The 10 signs She's the Perfect Mistress Side Piece


Well-Known Member
Found this mess on the single black male site

And folks wonder why many relationships are in shambles these days. May all these side pieces flip the script on these muvas and blow up every single spot catching feelings.

Every now and again you get bored with the love of your life and need to dabble outside the lines a bit with something fresh- a sidepiece. However, you just can’t pick any woman to be your side-piece. Your side-piece has to compliment you, your relationship, and your lifestyle or else she might cause more stress than she’s worth and blow up your spot.

You have to make sure she’s perfect for you, so here’s The 10 Signs She’s The Perfect Mistress Side-Piece:

She’s between the ages of 25-35.
You don’t want a mistress that’s too old or too young. The problem is that you don’t want to deal with a woman who is inexperienced because the chances of getting caught with someone who is a little young are higher — and you really don’t want to deal with a woman who is too old. You need a girl at a ripe age who’s going to give you good sex and is mature enough to be comfortable with the fact that she is just your mistress and nothing more.

Under no circumstance should she be uglier than your current wife.
You are treading on uncharted territories and it’s important that you understand that you may get caught. Aside from that possibility, how dumb would it look if you get caught with a mistress that is not better looking than your current wife? This makes the whole experience pointless and it is truly disrespectful to your wife.

You will not find her on any major social media networks.
The key factor in keeping your mistress under wraps is to make sure that she is not a social media whore. You do not need any publicity on social networks because you never know who’s watching. You do not want anyone from your office or your wife’s social network to see photos of you and your mistress.
The less publicity the better, you guys aren’t in this type of relationship to be seen, you are meant to enjoy each other’s company and to partake in the physical pleasures.

She’s comfortable with the fact that you have a wife and knows her role as your mistress.
The whole point of having the side dish is to be able to have some fun without your marriage getting messy. The best mistresses are the ones that know their role. She knows you’re married and knows that her needs cannot compromise your marriage because it will mess up the whole flow of things.
She will be aware of when you are with your wife and take caution when it comes to contacting you. Cover your steps as much as you can, make sure she knows she’s your mistress and nothing more and nothing less.

She stopped believing in love back in high school.
If she doesn’t believe in love, then you my friend are in the clear. This shows that she won’t catch feelings and the likelihood of her getting attached are slim to none. This is the ideal situation and nothing can be better than a mistress that has no desire to be anything more. Your biggest worry in this situation is making sure you don’t fall in love.

The rest disappeared from the site it seems.
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Frankly not sure I blame them some folk make it too easy. The number of insecure females (not women) out there is staggering, men being intrinsically selfish mammals have a good time with that.
Hmm 25-35? Not understanding the rationale here. Aren't those prime "I want to get married and start a family" years for most women? Focusing on that age group is a recipe for disaster, slashed tires, anonymous calls to wife, "surprise I pregnant" announcements...

Wait..why am I entertaining this???:lachen:
Hmm 25-35? Not understanding the rationale here. Aren't those prime "I want to get married and start a family" years for most women? Focusing on that age group is a recipe for disaster, slashed tires, anonymous calls to wife, "surprise I pregnant" announcements...

Wait..why am I entertaining this???:lachen:

I was thinking the same thing...just not right. I see visions of major disruption.

BTW, are the calls still anonymous?
Hmm 25-35? Not understanding the rationale here. Aren't those prime "I want to get married and start a family" years for most women? Focusing on that age group is a recipe for disaster, slashed tires, anonymous calls to wife, "surprise I pregnant" announcements...

Wait..why am I entertaining this???:lachen:

Ok good I wasn't the only one confused. Stupid people logic
Well I'm thinking in the writers mind, the average guy aint gonna be attracted to a side piece over 35. That means she's elderly I guess. Where's the fun it that? So for him...HIM 35 is the limit.

Pure comedy.... men write manuals for this but these same men would want to murder their wives/SOs if they found out she had a side piece and was getting away with it successfully for a long time. Men would be up in arms if a woman wrote a manual on how to successfully cheat on your husband and what kind of guy fits the bill.
Under no circumstance should she be uglier than your current wife.
You are treading on uncharted territories and it’s important that you understand that you may get caught. Aside from that possibility, how dumb would it look if you get caught with a mistress that is not better looking than your current wife? This makes the whole experience pointless and it is truly disrespectful to your wife.

because actively searching for a mistress isn't. dummies smh
Some of those comments under the article are hilarious!

lol The thing is 9x out of 10 in some cases the wife was the best he could get, that’s why he wifed her. So side pieces who aren’t as cute maybe the only thing within his grasp. Plus let&#039s say a man does get a better looking side piece, a JLO or Kerri Washington, now he knows the extent of his woman pool and will probably leave if the option opens up. Now the wifey/girlfriend is not only crying and hurt because he cheated now she has to watch him be taken away from the woman who looks 10x better than her. at least with the ugly chick she can be like (he downgraded lol)

(Not that I condone cheating)
Really ridiculous for many reasons. There hasn't been not one study or book I've read on the topic that shows a large % of women not wanting to be more. Most of the women in these situations want to be more or eventually get to that point. smh. How dumb is this guy and any guys who believe this?
I feel like the writer is some 19-year-old college dropout whose buried his sorrows in ratchet hip hop music lyrics.

She stopped believing in love back in high school.
If she doesn’t believe in love, then you my friend are in the clear. This shows that she won’t catch feelings and the likelihood of her getting attached are slim to none. This is the ideal situation and nothing can be better than a mistress that has no desire to be anything more. Your biggest worry in this situation is making sure you don’t fall in love.
This makes me sad. :(

To the person who questioned the 25-35 year range, the fact that they're looking for love is the same reason why some women get "caught up". The man tells them that they're marriage is unhappy and that they're ready to leave and 'start afresh', only to be led along in the hopes that the man will marry them and have a family with them, etc. By the time they hit 35 and above, they're jaded and bitter messes.
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This makes me sad. :(

This is very typical of men believe it or not. And it gets worse. A few years ago I was made privy to a conversation where a group of men were saying that the best type of jump off is the one who has been sexually abused growing up, the earlier the better. Why? Because she is broken, can be broken some more and are usually very permiscuous and sexually explorative. These men LOVE damaged women they can continue taking advantage of.

Digressing a bit further: A lot of times these women confide in men thinking they are getting sympathy and empathy and all they are doing is collecting information to guide them in what they can and will do to you.

When women go running to men about their love issues talking about they dont believe in love, etc. They are thinking this man is going to WANT to be the one to prove her wrong and make a difference. Nah, he will just continue f-ing you and eventually move on to a more emotionally healthy woman. Then as stated in the article you become perfect side piece material....not a wife.

This is a sick world I tell you full of vultures, manipulators and prey.
^^^ This is the scariest thing I've read in a long time. Those men deserve to be punished. *shakes head*
I'm telling y'all that blog "Black Girls Are Easy" open up a world of real information many women in the dating world NEED to know. I hate that this dude entitled his blog that way because it puts so many women off who really need to read it. But despite the title, the content (however in-your-face it is) is good info.
A lot of women think they are so clever these days in figuring men out. We dont even know the half. This dude blows men up left and right and tells women how to not be taken for granted.

There are so many men running around here looking good on paper, saying all the right things, have the image to appear like a good guy....(and while many of them are) many are also carrying secrets of a sick and deceitful life where they take advantage of women left and right.

I am sure to many I am very cynical. I'm not...I just dont sugar coat reality. I threw off and smashed to bits those rose colored glasses a long time ago.
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I'm telling y'all that blog "Black Girls Are Easy" open up a world of real information many women in the dating world NEED to know. I hate that this dude entitled his blog that way because it puts so many women off who really need to read it. But despite the title, the content (however in-your-face it is) is good info. A lot of women think they are so clever these days in figuring men out. We dont even know the half. This dude blows men up left and right and tells women how to not be taken for granted. There are so many men running around here looking good on paper, saying all the right things, has the image to appear like a good guy....(and while many of them are) many are also carrying secrets of a sick and deceitful life where they take advantage of women left and right. But I am sure to many I am very cynical. I'm not...I just dont sugar coat reality. I threw off and smashed to bits those rose colored glasses a long time ago.

I just read some of his posts. They are really insightful. I think most of things he said I learned from the last guy I was dealing with. I did so much internal work on myself and how I think of men and their intentions.

The only thing I don't agree with is I feel like he believes a person cannot be single and content. To him everyone is trying to find a man or get some pu$$y. I enjoy being single and not even on some I'm waiting for Prince Charming or men don't pay attention to me. For me I've always preferred to go backwards with relationships, friend then lover, not lover then friend.

If I meet a nice guy fine, but I think a lot of women end up in the tragic situations he talks about out of fear of being alone or being the single one, yet his solution for that is to find a man. My solution is to use that time to love and appreciate yourself, look at a relationship like a want, not a necessity.
I just read some of his posts. They are really insightful. I think most of things he said I learned from the last guy I was dealing with. I did so much internal work on myself and how I think of men and their intentions.

The only thing I don't agree with is I feel like he believes a person cannot be single and content. To him everyone is trying to find a man or get some pu$$y. I enjoy being single and not even on some I'm waiting for Prince Charming or men don't pay attention to me. For me I've always preferred to go backwards with relationships, friend then lover, not lover then friend.

If I meet a nice guy fine, but I think a lot of women end up in the tragic situations he talks about out of fear of being alone or being the single one, yet his solution for that is to find a man. My solution is to use that time to love and appreciate yourself, look at a relationship like a want, not a necessity.

I agree ..especially with the bolded. Knowing yourself, being true to yourself and sticking to your boundaries will take you a long way down a smoother path.
Hmm 25-35? Not understanding the rationale here. Aren't those prime "I want to get married and start a family" years for most women? Focusing on that age group is a recipe for disaster, slashed tires, anonymous calls to wife, "surprise I pregnant" announcements... Wait..why am I entertaining this???:lachen:

I am surprised more women don't know this - they think if you are unmarried and unattached between 25-35 you have given up on being married/love and will be more willing to agree to being a side piece.
I think the perfect mistress is 35+ divorced woman with older children


I agree.:yep:

People overrate and exaggerate the power of women's youth.

Young women don't know how to play their position. They are too uncontrollable, unpredictable, emotionally unstable and volatile to maintain mistress status for very long. The most juvenile & petty games are played during youth. They also get caught up in romantic fantasies. Not to mention the fact that young women are the neediest. Further making matters worse, young women runtelldat running their mouth :blah:, drama magnets, attention whores, etc. Loose lips sink ships. Discretion is not their forte. Messiness occurs even when they are trying not to be messy.

For a married man, all the above is a problem---not to mention a hassle. Marriage stabilizes men. They are dull & lazy. lol They don't like excitement, surprises and interruptions from their daily monotony. Young women are a lot of drama and bs, too risky to make legit mistresses more often than not. Most men can't control their marriages, let alone their wives, so the last thing they want is another woman they can't control who ends up running them. That's too much work. After all, that's what the wife is for.:lol:

With exception to highschool/college sweethearts and entertainment/athlete groupies the real kept women and the ones that land/attract/marry money are +30. Trophy wives and kept mistresses are rarely pyt still wet behind the ears. There's a reason why most of the "Real Housewives" are close to forty at the youngest. If you really pay attention most will notice most of them were close to 30 or older when they finally "bagged" their piggy banks aka hubbies. Even for regular wives/gf I've noticed that it takes women a while to master the art of game. Power imbalances in relationships for most women usually take place in her teens and twenties--this is particularly evident in the types of issues of women that marry early, as well as the divorce rate but that's another thread.....

For older women: Low-maintenance + clear standards/expectations + maturity = mistress from heaven :yep:

Real life isn't like a lifetime movie, there's a reason why in real life most married men are likely to cheat with a close friend or coworker (usually not the secretary either). The whole men are likely to chase young tail is a myth. They arent investing in youngins like that after theyre married. The couple of men that that try are usually the idiots known to learn things the hard way.
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You know I also think it's kind of dated. Like men need to step up and instead o pushing the idea of mistresses and cheating they should focus on advocating polygamy and making it legal to marry multiple women, I'm pretty sure there are lobbying groups. I know there are people who want the benefits of marriage but who don't believe in monogamy, there are plenty of women who are down with sharing. This guy is making it harder on men. I dunno if I was a guy, I'd most likely marry a women who's down with sharing or not marry at all.
You know I also think it's kind of dated. Like men need to step up and instead o pushing the idea of mistresses and cheating they should focus on advocating polygamy and making it legal to marry multiple women, I'm pretty sure there are lobbying groups. I know there are people who want the benefits of marriage but who don't believe in monogamy, there are plenty of women who are down with sharing. This guy is making it harder on men. I dunno if I was a guy, I'd most likely marry a women who's down with sharing or not marry at all.

Really? Are you married now? If you are, would you be ok with sharing your husband under a possible new polygamous law. Not judging at all. I really am curious.
Really? Are you married now? If you are, would you be ok with sharing your husband under a possible new polygamous law. Not judging at all. I really am curious.
Yes I'm married, and I'm absolute against it for myself,( I don't have the personality type to share resources or time, or the D) but I see it as a great alternative for people who aren't In favor of traditional monogamy. The culture of cheating breaks up families, fcks up generations, children being raised without knowing their fathers ect. I just think it could make for a better society in the long run.

I think the key to getting the type of relationship you want whether it be traditional monogamy, gay, polygamous, female trans, or 2 robots, bdsm, or whatever .. is just being tru to your self, honest with your partner ( if you like to fck on the side, just say so), and communicate. My dh knows I'd go Lorena bobbit on him I'm not down with sharing lol
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Yes I'm married, and I'm absolute against it for myself,( I don't have the personality type to share resources or time, or the D) but I see it as a great alternative for people who aren't In favor of traditional monogamy. The culture of cheating breaks up families, fcks up generations, children being raised without knowing their fathers ect. I just think it could make for a better society in the long run.

I think the key to getting the type of relationship you want whether it be traditional monogamy, gay, polygamous, female trans, or 2 robots, bdsm, or whatever .. is just being tru to your self, honest with your partner ( if you like to fck on the side, just say so), and communicate. My dh knows I'd go Lorena bobbit on him I'm not down with sharing lol

I agree..and if this culture promoted polygamy and succeeded and every man was able to cross over and marry more women....I'd divorce and remain single for the rest of my life. I'm with you...I'm not built to share.
I agree..and if this culture promoted polygamy and succeeded and every man was able to cross over and marry more women....I'd divorce and remain single for the rest of my life. I'm with you...I'm not built to share.

I think the issue here would be the feminist wouldn't allow it without the option of polyandry. Also, I don't think men truly understand what polygyny is! It does not mean you have a wife and 2 side chicks, no you have 3 WIVES and you have to treat each of them like it. But watching shows with polygyny makes me fairly sad because you can see the undertones of jealousy and a large burden on the husband because if one wife gets a house, then all of the wives get a house.
I'm telling y'all that blog "Black Girls Are Easy" open up a world of real information many women in the dating world NEED to know. I hate that this dude entitled his blog that way because it puts so many women off who really need to read it. But despite the title, the content (however in-your-face it is) is good info.
A lot of women think they are so clever these days in figuring men out. We dont even know the half. This dude blows men up left and right and tells women how to not be taken for granted.

There are so many men running around here looking good on paper, saying all the right things, have the image to appear like a good guy....(and while many of them are) many are also carrying secrets of a sick and deceitful life where they take advantage of women left and right.

I am sure to many I am very cynical. I'm not...I just dont sugar coat reality. I threw off and smashed to bits those rose colored glasses a long time ago.

OH I sooo agree with you on that Blog: Black Girls Are Easy. I will add The Rules Revisited as well. I visit both quite frequently and men forums as well.
This is very typical of men believe it or not. And it gets worse. A few years ago I was made privy to a conversation where a group of men were saying that the best type of jump off is the one who has been sexually abused growing up, the earlier the better. Why? Because she is broken, can be broken some more and are usually very permiscuous and sexually explorative. These men LOVE damaged women they can continue taking advantage of. Digressing a bit further: A lot of times these women confide in men thinking they are getting sympathy and empathy and all they are doing is collecting information to guide them in what they can and will do to you. When women go running to men about their love issues talking about they dont believe in love, etc. They are thinking this man is going to WANT to be the one to prove her wrong and make a difference. Nah, he will just continue f-ing you and eventually move on to a more emotionally healthy woman. Then as stated in the article you become perfect side piece material....not a wife. This is a sick world I tell you full of vultures, manipulators and prey.

Wow you just spilled some gospel in this post! I believe this as well but have never been able to pin point it directly like this, wow what a shame.

It's better for women who have traumatic issue to seek help and healing because there really are animals out here that can sniff them out for the kill and if a woman is not discerning enough, she'll get caught up in crap over and over.
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