The "I'm Going to Get Married Thread"

Take it from me the right man will come into your life. Be optimistic and pray daily for him. Know within your heart that he is out there. Start preparing yourself to be the best wife. Enjoy this time with yourself you aren't alone. Practice all the domestic duties that will make your life easier once you are married. Step up on the recipes and family budgeting and take up a hobby of sewing or knitting. I totally recommend a book called Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin Keep yourself celibate if possible.
I know some may not agree but I do believe this makes a difference.

Search the archives for a post I posted a while back titled "Is This Marriage Normal?" I am no longer married to the man that I discussed in that post. We are amicable but I had to move on with my life. I sincerely wish him the best.

To fast forward I recently married the most wonderful man. It's sincerely humbling how God in His infinite mercy removes one from your life to bring you better. We must be content and patient through the trials to reap the rewards. Although I have been married before I am the happiest I have ever been at the beginning of marriage.
God has blessed me with my soulmate.

Sometimes we have to kiss a few frogs to find our prince:)

I love Mrs. Andelin, I recommend Fascinating Womanhood AND Fascinating Girl. Although I know her viewpoints are controversial and considered anti-feminist, however, her words have worked wonderfully for me in my personal life. :yep: <-funny thing is I do not subscribe to christianity in my personal beliefs, yet I still find her words beneficial
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@barbiesocialite-I love when people are up on her books especially African-American women. Our culture as African-Americans has a distorted view of what sincere womanhood is. We are drifting farther and farther from what our roles are and how we define them day to day. I pray that things will change because I sincerely wonder how the world will be in the next decade?
@barbiesocialite-I love when people are up on her books especially African-American women. Our culture as African-Americans has a distorted view of what sincere womanhood is. We are drifting farther and farther from what our roles are and how we define them day to day. I pray that things will change because I sincerely wonder how the world will be in the next decade?

I worry about black women as well. The marriage rate universally bothers me, but particularly as pertains to black women. All of the male--most notably black male--bashing threads really disturb me. I want bw to iive full and healthy lives and to be placed on the pedestal they deserve, unfortunately, what it takes to become such a woman is not popular opinion.

I've said this many many times on this forum, my observations are the reason why I have opted out of having daughters to concentrate both my emotional and financial efforts on to raising sons.
funny you mentioned celibacy, i just decided to lock it up until marriage after seeing the story on how half the men nationwide may have hpv :ill:
@barbiesocialite--In your opinion just curious what would it take to make a dynamic shift for our women?
I don't think that the problem is so complex. In fact it's a matter of getting back to the basics. Yet many women find the basics demeaning and undesirable. However some of the alternative is causing us to sink deeper and deeper into an abyss.

@BLESSED1-I have heard about the recent HPV statistics. Being in the medical field I see daily many charts where people have HPV. It's not a game and nothing to take likely. Especially the fact there is no diagnostic test available to men in regards to testing for HPV. A man simply won't know if he has it until a breakout occurs or the one whom he has infected lets him know. That is scary.
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I recommend a book called Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin. [QUOTE]

Amazon, here I come. Thank you Miss "K" for referring this book. :hug2:

Whoaaaaa!!!! I'm over at Amazon reading excerpts from this book. OOOOWWW MMYYY gawd! THIS BOOK IS AWESOME ladies! I can not WAIT to get my copy! I am to be married mid-April and I WILL have this baby read cover-to-cover before then.

Thank you, thank you, Kalia1.
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I have read Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin a couple times. Even now, I pull it out ever so often. Her website used to have a discussion forum on it and those women made practical application of her writing. It's not for everyone. But I learned alot. Also don't mistake her advocating femininity as advocating women be weak. Not at all. Quite the opposite.
Ladies, 4.5 weeks out! I am looking for a marriage dress to wear to da courthouse! Almost time for a new vision board. i think I'll see if his children want to do one with me. They are home-schooled and I think it to be an excellent lesson, art, etc.
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I have read Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin a couple times. Even now, I pull it out ever so often. Her website used to have a discussion forum on it and those women made practical application of her writing. It's not for everyone. But I learned alot. Also don't mistake her advocating femininity as advocating women be weak. Not at all. Quite the opposite.

I'm about through the publication first time. Thoroughly enjoying it. I read an excerpt from it to BFF the other day about men handling finances and he and I are so in agreement on such matters.

Ladies, my marriage is approximately 12 days away. I am so working the positive mind/comment theories . . . nervous as heck because I love me some him yaw'll. I wish, wish you all could be here, throw me a girly-girl wedding shower (no gifts necessary, your presence enough) you feel me!!!!! :dance7:
It has been accomplished. I feel like much of my mental state is thanks to the positive vibes and upbuilding convos right here at LHCF. I thank YOU ladies, my cyber road warriorettes.

With much love and respect,

Lovin' Locks

It has been accomplished. I feel like much of my mental state is thanks to the positive vibes and upbuilding convos right here at LHCF. I thank YOU ladies, my cyber road warriorettes.

With much love and respect,

Lovin' Locks


CONGRATULATIONS!!! you look so happy!
Congratulations @LovinLocks!!!! :congrats: I love the pic, you look radiant!!

Awwww thank you, Suga. The Notary that handled our ceremony said we look "cute together!" I was floored, as I never heard that before (we just came out of the closet so-to-speak in this area, so no biggie). Still, was nice to hear.

Have a sweet day. Hubby is out working and I'm home washing clothes, cleaning freezer, house, etc. :lachen: WHAT FUN, I love a clean home.
LovinLocks, congrats!

do you, and any other ladies, have any advice on how to get a guy to marry you?
i'm about to start dating again for the first time since last year that's why I'm asking

i'm thinking be myself and if they like me great, if not then K.I.M.