Telling all your ex's business.........


Well-Known Member
My boyfriend constantly tells me all his ex girlfriend's business even though I've told him to stop. So far this is what I know about this chic:

She's had 5 abortions

Her dad was a serial cheater

Her mom got around ALOT

She did my boyfriend wrong and was emotionally neglectful to him

Her ex boyfriend prior to him was a drug dealer who abused her

She didn't learn how to cook or do laundry until she was 30

She's had multiple friends with benefits relationships

I know her full name and birthdate

She's spoiled

To me this is TMI! Why he is telling me this is beyond me. When he talks about her it's with bitterness. It's so crazy and I'm kinda tired of it. Mind you, his ex and I work in the same buidling!
your bf and his "ex" are just doing way too much... at some point you have to think why he is so engrossed with her in his life still.

eta: you have to watch how men treat people OTHER than you in his life, because if he could do it to them, he will have no qualms doing it to you. for me, i cant date a man who shhet talks his ex. says more about him than her.
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He might not be over the relationship. He's so bitter, but wasn't he telling this woman about your relationship? Has he stopped doing that?

It doesn't seem a good sign if a man can't keep his ex's name out of his mouth. Clearly he spends alot of time thinking about her.
He sounds like a washwoman. Why is that your business and how does that currently better your relationship? And if you two should part ways he will discuss you and her. Run!!!!!!!!!!
You still dealing with this simp arse ninja? Again he is full of b!tcharseness but I guess that is attractive to some.
he is probably still boning the ex, op. really no other reason to talk about her on a regular basis.
Do you question why he's telling you this information and why he's so consumed with her life. Especially since he's with you now.

It's all so peculiar.
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SO hasn't talked much about his exes except about why they broke up. It tickled me to know that his last GF had a stinky vagina. :giggle:
BGT!!!!!!!!!!!! No words.

He tried to face color with her and couldn't even start because she smelled like rotten fish. He told her it was because she was too hairy but really her hair was just holding in all that funk!
OP, like the other members have told you, please stop wasting your precious (emphasize "precious") time with this dude. He is a beyoch and showing you that he is one repeatedly. I had an ex like this; he would constantly run people down and gossip and best believe he did the same thing to me while he was with me! I found that out in a horrible way. I bet money this dude is running right back to ol' girl and telling her things about you. And don't think he won't tell a lie on you just to be relevant. Most gossipers love to embellish to keep the drama going. I know you dont want to hear this but he is also still into his ex; if you're not bringing her up, why does he constantly feel the need to? Is this the same dude who was telling this same "horrible ex", your private business? The ex probably dumped him for this exact reason. He is showing you who he is, PAY ATTENTION!!!!! He's an immature, negative, BWOY, who is incapable of having an adult relationship. I bet he blames the ex for the demise of the relationship and cries the "I'm a nice person, I never did nuthin' to nobody"song.. Please delete this passive aggressive QUAIN from your life. You'll be kicking yourself later if you don't.
OP, like the other members have told you, please stop wasting your precious (emphasize "precious") time with this dude. He is a beyoch and showing you that he is one repeatedly. I had an ex like this; he would constantly run people down and gossip and best believe he did the same thing to me while he was with me! I found that out in a horrible way. I bet money this dude is running right back to ol' girl and telling her things about you. And don't think he won't tell a lie on you just to be relevant. Most gossipers love to embellish to keep the drama going. I know you dont want to hear this but he is also still into his ex; if you're not bringing her up, why does he constantly feel the need to? Is this the same dude who was telling this same "horrible ex", your private business? The ex probably dumped him for this exact reason. He is showing you who he is, PAY ATTENTION!!!!! He's an immature, negative, BWOY, who is incapable of having an adult relationship. I bet he blames the ex for the demise of the relationship and cries the "I'm a nice person, I never did nuthin' to nobody"song.. Please delete this passive aggressive QUAIN from your life. You'll be kicking yourself later if you don't.

she already knows he is! she posted before about him talking about personal details of their relationship with his ex at work. his ex is also his coworker iirc.
I agree that his behavior is very peculiar, not very manly or mature. It seems you know something is really wrong but you can't quite put your finger on it and you don't want to jump to conclusions. I will tell you that once you figure everything out, if you ever do, you will be very sorry you waited so long. It's like the saying Oprah used to talk about on her show: first God sends you a pebble, then a rock, etc., well you get the point. You seem to really like him and most of us have told you that he is strange, immature, and seems hung up on the ex, but no matter what you seem determined to make this work. So, I wish you the best. At some point why not just except how he is and try to enjoy the relationship and quit worrying so much? I mean he is pretty consistent with this behavior and seems rather simple, so you know how he is, so I just say accept it and be happy as possible or move on. You can't change him and I think that is becoming very clear to you.
OP, you haven't concluded that your man is playing both of you allready?

He talks bad about you to the "ex." Telling her about your sex life (or lack thereof), menstrual cycles and all of that.

He talks bad about her to you. Why do you need to know her sexual/reproductive history.

You can't see that he is clearly trying to make you all hate each other because he's sexing the both of you?

Please wake up OP...You falling for the oldest trick in the book. What are you getting out of this relationship? Serious question...
OP- Are you upset over this OR is it possible that you thought that he was telling you HER business as a way of getting closer to you? Are you a wee bit flattered?
Also, have you asked him if he still loves her? Flat out, one time.....
What you say flows from what is in your heart.

Man talk about somebody that much would get the side eye from me. Is he stilled hooked on her.
SO hasn't talked much about his exes except about why they broke up. It tickled me to know that his last GF had a stinky vagina. :giggle:
The question is, did he still hit it?

OP, don't tell him a darn thing that you don't want repeated. I couldn't be with him, she sounds like a little old, gossiping person.
Seems like he can't shake the ex. He tells you what the ex said about you, what the ex sex life is like, what the ex personal life is like, what the ex said to him, what the ex daddy did to her, what the ex momma did, what the ex said at work, when does it stop. Seems like he can't get over the girl for him to tell u all this stuff about her she seems to be ALWAYS on his mind and in his thoughts. This girl shouldn't be coming up this much. She was suppose to stay in his pass.
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OP, you haven't concluded that your man is playing both of you allready?

He talks bad about you to the "ex." Telling her about your sex life (or lack thereof), menstrual cycles and all of that.

He talks bad about her to you. Why do you need to know her sexual/reproductive history.

You can't see that he is clearly trying to make you all hate each other because he's sexing the both of you?

Please wake up OP...You falling for the oldest trick in the book. What are you getting out of this relationship? Serious question...
:blush: This is that ex... :perplexed
OP, honestly you need to stop posting about your BF because we DGAF anymore. Are you making threads about your relationship just for fun or out of boredom? I ask because you ask for advice, we give it and you STILL ignore it(obviously since you're still with him).

You seem to have low self esteem to stay with a man like that. Don't worry, you will find someone better than this guy without the complications(sleeping with both you and his ex) its okay to break up with him.