So Are Scorpios Really That Amazing..

I am abstinent now and I don't have as much experience as most, but FWIW, but back when I was still living in sin, I didn't find Scorpios any better than the next sign at seduction. The only thing I noticed was that they were almost always into rough stuff and into being aloof in public until something else entirely came out in private. I need to be wooed with a gentle touch, so all that grabby, rough stuff is why I didn't work out with the three Scorpio guys I dated.
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SO is a Scorpio... they are passionate and very contrary to how they appear in public. They are very sexual and like to have sex a LOT. Like :perplexed at the most random times :lol: They have potential to get great more than most due to their personality--but other signs can go hard.. it is all about the individual person, KWIM? The do like a bit of rough play. The biggest turn on for me is the fact that they tend to dominate and I am submissive, so it works.
My experience with Scorpios haven't been with coloring, but the men are intense. I swear, they'd burn holes in your body with their eyes if they could. I LOVE that!
SO is a Scorpio... they are passionate and very contrary to how they appear in public. They are very sexual and like to have sex a LOT. Like :perplexed at the most random times :lol: They have potential to get great more than most due to their personality--but other signs can go hard.. it is all about the individual person, KWIM? The do like a bit of rough play. The biggest turn on for me is the fact that they tend to dominate and I am submissive, so it works.

I was just about to say this. I LOVE coloring! Love love love it! I am very passionate and have had to learn to not be so dominate in a relationship. I do like rough more often than soft & gentle and I have been called out for being distant in public.

WOW! This is right on point!
My experience with Scorpios haven't been with coloring, but the men are intense. I swear, they'd burn holes in your body with their eyes if they could. I LOVE that!

for real... I can ony speak for one, but he seemed to be just a very passionate, compassionate person very in touch with senses, so he heightened the experience of all things
Don't know about coloring, but my first BF was a Scorpio and he was really really good at foreplay /making out - the best I ever had (we never had intercourse). I still can't figure out how he was so skilled at making his way around the female body at such a young age (17). In a further 16 years of dating, I still have never met his equal.

I do agree about the intensity (both him and a subsequent Scorpio boyfriend). Intensity can be good, but I have decided never to date another Scorpio because of the possessiveness, clinginess, and jealousy that I experienced from those two guys.
when it comes to coloring? :blush:

My brother is a Scorpio but ain't no way I'm asking him :lachen:

Absolutely not. Though I'm currently dating a Scorpio that fits your above description, the other two I've dated were horrible, absolutely horrible in the bedroom. :nono: :nono:
I do agree about the intensity (both him and a subsequent Scorpio boyfriend). Intensity can be good, but I have decided never to date another Scorpio because of the possessiveness, clinginess, and jealousy that I experienced from those two guys.

Definitely don't rule all of them out. Scorpio men are some of the most committed, attentive and caring men I've dated. Like any other man out there, they just want to make sure you got their back and love them as deeply.

That said, they are fragile and sensitive. Some let you know it but most Scorpios don't. They keep those emotions in. If he turns silent on you then you know something is up. :lol:
I was just about to say this. I LOVE coloring! Love love love it! I am very passionate and have had to learn to not be so dominate in a relationship. I do like rough more often than soft & gentle and I have been called out for being distant in public.

WOW! This is right on point!

Yup thats me. Some days Dh cannot keep up. I'm always fighting the urge to dominate.
My experience with Scorpios haven't been with coloring, but the men are intense. I swear, they'd burn holes in your body with their eyes if they could. I LOVE that!

This is funny, I am a scorpio and I have been told by men that I've dated and Dh that I give this look like...damn! I am completely unaware of it and it makes me like what? How am I looking at you??? However, they say its intense.
Scorpio may be highly sexual but Librans are uber passionate and have skillz, even though I do say so myself.

Scorpio is a watery sign. It is the most sexual of all the zodiac sign. They are sexually highly volatile and volcanic. Their sexual appetite is insatiable. For you to relate to a Scorpio it is important to match his hunger for sex. They are highly sexual but have some hidden agenda. Scorpio lover can use sex to manipulate and overcome you. There is some powerful magnetism attached to a Scorpio and of course the intensity of their love that invites you towards them. But beware its a spiders invitation to a fly to catch you in its web!

Now Librans
Libra is an airy sign. Libra is a sensual and generous lover who has deep desire to satisfy and please their lover in bed. They are flirtatious by nature and masters in lovemaking. A combination difficult to resist but you have to be patient with them because for them to have sexual relationship it is important that the other person must appeal to their romantic and passionate fantasies. They want to be loved and desired as they are sentimental and romantic at heart (remember to be patient) before they can teach you a trick or two in bed.
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Scorpio may be highly sexual but Librans are uber passionate and have skillz, even though I do say so myself.

Now Librans
Now, I am more of a Libra lover. I always mesh well with Libra men that I go out with, even if we don't end up dating long-term.

Funny thing is, I'm not even sure I believe in astrology, but these rules of thumb are usually pretty true for me.:spinning:
Scorpios can be trying to work with :yep: .. especially mine. I have to check his dominance at the bedroom (or living room or kitchen ;) ) door because I find that all Scorpios have this caustic energy and thus the tendency to be somewhat overbearing if they are really invested in an issue. They don't mean to be this way--but it just like they have all this passion bottled up and then it overflows. I have to check SO sometimes.

He can also be extremely moody, but he does not wish to articulate his moodiness. I think this is because he even knows he is being ridiculous so he just has to wait for his 'extra'ness to subside so he can KIM. He is also the sort of man to hold on to something and resent you later on--so I have to inspire conversation in him to get out any kinks or annoyances. I had to let him know he needed to miss me with that mind reader bullish and to start him talking more I abruptly stop doing things to anticipate how he'd feel because I am a big communicator and I didn't want to be driving myself into a rut trying to figure him out. Not for me.

I really feel sorry for the person that crosses him--because they really do have that stinger. :lol: He gets out of pocket sometime and I have to remind him to tone it down because I find with most Scorpios I know (which are basically all of my friends) they do not repay bad things equally. That passion turns into a certain type of exaggerated anger and they will say the most cutting things because their intuition allows them to see weakness and lies very quickly.

They really aren't for play if you don't want to be told about yourself at some point in time. I do say you have to handle them a lot more gently than they may handle you at times because I find that SO will get his ego hurt quickly and not say anything so I try to fall back on the criticism.

I do enjoy the intense loyalty and unspoken love that radiates from them. He isn't the I love you type and neither are my two best friends that are November Scorps--but I know the depth of their emotions somehow. Even though he is highly sexual I never worry about him cheating on me at all. He has a small jealous streak, but I like the slight possessive feel. It is nice to know you are valued and wanted and that people are aware that those things could change and they don't want them to. I am a Taurus so I pretty much want to be the only girl in the room/universe when it comes to my mayun. :giggle:

But yeah :love: he is a good partner and a great father! I love to watch him and DD play together. He has more patience than me and to be such a 'macho' man he can do lots of domestic things I cannot do or hate to do like sewing, cleaning, and although I can cook so can he! So yeah!
Not in my experience.

I've dealt with 3 that were GREAT at oral coloring though...

ETA- They were ALL heauxs with wittle crayons too. :look:
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Pisces are the booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomb... like... like a constant stream of running water. And Imma leave it at that. I only fux with water and air though.. so there ya go. :love:
i never heard this about scorpios. can only speak on one, and it wasn't anything to write home about. but i do luhs me a libra :lick: