I swear we need a dating according to reddit thread because...

TL;DR: He has no bed. Took 3 years for him to show her his "nest" which is a pile of clothes he sleeps on that stinks. She told the truth, hes mad and she wants to fix it.

Wait...she didn’t run??? She wants to fix things??? I’m not computing this. You can’t need a man (sorry boy) this bad.
I swear we need a dating according to reddit thread because...

TL;DR: He has no bed. Took 3 years for him to show her his "nest" which is a pile of clothes he sleeps on that stinks. She told the truth, hes mad and she wants to fix it.


The nest itself is less of a problem than she has been in a relationship with a man for 3 years and is just now seeing where and how he lives. If you went to a dudes house a month or so into dating and there was a clothes nest instead of a bed, most women would cut their losses, you get to 3 years and here comes the excuses and compromises over his lack of sanity.

The nest itself is less of a problem than she has been in a relationship with a man for 3 years and is just now seeing where and how he lives. If you went to a dudes house a month or so into dating and there was a clothes nest instead of a bed, most women would cut their losses, you get to 3 years and here comes the excuses and compromises over his lack of sanity.

That’s the biggest problem of them all. Which is why I was annoyed that even though she hurt his fragile feelings, he know he’s a bum, he knows why he made her wait 3 years and then he has the audacity to act like she’s the bad one.
This story is stupid as a mud crab. I feel like someone is trolling.
I just read an article about reddit trolls and most of them outed themselves. There is a very popular relafionship post on reddit that has been all over the internet (can't remember which one it is now) and apparently it's a fake and the troll titled the article "I know it's fake because I wrote it." A lot of them said they just want to give people a laugh. They also said the ones with bad or weird boyfriends get the most attention so that's the formula they stick with. I think this is one of those.
It could be fake but how far from sleeping in a nest is dealing with a dude who sleeps on a pallet on the floor or an air mattress? I'd look at all of those struggle scenarios the same.
It’s pretty much the same thing. And what’s crazy is that guy in the post could have gotten a bed. He didn’t just move or anything. He purposely decided to sleep on a pile of clothes and gave meaning to it! It’s not far fetched at all. Folks would be truly surprised at what goes on in other people’s relationships and life circumstances. A man will date you and will be homeless living in his car.
The Libra guy I've been seeing for a while brought up "the exclusivity talk" yesterday and...I'm here for it. We've been seeing each other for a year now and out of the different men who have joined or left my rotation for the past year, he's the only one who's been consistent the whole time with keeping in contact basically every day and seeing me regularly. I always have a good time when we hang out and if I'm honest, he's always been my favorite out of the guys I've been talking to. I told him I was open to exclusivity, but I didn't give him a definitive answer yet. At this point, I'm not opposed to cutting off the other guys I've been talking to...it feels so weird to say that.
Do you guys consider younger men? This guy I’m talking to is six years younger than me. I always said I never would look at younger guys and now..... lol

‘Older’ definitely doesn’t always mean more mature though, that’s for damn sure!
I definitely consider younger men, but not too young. I'm 35, guy who inspired my post above is 26. I feel like me and him don't have much in common and are in two different places in life. My longest relationship was with a guy 2 years younger than me
Do you guys consider younger men? This guy I’m talking to is six years younger than me. I always said I never would look at younger guys and now..... lol

‘Older’ definitely doesn’t always mean more mature though, that’s for damn sure!

I think the answer depends because the older you get the less a 6 year difference makes. You are 24 and he is 18, then no cuz you are def in different places, but if you are 40 and he is 34, then shrug or if you are 60 and he is 54 then who cares lol. You are 100 and your man is 94 who is going to count :lachen:

Some people are mature young and some are immature old so...depends on person.
Why are guys so straaaanngeee? I’ve been speaking to this guy who is evidently hard working, he works 6 days a week, long hours and on the 7th day he sees his daughter. Fine, his daughter of course comes first and work is equally important but I simply asked him when does he have time for a social life. He then went into such a rant about, he’s a hard working man and women seem to prefer lazy bums who don’t do anything.

Bro I wasn’t questioning your work ethic, it was just a reasonable (I think) question to ascertain when he gets time for himself.
it was just a reasonable (I think) question to ascertain when he gets time for himself.
And for you.

What woman is trying to be in a relationship with a man she never sees?

Him flipping like that makes me think this isn’t the first time a woman has voiced concern and he knows it's an issue, which means he needs to possibly make some adjustments on his end.

Your question triggered him :lol:
Just saw the dude I've been crushing on for the first time since March (video chat) and he's gained so much weight I dried right on up.

I'm so disappointed in him. Yes, him. Not me. I deserve to be physically attracted to my dude. I'm not even feeling him anymore.
I feel you! We constantly are told by if we want a quality man, we shouldn’t focus on physical attraction. Well I guess I will just be out here, since I refuse to get involved with someone I’m not physically attracted to. He doesn’t have to be drop dead gorgeous, but when the newness wears off, I don’t want to find myself boo’ed up next to Shrek.
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Why are guys so straaaanngeee? I’ve been speaking to this guy who is evidently hard working, he works 6 days a week, long hours and on the 7th day he sees his daughter. Fine, his daughter of course comes first and work is equally important but I simply asked him when does he have time for a social life. He then went into such a rant about, he’s a hard working man and women seem to prefer lazy bums who don’t do anything.

Bro I wasn’t questioning your work ethic, it was just a reasonable (I think) question to ascertain when he gets time for himself.
I was talking to this guy that deliberately deflects questions that would allow me to get to know him better. It’s all about jokes and nothing of substance. I don’t know why he bothers to call. I’m not answering my phone anymore. He isn’t really into me, or can even be a decent friend to me right now.

I tried to be open ya’ll.. lol
I feel you! We constantly are told by if we want a quality man, we shouldn’t focus on physical attraction. Well I guess I will just be out here, since I refuse to get involved with someone I’m not physically attracted to. He doesn’t have to be drop dead gorgeous, but when the newness wears off, I don’t want to find myself boo’ed up next to Shek.
Guurrrlllll words cannot describe what went through my mind. It was #facetimeafterdark hours :look: so you know I was looking like a snack.

Imagine my surprise when a microwave dinner popped up on the screen :cry: I had to make a concentrated effort not to let my face betray me.

After that I didn't wanna flirt, I ain't wanna see nothing... really we can just have phone calls from here on out #sorrynotsorry

See this FaceTime thing got me messed up!
Why would he want to eat during FT After Dark? Or when he saw you, he couldn’t wait to eat? Lol
I don’t understand these men?!??
The guy I was chatting with started FaceTime way too soon and he is random with it!

do people plan FaceTime? I have triggering issues when it comes to FT, though I’m trying to be more open and modern.
@Evolving78 You misunderstood me :lol: I meant I was looking like a snack but he was looking like a microwave dinner :rofl:

Pray tell... what triggering issues do you have with FT?

I admit...I'm not for it if the guy can come see me. If it's a dude who is here in my city, he needs to make plans to meet up.

If it's a new dude and I'm trying to see the goods before I waste my time...video it is (learned that the hard way :drunk: )

I FaceTimed with ol' boy because he travels a lot for work.