I know a woman who is single, makes great money, no children and is in her early 50s. At least 3 recent times now, she has met a man online and when they meet in person, the men immediately change their tune on her. Literally - within minutes of them meeting her. She told me this one man saw her and snapped at her as if he was in an bad mood and said "I really don't feel like doing $#1!+ as she was getting in his car. I told her she was insane for going anywhere with him after that. She is not an unattractive woman. She is very tall and boisterous and has a deep voice, so I can see how she might seem intimidating. Yet I don't think her stature or voice has anything to do with why these men change their tune.

She has the ugliest feet I've ever seen.

She has a large foot, at least size 11. Her second toes are waaaay longer than the big toe and she has a lot of corns. Plus her feet always look ashy. She is forever wearing shoes like thong flip flops with her feet all the way out and they always look rather gruesome. Corns and bunions are a very normal thing but honestly I have never seen feet like hers. Once before the pandemic, we were in a friend's hair salon together and she was under the dryer. I was hanging out in the waiting area and a client walked in. She came in and said her hellos and was like "Oh [jane] is here! I know those feet anywhere." Yall...It was shady as a beach umbrella, but 100% true. She has no deformity, it just looks like she's never taken care of her feet or maybe never purchased shoes that properly fit. Like I said, she makes great money and I have no idea why she hasn't already had this corrected.

She treats me like a little sister and always wants my opinion on dudes. I know men should look inside of a person etc but I kind of want to tell her to stop wearing sandals on the first few dates. Is that wrong? Like, I'm pretty sure she's well aware that her feet are horrific. So maybe she is thinking F-it, I'm just going to do me. I really don't know.

I know it sounds like I'm totally trolling but this is a true story. :thud:

Self sabotage.
I hate this and that :censored: is intentional so they'll show up in search results for women looking for younger men. They think they can sweet talk you and win you over into liking them. Disgusting.
Right! Last year I went on a date with a dude and we hit it off. Had a second date a few days later, and that was great too! Why did I figure out that dude had totally lied about his age, and then had the audacity to act like I hadn't point blank asked him. Oh I was so heated!!
To be fair, I've never seen a dating site that allows changing your age. But these snakes know that and that's always their defense :rolleyes:
Some of them you can. Now a days everything is linked to Facebook, so the dating app just copies your information from Facebook and puts it in your dating profile. If his age is incorrect on Facebook/social media he can correct it there so that the correct age is transferred.

39 and 53 is a big age difference. I've heard people say that their age is incorrect on their dating profile before, but its only by a few years i.e. 1-3 not by a whole generation lol. :lachen:
I voluntarily became a single woman again a few weeks ago.... so, yea... Subbing :look: :lol:

I'm excited yet apprehensive about dipping back into the dating pool. I hope I don't become a victim of cuffing season just because it's convenient.
Omg! The very next guy that I met eventually ended up being my husband. We weren't exclusive until 2013, so I successfully avoided cuffing season :lol:
I have a date tomorrow and I was worried about my hair. I haven't worn it in it's full natural glory in a minute. A twist out is one thing, but I just washed and dried it, so I'll be rocking a big ol' puff.

I love my natural hair, but this was not my first style of choice. :Shrug:
Go slow, no hanging out at each other’s home, and don’t sleep with him. He still needs time to process things, and everyone in that situation needs to get adjusted to the new normal. People start dating to fill voids, vs take time to really reflect, become fully aware of the part they played in the demise of their relationship. If you stick to what I say for the next 6 months if it continues that long, you can see if he and his family is something you would like to explore and get to know further. You need to see how he can handle dating and being a single parent. And you need to see how you will handle when he might not be available. You don’t need to meet anyone in his family at this time, and you don’t need to be cuddling up with him like that either if you know what I mean. Y’all are strangers to each other.
Go slow, no hanging out at each other’s home, and don’t sleep with him. He still needs time to process things, and everyone in that situation needs to get adjusted to the new normal. People start dating to fill voids, vs take time to really reflect, become fully aware of the part they played in the demise of their relationship. If you stick to what I say for the next 6 months if it continues that long, you can see if he and his family is something you would like to explore and get to know further. You need to see how he can handle dating and being a single parent. And you need to see how you will handle when he might not be available. You don’t need to meet anyone in his family at this time, and you don’t need to be cuddling up with him like that either if you know what I mean. Y’all are strangers to each other.

Thank you for the balanced response.
I had a nice date yesterday. It was outing number 2. He surprised me with pepper spray. No not spraying it at me lol, but he bought it for me.

On our first date we had talked about life in the big city. He found out that I don't carry any weapons. I explained that my brother was supposed to get me pepper spray (since I wasn't sure how to get it near me), but he and I kept forgetting to follow up on it.

So my date showed up last night and surprised me with it.

There's something about this that makes me feel good. I think it's 3 things actually: 1) Being gifted. 2) Being pleasantly surprised. 3) I felt that this was an act of protectiveness.
Felt the need to start a separate post...I felt a shift in the energy during "our" 2nd date. For some reason I felt like his gaze had become more intense. I know this is kinda random, but it was palpable. I didn't shy away from eye contact, but it made me a little nervous (because I like him lol).

I also think he tried to reached for my hand twice, but I didn't grab it since I was scared I was seeing things :look: , but we did walk arm in arm.

(I'm sharing these little details because tbh it's actually nice for me to feel/experience these things. It's all new-ish for me AND I do not share early-on dating stuff with my friends in real life.)
Felt the need to start a separate post...I felt a shift in the energy during "our" 2nd date. For some reason I felt like his gaze had become more intense. I know this is kinda random, but it was palpable. I didn't shy away from eye contact, but it made me a little nervous (because I like him lol).

I also think he tried to reached for my hand twice, but I didn't grab it since I was scared I was seeing things :look: , but we did walk arm in arm.

(I'm sharing these little details because tbh it's actually nice for me to feel/experience these things. It's all new-ish for me AND I do not share early-on dating stuff with my friends in real life.)
This is awesome and thanks for sharing. I’m happy you’re getting to experience this!!
Felt the need to start a separate post...I felt a shift in the energy during "our" 2nd date. For some reason I felt like his gaze had become more intense. I know this is kinda random, but it was palpable. I didn't shy away from eye contact, but it made me a little nervous (because I like him lol).

I also think he tried to reached for my hand twice, but I didn't grab it since I was scared I was seeing things :look: , but we did walk arm in arm.

(I'm sharing these little details because tbh it's actually nice for me to feel/experience these things. It's all new-ish for me AND I do not share early-on dating stuff with my friends in real life.)

Aww....how sweet!....I'm all giddy for you:blush:.