What are you doing for yourself on Valentines Day?

I've always done something for me whether in a relationship or not.
I've ordered champagne flowers chocolates and foie gras to come for Saturday. I'm going to change my sheets and shave my body from from neck to toe and lotion my body up. Paint my nails and toes red and watch serial killer documentaries.
I've ordered champagne flowers chocolates and foie gras to come for Saturday. I'm going to change my sheets and shave my body from from neck to toe and lotion my body up. Paint my nails and toes red and watch serial killer documentaries.
You better! That sound like a good time.

I need to get to ordering my food...
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This guy I’m talking to has just discovered intersectional feminism and wants to debate. Because of the difference in time zones it means I’m winding down when he calls. Sir, this is new to you but it’s not new. I don’t have to explain it to you. You can learn the way I did when I was 16. Via tumblr posts:drunk:
Oh those type of people are extremely draining.
So, I usually call my cousin when I leave work, daily.

I noticed shes been posting a lot of subliminal shots which Im taking it to be about that trifling fool she was(is) dealing with. She doesnt respond. I text her... she doesnt respond. She sends me some stupid video on Facebook.

I call her. She doesnt respond. I post on her FB............ she responds that shes going through something and she doesnt want to talk.

How old are you? All you had to do was pick up the phone and say Im having a tough time, I'll call you back soon. I have to go through all of that to get you to respond? Im over here wondering if you're okay.

Yes, its your Facebook. Yes you can post what you want. Im quite aware of that. :arguing:
Girl... this man that I’ve been talking to on one of the apps text last night saying he was going to be driving through my area headed to another city to work on a house (he’s a contractor). He asked me to meet him at the gas station close to the highway at 9am to give him a hug. Girl, I told this fool I don’t get out my bed on a Saturday at that time of morning especially not to hug nobody :lol: I’m so mean. But I’m so tired of these fools. If I’m going to get out my bed on a Saturday morning it better be for something worthwhile. I may have met you for breakfast but you said a hug... and what do I get out of this? Please. Lol!
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I'm most likely going to delete this, so please don't quote.

I had a pleasant vday. I cooked breakfast for the man I'm dating and gave him a card. It turned out to be the perfect "gift" becauseI did not know that he was mourning the death of his parents.

We stayed indoors and chilled. He said he'd make it up to me but honestly I'm not pressed.

I'm not big on vday, but this is the 2nd guy in a row that I've dated who experienced the death of a close one on Valentine's day. My previous partner's grandma died that day, so it was always a somber week.

This guy's dad died on vday. What's worse is that his mom died recently, but he and his siblings would go and visit her in the hospice every year (on vday) to bring chocolate and balloons.

So we sat and look at pics of his mom and family from last year's vday fete. Watched a movie and just vibes.
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I don't get how you can flip from one woman to the next and then scream you know what a relationship is. You need to heal and honestly I don't think you know how to.

A woman validates you however you cant validate yourself as a man because all you bring is penis. Your morals and character shout who you are but boy, do you talk a slick good game.

Therapy long term would do you good. I wonder if there are men doctors that specialize in narcissists.
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It's the perfect time to be single but this pandemic has really thrown a wrench in my plans...that and my teen who is undecided on what direction life goes. It feels good to be single but I am definitely disappointed in my wasted prime years in a relationship that should've been over 5 years earlier. Can't believe I'm almost 40.
I came across this white chick on Youtube who's my spirit animal :lol: (my potty-mouthed spirit animal :lachen:) ! She posted a video that she was going to be emotionally offline when it comes to romance until 2022. She basically said that she was becoming jaded by the dating scene, and wanted to protect her romantic dreams. I so got that! Her whole video had me like "Yes, girl!! Tell them!! Tell them!" :clap: I'm joining her. I'm not entertaining no dudes romantically until 2022 :pulpdance:
Found out that my narcissist ex put a GPS tracker in the trunk of my car.

I'm not sure when, but I found it yesterday. It was dead.

I called him and asked him why. He said that he lost the device -(which he insisted he put in his work vehicle for when any of his staff members used the car to make a office depot run etc) and didn't know how it ended up in my trunk.. said it must've fallen out of his suitcase back when we traveled last year - yea right.

He's such a maniplative creep.

I drive a benz. It was hidden in the side part that holds the car manual/lug nuts. You have to open it by turning a latch.
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Found out that my narcissist ex put a GPS tracker in the trunk of my car.

I'm not sure when, but I found it yesterday. It was dead.

I called him and asked him why. He said that he lost the device -(which he insisted he put in his work vehicle for when any of his staff members used the car to make a office depot run etc) and didn't know how it ended up in my trunk.. said it must've fallen out of his suitcase back when we traveled last year - yea right.

He's such a maniplative creep.

I drive a benz. It was hidden in the side part that holds the car manual/lug nuts. You have to open it by turning a latch.
Thank God you got rid of him! ‍♀️
1. Sometimes you might be the problem but most times it's HIM.
2. Why men need to stay out of women's business.

Shook the dust off my online dating accounts early this month to see what is like out there.

Had this phone convo today and toward the end of the convo, he asked what is my dating style? I was like huh? What does that mean? :look: (I have never been asked that). He was like traditional vs modern and he gave examples what that meant to him. Traditional=guy does all the heavy lifting (calling first, creating dates, paying, etc). Modern= woman takes the lead at times (paying, planning dates, etc).

I was in my head thinking ok I see what we doing here. I said I guess I am more traditional moreso in the early phase. But once the relationship is established then it is cool to be more modern. I also said that I am good and the guy has to show he is worthy. And I will judge a guy's dating technique. Did I say too much?


He was like he leans more towards modern because with busy schedules, it's nice if all parties involved contribute to growing the relationship. And he gave examples of his experiences with both.

He is 51.

We had a fire drill at work. I was working downstairs so i didnt put my jacket on. Its raining.

I have a tshirt on with my safety vest. Its pouring rain.

My white male coworker saw me and walked over and offered me his jacket. Prior to the that, my black male coworkers stared at me and kept it moving.

Why do I feel disappointed?
Every time I start actively trying to date again I’m quickly reminded of why I don’t. My generation, its looks like everyone’s at this point, is utter trash. It defies race and social status. One of my patients told me to use a matchmaking service.

for matchmaking, always tread carefully. you should only take this step if you’re in a great headspace, going on great dates.. but the guys aren’t quite right.
Thank you! Why is that? It’s definitely not for me right now. Id rather put that money towards a European vacation.

if the agency sets you up with a great guy but you’re in a negative mindset, the energy will be palpable. happiness and success begets more happiness. and men really like happy women.

the reverse is also true. If the agency sets you up on a bad date it will not be the end of the world. you got options.
Quoting myself for background. I got back together with X last fall and had to break things off over the weekend.

Over the summer, X disappeared and I had no idea why. He reappeared and mentioned that he and his son were in a car accident. In my post last year, I said that unless he was in a coma, I didn't understand how that translated into two months of radio silence. Well, I didn't take into account the emotional and mental toll that could've taken. He's a widower (wife died unexpectedly and alone with no one to render aid or call for assistance) and as a result, he has a lot of anxiety about his family's health. The car accident, added to everything that was happening with COVID, social justice and the election stuff in the news, and convincing himself that he needed to be strong for everyone was overwhelming for him. He ended up blocking out everyone in his life he didn't have to talk to, including me. He talked about what he was doing to get professional help and asked if we could try again. So we did, and things were good for a while.

The winter was quite harsh. Between X's immediate and extended family, there was a stroke, one COVID scare, two COVID hospitalizations, a COVID death and another car accident all within a four month period. I could see him withdrawing into himself again but there was nothing I could do. He went back to pushing everyone away who wanted to help him. He admitted it. Wouldn't talk, wouldn't text, wouldn't see anyone. He knew what he was doing but somehow couldn't make himself do differently. Eventually he did ask to see me a few times and then ghosted me after we'd made plans. No apologies, no acknowledgements of what he'd done. Just nothing. I did everything I could think of to be supportive.

I talked about everything with friends, and the general consensus was: It was great that I was trying to be there for him, but from the outside looking in, it looked like this was having a negative impact on me. Honestly, it was. I felt sad and alone, useless and untrusted. I felt stupid for not knowing how to help, naïve for being hopeful that things could get better, cruel for considering ending things when he seemed to be at such a low point.

In one of our last exchanges, I told him how frustrated I was that he wouldn't let me help him. He said I didn't deserve how he was treating me, right before he ghosted me the final time. He's a great guy going through a tough time. Maybe X just isn't that into me. Maybe at this point in time he's not in the right frame of mind to be with anyone. In my head I know if he's treating everyone this way then it's not personal, but it doesn't stop the heart break.

Quoting myself for background. Sorry, this is kind of long.

The past few weeks have been pretty rough. My relationship with X ended last month and I've spent the past five weeks trying to emotionally process the loss. The isolation from COVID and my continued frustration with work have added to the overall sadness, loneliness and stress I've been feeling. At first I was dreaming about X regularly and crying everyday, sometimes waking up in the middle of the night just to burst into tears. Then I was only crying every other day, then every few days, and then I'd only get upset when someone mentioned him. Last week I realized that I was able to talk about X and what happened with no tears at all. I felt like the worst was over. And then two things happened.

#1. I thought I'd blocked X, but I got a text on Friday in response to me telling him weeks ago that I wanted to pick up my personal belongings from his place. He said that he and his son were in a car accident last month. Mmmkay, well outside of being in a coma, I'm not sure how that translates to almost two months of radio silence. We're supposed to talk but I'm conflicted. There's a part of me that wants to find out what happened and make sure he's ok. At the same time, I stand by what I posted last month. I don't feel like I should be begging for important information like this if we're in a relationship.
I had a great date yesterday :)

It feels weird dating after canceling an engagement. I can only imagine what it's like dating as a divorcee.

I notice now that the men I'm coming across are alot more ltr and marriage minded. It's probably an age thing (I'm in my late 30's).

I thought about going to visit my "friend"(not the guy from my date) but that may cause drama because I've been flip flopping with him. It's weird, but that's probably because I'm still healing from my last rlshp AND I have feelings for this guy.

I'm being in graceful with myself because I'm basically navigating a whole new life.