So Are Scorpios Really That Amazing..

Im a scorpio and I have to say yes we r the best in bed, Im the type of girl who loves to b manhandled. I let dh so whtever he can think of to me and he loves that abt me. However I am extremely hard to live with and be in love with so I have to thank him for tht someway so bomb sex is his treat.
Im a scorpio and I have to say yes we r the best in bed, Im the type of girl who loves to b manhandled. I let dh so whtever he can think of to me and he loves that abt me. However I am extremely hard to live with and be in love with so I have to thank him for tht someway so bomb sex is his treat.

Oh Gosh!! This is so true

*fannin self wif da chuch fan..da one wif MLK on da front and pope f'neral home on da otha side chile...*

...just don't make no dayum sense...

i be on da train sometimes, start thinkin bout it..n be havin da shakes lolol

earth moving, window shattering, mind blowing, electrifying sex. and i'm a capricorn. i'm so compatible wif da male scorpio. dis one guy had me like dat song ./'./'./'lost and turned out./'./'./'./'..i was shot da phuck out..... chemistry off da chain.

it was like that for me for every scorpio man i've ever been with. very strange attraction and it's always mutual.
I'm a Scorpio and some of these posts from you fellow Scorpio women are so true for me even though I ain't colored yet!:lol: But I'm aware I'm very intense and can be socially withdrawn and yet quite overwhelming as people get to know me. I have dealt with Scorpio men romantically and the intensity is off the charts. I'm almost afraid to get involved with another Scorpio lol.:look: But the intensity and passion you've heard about Scorpio men is all true!
I'm a Scorpio and dated a Scorpio man once. Oh. my. word. We had things flying around the room, falling of the walls, one time I fell off the bed, jumped back on and didn't miss a beat! And more then a few times we both shed tears. It was so emotionally and physically intense he said it was like an addiction.

In the end we were totally incompatible outside of the bedroom but I tell you the sex haze was good while it lasted.
Most definitely!

I can relate to everything ambergirl said, even the part about not being compatible outside of the bedroom. Good times :giggle:
Now I want to meet a Scorpio......I think their supposed to be a good match for Virgo.

(the wackest was a Leo)
Not in my experience. I think it depends on the 2 people and chemistry. The best experience that I've ever had was with a Cancer. We had this crazy was amazing! Me and dude can't even be friends! My close friends are afraid I'm going to met this awesome guy and get married and have an affair with "Mr. Cancer". Forget coloring, we would be painting! lol
I'm a Scorpio and dated a Scorpio man once. Oh. my. word. We had things flying around the room, falling of the walls, one time I fell off the bed, jumped back on and didn't miss a beat! And more then a few times we both shed tears. It was so emotionally and physically intense he said it was like an addiction.

In the end we were totally incompatible outside of the bedroom but I tell you the sex haze was good while it lasted.

I feel you 100%

Most definitely!

I can relate to everything ambergirl said, even the part about not being compatible outside of the bedroom. Good times :giggle:

Don't you hate that!!! Me and my "Mr. Cancer" had SOOOO many issues. The sex was perfect. Everything else was effed up! We both had our issues and messed up. O well. I'll always treasure the memories.
I'm practicing abstinence now.

But according to my past male conquests, this is what was told to me.

"Your pussy is platinum." - Til this day I have no idea what this means.....he was pretty awful and I was faking so.....

But I've been told that I can give very intense and sexual looks with my eyes.

Overall, I never had any complaints with my performance. I do like it a little rough and I like spontaneity.
SO is a Scorpio... they are passionate and very contrary to how they appear in public. They are very sexual and like to have sex a LOT. Like :perplexed at the most random times :lol: They have potential to get great more than most due to their personality--but other signs can go hard.. it is all about the individual person, KWIM? The do like a bit of rough play. The biggest turn on for me is the fact that they tend to dominate and I am submissive, so it works.

Omg, Londar, I'm a Taurus with a November Scorpio too! The intensity you note, imo, is due to 'opposites attracting,' since Taurus and Scorpio are directly across from each other on the chart. It's like a clash between fire and water, or light and dark. I find that my SO and I compliment each other perfectly: he's brooding and intense, I'm light-hearted and chatty; he's doesn't especially require social interaction, I thrive off of it; etc. We balance each other. Also, both signs are super-loyal, and super-sexual, so, as long as you can manage the total opposite-ness of him, lol, the relationship is very much worth it (as you well know, judging by that cutie pie in your siggie).

Re: dominance. YES! And I appreciate it mightily. :giggle: I think it has to do with the difference between the Taurus and Scorpio public personas. For example, I tend to lead when we're out and he sorta recedes into the background (as far as conversation, etc). So, I kinda think the lightweight D/s vibe in the bedroom makes up for that, restoring balance. Which, again, I appreciate mightily. Must be a Taurus thing. :giggle:
BS. They hype you on this ol' I'm a Scorpio so I'm gonna turn you out mess.

A Scorpio with no limits is pretty much useful for one thing though. :look: Scorpios that aren't into everything = waste of time for me.
Yay for Scorpios!

I think Scorpios are just intense people and tend to bring that intensity to everything they do, including sex.
I'm a Scorpio.

My Scorpio ex and I used to HURT each other. It made absolutely no sense. We would get done and look around the room like We can't keep doing this sh** :nono: Our relationship was NOT the business though, we were two stubborn bull headed opinionated pieces of work that were not good together but for one thing :lol:

My non Scorpio exes have said things before about being intimidated by me coloring wise. I'll say things like I know that's not all we're doing today is it? :lachen:

I consider coloring to be just as important as food. But just because you enjoy eating doesn't mean you have to eat meal you come across - you will make yourself sick, and eating from multiple sources will screw up your GI tract. In the same way, just because you enjoy the intensity of coloring doesn't mean you gotta be gettin' it in all over the place. That ish is not healthy :nono:

I like the sensuality of coloring, it doesn't necessarily have to be like a damn Zhane novel. The touch of skin on skin and all the different sensations is what makes for a great coloring session :yep:
Girl you hubby and I could be twins.....that's me to a T....:lachen:

Scorpios can be trying to work with :yep: .. especially mine. I have to check his dominance at the bedroom (or living room or kitchen ;) ) door because I find that all Scorpios have this caustic energy and thus the tendency to be somewhat overbearing if they are really invested in an issue. They don't mean to be this way--but it just like they have all this passion bottled up and then it overflows. I have to check SO sometimes.

He can also be extremely moody, but he does not wish to articulate his moodiness. I think this is because he even knows he is being ridiculous so he just has to wait for his 'extra'ness to subside so he can KIM. He is also the sort of man to hold on to something and resent you later on--so I have to inspire conversation in him to get out any kinks or annoyances. I had to let him know he needed to miss me with that mind reader bullish and to start him talking more I abruptly stop doing things to anticipate how he'd feel because I am a big communicator and I didn't want to be driving myself into a rut trying to figure him out. Not for me.

I really feel sorry for the person that crosses him--because they really do have that stinger. :lol: He gets out of pocket sometime and I have to remind him to tone it down because I find with most Scorpios I know (which are basically all of my friends) they do not repay bad things equally. That passion turns into a certain type of exaggerated anger and they will say the most cutting things because their intuition allows them to see weakness and lies very quickly.

They really aren't for play if you don't want to be told about yourself at some point in time. I do say you have to handle them a lot more gently than they may handle you at times because I find that SO will get his ego hurt quickly and not say anything so I try to fall back on the criticism.

I do enjoy the intense loyalty and unspoken love that radiates from them. He isn't the I love you type and neither are my two best friends that are November Scorps--but I know the depth of their emotions somehow. Even though he is highly sexual I never worry about him cheating on me at all. He has a small jealous streak, but I like the slight possessive feel. It is nice to know you are valued and wanted and that people are aware that those things could change and they don't want them to. I am a Taurus so I pretty much want to be the only girl in the room/universe when it comes to my mayun. :giggle:

But yeah :love: he is a good partner and a great father! I love to watch him and DD play together. He has more patience than me and to be such a 'macho' man he can do lots of domestic things I cannot do or hate to do like sewing, cleaning, and although I can cook so can he! So yeah!