I visited one of my besties a few weeks ago and she mentioned this really sweet guy she wanted to introduce me to when she’s down by me. He’s her boyfriend’s good friend and lives in the same city as me. Well, we ended up matching on a dating app on our own.

My friend is so excited, lol! I’m trying to be cautiously optimistic and still do my due diligence with vetting. But he seems really, really, really great so far. We’ll see...

Otherwise, I’ve had a bunch of duds lol. I ran into fighting guy last week and he was still just as entertaining - this time breaking up a fight :lachen:
“He was going to put me in the closet until he figured out what he was going to do with my body,” she told the station. “Don’t trust everybody you think you might know.”

Hildreth fled the residence after the attack, which took place just three weeks after the couple met on Facebook, Mireles said.

I keep having interesting experiences with pastors.

I officially dated one earlier this year and in the past 5 weeks I’ve met 3 more. It’s not weird that I’ve met them close together because they all know each other but the way they interact with me is so odd.
If you don’t want children is there any point to getting married? Other than if the other person has the better health insurance? :look:

When I was younger I thought I might like to be but now that I’m old enough to examine my motivations I’m really not seeing a point.
Possibly for financial reason like if you own property together, or mix finances in any way.

Also if you want to get top billing to see them when they're in the hospital, or get everything if they die with no will :look:.

There's tax reasons too but I'm not clear on that.

There are work-arounds for all of these things, you just have to be on top of it. Or just get married to make things easier and keep it to yourself shrugs.
If you don’t want children is there any point to getting married? Other than if the other person has the better health insurance? :look:

When I was younger I thought I might like to be but now that I’m old enough to examine my motivations I’m really not seeing a point.
Marriage has always been more of a business arrangement first to me and then everything else. You don't need marriage to have kids either but if you want a stable 2 parent home and to make things easier, marriage is the way to do it. You don't need marriage for 2 incomes and to own property together, etc. but for easier access to all of these things you do it. That's why I've never agreed with the whole marriage is just a piece of paper crowd. It's a piece of paper that can make your life a hell of a lot easier in so many ways.
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Anyone start dating while trying to lose weight? Just curious because everyone I've seen starts putting on happy weight.

You mean dating as in casually dating or dating as in an exclusive relationship? I've been trying to lose weight for the past couple of months while casually dating, but I'm not looking to lose that significant of an amount...20 lbs. My dating hasn't interfered with it, I've lost 8 lbs so far.
You mean dating as in casually dating or dating as in an exclusive relationship? I've been trying to lose weight for the past couple of months while casually dating, but I'm not looking to lose that significant of an amount...20 lbs. My dating hasn't interfered with it, I've lost 8 lbs so far.
I did mean causal dating! I just started my weight loss, so I don't even know how to eat out healthily yet LOL!
I did mean causal dating! I just started my weight loss, so I don't even know how to eat out healthily yet LOL!

Lol, I've been using MyFitnessPal to track my calories and try to eat a light breakfast and lunch on the days where I'm going out to dinner so I have more calories left over to use for dinner.

When I'm at dinner, I try to stick with having a salad with a protein in it (or something else kind of light) and order red wine to drink instead of mixed drinks.
If you don’t want children is there any point to getting married? Other than if the other person has the better health insurance? :look:

When I was younger I thought I might like to be but now that I’m old enough to examine my motivations I’m really not seeing a point.

You might want to check the laws in your state regarding what a spouse can do vs a boy/girlfriend. As a spouse you might have a say in health and financial matters as well as legal standing to do so as next of kin. Unless your lover legally appoints you as someone who can make health and financial decisions for him, you may be out of luck if he dies intestate or if his family challenges you about inheritances.
If you don’t want children is there any point to getting married? Other than if the other person has the better health insurance? :look:

When I was younger I thought I might like to be but now that I’m old enough to examine my motivations I’m really not seeing a point.

Not to me. I make a good amount of money and own property so I'm not interested in marriage for the financial aspect. I am highly against combining assets, as I would likely be the one to get screwed over in the end just because of the field I'm in. Call me jaded but I've seen too many people stuck in bad relationships because of the financial repercussions of a divorce, arguments such as who keeps the house, the car, etc. If I have my own and bought my own I'm not 'splitting' jack squat just for the state.