*Spinoff* "The Rules Challenge!--"Rules" girls get in here!

^^ thanks for breaking it down for me! I understand and agree with everything you said. lol at me doing the rules and not even knowing!

Ya know, it's a really great feeling having someone pursue you when so many times before, it was me doing the pursuing...

Isn't it though?? :yep:

I just got out got out of a relationship and have finally gotten over a player, so I don't have a bf right now...but you best better believe I have learned my lesson! :grin: It's SUCH a better feeling when the GUY pursues. I think the guys feel better about themselves too when they're the ones taking over the manly role. ;)

So, just continue to do what you're doing, and I think you should be fine!
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So I read this entire thread and I can't wait to get the book. I'm an AOS fan but this right here is a must have staple! So are there any updates?
So I read this entire thread and I can't wait to get the book. I'm an AOS fan but this right here is a must have staple! So are there any updates?

No updates yet on my end, but I will say that I'm feeling a whole lot BETTER these days! :grin: :grin: I'm fully over the "ex" now and so I'm just doing me and improving a lot of areas in my life. :)

I'm giving myself at least a 2-month break from even worrying about guys or a boyfriend, but if something or someone comes my way I'll be open to it! :eyebrows2

Right now though, I'm just focuse on being the best ME that I can be. I know that I will be more ready for when that special someone does come. :yep:

Anyway....In the meantime I've been checking out some movies that show some "Rulesy" women and some "UNrulesy" women!! Very interesting to see this play out on screen.

I recently saw these two films:

-"Center Stage" and
-"The Story of Adele H."

Both movies were pretty good (especially "Center Stage"!), and if you watch the movies then you'll know what I'm talking about. "Center Stage" was good in comparing how ONE girl acts towards the guy that she's crushing on and how things change after one night, and how another girl is pursued by another guy and the interactions they have. If you get a chance, check it out! The difference between how a man treats you when he really wants YOU vs. you just being an "option" in his mind is really EYE-opening! :shocked:

"The Story of Adele H." is a french film (with subtitles) and was a difficult film to watch. It really shows what can happen if you become so fixated and OBSESSED with a man. :nono: If you think Fatal Attraction was bad, this girl is delusional! :nuts: I felt sad for her actually. She was a very attractive woman too! But she was of course stuck on some guy. :rolleyes: Watching her demise and seeing her slowly spiral down out of control was quite painful really. But it just stressed upon me the importance of only loving those who love you, and why you shouldn't make a man your whole life or reason for living. :ohwell:
The "Rules" might work for some. I'll tell you what is working for me. One word OPTIONS. When Option A starts getting complacent and making you a back up, Option A becomes Option B or C or even kicked out of the runnings depending on how you are being treated:lachen:and you just KIM.

ETA: Oh listen story for you, I was talking to this guy (very attractive) who is now engaged and he was saying that his fiancee approached him first. They are getting married in a few months. He said if she had not approached him, he would not even have looked in her direction because he did not like her that way. He wasn't attracted to her. Rest assured at the beginning he did not pursue her. He is now madly in love with the woman. So...again case by case basis. Don't go with this one size fits all strategy and miss the boat. Go with your gut...
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Thanks for the story Honey! :D

I have to admit, there is no hard and fast rule to love and relationships. One size doesn't fit all.

I think what I'm learning is that I have to take things on a case by case basis, but I STILL do believe that men are generally the same and typically they like to do the pursuing of a woman. I don't see anything wrong with a woman perhaps making herself "noticed" by a man, but chasing him doesn't seem natural to me.

But in your story, tell me....

-How old is the man and how old is the woman? You don't have to give exact ages, but you know....20's? 30's? 50+??
-Also, was the man what you would call "shy"??
-Why wasn't he attracted to her in the beginning? I thought attraction didn't "grow" for men...either they were attracted to you or they weren't. :ohwell:
-Did she get a makeover, lose some weight, or change in some way over the time period that made him more attracted to her? Or did they just spend more and more time together? What was it?

I'm sorry I'm asking so many questions... :giggle: But I just don't understand this story. Personally, I would want a man to be at the very least attracted to me when he met me if he would end up being my husband. :look: If he noticed she was attractive but didn't really think much of her, then that's one thing. But it almost sounds like in your story that he wouldn't even look in her direction because he was NOT even attracted and didn't view her in that way. Hmmmm.....:ohwell:

Please clarify! :grin:
I actually pursued my husband because he was shy and kept to himself, I think its up to you to determine when it's appropriate to put "the rules" into place . My husband surprised me in April of 2007 with an engagement ring on top of the empire state building of manhattan. We are now happly married and traveling alot. If I hadnt pursued him and got what I wanted I feel that things would have def been different, I feel he is my soul mate we have been together for 8 years so far ....Sometimes you have to go after what YOU want , life is too short to play games.:rolleyes:

Believe me crystalicequeen I was just as shocked as you are now. They are in their early 30s. I can't answer the other questions though. I don't have the information but that's what he told me. He is not shy at all.

It came up because he was saying that when we first met, he wanted to say something but he didn't because he thought I didn't find him attractive and he thought I would never have gone out with him. He was saying he doesn't approach women at all. He's very friendly but basically if he's interested in you you can't tell because he will not make it known.

So then I said, but wait, you are engaged so that doesn't make sense. You had to have told her that you were interested or made some sort of move. He said no that she came to him. He said that he was not attracted to her at the time.

Maybe they spent more time together. I don't know. If I see him this week I'll ask for clarification but I'm telling him it's for a friend so I don't get the side-eye.

So yeah, ...
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Oh I just love the rules.

I got my copy in March or April and I haven't been able to put it down.

It's so great that if a guy says something absurd like I must travel to meet him I can refer back to a chapter in the book and happily tell him no I can't.

By following the rules I've had a dating drought (thats what happens when I refuse to even say hello to weeds let alone date them) and I've never felt happier. I've been dating myself, improving myself for myself and spending more time with the people I love, on my hobbies and just keeping really busy.

I feel so silly for not adhering my mothers advice (basically the rules).

There is a lovely guy who is interested in me and man oh man as beautiful as he is... dude is working HARD for me :-). I've been tempted to give into his pleas but that would be breaking the rules and there is no way I am doing that.

Stay positive ladies
Regarding the marriages happening because the woman asked the man out first...

I remember a man telling me of a couple he knew like this that were now happily married. I said that was great for them, and I think it's great for the women being discussed in the thread. If a woman has no issue or vested interest in asking a man out and she wants to do so, I say more power to her.

All of those marriages and success stories that resulted, however, never changed the fact that for ME, asking a man out on a date was not something that I planned to do. And no, I didn't feel like I was going to miss out on a good man either, because I probably wouldn't click personality-wise with a man who was THAT shy that he couldn't ask me on a date. Trust me, I've been out with some VERY shy men, and they found a way to ask!

I think it all comes down to women setting the standards for what they expect from men and going from there. A story of a marriage that resulted from someone else's standards really is irrelevant to me... like hearing about women who married the dude they slept with on the first date. Cool for them, but it won't make me start sleeping with men on a first date if I didn't want to do it in the first place.
Oh I just love the rules.

I got my copy in March or April and I haven't been able to put it down.

It's so great that if a guy says something absurd like I must travel to meet him I can refer back to a chapter in the book and happily tell him no I can't.

Good for you! :yep: Let him come to you FIRST!

By following the rules I've had a dating drought (thats what happens when I refuse to even say hello to weeds let alone date them) and I've never felt happier. I've been dating myself, improving myself for myself and spending more time with the people I love, on my hobbies and just keeping really busy.

Good for you for staying busy and enjoying yourself even though you're.....*gulp* SINGLE!! :yep: :up: Idk why people think it's a 4-letter word or something?? Or like, you can't be happy if you're single. Like wth?? :confused:

There is a lovely guy who is interested in me and man oh man as beautiful as he is... dude is working HARD for me :-). I've been tempted to give into his pleas but that would be breaking the rules and there is no way I am doing that.
Stay positive ladies

:stop: HOLD THE BRAKES!! Wait a second! He's working "hard" for you and you're not "giving into his pleas??" :shocked:

Girl??? Are you crazy?? :lol: Do you know how hard it is for me to find a guy who is FINE and is actually pursuing ME?? OMG....girl you better give in!

"The Rules" is NOT about NEVER giving into a guy's pleas, it's about making sure that you love yourself more than you love him, and that he's actually pursuing you w/out you chasing HIM. If he's working for you, then by all means....go out with him!

What is he doing to work "hard" for you?? Just curious... :look:
So I had a talk with the guy today and he said that she wooed him, she courted him. He was smiling when he said it but basically the main thing was that she made him feel really comfortable with her. He just liked being around her and eventually he realised he felt something for her. From there the feelings grew. That's it.
I bought WMLB today and read the majority of it... oh boy, talk about doing the exact OPPOSITE of what's been suggested. It was destined to fail from day one!

Goodness, I know it's not all my fault but still, it's the slap in the face that I needed. Better luck next time I hope :(
My replies in asterieks

Good for you! :yep: Let him come to you FIRST!

* :grin:*

Good for you for staying busy and enjoying yourself even though you're.....*gulp* SINGLE!! :yep: :up: Idk why people think it's a 4-letter word or something?? Or like, you can't be happy if you're single. Like wth?? :confused:

* I'm happy being single right now because I am not ready for relationship just yet. Having too much fun finding myself and reaching for my goals*

:stop: HOLD THE BRAKES!! Wait a second! He's working "hard" for you and you're not "giving into his pleas??" :shocked:


Girl??? Are you crazy?? :lol: Do you know how hard it is for me to find a guy who is FINE and is actually pursuing ME?? OMG....girl you better give in!

*haha! I am not giving in. I told you it's hard because he is simply divine and we have so much in common but I must stay strong. It's tres tres TRES flattering but I know what I want and do not want to spoil it. Hey crystalice don't you think you're worth it? You're worth a guy sweating buckets over you :yep:*

"The Rules" is NOT about NEVER giving into a guy's pleas, it's about making sure that you love yourself more than you love him, and that he's actually pursuing you w/out you chasing HIM. If he's working for you, then by all means....go out with him!

*Thats what I'm doing. I have called him once or twice but only to return his call or to set a date. Pleas... well personally I think he is trying to test me by being a bit cheeky... I don't mind*

What is he doing to work "hard" for you?? Just curious... :look:

*He cancelled a lads weekend away to make sure he was here in London for our date because it's the only day that he found out that I could do. :blush: He is a huge polo fan. I send him an email every so often he replies instantly. I don't pick up his calls all the time he has complained and once said he will not call me any more I must call him :rolleyes: needless to say he called me the following day telling me that he misses me. MY favourite, I could only meet him for a lunch date for one hour he works on the other side of the river and travelled to see me and was late for work. In the fast paced sector that he works in if you're late your colleagues will not let you hear the last of it neither will your clients* That's all so far

I blush when I think of all he has done but I'm worth it. He is a total sweetie pie. :lick:
*haha! I am not giving in. I told you it's hard because he is simply divine and we have so much in common but I must stay strong. It's tres tres TRES flattering but I know what I want and do not want to spoil it. Hey crystalice don't you think you're worth it? You're worth a guy sweating buckets over you *

Hold up a second....I just had to clarify something! :lol:

Of COURSE I think I'm "worth it"! But IMO there is a difference between being a little "coy", and taking your time to get to know a guy first before giving him your whole heart, mind, body and soul, and just playing TOO hard to get. :naughty: IMO playing TOO Hard to get can actually work against you. If you weren't interested in him in the least, then I would say go ahead and do whatever. But since you're actually interested in him I think that you're being a little too hard on him by not "giving in". Eventually you WANT to "give in"! Otherwise, the guy either:

-Loses interest since he feels like he CAN'T win
-becomes stalkerish because he's more into the "chase" instead of you as a person
-or he loses interest the moment you start reciprocating. Because you made it all about "the chase", he's now bored because you finally "gave in".

YOu don't want those types of situations. :nono: There is a balance between NOT pursuing/chasing a man and taking your time getting to know someone, and being TOO Hard to get, to the point where you make it difficult for the guy to even get to know you. :ohwell: Eventually it will all become just about "the chase" and he'll just move on either to another woman who's "chase" is better than yours, or he'll want to be with a woman who's actually RECEPTIVE to his advances. :ohwell:

My replies in asterieks

*He cancelled a lads weekend away to make sure he was here in London for our date because it's the only day that he found out that I could do. :blush: He is a huge polo fan. I send him an email every so often he replies instantly. I don't pick up his calls all the time he has complained and once said he will not call me any more I must call him :rolleyes: needless to say he called me the following day telling me that he misses me. MY favourite, I could only meet him for a lunch date for one hour he works on the other side of the river and travelled to see me and was late for work. In the fast paced sector that he works in if you're late your colleagues will not let you hear the last of it neither will your clients* That's all so far

I blush when I think of all he has done but I'm worth it. He is a total sweetie pie. :lick:

Girl....Give IN! :lachen:

How's it going by the way?? :look:

Anymore success stories?

Well, I won't say this is a "success story" per se lol..... But recently, I took the advice of you ladies and decided to go out of my comfort zone a little bit. :giggle:

There's this guy (he's fine too :look:) that I had always seen at some parties that my friend invited me to, and he would always come up to me and a friend of mine and introduce himself and make small talk, ask questions, etc. I never really thought much about him because even though he's nice-looking, he's just not really my type. I like dark-skinned guys. :giggle: Plus, I don't usually start to LIKE a guy unless he shows that he's interested in me. Go figure!

Well, anyway....I saw him again recently, and usually the "old me" would not go up to him (trying to be a "Rules girl" you know :look: ) and allow HIM to notice me. Well....actually, THIS time I passed by him and acknowleged him with a smile and a hello. :) You know, just like a friendly type hello...nothing more/nothing less was I trying to get out of the encounter. He immediately lit up and started striking up a conversation with me. I'm telling you, after that, he kept coming up to strike up a conversation with me during different parts of the evening! :grin: He seemed really interested and definitely attracted lol. :blush3:

Later on that night he eventually got my number and texted me. ;) We had a little convo, and it was nice. :yep:

I'm not saying anything is going to happen with him, but at least I didn't just sit around passively! Plus, he had already come up to me and my friend on two different occassions so I felt it was only polite and good manners to acknowlege him. I don't know much about him, but I suppose I'd be open to getting to know him better if he tries to get to know me. :look: To be honest, I'm not even really looking for a relationship right now....I really just want friendship and a break after all that I've been through. Plus, I have a lot of things on my plate this year, so I'm not even looking for a relationship anymore. But...I'm definitely open to different prospects! :grin:

So, who knows what the future will bring! :woot:

I just wanted to add this little "update" here to show that you ladies might be on to something. :yep: I don't advocate chasing a man AT ALL, but sometimes guys DO need a little "encouragement" here and there showing that you'd be OPEN to his pursuit! :D Now, if you toss the ball on his side and he doesn't do ANYTHING with it, then...you basically have your answer. But I see nothing wrong with a woman at least acknowleging, smiling at, or saying hello to a man. I know this goes against "The Rules" :wallbash: but hey.....I realized recently that I might be waiting for a VERY long time if I just wait passively for a man to notice me AND make the first conversation/move. :look:

And if the man DOES eventually make a move, I better be willing to accept whatever guy that comes up to me. USually a lot of times the guys that would come up to me weren't guys that I was really all that into. :look: So then I was just settling for whatever came my way. :ohwell: But, now I see that there's nothing wrong with giving little "signs" that show a man that you'd be open to him pursuing you. Again....keep in mind that you're giving the man the GREEN light to pursue you.

So....anyway..... *shrugs* Maybe I'll be kicking myself in the butt in the next week or so when this guy hasn't texted again or called me and I'll be saying to myself: "I should have just followed 'The Rules' to the T!!!" :wallbash: :giggle: But at least I feel like I got outside of my comfort zone a little bit and tipped the ball in a guy's court for a change. I didn't even think he was going to contact me after asking for my number....but he did. So....we'll see what happens I guess! ;)

It's all a learning process. :yep:
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Ok girls! I admit...I've been a tad bit lazy with The Rules, and I knew it...I was well aware. But then I read over All The Rules again this weekend, and renewed my Rulesy spirit!

How's everyone doing?
Ok girls! I admit...I've been a tad bit lazy with The Rules, and I knew it...I was well aware. But then I read over All The Rules again this weekend, and renewed my Rulesy spirit!

How's everyone doing?

[mention=4444] Jade Feria [/mention]
Hey chica!! :wave:

Looks like we're like the only ladies on this thread lately lol! :giggle:


Things have been going pretty well. I'm 110% over my ex, and so I just feel GREAT overall. :yep: :yay:

HOWEVER.... (don't shoot me!)

I think I'm going to offically throw out my "Rule" books when it comes to men & dating.... :look: :look: :duck:

Idk why....but I just feel like with SOME men it's actually a little counterproductive. Don't get me wrong, I will NEVER chase a man or pursue him MORE than he's pursuing me... :nono2: , but I think I'll just make it a little easier for the guy to pursue or at least give the guy more "GREEN LIGHTS" to pursue me. I think in the past I've always been more shy/coy/mixed signals with guys that I'm actually interested in who show an interest in me, whereas the guys that I'm NOT interested in, I've been more myself, open, outgoing, maybe even a little flirty... :look:

Let's just say, I'm sick and tired of attracting guys I'm NOT interested in. :wallbash: I don't want to just sit back like a wall flower and just let any old guy come up to me. :nono: I want a guy that I'm at least somewhat attracted to...one that has caught MY eye for a change. You know what I mean?

So, basically I've just decided to behave more like MYSELF instead of following a bunch of "rules". :rolleyes: I'm still going to be a classy lady, and not behave in a desperate way, but I think I'm just going to be more MYSELF these days. If I want to smile at a man, dagnabit I'm going to smile at a man! This business of NEVER looking at a guy first and NEVER making eye contact or speaking to a man first is for the birds. :nono: That behavior may work with SOME men, but for most men, that behavior comes off as just plain WEIRD.

I figure that the guys who are somewhat attracted to me or interested in me in some form or fashion will appreciate the fact that I have smiled at them. Whether I smiled at them first or not, it won't matter. Because I truly believe that when a man likes a woman, he doesn't see what she does as "Desperate", but if a man DOESN'T like a woman, anything she does can be misconstrued as "desperate"/needy. :rolleyes: :lachen: So, you can't really say that it was because you acted a certain way in other words. Maybe we acted too "friendly" with the WRONG guys! No big deal to me. *shrugs* I'm looking for a man who feels a mutual connection with me anyway.

So basically....I'm just going to "go with the flow" these days in my love life. *sigh* I may be making the biggest mistake of my life, but oh well...that's where I am right now. I'm determined to find a special someone this year! :grin:

So, what are your thoughts? How have things been going for YOU?
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You will never regret being friendlier, more open, and more yourself. I didn't realize the rules said no smiling first--omg wtheck lol. Girl, a smile will reel a man in quicker than almost anything. I smile and am so friendly I have to watch myself cuz I am married and don't need none of that. But men love when you flash a pretty smile, it makes you seem approachable and like a genuinely happy person.
I've been doing a combination of the Rules and following my instincts..best decision I ever made! Sometimes my instincts guide me into doing something that is anti-Rules...and it always turns out well! I still do my best to keep to a "modernized" version of the Rules..without all the crazy strict stuff.
I've been doing a combination of the Rules and following my instincts..best decision I ever made! Sometimes my instincts guide me into doing something that is anti-Rules...and it always turns out well! I still do my best to keep to a "modernized" version of the Rules..without all the crazy strict stuff.

Hmmm....inquiring minds want to know... What is this "modernized" version of "The Rules" that you have implimented? What in particular have you started/stopped doing? Just curious... :look:

Btw, I second that. :yep: Whenever I've just gone the "friendly" route have listened to my heart instead of my head, I have always gotten the best results with men. Sometimes we can OVERthink things to the point where we stop being our "natural selves", and that in itself can be a turn-off and cause us to exhibit a negative vibe (the very vibe we were trying NOT to exhibit in the first place! lol!) with men.

You will never regret being friendlier, more open, and more yourself. I didn't realize the rules said no smiling first--omg wtheck lol. Girl, a smile will reel a man in quicker than almost anything. I smile and am so friendly I have to watch myself cuz I am married and don't need none of that. But men love when you flash a pretty smile, it makes you seem approachable and like a genuinely happy person.

OMG girl...who are YOU telling?? :lachen: :lachen:

And I think that's why I've always been attracting these guys I'm NOT interested in! I usually tend to be friendly and outgoing with EVERYONE, and so I think guys think I'm interested...when I'm really not. But then the guys that I'm actually INTERESTED in end up getting mixed signals from me because I'm a little more shy or reserved around them, therefore I seem more serious and sometimes I'm not smiling as much, or I'm much more "guarded" around them. :ohwell:

Working on this! :wallbash:
Very happy to see a Rules thread on this board but what happened? Is anyone still up for a Rules challenge? What results have you ladies been having?
varaneka, I have the one book that is two books in one I think. I just pulled it out of my storage chest last night and plan on re-reading it tomorrow. I also had "Why Men Love B...." but I need to find where I stored it. Anyone have suggestions on any newer books with a similar message?
varaneka, I have the one book that is two books in one I think. I just pulled it out of my storage chest last night and plan on re-reading it tomorrow. I also had "Why Men Love B...." but I need to find where I stored it. Anyone have suggestions on any newer books with a similar message?


Idk if you read my post a little bit up this page.....

But I am still a "Rules Girl" in the sense that I don't chase after any men :giggle: , but at the same time....I'm trying something new on for size.... :look: I'm trying to work on being a little more natural in my approach with men now days, because I noticed that while doing "The Rules" I would indeed feel more EMPOWERED around men, but I also noticed that I felt like I wasn't really being myself anymore. :ohwell:

Not only that, but I also noticed that men that I wasn't particularly into were seemingly interested in me. :nono: Plus, I always felt like I had to be on guard. :look: I kept holding back on being myself, and I didn't really like that feeling at all. :nono:

See, there's a BIG difference between being "naturally indifferent" around a guy that you're not really interested in, and being "FAKE" indifferent. The latter is not really being yourself imo. :imo:

NOW days, my moto is: I'm enjoying my single life for what it is right NOW, but at the same time I can be open and approachable to men! I don't read into every little detail now days (ie. "omg..he looked in my direction for 3.5 seconds! I think he likes me!" :nuts:), but at the same time, I'm not strict with my interaction with men. Even though I don't call men FIRST, if I'm interested in a guy, then I don't mind glancing at him (especially if he keeps looking my way), smiling and engaging him in conversation (if he happens to approach and come up to me first), or just being more OPEN in general.

I'm not "making things happen" these days, but at the same time, I'm not acting like a robot or adhering to silly rules.

Don't get me wrong, I think "The Rules" is a great book and a great tool for women (like myself) who have been hurt by men in the past who we THOUGHT were into us. I think it's a great tool for helping women to regain their self-confidence and to know their self-worth. NOW that I know my self-worth, I don't feel like I need to do "the Rules" 24/7. Idk if it's really working for me though, because I'm STILL not in a relationship. :look: I guess I'm just looking for something more mutual I suppose. :look:

But anyway, I definitely feel a lot more LIBERATED these days:yep: I actually find that WMLB is probably a better book in the fact that it's a little less strict, but at the same time.....it seems to work better for women who already in a relationship. :ohwell: If they come up with a WMLB book for women (like "The Rules" )who haven't had the first date yet, or who haven't even had a guy approach them/show interest yet, then that would be a good book imo.
@varaneka, I have the one book that is two books in one I think. I just pulled it out of my storage chest last night and plan on re-reading it tomorrow. I also had "Why Men Love B...." but I need to find where I stored it. Anyone have suggestions on any newer books with a similar message?

EdgyGirl, I suggest
Stilettos in the Kitchen (The Modern Girl's Guide to Being Domestic Goddess)

Text. Love. Power. The Ultimate Girls Relationship Guide for Texting and Dating in the New Millennium

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

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