How to be certain....

so to figure out his size you are going to play games by teasing him?

It's not teasing, couples get hot and heavy all the time without having sex.

:giggle: Her lil big man.

OP you mentioned that she's willing to do 'other things'. Like what? Cause if she wants to know the size, she may want to do an 'oral' exam or 'palm' check.

awhyley she is willing to foreplay and stuff like that but with under clothes on.

I know most women will say go ahead and just have sex. But she is not trying to have sex outside of marriage. Which is the point of thread, she wanted to know if there was a way to gauge his sexual satisfaction for her.

You don't have to lead a guy on to excite him. They get excited over the littlest things...a flick of the hair, the way you smell, walk, etc etc.


OP's question was how to be certain.

I really like this thread, btw. Here is my opinion:

I think that your friend should evaluate the reasons why she is choosing to wait. These are most of the reasons that I can think of...religion, spiritual, emotional connection, etc.

If it is one of the above...then the way he does it or the size should be of minute importance. Let's be honest... If she is waiting b/c of religious are supposed to be trusting in your higher power and his/her ability to bring a union with your soulmate. You're taking a leap of faith so to speak. That's the point.

If she is waiting because she wants to make sure that there is an emotional/spiritual/legal bond ....then if she really loves him (love is unconditional btw) it shouldn't matter. If he has "issues" the love will bring them to finding ways to fixing them in alternative ways.

If good "skills" and a nice peen are very important to her...and a deal maker or breaker...then she should test drive the car before she makes the big purchase. It's all about priorities.

At the bold I agree with you totally. FOR ME, I'm not worried about because I'm trusting my God in that area. Because it is a deal breaker for me, which I'm just trusting God and let it do what it do..

As for my friend and the rest of your statement. She is on the fence with it. She really rather wait for marriage. I don't know I'm just trying to help her out. Also, it may be a deal breaker for her. I'm not sure.

Pay attention to how attentive he is. Men who are attentive outside the bedroom are most likely the same in the bedroom. That's an important part of sex as well.

I have heard this once before. I may have to agree with you, because my past loves were inattentive and selfish.

I'm trying to phrase this correctly so that it makes sense:

If she's a virgin, well-endowed shouldn't mean too much to her; average should be just fine. If she's waiting until marriage anyway, that emotional bond should be strong enough so that it won't matter. Of course, I understand not wanting a micropeen and furthermore, how would she be able to assess his skill level if she's never experienced it before? Even if he sucks, it would be hard for her to discern that because she has nothing to compare it to.

I hope this makes sense. This stuff won't matter unless she's had something to compare it to previously is what I'm trying to say.

No I get exactly what you are saying. She's not a virgin. But she decided to make this decision for herself.
OP you mentioned that she's willing to do 'other things'. Like what? Cause if she wants to know the size, she may want to do an 'oral' exam or 'palm' check. :cowgirl: and maybe he if reciprocated that might help as well. :auto: (But actual coloring skills, can't help her there.)
If you are going to do all that, then you might as well have intercourse.
It's not teasing, couples get hot and heavy all the time without having sex.

awhyley she is willing to foreplay and stuff like that but with under clothes on.

I know most women will say go ahead and just have sex. But she is not trying to have sex outside of marriage. Which is the point of thread, she wanted to know if there was a way to gauge his sexual satisfaction for her.


At the bold I agree with you totally. FOR ME, I'm not worried about because I'm trusting my God in that area. Because it is a deal breaker for me, which I'm just trusting God and let it do what it do..

As for my friend and the rest of your statement. She is on the fence with it. She really rather wait for marriage. I don't know I'm just trying to help her out. Also, it may be a deal breaker for her. I'm not sure.

I have heard this once before. I may have to agree with you, because my past loves were inattentive and selfish.

No I get exactly what you are saying. She's not a virgin. But she decided to make this decision for herself.
she need not do foreplay if she is not going to do the do. that would be childish and immature of her to get that man all hot and bothered when she knows that she is not going to do anything with him. that is going to lead him to do a couple of things a) take it from her b) go get it from another chick c) leave her alone all together. if she does that she is not ready for intercourse let alone marriage.
It's not teasing, couples get hot and heavy all the time without having sex.

awhyley she is willing to foreplay and stuff like that but with under clothes on.

I know most women will say go ahead and just have sex. But she is not trying to have sex outside of marriage. Which is the point of thread, she wanted to know if there was a way to gauge his sexual satisfaction for her.


At the bold I agree with you totally. FOR ME, I'm not worried about because I'm trusting my God in that area. Because it is a deal breaker for me, which I'm just trusting God and let it do what it do..

As for my friend and the rest of your statement. She is on the fence with it. She really rather wait for marriage. I don't know I'm just trying to help her out. Also, it may be a deal breaker for her. I'm not sure.

I have heard this once before. I may have to agree with you, because my past loves were inattentive and selfish.

No I get exactly what you are saying. She's not a virgin. But she decided to make this decision for herself.

Ahh, got it, LOL!
Reading is fundamental :ohwell: #FAIL
This may sound odd...but I judge men by how they eat food. If they are scarfing it down, barely chewing or not offering any to share, I automatically think of them as being greedy or too quick lovers.

If they savor their food, take the time to actually taste what they are eating, verbally enjoy what they are eating and offer to share, I think of them as being more sensual and better in bed.

But I think the dancing and kissing ideas are good ways to figure out how he may be.
Well I know I am crazy and I don't care I just flat out asked them HOW BIG Is your penis I am in it to win it and if there is something that needs to be worked on My uncle Dr. Cohen is a great Doctor that can help with these types of issues. I did not care I was a virgin till I got married but MY MOTHER was dead on it. My Grandmother was dead on it. The matchmaker was like WTF my mother and Grandmother was like she should have a complete package in all aspects a woman needs to be satisfied in all areas of her life Its in the Torah.

It happened because on girl got married her husband had a micro penis and he was Sterile the family kept blaming HER that she could not get pregnant. He was abusive she was like lets do this New Invitro thing that was back in the 70's with the first IVF girl in England Louise Brown they were already married a few years HE would not hear of it and come to find out it was HIM that is the problem and with a lot of infertile couples it is NOT always the womans fault well they stayed married he left her for a younger women My friend got remarried and had 2 Sets of Twins and is now the mother of 11 children whereas old boy is like on his 4th wife and still does not have children of his own now he is like a running joke in the community like that movie about people dating this guy and as soon as they break up they up they find the love of their lives and have a great married life with lots of kids. I know all of his ex wifes and with their new husband theyc come to synagouge smiling on Shabbat cause you know last night he knocked the bottom out of that and they skinning and grinning in shul. Nice to start off Shabbat with a big O.

I would just come out and ask. But maybe some men would not be happy about that but who cares My vagina and well being deserves to be happiness and overall well being too
Just because she is choosing to abstain now doesn't mean she is a virgin. So 'average' may not cut it for her.

I agree with attentiveness and knowing herself. If he is attentive outside the bedroom many times he is in the bedroom. If she knows herself, she can teach him what makes her happy.
Well I know I am crazy and I don't care I just flat out asked them HOW BIG Is your penis I am in it to win it and if there is something that needs to be worked on My uncle Dr. Cohen is a great Doctor that can help with these types of issues.

I would just come out and ask. But maybe some men would not be happy about that but who cares My vagina and well being deserves to be happiness and overall well being too

I agree with you. I have asked men how big they were and they showed me. I was like :grin:. They weren't bragging.....

Just because she is choosing to abstain now doesn't mean she is a virgin. So 'average' may not cut it for her.

I agree with attentiveness and knowing herself. If he is attentive outside the bedroom many times he is in the bedroom. If she knows herself, she can teach him what makes her happy.

I think that plays a role...attentiveness.

My gf and I was talking more in depth about it. I think for an experience woman it basically means she needs to know what size satisfies her. It's either long (inches) and thin, short and thick, or whatever combination. But if all else fails, you can show the guy what you like. :lol:
Pay attention to how attentive he is. Men who are attentive outside the bedroom are most likely the same in the bedroom. That's an important part of sex as well.

The above is probably the best advice. Most of the guys I have sated refuse to dance. Or can't. Some have nbeen better than other, but you friend should be reassure that if he has been with her and cares for her for a signifincant period of time thins in the bedroom should be just fine if she wants to want till the wedding bells ring.

But I'm a try before I buy kind girl. :yep:
I'm sorry but love will not make up for a micro penis :nono: I fully advocate testing out the goods before making a long term commitment.
Interesting thread. :lol: Good luck to your friend. It's definitely going to be hard for her to gather any valuable info without at least getting to 2nd base in my opinion. :lol:
She can/will largely determine how things go. :yep:

100% agree with the bolded...just from personal experience...I have had a pretty great "coloring" life (when I was doing that anyway). Why? Not because they were good (most were though) but because I am great and I always aim to be their best. I have an ego in bed. :look:

I believe the more I was open and into it, the more they tended to want to out do themselves or me. A little healthy competition always get the fire burning. Even if I thought they were ok, they thought I was amazing. As long as he's not completely selfish in bed and totally uncoordinated, he can be taught. Practice makes perfect. But I know I am a natural...:look::lachen::lol:
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