Surge Hair Revitalizer Plus 14

yokourt said:
I love your black hair !

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ahhhhhh.......Thanks! (I've learned so much more since being on these boards. I love it!)
brittanynic16 said:

Who is that women in yout signature? I stole her for you and she is now on my desktop!
I love her hair. She is my goal!

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Her name is Kenya Moore. I love her hair too
Charlotte, how long is your hair over all? 4inches of growth in one month??????

With that kind of success I should get one bottle for my hair and another bottle to drink.

my hair is about 9 1/2 inches now.
Charlotte said:
Charlotte, how long is your hair over all? 4inches of growth in one month??????

With that kind of success I should get one bottle for my hair and another bottle to drink.

my hair is about 9 1/2 inches now.

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Good question... 4in. a month makes u wonder
Maybe she wanted to say that she grew 4 inches in the past few months. I mean 4 inches in ONE MONTH??? Is that humanly possible?
Ive never met anyone who can grow 4 inches of hair in ONE MONTH, not even people I know whose hair seems to grow really fast. If this is true, that's great.
Well I can say that I'm not on track to get 4 inches in 1 month. Tomorrow I will be using the Surge for 1 week and I sure dont have 1 inch of new growth.
starz said:
Thanks Purtygurly. I purchased 2 bottles($4.99) today at optima bss on 149th st. and 3rd avenue.

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is this location in manhattan? if not do you know train to go there? God bless you all.
starz- what???
I went there and they said they didn't have it! I didn't believe them (I just didn't want to
) and I looked for it myself. Is it in the ailse or behind the counter?

How could the lady say they din't have it??? Stupid lady! If I go in there and find it I'm gonna feel like killing her. I had to order mine online for 12 dollars and change.
azul, it's in the bronx, but it's only 2 stops on the train into the Bronx. The 2 and the 5 stop almost directly in front of the store. You should get off at third avenue-149th street.
yes, i did get 4 inches of growth in one month. it only took 2 and a half months for me to go from twa to 9 inches. i also take biotin, msm, kelp, flaxseed oil and a multivitamin supplement.
4 inches in one month? Ok so by the end of the year your hair should be at bra strap about 16 inches of hair. Next year at this time your hair should be to your waist. Good grief!
Charlotte said:
yes, i did get 4 inches of growth in one month. it only took 2 and a half months for me to go from twa to 9 inches. i also take biotin, msm, kelp, flaxseed oil and a multivitamin supplement.

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Bumping can't just stop there Charlotte!

consistently 4 inches a month? Since when? Pics? How often/how do you use surge? What about those supplements-how much? How on earth did you get appr. 8 inches in 2 months???
Purtygurly, I found the Surge in the aisle at the store. It's at the front of the aisle (that has the hair coloring products), to your right. I think it was on the second shelf from the top. Hope this helps.
TigerOrange said:
I'm taking a trip back to Columbia, SC to get some. There is a BSS that sells it there One of the few places in SC

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What's BBS stands for. I'm in SC now but not in the columbia area on and off. I called to 2 sally's stores and don't have it. Or maybe I pronounce(sp) the word SURGE wrong. I emailed Payne's they take money order but they accept US postal money order. I don;t know how to get the US postal. I usally use Westren Union. I might find BSS in my area.
TigerOrange said:
I'm taking a trip back to Columbia, SC to get some.

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Kim's in the Whitewater (Widewater?) shopping center at 3315 Broad River Rd sells all three Surge products. It's in the doo-rag and hair color aisle. Right after the hair color.
The Solid Gold on North Main has it. That is right by the intersection of where the old Sam's used to be. They also have it a one store in Greenville. I have no idea where it is though. I called and the lady barely spoke English
You know how that goes. I really hate to patronize these stores, but I really don't have a choice if I want this product. They also have a store in Gaffney, Rock Hill, and Charleston.
I am begining to have second thoughts about the Surge, today I noticed that dispite all my efforts to keep my hair moist the ends of my hair are getting a bit dry.

Anyone has this problem? Today makes it one week of using it.
Hey JazzAngel, because of the protein which tends to make hair hard, you need extra moisture. I will only be spraying my scalp with it daily and putting it on the length of my hair maybe twice a week. I used mango butter this morning on my ends then put on a plastic cap while I got ready for work. After a few minutes of that I had super moist hair -- ends included. Extra moisture is key, Keep at it girlie!
I just ran out and bought two bottles after I lost my braid. I can't have that happening again. I bought mine in Jamaica.
JazzAngel said:
I am begining to have second thoughts about the Surge, today I noticed that dispite all my efforts to keep my hair moist the ends of my hair are getting a bit dry.

Anyone has this problem? Today makes it one week of using it.

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A few of the ladies complained of this so they just spray on the scalp not their hair.