Never thought I'd be one of those girls...

I just wanted to say that we've all been there so dont be so hard on yourself!! :yep:

You would think by 46 he'd would have gotten his act together.

Anyway sounds like you've got it under control now so kuddos to you!
dude that entire story i was envisioning a 23 year old bald muscular man with a big stick and then i read that 46 year old mess:perplexed

i hope from now on you act upon your gut instincts instead of ignoring them. Ive been there but now If I smell foulness from the jump, I never take it to that level. Gut instincts are a motha...its so funny when I completely trust a guy I dont get any "urge" to snoop. Its a good feeling.
To me, this sounds like a friends with benefits relationship gone wrong. Some people are not cut out for these type of arrangements. If it's FWB it's just that, no feelings and no snooping.:rolleyes:
All I can say is this guy is definitely a player and not bf material. Unfortunately, with most women eventhough we go into a situation thinking we know what we want, when you add sex into the equation you give that man apart of yourself, which can lead to all types of unwanted emotions. Stand your ground and let him go. Don't beat yourself up about the situation, life is full of all kinds of experiences, just learn from them and keep it moving.
Join the club, you aint the first or the last.

Hugs to you.

I agree with both of these ladies!!!!!!!!!!
It sounds to me like you started off okay being friends with benefits, but caught feelings somewhere along the way. Maybe when it was put in your face that there were other females- even though you suspected there were from the jump anyway.

I wouldn't beat myself up too much. Like the song says "everybody plays the fool sometime". Just don't continue to be the fool.


I agree with this!:yep:
You're a good person. Its natural for women to want to believe in the best in people. Just next time follow you're intuition. I think most women at one point or another have dealt with things they never expecting, including myself. Learn your lessons and be stronger for it.

..who would put up with so much crap from a man.

The past couple of months, I've admittingly been rather stupid. For some reason, most of my friends come to me for life and relationship advice. For some reason, they think I have it all together. Well, I don't always make the best decisions either.

I have been casually dating this guy for the last 4 months...umm, we'll call him Bob. Our chemistry is off the chain, so much in fact that I've never felt this kind of sexual chemistry with any other man. We started off casual and spend several days a week together going out to eat and watching movies at my place or his. Bob is also known as a 'ladies man'. At first I didn't care because I didn't want anything from him other than..well, you know.

Bob claimed that he wasn't sleeping with any other women but in my heart, I couldn't trust it. Anyway, I spend the night at Bob's house and he wakes up early in the morning to go work out at the gym before going to work. (Mistake 1, don't leave a woman alone in your house and think she won't go snooping.) I am looking through Bob's nightstand drawer and underneath his pile of socks I find his old cellphone that he just got deactivated a few weeks prior. Naturally, I turn the phone on and start reading his old text messages. I find a text message that he sent to one of his guy friends while he was at the Lake that says, "I found a couple of sluts for us tonight."

Next, I read his incoming text messages and find messages such as "are you asking me for a **** or for a date?" , and "I won't go to Florida with you, you have to meet my mom first.", and "I want to touch you in naughty places", and "I can't wait! I'll bring my toys." Oh, did I mention that all of these are from different women?
I felt stupid, I should have known. I was mad at him but I also had to take responsibility for myself. I knew he was a ladies man, what did I really expect from him? I confronted him on it, he denied it, then admitted to sleeping with 1 woman...never fessed up to the others. Later he sent me an e-mail apologizing for how it made me feel, but not for his actions. Sorry dude, I don't need your tired apology. I told him not to contact me again.

A week later Bob calls back and wants to come over to talk. I reluctantly agree. It was a Friday night, I had no plans, whatever. He comes over and as a act of penance, he brings me a bottle of wine titled B!tch 2007, and a 4 pack of Sugar Free Red Bull. I guess he forgot that I hate Red Bull and my energy drink of choice is Rooster Booster Lite from Quik Trip. Maybe he confused me with Christie-Bigtits from his contact list.

We have a glass of B!tch 2007 and I basically let him have it. I told him that no, we cannot be friends. Either he's going to step up his game and treat me the way that I desire or we're not going to talk at all. He says that he wants to "make things work" and says that he wants us both to be open with our feelings whether they are negative or positive. I was weary and decided to proceed with caution. I wanted to believe him.

The next week he calls me on Tuesday night (4th of July was on Friday) and we talk for a few minutes. He mentions that he's going back to the Lake for the 4th of July weekend. He doesn't call me the entire time he's there. Funny thing is, I go on his myspace page and there's a comment from a bikini clad girl saying 'Sure, a trip to the Lake sounds fun!'. No wonder he never called. I don't know what I was expecting, perhaps even a simple text on the 4th saying, 'Happy 4th of July, go **** yourself." would have been better than nothing. Again, this is a man who says he wants to "make it work" and then I don't hear from him. He finally calls on Sunday, we talk and he admits that he made out with a random girl. Yeah right, we're not in middle school anymore. I'm pretty sure he screwed her. I tell him to not call my anymore.

This Friday I receive a call at 2:45 A.M. and he says, "Krista, will you please come save me?" This is codeword for " I'm a drunk idiot, i've probably sh*t on myself and need a ride home." I say "no" and get off the phone. He calls back and pleads with me, says he thinks he's going to get in trouble, and like a weak little ******, I agree. Actually, my parents always taught me to never leave anyone stranded, even if you despise them. I kept hearing that in my head, so I rolled out of bed and drove 20 mintues to the Plaza to pick him up at 3:15 in the morning. He's visibly drunk and looks quite pathetic actually. I take him to his house and go inside to make sure he gets in bed safely. I help him undress and get ready for bed, and it almost felt as if I had a child. I can tell that he's going to say something and I assume he's going to thank me for picking him up. Instead he says, "Can I touch your box?"

His way of thanking me? He grabs a hold of my jeans and tries to force them down, rips my shirt as he's trying grab onto me and all the while says, "What the ****, we were never committed." And he still thinks I'm going to give it up? Such a fool. Naked and drunk, he falls off the bed trying to grab me again. I took all the sheets off the bed, threw them on top of him, and left. By the time I got home, it was 5 A.M. and had to be up in 40 minutes.

Friday morning he sends me a text that says, "Thanks for saving me Krista". I don't respond. He calls me during lunch, I don't respond.
I almost want to tell him that I felt violated, but it wouldn't matter. Ugh.

I consider myself to be an intelligent person, but you wouldn't know it based on reading above. It's easy for me to tell him to leave me alone and not to contact me, but it's difficult to stay strong and not let him back in. However, I think this was the final straw.
ok, why the heck does ANYONE over 25 without a record or movie coming out have a myspace page???

sorry if this has been mentioned already, i just read that and said, 'WTH'.
Honey, thank God you got out of there. Men can be overpowering when they are drunk and it can be disasterous. From now on, cut off ALL contact with him. If he comes by your house don't answer the door or don't even meet him somewhere or at his house. He has shown his true colors by not taking into consideration that you risking your life getting out of bed three or four o'clock in the morning to save his sorry a**! You don't need men like that. Especially the ones who is in their mid-40s acting like a college kid.
I just wanna say thank you for sharing your story. I really respect the ladies on this forum and it honestly makes me feel better to know that I am not the only one who made a mistake. Sometimes you can feel all alone but its good to know that you can make a mistake, learn, and come away better.
It's cool Kris :bighug:. Everyone really has been "there" in some way, shape, or form at one point in time or another. All that matters is that you realized that your mistakes and are committed to not repeating them. :yep:
Thank you all for your responses, it really means a lot to me.

This man was so toxic that it's a relief to have him out of my life. (Not gonna lie, there are some things that I miss about him but I'm not focusing on them.) He called me this weekend, and I told him that it's best that we do not communicate at all going forward. He said "I know you don't think that I gave you a lot, but I gave you all that I could." So shameful considering that he gave me nothing, and I honestly feel that he could not have a normal relationship even if he tried. That's not my problem anymore.

What have I learned from this? Some people won't ever have the ability or desire to love/treat us the way we deserve. My dignity and self-respect are more important than trying to see the best in someone else.
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ok, why the heck does ANYONE over 25 without a record or movie coming out have a myspace page???

sorry if this has been mentioned already, i just read that and said, 'WTH'.

hijacking thread....^^^^^^^What's that all about??? I am WELL over 25, not coming out with a record and have a's for more then just "music\movie artist" networking.....and for the record i don't have one for dating either....

on another note, Kris yes we have (i no me) been there done that and life's experiences make us stronger & wiser, WHEN we recognize these sort of things..I think back @ times when I thought I would NEVER getover my feelings, only to take initiative to search for what good for my soul, and after healing, I look, back & say, wow I cannot believe that I actually put up with that nonsense.
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I'm in a situation now where I have been stuck on stupid. Don't feel to bad. I try not to but after awhile it is no longer his fault, you know what I mean?:rolleyes:
I'm in a situation now where I have been stuck on stupid. Don't feel to bad. I try not to but after awhile it is no longer his fault, you know what I mean?:rolleyes:
I agree with this too. I also want to add that IF you decide to give him another chance, you need to leave him alone and not have ANY form of contact with him for at least two weeks. Give yourself time to really think about whether or not you would want to be in a relationship with him, and let him shake in his shoes in the meanwhile. As long as you even respond to him (even to tell him how done you are and you don't want to talk to him) - he knows that he still got you AS LONG as you give him any type of contact. It looks like nothing was really established in the beginning of your "friendship", so he continued to do his thing. Did he say how long he's been involved with these women, or that he wants to cut them off? And if so, do you think you can trust him? I mean technically, he was not wrong because in his mind, he was just "dating around". If he is very serious about making things work, he'll have to make some serious adjustments and you have to be sure that he's the one that you want.
I agree with this too. I also want to add that IF you decide to give him another chance, you need to leave him alone and not have ANY form of contact with him for at least two weeks. Give yourself time to really think about whether or not you would want to be in a relationship with him, and let him shake in his shoes in the meanwhile. As long as you even respond to him (even to tell him how done you are and you don't want to talk to him) - he knows that he still got you AS LONG as you give him any type of contact. It looks like nothing was really established in the beginning of your "friendship", so he continued to do his thing. Did he say how long he's been involved with these women, or that he wants to cut them off? And if so, do you think you can trust him? I mean technically, he was not wrong because in his mind, he was just "dating around". If he is very serious about making things work, he'll have to make some serious adjustments and you have to be sure that he's the one that you want.

He's not serious about making things work, and honestly I'm kind of glad he isn't because I might have entered into a 'relationship' that was never going to go anywhere in the first place.

I haven't talked to him in 8 days (not that I'm counting). Why does it seem like eternity? 1 week can seem like forever to a woman, but to a man it's nothing. Everyday gets easier and each day I don't speak to him I start to realize just how strong I really am.

I had the choice. Either I could A) continue to remain in contact with him and continue to go through the emotional rollercoaster or B) Cut off contact with him, go through the temporary difficulty of change, and eventually be happier and stronger than ever. I chose the second option.

In WMLB, the author says that if a man disrespects a woman and she takes it, he loses respect for her. What isn't mentioned is the the lack of respect you start to feel for yourself once you start becoming accustomed to the disrespect. No man is worth losing your self-respect and dignity. At the end of the day, that's all you have. I had to fall flat on my face a few times, but I see it clearly now.
He's not serious about making things work, and honestly I'm kind of glad he isn't because I might have entered into a 'relationship' that was never going to go anywhere in the first place.

I haven't talked to him in 8 days (not that I'm counting). Why does it seem like eternity? 1 week can seem like forever to a woman, but to a man it's nothing. Everyday gets easier and each day I don't speak to him I start to realize just how strong I really am.

I had the choice. Either I could A) continue to remain in contact with him and continue to go through the emotional rollercoaster or B) Cut off contact with him, go through the temporary difficulty of change, and eventually be happier and stronger than ever. I chose the second option.

In WMLB, the author says that if a man disrespects a woman and she takes it, he loses respect for her. What isn't mentioned is the the lack of respect you start to feel for yourself once you start becoming accustomed to the disrespect. No man is worth losing your self-respect and dignity. At the end of the day, that's all you have. I had to fall flat on my face a few times, but I see it clearly now.
Ok, it sounds like you've got your mind made up to keep moving forward. It's good that you're able to move on, althouh I know it hurts like hell. You may not think that eight days is a long time for a man, but if he really cares about you and realizes what he loss, I can guarantee that he'll be back by the end of this week. :yep: In the mean time, you are gaining a lot of respect from him as well, because he now sees that you are NOT going to stick around for his bs. As I said before, I honestly can't say that he was %100 wrong (well, the "save me" incident was messed up), but nothing was ever established in the beginning. He was still dating around and had a life before you came into the picture, then you caught feelings and they got hurt when you snooped through his phone and saw that you're not the only one...know what I mean?
Ok, it sounds like you've got your mind made up to keep moving forward. It's good that you're able to move on, althouh I know it hurts like hell. You may not think that eight days is a long time for a man, but if he really cares about you and realizes what he loss, I can guarantee that he'll be back by the end of this week. :yep: In the mean time, you are gaining a lot of respect from him as well, because he now sees that you are NOT going to stick around for his bs. As I said before, I honestly can't say that he was %100 wrong (well, the "save me" incident was messed up), but nothing was ever established in the beginning. He was still dating around and had a life before you came into the picture, then you caught feelings and they got hurt when you snooped through his phone and saw that you're not the only one...know what I mean?

You're right. I guess I got offended because he told me one thing (I was the only one he was sleeping with) and come to find out, I wasn't. They'll say anything to keep you around.

What really irked me this last time is that after I "saved him", he claimed that he would return the favor whenever I needed him. A week later, I wanted to test the waters. I was out with some friends, and asked him to come pick me up because I was (seemingly) drunk. He arrives at the lounge and just when I think he's going to give me a ride home, he informs me that he's not ready to leave but will be more than happy to put me in cab and send me to my house or his house. Not cool.

I can wake up at 3 AM, drive 20 minutes to pick him up, and put him in bed but all he could offer me was a free cab ride? It's definitely not the same thing. And he really didn't understand why I no longer wanted to talk to him.
You're right. I guess I got offended because he told me one thing (I was the only one he was sleeping with) and come to find out, I wasn't. They'll say anything to keep you around.

What really irked me this last time is that after I "saved him", he claimed that he would return the favor whenever I needed him. A week later, I wanted to test the waters. I was out with some friends, and asked him to come pick me up because I was (seemingly) drunk. He arrives at the lounge and just when I think he's going to give me a ride home, he informs me that he's not ready to leave but will be more than happy to put me in cab and send me to my house or his house. Not cool.

I can wake up at 3 AM, drive 20 minutes to pick him up, and put him in bed but all he could offer me was a free cab ride? It's definitely not the same thing. And he really didn't understand why I no longer wanted to talk to him.
Ok, I didn't know that he lied to you about being the only one he was sleeping with. Yeah, most men will tell you what they want you to hear so that they can get in them drawers. It appears that he's been out of relationship mode for quite some time now and is a bit selfish (based on the "return the favor" story) that you just told. I would leave him alone and move on and focus on myself and let him get himself together. If you want, you can explain to him ONE more time if (well not if, WHEN he calls) why you are leaving him alone and then be done, period. If he really wants to be with you, he will realize over time what he's done and would be willing to make some changes and give those other women up. But for now, I would put the breaks on him for sure. Sorry that you have to go through this. :sad:
Ok, I didn't know that he lied to you about being the only one he was sleeping with. Yeah, most men will tell you what they want you to hear so that they can get in them drawers. It appears that he's been out of relationship mode for quite some time now and is a bit selfish (based on the "return the favor" story) that you just told. I would leave him alone and move on and focus on myself and let him get himself together. If you want, you can explain to him ONE more time if (well not if, WHEN he calls) why you are leaving him alone and then be done, period. If he really wants to be with you, he will realize over time what he's done and would be willing to make some changes and give those other women up. But for now, I would put the breaks on him for sure. Sorry that you have to go through this. :sad:

Thank you for your thoughts and advice. :yep: