Summer '09 Deep condition every other day challenge

I finally got out of the hair lazy mode. I will be dcing on dry hair 3x/wk (MWF) unless it is a wash week. Today I am using YTC Mud Mask. I will steam 1hr and 1hr with just the hydracap.
This is my first DC this week. I am going to DC with YTC and Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor overnight, after I washed with HairOne Olive Oil. :yep:
Shampood with Blended Beauty Soy Cream Shampoo

Deep conditioning now with Curl Junkie Hibiscus and Banana Deep Fix. I'll be leaving it in overnight :grin:
I would like to join but could someone tell me what to do with my relaxed hair.
Little longer than neck (upper back) should I just wear it wet to work in a bun?
okay so Im a little late for the beginning of the challenge but can I still join? I have some setbacks from stretching too long and now am on the road to recovery and I think this would really help.
I would like to join but could someone tell me what to do with my relaxed hair.
Little longer than neck (upper back) should I just wear it wet to work in a bun?

Hi, If you look at page 16 of this thread, I asked a similar question and received some helpful responses on pgs. 16+ about how to style.
I am under the dryer doing a hot oil treatment, then co-washing and I am deep conditioning tonite with Ulta Ultimate Moisturizing Conditioner. Thanks so much Lexi84, for having this challenge, tonite I came home late and was about to opt out.
DC'ed today during my workout with Butter Treat and Heavy Cream topped with an oil mixture (castor, coconut, and shea butter)
I must drop out. I was doing it faithfully wearing an afro puff afterwards, but it got hotter and suddenly my hair started making single strand knots :eek:. I immediately put in twist extensions, which I don't plan to dc quite that often. This was an awesome challenge though up until then, thanks!
So, I think I'm going to stop sleeping with the DC in overnight -- just 20-30min under the heat cap, then rinse out. Think my hair needs to dry and not be wet so often. Must not be lazy, must not be lazy...:ohwell:
Shampood with Jessicurl Hair Cleansing Cream

Dc'ing right now with Jessicurl Too Shea! I'll dc under the dryer for an hour and then leave it on for a few hours after that. This is my first time using it and I like it so far! When I first applied it, it made my hair really smooth and soft :D
I must drop out. I was doing it faithfully wearing an afro puff afterwards, but it got hotter and suddenly my hair started making single strand knots :eek:. I immediately put in twist extensions, which I don't plan to dc quite that often. This was an awesome challenge though up until then, thanks!
Oh no! I hope those knots stay away, they're no joke! Good luck!
DC'd overnight with AO HSR -- too lazy to rinse out :sad: But I was productive. Hair feels good today, after putting in my prtotien leave-ins. So, maybe overnight DC'ing isn't so bad after all. Though I read something somewhere about hair strands swelling up if it has too much DC getting into the cuticles...I'm not sure. I'll experiement.
Today, I deep conditioned with my Ulta Ultimate Moisturizing Conditioner after shampooing my hair. I also did an overnight prepoo with Safflower Oil.
It's been a minute since checking - still dc'ing every other day - tonight will be a mixture of AO HSR/GPB on dry hair overnight - shampooing and lite conditioning tomorrow...
I know I deep conditioned yesterday but my hair hasn't been feeling like itself so I slapped on some Healthy Sexy Hair Soymilk Conditioner with some honey and a plastic cap for a hour(45 minutes without heat; 15 with heat).
Shampood with Giovanni SAS Deep Moisture poo and HATED it! I'm giving it away

Dc'ing now with Giovanni SAS Deeper Moisture con and I'll be leaving it in overnight
It's been a minute since checking - still dc'ing every other day - tonight will be a mixture of AO HSR/GPB on dry hair overnight - shampooing and lite conditioning tomorrow...

Wait a minute now....that's a new pic in the avi right? Your hair looks good :yep:! Looks like you got a lot of growth too.
Im finally feeling better, so I did a deep condish today with evoo mixed with vo5 moisture milk... hair came out very very very very nice!