Telling all your ex's business.........

He's still in love with her, and he likes to talk about her.

To be honest I dont think it's love. If he loved the ex he wouldnt spread her buisiness out like that. He's in lust. He probably doesnt understand what love is because if he did he would put yours or the ex best interest above him. He tells you what she says about you and tells you things about her because he wants you two to be at odds about him. He likes having two girls swooning over him.

He seems like a damaged man either way and I know you deserve way better. I go by this now, if love or anything about the relationship has to be questioned then it is not right. True love wont have so many suspecting red flags and messiness.

You will find that special someone soon enough, but he is harmful.

I apologize for the long pause but I really had to deal with this issue. I decided to break it off with him as I felt this would be better for the both of us. I appreciate the responses and as always, wanna say thanks to all my sista girls for lending an ear and giving feedback. I will take some time to heal and prepare myself to jump back into online dating full force.

A side note, I put an ad up a few days ago because I knew this was coming but didn't know when. I've gotten lots of responses but so far nothing has materialized. Lots of pervs but I'm keeping positive!

I apologize for the long pause but I really had to deal with this issue. I decided to break it off with him as I felt this would be better for the both of us. I appreciate the responses and as always, wanna say thanks to all my sista girls for lending an ear and giving feedback. I will take some time to heal and prepare myself to jump back into online dating full force.

A side note, I put an ad up a few days ago because I knew this was coming but didn't know when. I've gotten lots of responses but so far nothing has materialized. Lots of pervs but I'm keeping positive!

Thats great :yep: Don't forget we are always here for you.
And don't let him reel you back in like last time with tears and begging. This your life, not his. And you are not responsible for his. If he's ready to jump off a cliff because of you quitting him then boo on him cause you done told him how you feel and yet he just keep on doing the same crap. The good news is I doubt you'll meet another dude like him, he was pretty unique IMO and unique as in peculiar and weird. You can do better, much better.
Brighteyes35 don't look back and don't take any of his bs calls!!!!! He has shown you who he is believe him and move on. Believe me you will find a better man if you proceed cautiously.