@outspokenwallflower I'm sorry this happened to you. Can you request to keep working from home after the quarantine? With the 6-feet social distancing, a lot of companies won't be able to accommodate everyone due to lack of space.

I think I will make that request once the office opens back up. I'm hoping the WFH order won't be lifted until mid Fall though. This hit me hard and swift.
Girl, I’ve been trying online dating. I don’t know sis. There are some weirdos on here. I paid 30 dollars for okcupid and instantly regretted my decision. I was on POF for a day and a half and deleted the account after I saw there were over 20 messages in the inbox. I’m exhausted.

So, my dad passed away on March 23 and I’m struggling.... going through so many motions. On top of all this COVID foolery. I’m tired girl.

I thought I’d try online dating as a distraction from this intense grief. I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m sick of these men already.

I miss my daddy.

I’m feeling so much and I don’t know where to put any of it!

My condolences on your loss. I lost my Dad last year.

My 2cents..... maybe let yourself go through the grief rather than trying to distract yourself. Your emotions are heighten right now and regular interactions you may have been able to deal with maybe too much for you right now.

Maybe an online grief counselor could be helpful.

Anyway.... just take it one day at a time. There is no right way to deal with a loss of a parent.
The past week+ has been rough. Still is.

It appears I've been ghosted/dumped by the man I've been dating for 7 months. The last time I spoke to him, he said he wasn't in a great mood and I tried to be encouraging and upbeat. I couldn't delve in because he had to pick up his daughter, but that was the last time I heard from him. Regardless of calls and texts initially concerned about whether or not he was in any danger, I received no response back. I wasn't blocked - my texts would go through, calls would go through, but nothing.

I know he's not in any danger because he's had some online activity. Still interacting with his daughter and BM. And worst part.... unfortunately, we work together (we knew each other for almost 2 years before unexpectedly crossing that boundary...). While we are on WFH duty currently, the idea of returning to the office makes me slightly nauseous.

Has anyone had someone just disappear, no contact? It's odd to me because this seems to be so unlike him (I know, clearly I'm wrong lol) - I'm racking my brain for why this is happening.

Any advice on how I can distract myself/feel better would be awesome.

I’m sorry you are going through this right now. Unfortunately, this quarantine period definitely will make or break a lot of rlsps.

Allow yourself to feel all the emotions towards the guy and the rlsp.

You’ve done all you can on your side. Actions speaks and his is not saying anything good right now.

However, the silver lining is that without the crisis, the rlsp may have gone longer than it should have.
My condolences on your loss. I lost my Dad last year.

My 2cents..... maybe let yourself go through the grief rather than trying to distract yourself. Your emotions are heighten right now and regular interactions you may have been able to deal with maybe too much for you right now.

Maybe an online grief counselor could be helpful.

Anyway.... just take it one day at a time. There is no right way to deal with a loss of a parent.

I’m sorry for your loss as well.

Thank you. I’m taking this thing moment by moment. Some days I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest. At any given point I’m feeling a range of intense emotion. Guilt is the most common one. I can’t take it!!

And you’re right, I probably should hold off on the distractions and speak to a therapist. I’m a mental health professional myself and I guess some where in my mind I feel like I should be able to sort through all of this myself but I can’t. I cannot!
Sorry this happened to you but it's not you and that man is trash. He punked out and didn't know how to tell you but received what he thought was an easy way out, Corona. I know it's hurtful but you have to take some time and move on to create space for some one who wants to be with you.
And if you do have to go back to work in that department don't let it get to you.

@bellatiamarie sorry for your loss. I know that pain all to well. My dad passed away in January. But I figured I would try online dating because I wasn't really dating. I will tell you this POF is trash it gave me PTSD with the worst dating stories ever!!!
It might be the site. I'm on match right now but its slow. since most guys are just here for sex and not a genuine connection Corona slowed the action down for them a bit.
Maybe take a break and speak to someone. Then give online dating a try when your head is in a clearer space. But POF lol.
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Sorry this happened to you but it's not you and that man is trash. He punked out and didn't know how to tell you but received what he thought was an easy way out, Corona. I know it's hurtful but you have to take some time and move on to create space for some one who wants to be with you.
And if you do have to go back to work in that department don't let it get to you.

@bellatiamarie sorry for your loss. I know that pain all to well. My dad passed away in January. But I figured I would try online dating because I wasn't really dating. I will tell you this POF is trash it gave me PTSD with the worst dating stories ever!!!
It might be the site. I'm on match right now but its slow. since most guys are just here for sex and not a genuine connection Corona slowed the action down for them a bit.
Maybe take a break and speak to someone. Then give online dating a try when your head is in a clearer space. But POF lol.

Sorry for your loss, Sis. And yes it is TRASH lol. Thank you.
He sounds exhausting and like he wants everything on his terms. Was he like this before the pandemic? Or should I ask what was he like before?

Sorry just seeing this!!

Yes his attachment style is preoccupied:: clingy/ high anxiety.

Mine is dismissive:: distant/ low anxiety.

I've talked to him since, and let him know that counseling is mandatory if this would ever work for us. Both of us have work to do. I enjoy therapy.
The past week+ has been rough. Still is.

Any advice on how I can distract myself/feel better would be awesome.

Stay encouraged. He is a jerk for ghosting you. Stay in the present moment and try not to keep thinking of him.

Listen to encouraging messages on youtube/ streaming apps. Listen to uplifting music.

He'll likely call/ come back..

Try not hold space for anyone that is your "boyfriend" that has so little regard for your feelings/ emotional health.

If you have audible, listen to the audio book The Art of Letting Go.

Listen to it more than once.

Cry it out.


Sorry just seeing this!!

Yes his attachment style is preoccupied:: clingy/ high anxiety.

Mine is dismissive:: distant/ low anxiety.

I've talked to him since, and let him know that counseling is mandatory if this would ever work for us. Both of us have work to do. I enjoy therapy.

Thank you for sharing. I wish you the best.
I posted part of this in the non-romantic relationship thread but my friends have me hysterical with laughter right now over the fact that they are encouraging me to reconnect with an old flame who basically took advantage of me when I was a young dumb child (at 19). I declined mainly because it was a trainwreck before and I want nothing to do with him but also he has like 30 kids now. And here they are now trying to argue me down about the memory of my own past relationship trying to convince me that he only has 3 children (still a lot to me!) because he told them so ( :spinning: ) when I know for a fact that he has more.

When I started dating him he had a son. I remember this clearly because he was the first guy I dated with a child. The boy was very small probably like between 3-5 years old. Then while we were together one of his ex girlfriends gave birth to his daughter. When I found out that he had a newborn baby I was less concerned that just months before he had a pregnant ex gf walking around that I didn't know about and more concerned over the fact that my boyfriend now had 2 children that I was not ready to deal with when I should have been worried about both. We had a huge argument about it on the phone in the entryway of my house so that my parents wouldn't hear what was going on. I told him that I asked him how many kids he had and he literally laughed in my ear and said "no you didn't. that's stupid, why would anyone ask that? that don't even sound right." Those words ring in my head from time to time as a reminder of how dudes will gaslight women and have us really doubting ourselves and thinking we're crazy.

After that, I stopped talking to him and he went ahead and stole from me, committed fraud, almost got me in problems with the banks, etc. When his/our friends asked him why we broke up he told them that I was salty because I was a "little girl" that couldn't handle the fact that he was a real man taking care of his kids (plural!). Years later when I was newly engaged he called me and cried to me about how he couldn't find the right woman. By that point, he had 4 children and 1 on the way. Now all these years later he's telling my friends that he only has 3 kids when I know for a fact he has at the very least FIVE!. And because of our history I know that's a lie he would tell like I wouldn't find out.

I know this is long but you ever just have a story you need to get out. Like I know I'm not the crazy one. I know it! How are they trying to tell me my life? How?! They can believe his lies if they want to. I on the other hand will pass.
I joined Hinge out of boredom. This is one the first guys that pop up :barf:

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Dear Lord that has got to be some sick joke! :eek:. I would have jumped. My goodness....
I need a big and long naked hug.

I got one dude who is practicing social distancing and another who wants to travel right now.


I have learned with this pandemic that this kinda human touch is so needed.

If I lived in England, I would have been fined right about now. :look:


Sex with someone you don't live with is now illegal in England
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No sex with people outside your household.

That's a rule now enshrined in law in England as new legislation is brought in prohibiting indoor "gatherings" of two or more people from different households amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

It's been dubbed a lockdown "sex ban" by the media, but the new legislation makes no explicit mention of the word sex. But, is sex really banned? We took a look at the new rules.

Indoor "gatherings" are banned under the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) Regulations 2020 bill, which came into effect on June 1, 2020. The new rules define gatherings as "when two or more people are present together in the same place in order to engage in any form of social interaction with each other, or to undertake any other activity with each other." If you're single or if you live apart from your partner this new legislation will affect you.

The UK has been under lockdown since March 23 — so 10 weeks — and until now the government restrictions have stipulated that people are only allowed to leave their homes for a limited set of circumstances, including for work, health reasons, to buy food, or to get exercise. Those restrictions have been loosened over the past few weeks.

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So, does sexual intercourse fall under the categories "social interaction" or "any other activity"? It would appear so. Unless you live with your sexual partner, you will be breaking the law if you go to another person's house for sex. It's also prohibited by law to stay overnight away from home, unless it's for work, funerals, or avoiding harm. In short, it's illegal to visit friends, family, or sexual partners inside their homes or to spend any time indoors with someone you don't live with.

For the people abiding by lockdown restrictions for the past 10 weeks, it likely comes as no surprise that sex with people outside your household remains off limits. So, what difference does this legislation actually make? Until now, the person who entered another person's home would have been in breach of the lockdown rules. Under this new law, both people can now be prosecuted under the amendment. Previous restrictions made no mention of meeting up in private places, and instead the message to 'stay at home' was disseminated by the government. According to police guidance published by the College of Policing, the approach to restrictions has changed as of June 1. "Rather than requiring a reasonable excuse to leave the place where a person is living, there are specific things that members of the public cannot do," reads the guidance.

There are exceptions to the rules about gatherings and overnight stays. Both are permitted in the following circumstances:

  • between members of the same household

  • for people attending a funeral; for an elite athlete and their coach or parent

  • for work purposes or providing charitable services

  • to facilitate house moves

  • to provide care or assistance to a vulnerable person

  • to provide emergency assistance

  • for providing registered early years childcare

  • to avoid injury, illness, or to escape a risk of harm

  • to facilitate access between parents and children

  • to fulfill legal obligations or participate in legal proceedings

  • for the purposes of education
I emailed the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and asked the following question: "Is it now illegal for a person to go to another person's house to have sex?" In my email I noted that the legislation did not make explicit mention of 'sex' but that people have interpreted the law as a sex ban.

In reply, a DHSC spokesperson said: "Changes to Coronavirus Regulations mean people can spend time outdoors, including private gardens and other outdoor spaces, in groups of up to six people from different households. However, everybody should act responsibly and continue to strictly observe social distancing rules."

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Adam Wagner



Afraid to say this is correct.

I can't believe I'm about to tweet this.

From tomorrow sex between two (or more) people in a private place who do not live in the same household is a "gathering" between 2 or more people and is therefore illegal. https://twitter.com/RMBFLK/status/1267100730374176768 …

Ronnie MB (Ronnie MacLennan Baird)@RMBFLK
Replying to @AdamWagner1
Which, read with the definition in para 4, means that sex between two people not already living together is being made illegal: sex in a public place was already against the law ;-)


10:47 AM - May 31, 2020
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"Individuals who participate in a prohibited gathering will be in breach of the regulations, and the police will use their common sense and discretion in all cases," the statement continued. The spokesperson added that DHSC had "set out" its plan "to return to life to as near normal as we can, for as many people as we can, as quickly and fairly as possible in order to safeguard livelihoods, but in a way that is safe and continues to protect our NHS."

For people looking for loopholes to this law, remember that sex outdoors is already punishable under pre-existing including indecent exposure and outraging public decency. Furthermore, under new guidelines, people meeting up in outdoor gatherings of up to six people are required to practice social distancing.

Police can't burst into your bedroom and fine you for having sex.
You might well be wondering about how the police can enforce something like this. Well, on Monday, 10 Downing Street confirmed that police can't burst into your bedroom and fine you for having sex. Not sure if any of us quite expected that course of events to be on the cards, but glad to hear No. 10 has ruled it out, nonetheless.

Police can arrest or fine those breaking the law, but they don't have the power to check inside your home. The default fine stands at £100 in England.

"The police will do as they have done since the beginning of the health regulations being in place. They will be exercising their common sense and engaging with the public and only issuing fixed penalty notices when they believe it’s a last resort," the prime minister's spokesperson told the Mirror. The spokesperson added that police in England don't have powers to enter people's homes under the regulations. "What they can do is enter homes where they suspect serious criminal activity is taking place under separate and existing laws," they added.

Looks like that sex hiatus will be going on a little longer then.
