Weekly Deep Conditioning Challenge 07

jrae said:
Can I join?

I have a question... what conditioner are you all using when if you DC 2-3x per week??

I use ORS Olive Oil Replenshing Pack or Cathy Howse Conditioner Recipe Mix
How's the challenge going ladies? Mind if I join you?

I've been very lax with my deep conditioning... taking the "when I feel like it" approach. Well, winter has set in and my hair is definitely feeling it. So I would like to DC at least once per week.
i've just bought a soft hood hair dryer...just this second on ebay :D im going to d/c twice a week. come on determination...dont fail me now! :armyhat:
I don't see why not :) It would probably be rather hard to deep condition your hair under a weave.
Alli77 said:
Back on topic...I'd like to join this challenge but I have some concerns. I'm mainly on the weaveit/braid it challenges. I can't do real deep treatments or I'll have some matting issues, my question is it ok to join this if I only do deep treatments when I have my hair out of weaves/braids?
Lol, my hair loves this challenge. It is a lot softer and I am beginning to notice a change. My hair used to snap and break easily since it is verrrry dry, but since I have been deep conditioning with the Dark and Lovely with Shea butter my hair has been more hydrated and is soft. It also takes a lot better to roller setting and I have had less breakage when flatironing. This challenge is definately worth it!
Hello Ladies! I'm in on this one. I haven't purchased a dryer yet, but when I get some money, I will. I'll have to do research to see which deep conditioners are best or I may just use a natural recipe.

Let's do this!
I'm in. I just bought the Gold N' Hot deep conditioning bonnet and I love it. This challenge gives me more reason to use it more often.
I am late, but I am soooo down. Better late than never! My hair has been crying lately, its dry- not its usual self. :cry3: But hopefully DC will get it back to its normal self:antlers:...glad I am not alone :woot:
I recently join LHCF but I've been doing my own deep condition challenge every time I wash which is just about weekly. I've been using my poo line (mane n tail) but I'm just wondering what are some of the best DC out there? And my ends are looking scraggly around my nape area is it necessary to cut them before I get my hair in good condition or just go with the flow???
How is the DCing coming ladies? My hair has had soooo much progress since I have started this.:D Especially since I have begain using amla oil, my hair has been a lot stronger and the ORS replenshing conditioner has worked wonders for softness. I just bought some Suave Milk and Honey, cant wait to try it!
Hey ladies,

I know I should join you, but I think once a week is a bit much. I barely do it once a month :(, so I think once every two weeks is a reasonable committment for me.
I upped my DC'ing to every wash (per Shamboosie's book) and my hair made an instant change! :grin: It is so much softer and my ends are looking better.
Determined22 said:
I upped my DC'ing to every wash (per Shamboosie's book) and my hair made an instant change! :grin: It is so much softer and my ends are looking better.

Thats what I do as well. I wash 2 times a week and I DC everytime I wash. It shows, and my hair is definately moisturized. Shoot I even look foward to DCing nowadays because my conditioners smell so nice :lol:
Any break throughs ladies? The challenge that I am finding is that whenever I do the wash and go's for like the whole week it is darn near impossible for me to deep condition like I want to. I much prefer to condition when my hair has already been straightened.
*Bre~Bre* said:
Any break throughs ladies? The challenge that I am finding is that whenever I do the wash and go's for like the whole week it is darn near impossible for me to deep condition like I want to. I much prefer to condition when my hair has already been straightened.

Have you tried conditioning before you shampoo? I know some ladies do this, and I think it might work for your wash and goes. You could DC, wash, co-wash and go!