The Five Men You Should Stay Away From in 2011


Taking a Break from Posting
Via Necole Bi**hie's the Bi**chie Life

Your Ex-Boyfriend – No one should have to tell you this, but your ex is your ex for a reason. I’m a man, and trust me on this. We know how we got you the first time, so we’re pretty sure we have an idea how to get back in your good graces. We also understand that most women are inclined to have sex with someone they’ve already had sex with before someone new. Moreover, we know that no one likes failure; you’ll let your ex stay around just so you can have some semblance of success in a bad situation.

Name Droppers and Posers - Men who spend more time name dropping people they know and stunting with possessions they do not have are live and in full effect. Have you ever saw that guy in the club holding the key to his BMW? I’ve never understood that mentality. It seems like a way to lose your keys, if alcohol is involved. This guy is “bestfriends” with the party promoter, or he’s always got some business venture developing. He appears to be ambitious and destined for greatness when, in reality, he’s a liar. Once you start dating him, it all falls down quickly because he lacks the ability to keep up his front. Save yourself the trouble of dating a guy who seems like he’s going places because the relationship is going nowhere.

Conspiracy Theorist – Women love men who read and who can engage in intellectual debate. However, make sure your man isn’t a conspiracy theorist; those guys are the worst. They always have some type of twisted idea of what reality is. They also don’t believe in enjoying life because they’re convinced that life is about sorrow and mourning. They think that spending money is a conspiracy by the government to disenfranchise black America. At first, it will be interesting to hear his wealth of knowledge, but pretty soon you’ll find yourself sighing every time he opens his mouth.

He Just Got Signed – These things I know to be true. If a dude just got signed to anything, he’s not a good look for you. If he just got signed to a professional sports team, his entire life is about to change and he’s about to make more money than most people make in their entire life this year. If he just got signed to a label, he’s about to grow a head the size of a blimp, and his album may not even come out for a few years (if he’s even working on one). Both of these guys are egomaniacs, and they are just not the move. You don’t want to deal with the groupies, and you don’t want to be assumed to be one either.

Recently Single – When men get out of relationships they start to act funny. You shouldn’t be a shoulder to cry on, or a crutch to prop himself up on. If a guy is coming out of a serious relationship, let some other woman be his rebound. Yes, you may have been waiting and wondering what it would be like to date him, but he’s in no position to be dated. Most rebound relationships end after he’s completely over his ex. Save yourself the trouble. If he approaches you, tell him to try and get back with his ex, and if it doesn’t work, get at you in about six months.

Written by @DrJayJack
Name Droppers and Posers - in reality, he’s a liar.

Have you ever saw that guy in the club holding the key to his BMW? --How often does it happen that it's just a key from a junk yard or just a BMW "key chain."

In my day it was the "Pretty Ricky."
I seem to attract the recently single and yes it never works. They appear fine at first although a little too eager (first red flag). If you ask about the ex they swear they are over it and ready to move on. Yeah right! In reality they are in a dysfunctional state but you can't detect it right away,although now I'm becoming an expert at reading the signs ahead of time.
Okay 5 things to stay away from

A man who has 5 BABIES by 5 different women.

As was in another thread.

There you go
Yes, I spoke of my last date with a "Name Droppers and Posers" in my blog post.. Even I got tired of the lies. Usually I am needy and like keeping people around for physical :look: reasons but I just couldn't take it anymore.

Good thread.
I seem to attract the recently single and yes it never works. They appear fine at first although a little too eager (first red flag). If you ask about the ex they swear they are over it and ready to move on. Yeah right! In reality they are in a dysfunctional state but you can't detect it right away,although now I'm becoming an expert at reading the signs ahead of time.

Not to mention, 9 times out of 10 they get back with the ex anyway.