Have someone interested in me but as soon as he mentioned he smokes the Mary Jane, I immediately was not interested.
It doesn't bother some but Im not interested in being around you in that.

Nice guy and all but I felt like I would be settling in accepting something Im not "good" with. I tried to explain it to my cousin but she said thats why Im single " Kanye shrug"
Have someone interested in me but as soon as he mentioned he smokes the Mary Jane, I immediately was not interested.
It doesn't bother some but Im not interested in being around you in that.

Nice guy and all but I felt like I would be settling in accepting something Im not "good" with. I tried to explain it to my cousin but she said thats why Im single " Kanye shrug"
I can't do the smoking thing. I've never smoked in my life and it smells so nasty to me. My close friend is super about that life and it's something I've gotten used to hearing about but it's definitely a turn off.
Have someone interested in me but as soon as he mentioned he smokes the Mary Jane, I immediately was not interested.
It doesn't bother some but Im not interested in being around you in that.

Nice guy and all but I felt like I would be settling in accepting something Im not "good" with. I tried to explain it to my cousin but she said thats why Im single " Kanye shrug"
I don’t date guys that smoke either, whether it be Mary Jane or cigarettes. I know a relative that smokes weed and refuses to take medication for his mental illness. After doing some research I learned statistics have shown that men more so than women, resort to drugs and alcohol to cope with psychological disorders. I thought that was interesting.

Other then the possibility that he may be crazy. Second hand smoke kills too and you smell it in their car, hair, clothes etc. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Good for you for sticking to your standards.
Yeah, dating is womp womp over here. Which is surprising because the weather is getting warmer. I would think people would want to date. Very little action on the dating apps. I going to delete them again.
Alright I’m coming back to report that I didn’t delete the dating app. I ended up shuffling the order of the pictures a little bit, removing so-so pictures and adding more and BAM, I opened up my dating app and I had “likes” all over the place. Smh. I literally forgot that I had played around with my pictures so when I saw all the activity I was like what’s going on?!? And then I was like ohhhh yeah.

So ladies if you have tumbleweeds going by in your dating app add some different pictures and switch up the order to put the more attractive pictures in the beginning. I keep putting pictures up that I find nice that my momma would put on the fridge if she had them, but I keep forgetting these are guys that are looking at these pictures. They like full body, a little sexy, dolled up, full makeup (even when they say they don’t like it), different hairstyle pictures.
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Can anyone recommend a book or website the teaches you how to talk to men? I'm told that I don't use "flowery" language enough. So yeah...can someone help a sistah out :look:
I had to share this with somebody… I’m back on the dating apps but something like this would cause me to just delete them again :lol:View attachment 473651View attachment 473653View attachment 473655
View attachment 473657
This is pure comedy :lachen: :lachen::lachen:It's a lot of smoke and mirrors to say "I'm a sensitive, very emotionally fragile dude who watches a lot of anime, and has read too much fantasy- aka a nerd with a high sex drive." I've run into a few of these and have been friends with a couple :laugh:
I know a woman who is single, makes great money, no children and is in her early 50s. At least 3 recent times now, she has met a man online and when they meet in person, the men immediately change their tune on her. Literally - within minutes of them meeting her. She told me this one man saw her and snapped at her as if he was in an bad mood and said "I really don't feel like doing $#1!+ as she was getting in his car. I told her she was insane for going anywhere with him after that. She is not an unattractive woman. She is very tall and boisterous and has a deep voice, so I can see how she might seem intimidating. Yet I don't think her stature or voice has anything to do with why these men change their tune.

She has the ugliest feet I've ever seen.

She has a large foot, at least size 11. Her second toes are waaaay longer than the big toe and she has a lot of corns. Plus her feet always look ashy. She is forever wearing shoes like thong flip flops with her feet all the way out and they always look rather gruesome. Corns and bunions are a very normal thing but honestly I have never seen feet like hers. Once before the pandemic, we were in a friend's hair salon together and she was under the dryer. I was hanging out in the waiting area and a client walked in. She came in and said her hellos and was like "Oh [jane] is here! I know those feet anywhere." Yall...It was shady as a beach umbrella, but 100% true. She has no deformity, it just looks like she's never taken care of her feet or maybe never purchased shoes that properly fit. Like I said, she makes great money and I have no idea why she hasn't already had this corrected.

She treats me like a little sister and always wants my opinion on dudes. I know men should look inside of a person etc but I kind of want to tell her to stop wearing sandals on the first few dates. Is that wrong? Like, I'm pretty sure she's well aware that her feet are horrific. So maybe she is thinking F-it, I'm just going to do me. I really don't know.

I know it sounds like I'm totally trolling but this is a true story. :thud:
@Browndilocks I wonder if she has a thing about her feet being touched by other people. I recently learned my cousin doesn't like pedicures because it's too much touching on her feet. She either diy or gets the most basic pedi service. But until she said something I didn't even think about people hating pedicures.

But that doesn't really explain your friend not at least doing the basics at home.
@Browndilocks lmao! :drunk::lachen::drunk::lachen::lachen:

Ok i got that out.

I would suggest we go get mani/pedis together and tell her that taking care of your feet is great self care. There are plenty of things that she can do to make her feet look better. There is no reason why her feet should be ashy.

Monthly pedicures, mr. Pumice between visits, aha lotion nightly until she gets it together, some type of butter during the day. And a trip to nordies to shoe shop.

I have a friend who has long, skinny feet with weird toes, her description. She wears shoes that fit her feet, she keeps her feet together. She is happily married and never had a probably dating premarriage.
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She needs a podiatrist and she has psychological issues with constantly wearing the wrong shoe size. That could be a childhood issue with someone constantly putting her feet in the wrong size shoe, or someone not buying her shoes to go along with her growing feet.
She could also have an issue with things or people touching her feet. If she hasn’t been get pedicures, I don’t see how she will just go along with it now. Since she is comfortable with taking advice, I would tell her to go see a foot doctor.
@Browndilocks lmao! :drunk::lachen::drunk::lachen::lachen:

Ok i got that out.

I would suggest we go get mani/pedis together and tell her that taking care of your feet is great self care. There are plenty of things that she can do to make her feet look better. There is no reason why her feet should be ashy.

Monthly pedicures, mr. Pumice between visits, aha lotion nightly until she gets it together, some type of butter during the day. And a trip to nordies to shoe shop.

I have a friend who has long, skinny feet with weird toes, her description. She wears shoes that fit her feet, she keeps her feet together. She is happily married and never had a probably dating premarriage.
She can do the bolded herself. The foot Dr is a good rec also.

Also the friend above doesn't wear a lot of open surface area shoes e.g. flip flops out.
She needs a podiatrist and she has psychological issues with constantly wearing the wrong shoe size. That could be a childhood issue with someone constantly putting her feet in the wrong size shoe, or someone not buying her shoes to go along with her growing feet.
She could also have an issue with things or people touching her feet. If she hasn’t been get pedicures, I don’t see how she will just go along with it now. Since she is comfortable with taking advice, I would tell her to go see a foot doctor.
She needs to hire someone. She could be on one of those reality shows.
Profile says 39.

Starts to text and have a dialog.

Me So you're 39?

Him Noooooo, that profile is old and my friend set it up and with the wrong birthdate. I'm 53

Me :look: " crickets"
I hate this and that :censored: is intentional so they'll show up in search results for women looking for younger men. They think they can sweet talk you and win you over into liking them. Disgusting.