Ex Contacts BFF. Did BFF take the bait?

if im happily married i dont give a damn who my exes are boning. theoretically theyre never gonna bone me again so what do i care?
Yeah, what's the statute of limitations on dating someone's ex?

The moment one of them says "I do". But I'm one of those people that just DGAF. I've never dated a friend's/relative's ex (and I never will), but I don't care if someone dates one of my ex's. As far as I'm concerned, I'm through with him, if you want my leftovers, more power to you. Just don't come crying to me when he does to you whatever he did for me to leave him.

My cousin did this to me and I laughed at her when she came crying to me about he's doing XYZ. I was like :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:. I told you he was doing XYZ. What, you didn't believe me?
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Suzy's brush off response is not Ann's business. She needs to let it go. She sounds like my ex. Great friendship...as long as you act just how they want you to act. The second you dont respond how they want you too or you dont mimic their actions, there is an issue.

Suzy is a single woman. Neither Ann nor her husband need to be worried about who she is dating, how she reacts to men, etc.
Yeah, what's the statute of limitations on dating someone's ex?

I have a friend who's mad because his cousin is dating an ex-girlfriend from high school. High school was 30+ years ago for these people. They've all dated other people, married other people, had babies with other people and divorced other people.

Me: :look: It's been over 30 years. Are you sure your cousin even remembers that you went out with this woman?
Him: He remembers. He knows he crossed a line.

I'm kinda territorial so I know I would not like it. I'm married but I would not want my BFF dating my first boyfriend or any others after him. I can see how that would make Ann mad (happily married or not).

But I guess you do have to draw the line somewhere. 2nd grade crush should not send you into a tizzy either.
Does Ann feel better now that Suzy feels bad? I can't put my finger on it but if I were Suzy, I'd have doubts about my friendship with Ann :(

Why is Ann's husband calling her a thirst trap? Mi nah like dat. Especially if she's my BFF. What else has Ann told her husband about her "friend" Suzy?

Yeah the husband's willingness to chime in alarmed me too, but he is one of those men who gossips like a woman. I keep my personal info to a minimal with Ann. While she likely won't tell others, you can bet her and her husband will be having pillow talk about it.

Some say you should expect pillow talk between husband and wife, but my husband doesn't need to know all my friends dark secrets.
Not everyone is going to jump to tell someone that their current or former boyfriend came on to them. They know that the information is not going to be seen in a positive light...no matter when or how they tell. Ann is already trying to put the blame on Suzie...and this is Ann's FORMER man and nothing happened.

Maybe Suzie knows how Ann is, and that's why she was reluctant to even tell her this info ... Suzie knew that she would be painted as the bad guy. Some people wouldn't have said a word to Ann- because she's not currently involved with the guy , and nothing happened (except for conversation)
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Yeah the husband's willingness to chime in alarmed me too, but he is one of those men who gossips like a woman. I keep my personal info to a minimal with Ann. While she likely won't tell others, you can bet her and her husband will be having pillow talk about it.

Some say you should expect pillow talk between husband and wife, but my husband doesn't need to know all my friends dark secrets.

The husband is a lame because I would think he'd be more concerned over why his wife is so pressed over an ex....Ann sounds exhausting and unlikable. Suzy's "response was inappropriate." Ann, sit your arse down :lol: