How are they now? Still together?

I hate dating, so I've always been for arranged marriages. Let's skip past the awkward "what are we doing" phase

Still married, and still righteous. I suspect that he cheats because she's even bigger, stressed and more sickly, and he has a nice spring in his step. But I'll never know. She gets to just be a smug married like her siblings.
From my facebook timeline




Thanks for posting. Thats why I ask what's everyone doing for the weekend. I'm not looking to make small talk, you have to position yourself to get the results you want.

So, what do you ladies have planned for the weekend?
So my ex husband married the woman he cheated on me with yesterday. Pull out son out of school for 3 days for their wedding (Wed til today). While I would never want him back- I am very hurt. He obviously treated her much better than he treated me. Hell he proposed to her in Paris.

If I could only go back in time and curve him.

Here I am still single... while he gets the “happily ever after”....

And now I feel better.
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So my ex husband married the woman he cheated on me with yesterday. Pull out son out of school for 3 days for their wedding (Wed til today). While I would never want him back- I am very hurt. He obviously treated her much better than he treated me. Hell he proposed to her in Paris.

If I could only go back in time and curve him.

Here I am still single... while he gets the “happily ever after”....

And now I feel better.

your feelings are valid. sending you hugs
young tenderoni spent the night; we made dinner together, watched horror films and just cuddled the night :2inlove:.
You know i'm lying:lachen:. We got 45min into What lies beneath before ... :look:. I forgot how much i love having random hugs, stolen kisses and the feeling of someone reaching for me in bed when i'm not close. Seeing him on tuesssday.
young tenderoni spent the night; we made dinner together, watched horror films and just cuddled the night :2inlove:.
You know i'm lying:lachen:. We got 45min into What lies beneath before ... :look:. I forgot how much i love having random hugs, stolen kisses and the feeling of someone reaching for me in bed when i'm not close. Seeing him on tuesssday.
Get it, girl!! Young tenderoni for the win :lachen:
I’m already annoyed by my therapist.

The insurance rep said everything is covered with no co-pay. Her email stated a $15 co-pay. When I told her what the rep said she said $10 and then sent a screenshot that was unclear because it referenced a pcp and not a therapist.

We got past that and we schedule an appointment. After agreeing to a date and time she asks me to fill out a form with credit card or debit info.

Am I bugging or is this a red flag?
I’m already annoyed by my therapist.

The insurance rep said everything is covered with no co-pay. Her email stated a $15 co-pay. When I told her what the rep said she said $10 and then sent a screenshot that was unclear because it referenced a pcp and not a therapist.

We got past that and we schedule an appointment. After agreeing to a date and time she asks me to fill out a form with credit card or debit info.

Am I bugging or is this a red flag?
I’m already annoyed by my therapist.

The insurance rep said everything is covered with no co-pay. Her email stated a $15 co-pay. When I told her what the rep said she said $10 and then sent a screenshot that was unclear because it referenced a pcp and not a therapist.

We got past that and we schedule an appointment. After agreeing to a date and time she asks me to fill out a form with credit card or debit info.

Am I bugging or is this a red flag?

Yeah, that seems super shady.
the last two guys i've been interested in recently have been offline which has been a change and i've noticed a couple points:

1. Standing out - I'm not an anti-conformist but if everyone is wearing black then I prob shouldn't pick up a black dress.
Young tenderoni (YT) said: " well i noticed you in the crowd you stood out - you had this bright yellow top on and curly hair caught my attention"
Ex ( me reaching out after we first briefly met 2 years prior): "You are gorgeous but damn I don't remember you"
Me: we met whilst I was on a bar in NY.
Him: "OOOO SNAPP the girl in the white dress!!"

2. Stare a man down - I have been very adverse to making a move historically and i doubt i'll ever be the type of woman to walk up to a man and say hi but in my world I'm learning staring a guy down ain't so bad.
YT said: "after I noticed you and then we caught eyes as I walked past, my friends said you were definitely giving me the eye and I thought yeah I like her."

Ex - "well i saw you and you had your eyes locked on mine (i protested this but he's prob right) being all intense and I thought she about to get into a whole lotta trouble with the way she looking at me, so I said hello".

Mr Eligible bachelor (our first proper convo alone on the beach) - "Where I'm from the women are very shy and offstandish so I love it when a woman makes a move, it shows confidence" I said its not my style to which he responds "you should definitely try it or at least stare, no way you'll get rejected. trust me." later that night before he leaves the vacation we are in the club and he's batting women off left and right. At a couple points I consciously stare and he stares right back. He says his goodbyes to the group, kisses me on the cheek and I muster up the courage to say " by the way I think you're very handso- "and before I can finish my sentence he says "yes i feel the same way about you..."
I can not make this ish up-

My ex just got married and he is on his honeymoon emailing me asking me how I feel about getting swimming lessons for our son.
Ninja- your phone should be off so you can spend quality time with your new wife- wtf?

Does he need to know you care he is on his honeymoon? ^^^Attention seeking is right...along with need for ego stroking.
I can't believe I'm in my bed tossing and turning over this man who played me. That ho#. Out there juggling. I have a early interview too. I'm tired out here. I've done the learning back. Taking a break. This man was good at first but my fault for letting him come back and forth . Friends said don't worry about a man. Well it's hard when my friends and all my siblings bood up. I think God really doesn't want me to have anyone great. He is just shaking and laughing at me.
I haven't been on here in a minute!

My sis and I were talking last night, and I realized that all of my married friends are either 1) not black or 2) black women/men married to a non-black spouse. My pool isn't big, but that was kind of shocking. My sis said that I might have to consider dating a non-black. I know that I've been opposed to that because I've always planned on having black children. I have never had an issue with white men. I've had more white male friends than black in all honesty. I even had a little fling with one!

It's really the kid thing.
I need to vent somewhere to people who actually don't know me, so I'm here.

I am newly single... as of last week.

All of the red flags was there as to why I should NOT date this guy, but I decided to give a go anyway. Worst three months... Well, except for the puppy dog cutesy two weeks at first. I'll spare the details because I know where exactly where I went wrong with even choosing him.

I moved him into my place almost a month after meeting him. Because of our unconventional relationship prior, I still had my life to live so you will, he found out. Ever since then I was guilted almost every day. Eventually I had enough and I wanted out. I told him that I wanted it to be over and he had to leave. Well, he destroyed everything (just about) that I have. Ruined my apartment, my electronics (phone, tv).. manipulated money from me that was supposed to be used to get my car fixed. I'm in such a bad place financially to where I'm getting used to being hungry because I can't afford to eat right now. I have no groceries, no money, no working car... just rent money.

I don't have family support because they're upset that I got with him to begin with, and of course his family's loyalty doesn't lie with me, even though they've all said that he's wrong for doing me the way that he has done.

I never thought I would be in an abusive relationship, then with nothing on top of that. I managed to get him not to break my computer.

Sadder thing is, I've gone through the motions with taking care of business, but part of me wants to tell him to just come back, because I'm already miserable and can't get back on track to save my life.