I had asked since I don’t have IG and sometimes videos won’t play without needing an account. Sorry.

Oh I see, my apologies. It’s a video of a guy saying (using a voiceover from an episode of SpongeBob) that he’s ready to start dating and motions his arms forward as he prepares to give his heart to a girl that likes him. The girl who likes him happily says let me see it (his heart). He immediately yells no, grabs his heart back and says I change my mind, it’s not ready. A lot of unhealed commitment phobes in the comments say they feel seen and are guilty of doing this.
Oh I see, my apologies. It’s a video of a guy saying (using a voiceover from an episode of SpongeBob) that he’s ready to start dating and motions his arms forward as he prepares to give his heart to a girl that likes him. The girl who likes him happily says let me see it (his heart). He immediately yells no, grabs his heart back and says I change my mind, it’s not ready. A lot of unhealed commitment phobes in the comments say they feel seen and are guilty of doing this.
Yea, that would fit very much. I need folks to heal or sit out.
He was putting together that piano and my little heart was cheesin.:biggrin:

I love a man thats handy. I dunno. Change my oil, fix the lights, oh you can build shelves?? Lawddd * googly eyes*:giggle:

OAN, I like slow and steady, meanwhile hes over there planning next Christmas events. Boy, I may not like you in 2 days. I gotta see how you chew your food :look:
Todays lesson is about boundaries and sticking to those said boundaries.

Men don’t chill and hang out at my house. Explaining in detail and you saying you understand only to bring it up days later in an ambiguous way shows that you don’t understand.

Those that you dated in the last set you up for failure buddy. We don’t play those games over here.
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We didn’t go on a date per say. I was going to the mall and he met me there.

Things I liked
  • His manners
    • He opened doors​
    • He waited by the car to open the door​
    • He carried my bags​
    • He asked if I was hungry​
    • He apologized if I felt something he said wasn’t on equal standing with my values. I.e calling women females. I can’t stand when men do that
    • He didn’t pick up his phone once. We actually talked the entire time
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Things I didn’t like
  • he’s touchy feeling. Not in a sexual way but he was soothing me by patting my arms and rubbing my back. I didn’t like it because I don’t become touchy feeling until feelings are involved. I don’t mind hugs though.
  • He’s semi pro black but raised southern so he’s a little bias which I understand because I’m not a black man and don’t have those experiences that he does being from the South. The only saving grace is he’s open to another opinion of things. I hope he continues to be because I’m out if he can’t.

When some folks believe in happiness they don’t let anything stop them from it. Even a married spouse lol

I’m just sitting here looking at the article about the cohosts on vacation. Blissfully.

They are just happily living their lives. I wonder what it’s like with the spouses that were cheated on.
Plot twist. I will be spending NYE as young buck’s plus one lol. His family and closest friends will be present. After lurking in my DMs he finally got the guts to initiate a phone call and we talked for a couple hours (the convo was deep and he even opened up about his past). He’s super smart which drives me wild. Nothing like a great intellectual conversation. It kinda went sad when he suggested a situationship and I turned him down. I thanked him for his honesty since a lot of guys lead women on making them think they want a serious relationship or one potentially leading to marriage. So far he’s ok with just friendship.
When some folks believe in happiness they don’t let anything stop them from it. Even a married spouse lol

I’m just sitting here looking at the article about the cohosts on vacation. Blissfully.

They are just happily living their lives. I wonder what it’s like with the spouses that were cheated on.

Re: Your first paragraph
How about they
believe in happiness
all they want
and still go
for it but
only after breaking
up with their spouses.

I dunno how
anyone can trust
a cheater.
Surely they were
once to someone
else what they
seem to you.

The saying that
"How you get them
is how you
will lose them"
has proven time
and again to
be true. Le shrug.
Re: Your first paragraph
How about they
believe in happiness
all they want
and still go
for it but
only after breaking
up with their spouses.

I dunno how
anyone can trust
a cheater.
Surely they were
once to someone
else what they
seem to you.

The saying that
"How you get them
is how you
will lose them"
has proven time
and again to
be true. Le shrug.
Which is what always flabbergasted me.
Y’all cheated together. You think they won’t do the same thing?

The gf my ex cheated with swore her kitty jar was the cats meow. Yet you had a tracker on his phone, all his passwords and made him go everywhere with you, lol.

it didn’t even last 3 months before he was cheating. He’s married less than a year and cheating still with the last 2 exes because they both want to prove they can get him to keep coming back. @PatDM'T
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Love how you are walking your screen name @TrulyBlessed!

Thank you, love! I want us all to win. Like so many, I’ve been single for longer than I care to admit and pray to see a turning point soon. Cheers to healthy loving relationships for all of us in 2023 and beyond.

Also, a few people I know (black women) just got married at mid 40s, late 40s and early 50s in the last few months. And this is in the DC area where it’s like the hunger games. Just want to encourage you all that in spite of what the jerks on social media outlets spew, what’s meant for you will be for you and it will happen at the right time.
Thank you, love! I want us all to win. Like so many, I’ve been single for longer than I care to admit and pray to see a turning point soon. Cheers to healthy loving relationships for all of us in 2023 and beyond.

Also, a few people I know (black women) just got married at mid 40s, late 40s and early 50s in the last few months. And this is in the DC area where it’s like the hunger games. Just want to encourage you all that in spite of what the jerks on social media outlets spew, what’s meant for you will be for you and it will happen at the right time.
Someone messaged me with a quote from one of our ladies who married later than the norm and it gave me a glimmer of hope.
Im leaving him right in 2022. You had almost 9 years to get it right. After that heartfelt conversation I realized you just want the best of me without committing. It’s okay because I realized if I continue to allow him access it’s my fault. You also let me know it bothered you about my ex so much you unknowingly held it against me yet you never asked me to commit to you. So that’s on you buddy.

blocked and removed from all my social media. I need to remove CB from some of my social medias too. I just want him on my hair page.

On a better note, we’re going to date. Not exclusively but just get to know each other. I like how he will apologize and try to understand the little things. I’m PMS’n and a little mean right now :lachen: But he’s being extra sensitive about if I need anything.