The burden of having a good man

She wants your life.

These four simple words say it all.

That woman is so jealous of you and what you have she can't even contain it.

And it's so obvious she was out to get your husband...anyone who can't see the game she was playing has huge blinders on. She deserves your disdain.

MedMunky, you are better than I am because I would have sent her butt to the hospital for real. And I am so glad your DH stood up for you the way he did.
hmm... this was a very enlightening thread. when i first read ur post i kinda just shrugged and was like "so? whats the problem?" i actually thought u were over reacting and if you really trusted your man and you loved him and he loved you then there should be nothing to worry about. i mean there's nothing wrong with having a friend of the opposite sex. i thought all of you guys were nuts for getting all up in arms about it. but the more i read about the whole "emotional relationship" part the and how's shes using ur man as a crutch and eventually it leading to more the more i understood where you guys were coming from. i wouldve never seen it that way... i guess i have a lot to learn.

So here >< with you. I had to reread it and really think. I guess for me, I allow people to make mistakes and give them a chance to know where my limits are before they get cut off. BUT in her case, the woman came back with attitude and it's a shame. *** her and her husband.
Well I read the entire thread. Great thread!

I think that you have a right to be upset and I'm glad your husband understood your feelings. One thing I would suggest, being married myself, it's more important to me that my husband understand boundaries, rules and limits than some random woman who is only out for herself. I suggest equipping your husband to "check" women so that you won't have to. People are always going to test the line and cross it - if we allow them too.

When I'm uncomfortable with a behavior from a female friend (of my husband's or just myself) or vice versa, we discuss it with each other. It's not always easy or painless...but it has to be done. That way WE are equipped to deal with it and don't have to come off looking "crazy" to someone of the opposite sex. So all I'm saying is it may be a good time to talk to your husband (if it's even needed now...not sure it is) and discuss "emotional affairs, boundaries, limits and what's appropriate for you guys as a couple". Also make sure you're preaching what you teach.

I really feel like your husband's first reaction when this woman called and said "get over here now" should have been, "Hey hun, so and so just called with an issue and her husband's not there, so why don't you come with me."

That would have solved a huge problem right there.

Lastly, I'm sorry this happened to you and I hope that you guys develop healthy relationships elsewhere, cause something was def off with that couple.
I think you did well with the way you handled the entire situation.

I understand the burden of having a good man. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, wants to call on him for any and everything.

Allandra can I borrow your husband. My left headlight needs to be changed. And the trash needs to be taken out. Thanks in advance! :)