Surge Hair Revitalizer Plus 14

I guess I'll just use it on myself. I really don't mind about my children's appearance. They have beautiful hair that had don't have any problems maintaining. I was only gonna use it on my baby's hair because her hair is really short and if this product worked, then we'd definately see it in her hair. Anyhow, I guess we have a Surge challenge going on here?
Well I bought some for my niece and she is 11. Her hair was breaking badly in the back, she has already had a relaxer (but she gets them infrequently), so whatever products I think will help her hair that has becomce damaged, especially if I have received good results with them, I get for her.

The hair product would be the last thing I worry about when it comes to hormones for my niece, I could see if I was giving her protein shakes or the vitamins I take or something, but my niece (mainly due to heredity) is a big girl, I mean she is tall and solid. When my ex-boyfriend was in college studying Civil Engineering, he was taking classes on water treatment and he told me then, that there are tons of hormones in water that have these kids growing and acting ridiculously. I know that there is a lot of hormones in food too, so I probably wouldn't be that concerned with the hair products I put in the child's head as much as I would what they take orally the products that they intake on a daily basis, water and food. I am just saying I don't think it is anything wrong with using very small amounts on your child's hair, and maybe the recommended usage for damaged hair.
Thanks DDHair! I agree. I guess we can get some input on everyone's results...let's say around 30 November! I can't wait to see what the results are!! I honestly hope that this product really works! I'm excited!!
I have received good results from Surge, I am on my 3rd bottle, and I don't plan on buying anymore until I get to Dallas, because there is a store where I can get it for $3.99 (as opposed to $5.99, at the store I pay at here in Houston). With me transitioning, I think my hair would have broken off a long time ago, but I have managed to retain the health of my hair. I notice a change within the 14 days and with my niece I noticed a change in her scalp within 1 week. I hope that she can be my example, when I take her hair down at the end of the month or beginning of next month, I just know that it helped me tremendously with detangling and what seems to be less breakage.
I wonder if Walgreen's does mail order? We don't even have a Walgreen's way up here in the middle of nowhere. And I was just at WalMart - nada.
EboniBBW56 said:
I wonder if Walgreen's does mail order? We don't even have a Walgreen's way up here in the middle of nowhere. And I was just at WalMart - nada.

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You can order online from
Hi, ladies! Noone has said what happens to your hair when you stop using it. I read where a couple of people stopped noticing growth when they stopped using Surge. Does that mean your hair will fall out if you use it and stop?!
bee said:
Hi, ladies! Noone has said what happens to your hair when you stop using it. I read where a couple of people stopped noticing growth when they stopped using Surge. Does that mean your hair will fall out if you use it and stop?!

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Are you saying that their hair stopped growing at all? Or that their hair stopped growing as fast?
Hi, is there anyone here that lives in Austin, Tx that knows where the Surge Hair Revitalizer can be bought or if there are any places in Texas that you can order from by phone. Thanks.
@chipmunk, I don't know if their hair just stopped growing or growing as fast. I only read that the users of this product noticed a difference when they stopped using it. My concern would be if I would continue to maintain the length I already have or will achieve w/ this product, only to lose all my hair when I stop using Surge.
On occassion I slacked off and I didn't lose the growth I obtained. Of course my hair wasn't growing as fast but I didn't lose any either. Some of the other ladies like Diamondchair3,Ginger, DDHair, or HotCoCoGurl may be able to give you their results because they've been using it for a while also.I'm currently at the end of my third bottle.
Re: Surge Hair Revitalizer Plus 14 Challenge!

I'm down for the...3rd? That's when the site says it will arrive

So whenever my surge arrives, it's on!
Although I wanted to wait until I got braids so I could see the progress even better...
Maybe I will wait afer all...

yeah, I think I'll wait
DDHair said:
Well I bought some for my niece and she is 11. Her hair was breaking badly in the back, she has already had a relaxer (but she gets them infrequently), so whatever products I think will help her hair that has becomce damaged, especially if I have received good results with them, I get for her.

The hair product would be the last thing I worry about when it comes to hormones for my niece, I could see if I was giving her protein shakes or the vitamins I take or something, but my niece (mainly due to heredity) is a big girl, I mean she is tall and solid. When my ex-boyfriend was in college studying Civil Engineering, he was taking classes on water treatment and he told me then, that there are tons of hormones in water that have these kids growing and acting ridiculously. I know that there is a lot of hormones in food too, so I probably wouldn't be that concerned with the hair products I put in the child's head as much as I would what they take orally the products that they intake on a daily basis, water and food. I am just saying I don't think it is anything wrong with using very small amounts on your child's hair, and maybe the recommended usage for damaged hair.

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Yeah it's true. Nothing is safe anymore. That's why so many people are sick. My whole thing is certain things you don't put on or in kids. But you are right about taking something orally. Skin you get less in the blood. But if you never used the relaxer than her hair may have not been damage. But like I said a baby or toddler is pushing it.
I purchased a bottle of Surge a couple of weeks ago, for the back left side of my I am down for the challenge to see the difference
I purchased Surge14 just yesterday, but for some reason now I'm skeptical about it. I've read that one of those ingredients are harmful in one of the original threads. I know it starts with a p, and I think it said something to the affect that it's used in cleaning products. The other ingredients are great, but I think the p ingredient that I'm talking about is the second one on the list which means it's potent. I should be getting mine by early next week, but for some reason I think there's a catch and possibly a long term bad affect once you stop using it. I'm glad to hear that it worked for everyone, I guess I'm just getting nervous...
To those ladies that are concerned about the propylene glycol in this product, I think you should check the ingredients on some of the products you use, you might be surprised.

Just to name a few that I found in my bathroom
S curl activator

ORS carrot oil

Fantasia Ice Pomade

Fantasia deep penetrating moisturizer

These all have the p word in them. I respect your right to be concerned about the ingredients in any product, but this stuff is in hundreds of products....especially cosmetics. I found it in my foaming face wash, my facial scrub and in my face mask.

As always this is a personal choice and what works for one person does not work for everyone, but my personal experience has been very good. I have stopped using it for periods of time and haven't had my hair fall out or stop growing because of it. I'm no expert on ingredients, but my recommendation would be to do the research and then make your own decision.
Propylene Glycol is in a ton of hair products...I have read up on it and it does not sound like it would do pretty things to the hair, but there are other ingredients which have a bad rap that my hair seems to do better with, like the dreaded mineral oil. I think if you find that some ingredients definitely are not for you, then you should stay away from products that contain them. I am still experimenting to find out what works and what doesn't work on my hair. I may find that this is a definite no-no, but won't know unless I try it. When I described this as potent, I was referring to the protein ingredients. It also has aloe vera, though way down on the list. I think if you stop using the product there will not be a negative affect on the hair. I looked up each ingredient and nothing in this product is "magic." I think the process of adding protein, biotin and moisture to the hair twice a day, simply makes it softer and stronger and this may explain the affect it has on the hair.

I've bought the bottle, so I am in on the challenge until it is used up. If it works, I will be singing its praises!
I have been using this as a moisturizer and the UHB creme moisturizer to seal it in. It is already feeling stronger. I can tell because I braided my hair in 2 ponytails and the ends felt so strong it is amazing!
I can't wait to hear all of your results! As I mentioned, I'll get some when my product challenge is over.
I must admit I am excited, but I guess it was something in the back of my head makin me a little nervous too. But yes, a lot of hair products does contain propylen glycol. I'm going to try it out and see how it works, if I like it I will continue to purchase it.
I'm in! My order arrived yesterday and I used the product after my mid-week wash. It left my hair soft and detangled. Though I didn't use alot! I'm concentrating on 2 particularly slow growing areas of my hair (my hair grows slower on my right side). The bottle says to use it twice a day. So, I'll probably do that for my slow area. But spray once a day on the rest of my hair.
dontspeakdefeat said:
Let's make it last until the end of the year. Maybe we should start a challenge thread too! Brittany do you want to do it?!

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End of the year like 2004 or next October?