You made up with your live in gf. Yall working on your relationship. She looks all happy on the 'gram and yet you still over here trying to get at me.

I tell you some of these men ain ish. You have a beautiful smart young lady and wasted 5-6 years of her life. Eventually, you will probably marry her.. eventually.

And, Im not even interested in you. We talk at work about work related items and every time you take it to the left, I bring it right back to the right. I really wish your gf would realize how much power she has and leave your trifling butt.
1st. Someone I talked to awhile back on a dating app, added me on Instagram. His face looked familiar so I accepted. He is 37 with 1 daughter and looks like he spends his life in the gym. Im about to block him and his number. The conversation was stilted and one -three word answers. Im not about to meet up with you because frankly, Im not interested and Im really not interested in dating with covid.

2nd My cousin should know better. This man did all of this craziness and now you have the nerve to tell me he has access to your house and you cant change your locks because you have to wait on management. I guess that $2000 he left on your tv made you change your mind , huh? Trifling. Once people show you they want to stay in toxic relationships, I REFUSE to talk about it again.
A lot of things that I have planned for are coming to fruition in my career and personal life. One thing that I didn't have to focus on is dating. I usually meet people all the time and would date. The pandemic has thrown a wrench in this. I realized that I will have to put a little effort into meeting new folks. I am thinking about revisiting the apps with intention.
See what had happened was... I haven't looked on the apps yet. I have a couple downloaded. I told my friend we would start up together... she's tried the FB dating app and liked it. We have different umm standards so I can't go by what she sees.

I'm going to try and get it together.
I wonder if dating during covid is really a thing. Has anyone been successful? I'm guessing lots of virtual dates?

I'm still in post break up mode. It has been challenging, but I now have the energy to get back to my hobbies. I am looking forward to moving forward.
I wonder if dating during covid is really a thing. Has anyone been successful? I'm guessing lots of virtual dates?

I'm still in post break up mode. It has been challenging, but I now have the energy to get back to my hobbies. I am looking forward to moving forward.
It’s risky, although I dated a lot during the pandemic, but I’m a risk taker so there you go. I would suggest talking to the person on the phone feeling them out to see what their behaviors have been like during the pandemic. If he talks about going to bars or parties it’s a no go, but if he’s says the only time he goes out is to pick up his Amazon package on his doorstep then he gets a green light. Someone actually told me that by the way. Also find out what their viewpoints about the virus is, if they don’t think it exists and it’s propaganda cut them

Hold off on kissing and such until you really know them. It ain’t worth getting Corona for some dude you just met. The first guy I dated during the pandemic he got tested before we kissed. To be honest the more you date the more you put your guard down which can be a good and a bad thing. A good thing because Corona is not the third wheel on your date a bad thing because you can potentially expose yourself to the wrong person and get sick.

Watch out for the dudes that are just lonely. There are a lot of them. They are not serious about getting into a relationship, they are just using women as a filler because they can’t see their friends and family like that.

Be creative with dates. Watch a movie over the phone. Play a multiplayer app game and play against each other. Video chats are cool. Try to make in-person dates outdoor especially in the beginning. It’s cold outside now, but park dates are fun. I’ve done picnics, gone running, played soccer, went for walks.
It’s risky, although I dated a lot during the pandemic, but I’m a risk taker so there you go. I would suggest talking to the person on the phone feeling them out to see what their behaviors have been like during the pandemic. If he talks about going to bars or parties it’s a no go, but if he’s says the only time he goes out is to pick up his Amazon package on his doorstep then he gets a green light. Someone actually told me that by the way. Also find out what their viewpoints about the virus is, if they don’t think it exists and it’s propaganda cut them

Hold off on kissing and such until you really know them. It ain’t worth getting Corona for some dude you just met. The first guy I dated during the pandemic he got tested before we kissed. To be honest the more you date the more you put your guard down which can be a good and a bad thing. A good thing because Corona is not the third wheel on your date a bad thing because you can potentially expose yourself to the wrong person and get sick.

Watch out for the dudes that are just lonely. There are a lot of them. They are not serious about getting into a relationship, they are just using women as a filler because they can’t see their friends and family like that.

Be creative with dates. Watch a movie over the phone. Play a multiplayer app game and play against each other. Video chats are cool. Try to make in-person dates outdoor especially in the beginning. It’s cold outside now, but park dates are fun. I’ve done picnics, gone running, played soccer, went for walks.
This was informative. Thanks for the honesty and pointers.

I put myself out there a couple of months ago and ending up meeting a fella. We're not officially dating, but we do spend time together. The best part is that he is a neighbor :look:

Im surprised that getting back to "me" took some acclimating. I was in a relationship 4 years and about to tie the knot, but still. I realized that parts of me were wrapped up in the relationship. It's not a bad thing per se, just an observation.

Im just taking it one day at a time. Tbh, it's a relief not having to plan months and years ahead right now.
I think we have the longest dates in history LOL...the time seems to go by fast.

Dang! I haven't been in the forum in years but this thread since then when this relationship for started. Almost an 8 year relationship that wasted some of the best years of my life. NEVER AGAIN! ‍♀️ Repeated promises of engagement coming that never came and our relationship just went down hill because I was sharing him with his mother SMDH. There use to be a member in here I think her name was SouthernBella who recommended not having a relationship until marriage and I'll be using that advice going forward. I made the mistake the first time by committing my time and energy to one guy when I had several back then and didn't keep my options open. In the meantime I'm continuing to focus on myself together financially, mentally, and physically ♥
does anyone have input on this? Why do some women color if they can’t erupt? What are they/you getting out of it?
use to be me! Thinking great sex was just about him until I got tired of not having the same fun with “him” that I had by myself. Coloring is different in your 30’s than 20’s but if I could tell my younger self one thing about that I would say just be honest.
does anyone have input on this? Why do some women color if they can’t erupt? What are they/you getting out of it?

I have an aunt in her 70s, she is the fast aunt lol. She is always very open and honest about sex/relationships/men even when I was a young adult.

She told me the majority of her friends had never had an orgasm. They were in their 60s. I was in utter shock. I asked "why?"
Her answer:
1) They were taught that sex was for men and they didn't need to enjoy it.
2) They didn't know their bodies
3) They didn't know what orgasms were, didn't know sex could be pleasurable

This is an older generation but younger folks have similar issues. They are having sex to impress/be with a man, they are scared/insecure of speaking up and demanding pleasure, they don't know their bodies to relay/show what they need, sexual trauma, on and on...

It is a sad shame really.
^agree with all the ladies above

That’s why I sideye any woman promoting casual sex considering so few women are actually getting “there”

I will say that sometimes it takes a couple a minute to get truly free with each other and the Os can come later -provided their partner is a generous lover. But that’s another thing women aren’t taught to look for in a man :rolleyes:
^agree with all the ladies above

That’s why I sideye any woman promoting casual sex considering so few women are actually getting “there”

I will say that sometimes it takes a couple a minute to get truly free with each other and the Os can come later -provided their partner is a generous lover. But that’s another thing women aren’t taught to look for in a man :rolleyes:

I'd assume most women engaging in casual sex don't have an issue with climaxing. Also, do people still believe that women don't/can't enjoy a casual encounter? Are All the "hoes" lying? Lol.
Hi everyone,
Its been a long time and well my dating life is still wack. And don't get marry by my goal of 31.i will be turning 32 in june. And last year i had to make a decision on if i would keep dating or not. My last relationship was a mess and short lived. I was so over it that break up with him. A day before my birthday and that was the end of be dating period. What was crazy about all of this is. I started having baby fever like crazy. I don't have kids. My older mentor, has been helping me through it.

I had to blocked my ex from 11 years ago in dec.. After he mail $5 dollars , with my baby picture of me and my sister. Now he always send me money as a friend. I didn't asked him to help me at all. So this was the last straw, after dealing with he emotional break down. I think he reget us not working out. I have moved on and he is stuck in the past.

Meanwhile another ex from several years started falling in love with me. After not having feelings at all for 5 years. Do i believe he , nope. He is a bad lair and he is a community man. All he do is cheat.
I keep it simple and do respond to he hoe like ways.

After all of this, i am at peace with my life. I have moments where i wish things had work out better dating wise. However that the past and my future will be better single.❤

Now my dad,my mentor and sister are not here for it at all.

My dad wants me to change my mind. I love my dad, however his point are very off. He vision on relationship are out date, at times. So it like 60 percent of it is right. Then 40 percent is crazy. Example he stated that cheating is not a end of a relationship. And both side can more on in time.. A hot mess.

Then my sister is still trying to be a matchmaker, after i asked to stop 10 years ago. She love to gaslighting things.

My mentor just say i will change my mind and there not a thing i can do about it. I was hot with her. However she almost 70 years old. So i just change the subject.
Relationship are not for me at all. And there is no positive that comes out of it. And with dealing type 1( diabetes), i dont need the stress.

Sorry for the long post.
I really miss having a totally platonic male best friend. I've had very close guy friends since middle school. I currently have 2 close male friends but they're both in different states, and I've had romantic feelings for both, so it's just not the same :laugh:.
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I really miss having a totally platonic male best friend. I've had very close guy friends since middle school. I currently have 2 close male friends but they're both in different states, and I've had romantic feelings for both, so it's just not the same :laugh:.
After I posted this, I looked on Facebook, and one of my guy friends from NM sent me a message LOL!! Such a coincidence!
Life is really odd at times.

He cheated with you, Hes going to cheat on you. She really thought she was different. Shes been holding on to him to save face but our mutual friends already knew he wasn't worth much when he cheated with you.

Now after 10 girls later, he moves in with a younger woman and you CHEAT with him to get him BACK..........on purpose :lachen::lachen:.

But seriously, I really believe emotions have you stuck. She said she wished she could let go of her feelings for him. The facts are in your face. You better bash mister head in and think about those feelings later.

Hes been cheating on you for years. He cant keep a job. He doesnt have anything to show for the last 5 years. What more do you need?
What are you doing for yourself on Valentines Day?

I've always done something for me whether in a relationship or not.

I had not thought of doing anything for myself. However, I bought my closest friends Lindt chocolate gift sets. The funny thing is that they're all booed up! I'm the single one :lol:

My man friend is amused by the fact that I'm gifting my girl friends.

On a related note, I'm curious as to how my man friend is going to handle Vday. We've been dealing with each other for 3 months now. We're unofficially dating (because he might move for work). But we quarantine at his place often anyway. Sometimes I even work from there :look: