This is just a utterance the holidays I typically bottle this up.
By now I would have thought I had worked hard enough to add value and would be lovable,desirable by now. It’s been a decade and self love is great but I refuse to just keep skinning and grinning when I don’t know how much more time I have and never having one holiday season that others have gotten w love, family and feeling as though I matter.
I know there are people not having food, on the streets and every calamity. I don’t find solace in others suffering either.
Just needed to say this after 10+yrs of being told someone like me should just take care of yourself and not desire.

This was so refreshing to read and reassuring for us single folks. I will stay the course and not settle in my search for a true partner.

It is all about the day to day! People aren’t honest about that. People haven’t truly learned themselves as individuals. Most of us have been trying to partner up, or attach ourselves to others as soon as we were able to date. Basically, Folks don’t even know who they are and what they want for themselves, let alone what type of realistic relationship they want.
People that want to have a traditional marriage don’t even live like that as a single person.
I shared this
in the thread
about Da’Naia and
Derrick Jaxn but
I think the advice
is good for anyone,
especially those not
yet married:

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Not having friends makes the ah ha moments hard. Watching that video upthread really said a thing I have been too embarrassed to admit of wanting to be married as it would make me be quasi normal. I’m grateful for every failed relationship as all were abusive and unproductive. Being single for a decade makes me feel like I may never be someone’s desired esp that’s healthy. I did so much in the vain that if I did x I would be wanted. I have tried to be anyone other than me as over my life being me isn’t enough or too much. From looks to personality.
I would love to be loved and experience being lovable and desired. How it feels to have someone who protects and supportive. I never knew this growing up and it just seems it’s only for that girl aka not me.
But so grateful to not be married to just any ole dude that’s a cancer if he isn’t good.