About ready to surrender to this. Lol.

My friend (63 y/o white man) like likes me. I figured it out but didn’t say anything because I hoped it would go away lol. As Valentine’s Day approaches, he invited me to the most expensive restaurant in the city and I had to have “the talk” with him. I told him that I’m being selfish with myself and my time and I wasn’t in a romantic relationship state of mind. I told him that I valued his friendship and support and didn’t want to lose that. I made the mistake and didn’t friend zone him. I just continued interacting with him like always. I accepted his invitation to hang out as friends on VD at a less expensive restaurant lol.

Now he wants me to meet his son and his family. :drunk:
Homegirl is trippin over a 2 year age difference! They're cute together :2inlove: I love Date Lab!


Date Lab: Would his age make or break the date?

Olivia Elder is 23 and works in criminal justice reform advocacy. She has been told “that I ‘keep people on their toes,’ and that sounds like a compliment.” Chima Ndukwe is 21 and a medical student who has also dabbled in comedy and theater. He describes himself as “like an encyclopedia, except more random.” (Daniele Seiss/The Washington Post)
Marin Cogan
Jan. 23, 2020 at 6:00 a.m. EST

Olivia Elder is open to finding love in unexpected places. After all, her parents met on a blind date and got engaged six months later. She's even applied to be on a few dating shows. In her Date Lab profile, she said she was ideally looking for a "well-traveled nonprofit lawyer who loves fitness and the outdoors," or a "B-list rapper who loves my career and independence almost as much as he loves pontificating about his craft."

We didn’t have any traveling nonprofit lawyers or B-list rappers in our mix, but we did have someone who seemed promising: Chima Ndukwe, a medical student at Howard University. Like Olivia, who works in criminal justice reform advocacy, he seemed passionate and engaged on social issues. He told me he was looking for “a free-spirited, open person who’s liberal. I can’t really mess with somebody who I know doesn’t share my values.” With a background in theater, speech and comedy, he seemed comfortable being in the spotlight but not cocky or attention-seeking.

There was just one sort of major issue: Chima’s age. He’s 21, she’s 23. In her profile, she wrote that 22 was as young as she wanted to go. But Chima seemed mature for his age, and I didn’t want to hold a few months against him. I asked Olivia to give him a shot.

She spotted Chima immediately at Momofuku in CityCenterDC. “He was young; I could just tell,” she said. Is that all? She had to admit, he looked nice. “His jewelry was better than mine, his outfit was better than mine,” she said.

Chima also liked what he saw. “She was attractive, obviously, and her outfit was very nice and classy, professional,” he said — before clarifying that he really wasn’t trying to judge what kind of person she was based on her clothes, just to point out that he thought she looked good.


Olivia and Chima. (Daniele Seiss/The Washington Post)
“The first thing he said to me was, ‘Oh, I’m so glad you’re black,’ ” Olivia recalled. She has always preferred real talk to small talk and was pleasantly surprised that he went there so soon. They discussed their different backgrounds — “I’m a black American descended from slaves, and he’s Nigerian American” she explained — and their different experiences attending George Washington University, where she went, and Howard. They also talked about their interracial dating experiences.

Chima said: “Even in D.C., which is a very liberal city, there’s still a difference between dating someone black and dealing with people who are either racist but don’t know that they’re racist, or people who think they aren’t racist, are down for the culture, but come off as pandering and microaggressive.” It was the kind of conversation, Olivia said, “that would have been more difficult if one of us were white.”

They split a smoked trout dip, chicken wings and garlic noodles. They each stuck to one drink — a relief to Olivia, who can’t really handle alcohol in anything more than extreme moderation. “He was really funny” about it, she said. “I expected to get bullied — that does happen when I go on dates, really frequently.”

Olivia teased him about his age. At one point, she said she’d never been to a Howard homecoming but always wanted to go; Chima, very casually, mentioned that, no matter what became of their date, she should come along with him and his friends next year.

Before they knew it, 3 1 / 2 hours had gone by. They debated getting dessert, but neither of them wanted any and Olivia had to get ready for a trip the next day. So they decided to call it a night. They got the rest of their food boxed up. “He got my jacket for me, which was nice,” Olivia said. They traded numbers and followed each other on Instagram.

Both of them later said they had a really good time. “She seems like a pretty great person, as far as a person can seem from one conversation,” Chima said. But there was still the age issue. Olivia admitted it’d probably be different if Chima were 23. “I’d set him up with my sister,” she said. “I know that sounds bad, but that’s a good thing! It’s like, you could be in my family.”

Still, Olivia seemed not totally certain what would happen next. “I don’t know how it’s going to be,” she said. “We could definitely, for sure, be friends. We’ll see.”


Rate the date
Olivia: 4 [out of 5].

Chima: 4.5.

A week later, they were still texting but hadn’t made any firm plans.
I'm mad I read all of this. I was expecting like a 10 year difference or maybe even an 8.

2 years!!!.....23 & 21......:rolleyes:
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Found this gem on OKC... :lol:
I love it. Tells you right away his philosophy and how he will most likely treat you if he doesn’t consider you his version of top-tier.

He is honest. So any woman who reads that and still decides to take a chance on him, shouldn’t act surprised by how she is treated.

Hope more guys follow this trend.

Also tells you that he may be have mental problems. Either way, at least he's honest.
View attachment 456113

Found this gem on OKC... :lol:
Nah this clown show had to be from NYC.
Confirmed when he mentioned BBQ's and Blockeheads. <--- do not accept btw:ignore:
The dude is honest but that's also a turn.
And if you are making demands you better know you need to be on your A game that means everything I want In a man (not a piece of clown like yourself sir).
Everything he wrote tells me nothing, just tells me your behind is writing a check you can never cash so please have several seats:)
I seen so many of these guys off and on over the years some of them think they are god's gift to women and they ain't nothing but a clown:jester:.
Nah this clown show had to be from NYC.
Confirmed when he mentioned BBQ's and Blockeheads. <--- do not accept btw:ignore:
The dude is honest but that's also a turn.
And if you are making demands you better know you need to be on your A game that means everything I want In a man (not a piece of clown like yourself sir).
Everything he wrote tells me nothing, just tells me your behind is writing a check you can never cash so please have several seats:)
I seen so many of these guys off and on over the years some of them think they are god's gift to women and they ain't nothing but a clown:jester:.
Typical. Im not giving you anything but you better give up the secks. Bye.
So me and main dude got into an argument. This is the second fight in a month and the last time I told him I did not like the way it was handled. We agreed to do better. This time he talked slowly and calmly saying he was doing better but ignored everything I said and refused to acknowledge my points instead going quiet and ignoring me under the guise of "doing better". Smh I told him that I could not continue a relationship if we could not deal with conflict better than this.

His response was to get up, get dressed and leave my apartment without another word. He actually left my door unlocked and didn't even tell me he was leaving. I have not heard from him since. I texted him a couple times immediately after wondering what was going on. No response. It's been about a week so that's that I guess. But I'm so tired of this nonsense. Everything else is lining up with the men I'm attracting EXCEPT the way they deal with conflict. Men these days need therapy. They either go completely quiet or scream and yell. Where are the emotionally healthy men that know how to work through minor issues? I also need to reevaluate some things on my end because there must be something I'm doing that's contributing to the way these things are dealt with.
So me and main dude got into an argument. This is the second fight in a month and the last time I told him I did not like the way it was handled. We agreed to do better. This time he talked slowly and calmly saying he was doing better but ignored everything I said and refused to acknowledge my points instead going quiet and ignoring me under the guise of "doing better". Smh I told him that I could not continue a relationship if we could not deal with conflict better than this.

His response was to get up, get dressed and leave my apartment without another word. He actually left my door unlocked and didn't even tell me he was leaving. I have not heard from him since. I texted him a couple times immediately after wondering what was going on. No response. It's been about a week so that's that I guess. But I'm so tired of this nonsense. Everything else is lining up with the men I'm attracting EXCEPT the way they deal with conflict. Men these days need therapy. They either go completely quiet or scream and yell. Where are the emotionally healthy men that know how to work through minor issues? I also need to reevaluate some things on my end because there must be something I'm doing that's contributing to the way these things are dealt with.

PLEASE CUTOFF all communication.
FORGET about him. Block him if he tries to come back.

If you haven’t.....watch the (Cameron and Lauren) in LOVE IS BLIND on Netflix (there is a thread in the entertainment forum).

Or look through the Harry and Meg, Russell and Ciara threads.

It will help you with any lingering doubts about this guy.
PLEASE CUTOFF all communication.
FORGET about him. Block him if he tries to come back.

If you haven’t.....watch the (Cameron and Lauren) in LOVE IS BLIND on Netflix (there is a thread in the entertainment forum).

Or look through the Harry and Meg, Russell and Ciara threads.

It will help you with any lingering doubts about this guy.
No doubts at all. I'm just so sick of these stupid dudes wasting my time because they don't know how to communicate.

Btw, completely up to date on the show and all threads. Thanks.
I cannot believe he just literally ghosted himself like that...

That is immature and/ or cowardly to then ignore your texts. Wow. He would be deleted with swiftness and ease.

I pray you find someone that can do better in handling argumemts. It is hard though. I think a lot of people need help with that.

So me and main dude got into an argument. This is the second fight in a month and the last time I told him I did not like the way it was handled. We agreed to do better. This time he talked slowly and calmly saying he was doing better but ignored everything I said and refused to acknowledge my points instead going quiet and ignoring me under the guise of "doing better". Smh I told him that I could not continue a relationship if we could not deal with conflict better than this.

His response was to get up, get dressed and leave my apartment without another word. He actually left my door unlocked and didn't even tell me he was leaving. I have not heard from him since. I texted him a couple times immediately after wondering what was going on. No response. It's been about a week so that's that I guess. But I'm so tired of this nonsense. Everything else is lining up with the men I'm attracting EXCEPT the way they deal with conflict. Men these days need therapy. They either go completely quiet or scream and yell. Where are the emotionally healthy men that know how to work through minor issues? I also need to reevaluate some things on my end because there must be something I'm doing that's contributing to the way these things are dealt with.
@Reinventing21 Right! I seriously don't get it but after a week I don't care to try to figure it out anymore. His number is already deleted.

I meant to add that over the past few months I've learned things about his home life growing up that should make this situation less surprising to me. Stories he has told me about his father ring eerily similar to the stunt he pulled. Not something I'm willing to deal with.
So me and main dude got into an argument. This is the second fight in a month and the last time I told him I did not like the way it was handled. We agreed to do better. This time he talked slowly and calmly saying he was doing better but ignored everything I said and refused to acknowledge my points instead going quiet and ignoring me under the guise of "doing better". Smh I told him that I could not continue a relationship if we could not deal with conflict better than this.

His response was to get up, get dressed and leave my apartment without another word. He actually left my door unlocked and didn't even tell me he was leaving. I have not heard from him since. I texted him a couple times immediately after wondering what was going on. No response. It's been about a week so that's that I guess. But I'm so tired of this nonsense. Everything else is lining up with the men I'm attracting EXCEPT the way they deal with conflict. Men these days need therapy. They either go completely quiet or scream and yell. Where are the emotionally healthy men that know how to work through minor issues? I also need to reevaluate some things on my end because there must be something I'm doing that's contributing to the way these things are dealt with.
I have had a similar experience twice now. Two guys who seemed sooo good - seemingly kind/good hearted, intelligent, ambitious, very well-employed, providers, affectionate, attractive, family oriented, FUN, cultured and well-traveled... then BAM the first or second disagreement they dip out. Like, when I say disagreement I mean it in the healthiest, most normal sense of the word. Neither of us were heated, yelling or cursing and the issue was not red flag worthy until their response. These were literally run of the mill differences that simply needed to be discussed.

The first man I’d been seeing for about 4.5 months and the second man was after about 2 months. Some of these folks definitely need therapy and conflict resolution classes. The only good thing about them going completely unresponsive is that you/we can’t talk ourselves into sticking around to try and work it out wit some dude who clearly ain’t ready. Idk about you, but there have def been points in my dating life where I would’ve got stuck trying to work through some man’s emotional mess if they checked certain boxes :nono:. Thank goodness he removed himself so you don’t have to waste anymore of your time!
I have had a similar experience twice now. Two guys who seemed sooo good - seemingly kind/good hearted, intelligent, ambitious, very well-employed, providers, affectionate, attractive, family oriented, FUN, cultured and well-traveled... then BAM the first or second disagreement they dip out. Like, when I say disagreement I mean it in the healthiest, most normal sense of the word. Neither of us were heated, yelling or cursing and the issue was not red flag worthy until their response. These were literally run of the mill differences that simply needed to be discussed.

The first man I’d been seeing for about 4.5 months and the second man was after about 2 months. Some of these folks definitely need therapy and conflict resolution classes. The only good thing about them going completely unresponsive is that you/we can’t talk ourselves into sticking around to try and work it out wit some dude who clearly ain’t ready. Idk about you, but there have def been points in my dating life where I would’ve got stuck trying to work through some man’s emotional mess if they checked certain boxes :nono:. Thank goodness he removed himself so you don’t have to waste anymore of your time!
Yes! I'm sorry you had to deal with that. It's not only hurtful but confusing too!

My dude was the same, as in he checked all the boxes and we got along great. There were few issues and things were going great in my opinion. Our two arguments were nothing serious at all. The first one was a misunderstanding but he was so defensive and closed off that it turned into something bigger than it was. I voiced my concerns at the time and said we needed to be able to discuss minor issues like this because it's no big deal. This second time he's gone and for real he can stay gone because this is just not for me.

A guy friend of mine once told me that whenever he has a disagreement with a woman he's dating no matter how small he feels like everything is ruined so he just calls the whole thing off. This is a man that claims he wants to be married! I was like bro how do you expect to ever learn to handle conflict or even find a meaningful relationship? Like do these guys just want Stepford Women all glass eyed and grinning all the time?
Yes! I'm sorry you had to deal with that. It's not only hurtful but confusing too!

My dude was the same, as in he checked all the boxes and we got along great. There were few issues and things were going great in my opinion. Our two arguments were nothing serious at all. The first one was a misunderstanding but he was so defensive and closed off that it turned into something bigger than it was. I voiced my concerns at the time and said we needed to be able to discuss minor issues like this because it's no big deal. This second time he's gone and for real he can stay gone because this is just not for me.

A guy friend of mine once told me that whenever he has a disagreement with a woman he's dating no matter how small he feels like everything is ruined so he just calls the whole thing off. This is a man that claims he wants to be married! I was like bro how do you expect to ever learn to handle conflict or even find a meaningful relationship? Like do these guys just want Stepford Women all glass eyed and grinning all the time?
Thank you! I’m sorry you had to deal with that as well. It is definitely painful and confusing.

I think they do want a Stepford wife with zero life of their own and zero interests outside of them :rolleyes:. No thank you!