Surge Hair Revitalizer Plus 14

I quickly searched on line and found that propylene glycol is used in antifreeze as well.

HotCoCoGurl130 said:
dontspeakdefeat said:
Let's make it last until the end of the year. Maybe we should start a challenge thread too! Brittany do you want to do it?!

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End of the year like 2004 or next October?

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Dec 2003
It's weird how I purchased this bottle over 3 months ago used it a few times after a wash as a leave in and never paid attention to it again.
n-e-ways i guess I'm in the challenge since I already have a bottle but this time I'll follow the instructions, especially since how everyone is talking about it
harlemglitz said:
DDHair said:
Well I bought some for my niece and she is 11. Her hair was breaking badly in the back, she has already had a relaxer (but she gets them infrequently), so whatever products I think will help her hair that has becomce damaged, especially if I have received good results with them, I get for her.

The hair product would be the last thing I worry about when it comes to hormones for my niece, I could see if I was giving her protein shakes or the vitamins I take or something, but my niece (mainly due to heredity) is a big girl, I mean she is tall and solid. When my ex-boyfriend was in college studying Civil Engineering, he was taking classes on water treatment and he told me then, that there are tons of hormones in water that have these kids growing and acting ridiculously. I know that there is a lot of hormones in food too, so I probably wouldn't be that concerned with the hair products I put in the child's head as much as I would what they take orally the products that they intake on a daily basis, water and food. I am just saying I don't think it is anything wrong with using very small amounts on your child's hair, and maybe the recommended usage for damaged hair.

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Yeah it's true. Nothing is safe anymore. That's why so many people are sick. My whole thing is certain things you don't put on or in kids. But you are right about taking something orally. Skin you get less in the blood. But if you never used the relaxer than her hair may have not been damage. But like I said a baby or toddler is pushing it.

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Girl it ain't the relaxer that broke her hair as much as improper care. She really doesn't have anyone around that can take really good care of her hair, but when I move back I hope to get her hair back on track!

As far as hair growth after Surge goes, I haven't noticed any problems. Well maybe because the only thing I have done since using it, is maybe using it less (laziness). I would think that if anything maybe after your scalp realizes that you are not using it, your hair just doesn't grow the same way (as fast), but I seriously doubt it will fall out or anything, like with any other oil or product (that's not like Rogaine) that aids growth.

In Texas there are a few Asian beauty supplies that have it in Houston, I don't know if you can order it from them. And in Dallas there are some Asian and one white owned in Oak Cliff, I still don't know if you can order. If it seems like it will take a while for Austin to get the product then let me know and I will see if I can check on ordering them from stores.
Chipmunk said:
bee said:
Hi, ladies! Noone has said what happens to your hair when you stop using it. I read where a couple of people stopped noticing growth when they stopped using Surge. Does that mean your hair will fall out if you use it and stop?!

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Are you saying that their hair stopped growing at all? Or that their hair stopped growing as fast?

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DOes anyone has the answer for that? What vesion do you all use or bought. The spray/ moisturizer. I called my walgreen's store and they didn't nothing about SURGE!
I might have to order mine online.
LADIES.I cant wait to hear about the results everyone has
with this product I will definitely try after product challenge is over.GOOD LUCK.
Thanks DDHair. I ordered from Paynes this morning and they have already started shipping process. I will let you know if in the future if I can't find it here. Thanks again.
I called the company and asked two quetions:

1. If you stop using the product, will your hair fall out like Rogaine or Monoxil?

The representative said "no." He said the reason why your hair fallls out with Rogaine and Monoxil is because they use hormones. A switch in hormones tends to cause hair to shed. Women going through menopause or who stop using birth control can attest to this. Surge does not have hormones. If you stop using it, your hair goes back to its normal growth rate.

2. What is the effect of hair that has been "treated" with the Surge, or can you put a relaxer on new growth that has been treated with Surge?

The representative stated that this product will improve new growth to "lessen" the damaging effects of relaxer. He states there are no side effects with using this product in conjunction with a relaxer.

I am just taking all his comments in with a grain of salt because a representative would not bad mouth his own company, but just thought I'd let you know.

perfect peace
Starz- On 149th and 3rd (where the 2 stops, next door to Mcdonalds) there's an optima beauty supply. I called the company and they told me that they sold the surge there, but I'm not 100% sure becsue the stupid store was closed by the time I got out of work. I'll go there tomorrow to see...
It's so funny, I never had any of these worries when buying, I just saw biotin and bought! It was shortly after I became a member of the board and I saw that biotin was important in hair growth, so I walked the aisles of all kinds of beauty supplies, from Sally's to the Asian ones, even drug stores and Wal-Mart and Target. I saw products that said they grew hair or helped with healthy hair, but I did not see any of the hair growing ingredients, such as biotin, niacin, and inositol and that was all I knew at the time. When I saw Surge, I was like yeah I am getting it, it has biotin (and Keratin Protein) , it didn't take long for me to make the decision, because I foundly found the ingredient I was looking for. Now to be truthful, Fantasia IC Hair Strengthener Spray (which is also a fave) has more in it, Biotin, Vitamin B1, B5, Niacin, Hydrolyzed Keratin, and Panthenol, (as well as some of the same ingredients as Surge (so I don't see anything scary about Surge). I guess because it is not a "name brand" or a familiar brand, we should be afraid, but hey, everything has to get it's start, but I do understand, we have had some nightmares in the hair business, just make your own choice, I like the product and all I can do is suggest it.
Purtygurly said:
Starz- On 149th and 3rd (where the 2 stops, next door to Mcdonalds) there's an optima beauty supply. I called the company and they told me that they sold the surge there, but I'm not 100% sure becsue the stupid store was closed by the time I got out of work. I'll go there tomorrow to see...

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could you let us know if you get it there ..i'm in Manh. can't seem to find it
i hear you. i have used surge since august and usually i have about 1/3 inch of growth per month, but now i have like 4 inches of growth monthly. it's great stuff, except it leaves my hair dry.
Does payne’s beauty& barber supply, Inc takes money order. I called 3 places. 2 Sally's and walgreens. They never herd of surge or carring it. Is there another online stores that takes money if Payne does>

Sorry for mispelles and tipos
Does payne’s beauty& barber supply, Inc takes money order. I called 3 places. 2 Sally's and walgreens. They never herd of surge or carring it. Is there another online stores that takes money order if Payne does>

Sorry for mispelles and tipos
Charlotte said:
i hear you. i have used surge since august and usually i have about 1/3 inch of growth per month, but now i have like 4 inches of growth monthly. it's great stuff, except it leaves my hair dry.

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Charlotte, how long is your hair over all? 4inches of growth in one month??????

With that kind of success I should get one bottle for my hair and another bottle to drink.
I hear ya JazzAngel. Ya 4 inches that is a lot tell us about it. How much did you get the first month you tried it? How do you apply it and how often?

Who is that women in yout signature? I stole her for you and she is now on my desktop!
I love her hair. She is my goal!
Good freaken grief! All I want is another 3-4 inches...that's all....*sighs* ....::goes to order Surge:::