leaving in your pillow or something.

I hv a little jar of stuff i wrote down that I didn't think would come true but later on they did, abundantly more then I had asked for too!

Good luck ladies and I stand in agreement for everyone to be blessed with a healthy marriage that's perfect for them :)