SO sending ex flowers with the note attached

it doesnt seem salvageable. she can stay if she wants to keep her doormat status. what other areas is he really good in, in the relationship. i think respect is one of the foundations to a relationship, along with trust. so i am confused. i wish i could give some insight. i dont see any, really i dont.
this sounds like me and one of my best guy friends. :look:

He sent me flowers a couple weeks ago and has been chasing after me for years. It's gone up a lot recently since my breakup, bc he keeps talking about getting married and I've been waking up to "i love you" and "i care about your feelings" texts almost everyday for the past week. The hold up is I'm not interested right now, but I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend.....

yea OP, your friend needs to let that man go ASAP!
I don't have anything positive to add. I already said she doesn't have a relationship so I don't see how you can salvage something you don't have. I didn't read anything in the posts that says this man cares one way or the other. So someone who sees a relationship to salvage really has to post on this. :ohwell:
So her SO (the guy) sent his ex-girlfriend flowers? With a note? I feel like I must be misunderstanding something.
:lachen: @ that gif.

I feel really bad for her cause she is a good woman, and treats him like a king. Now that I think back, there are so many things wrong with her relationship. He doesn't take her out, doesn't compliment her, doesnt tell or show her he loves her, inappropriate texts, doesnt call her, and has multiple female friends that he treats better than her. She said when they see each other he never smiles and she has to ask for a kiss/hug.

I am hoping this is the last straw cause she would be a fool to just let it go.

Ummm.....soooo why on EARTH is she still w/this guy again?? :confused: :nuts:
If the relationship is worth salvaging, they would BOTH be working on it. But why is the person who did nothing wrong the one putting in effort to salvage it?

bass-ackward if you ask me..
I thought this thread had slipped into oblivion :lol:

Anyway, my friend still hasnt decided what she going to do. I know that everyone has their level of BS that they are willing to take, so I don't think she has reached hers yet. :ohwell:
She shouldn't be worried. She should be throwin' on her Louboutins and clicking her heels toward the door. Dump that zero. :buttkick:
Move on been there done that. Don't let him know that you are leaving. Slowly ease yourself from him. If he honestly cares then he will speak on your "Sudden Nonchalantness".

Begin talking to a guy friend go out on a date. it will make u feel better.
I thought this thread had slipped into oblivion :lol:

Anyway, my friend still hasnt decided what she going to do. I know that everyone has their level of BS that they are willing to take, so I don't think she has reached hers yet. :ohwell:

I have no sympathy anymore for women like this. Don't waste your time listening to her moan and complain. This is ignorant beyond belief. I don't even know why she didn't break up with him on the spot. Bt hopefully by staying with his trifling behind, she's keeping him out of the dating pool and saving someone else from heartache. :rolleyes: if she's willing to take it, then she deserves it.
I have no sympathy anymore for women like this. Don't waste your time listening to her moan and complain. This is ignorant beyond belief. I don't even know why she didn't break up with him on the spot. Bt hopefully by staying with his trifling behind, she's keeping him out of the dating pool and saving someone else from heartache. :rolleyes: if she's willing to take it, then she deserves it.

Exactly, how pathetic. Dude not even PRETENDING to give a **** about her.
Wow. I don't understand how women can remain in situations like this. Clearly this is not okay!
I thought this thread had slipped into oblivion :lol:

Anyway, my friend still hasnt decided what she going to do. I know that everyone has their level of BS that they are willing to take, so I don't think she has reached hers yet. :ohwell:

Your right, he will end up dumping her !!!
He told her it was for her birthday. He said the ex told him she never received flowers before and he felt bad. :ohwell: So I guess he felt it was his responsibility to send them to her :perplexed

I was trying not to judge until I knew what the occasion was. I could understand if the girl's parents died...but her birthday?! :nono::nono::nono:
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Ya'll are funny!!!!!


She needs to leave this dude alone....He's just using her. When he gets the ex back, she will be dropped faster than Kim dropped Kris....:nono:

I don't think she should be worried at all. Worrying won't fix anything.

All she has to do is get a new boyfriend. No need to worry and make herself sick.

I mean is she waiting for a personal phone call from God telling her to move on?

This is over....hell, I'm not sure it even started.
Maybe she's in the denial stage of a break up.

Sometimes when u put your heart into someone and they slowly lose interest. You can repair things.

But once they effortlessly show their feelings for someone else then its not easy. I'm sure this isn't the first time he did that.

Never let your feelings for someone over shadow the truth.
No, she shouldn't be worried. He's only spending money on his ex girlfriend that he doesn't spend on her. I mean, he's known the ex for years! Why shouldn't he send her flowers and tell her that he truly loves her? Its how he feels. He probably doesn't tell his actual girlfriend that he loves her because he doesn't have to say it for her to know he feels it.oh, did that flower sending make your friend uncomfortable? I thought she was a grown woman? Jealousy is for lil girls! Its just flowers, not diamonds. She knows she has his heart!

He only texts other women inappropriate things...its nothing to worry about. They're just texts, and I'm sure he's just a natural flirt. Do those texts make her uncomfortable? Oh well. He isn't going to stop. Those women know he ain't serious!


I guess I understand why its so difficult for some women to smell bullshiz when its been inserted directly into her nostrils. Its up there so thick, she's lost her sense of smell.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2

This question does NOT even need to be asked. That is really great that she was able to lose at least 175+ LB of dead weight right before Christmas. I hope she gets herself together for the New Year. It really makes me sad that she spent so much time with a man that did not cherish her.

Even with all that you have told us, there is no need for her to discuss anything with him. She should just move on to a man that wants her and will love her as she deserves.
Update: Wellllll, she decided to give him another chance. They didnt talk for a few days and then they met at Starbucks to "air" everything out. Long story short, he convinced her that it wasn't a big deal and they were just friends and nothing more. He also said that his neglect was because of his job and he is going to try harder...

Of course I was staring at her in disbelief and finally I told her not to come to me the next time he f*cks up, and he will, cause i dont want to hear about it.
Update: Wellllll, she decided to give him another chance. They didnt talk for a few days and then they met at Starbucks to "air" everything out. Long story short, he convinced her that it wasn't a big deal and they were just friends and nothing more. He also said that his neglect was because of his job and he is going to try harder...

Of course I was staring at her in disbelief and finally I told her not to come to me the next time he f*cks up, and he will, cause i dont want to hear about it.

@ the bolded, good for you!