Do you think it means anything?

I had a whole set about one from my present. And they tend to be prophetic and come true :rolleyes: I’m going to watch this play out.

I have no clue because I haven't even been thinking about this man!!! Someone that I was close to in high school over 15 years ago. He had a crush on me in HS but I didn't like him. Then 10 years later I started crushing on him out of no where!! We started hanging out here and there but nothing serious. He's involved in a lot of local politics and social activism in this area so he would invite me out to a lot of the community events. I got over him because I figured it wouldn't go any where anyway. I see him around town every once in a while but we just say hey and keep it moving.

In the dream we figured out we both wanted to be together and we connected. But I don't want to be with him. In fact, I haven't really thought twice about him in a very long time. So, IDK girl!!

I did wake up crying though. But that's because my cycle is about to start and I always get extra lonely and sad about being single when TOM is starting.

What were your dreams about??
@bellatiamarie do you think you’re missing out on something? Or do you just think it’s nothing? Is it something you’ve worried about.

Mine are pretty much someone trying to get back with me and I’m so disconnected from the situation, I’m extremely guarded with letting them back in. The person is trying hard because their window of opportunity with me is short, but the dreams never went further (that I can remember) so I can’t say what happened. I had a couple of other dreams but I just don’t remember them.
@bellatiamarie do you think you’re missing out on something? Or do you just think it’s nothing? Is it something you’ve worried about.

Mine are pretty much someone trying to get back with me and I’m so disconnected from the situation, I’m extremely guarded with letting them back in. The person is trying hard because their window of opportunity with me is short, but the dreams never went further (that I can remember) so I can’t say what happened. I had a couple of other dreams but I just don’t remember them.

No, I can't say that I've worried about it and I don't think I'm missing out on anything. I really don't know what this is all about. Clearly something with him is going on in my subconscious for me to be having these dreams but I don't know. I did start checking his social media pages this morning thinking he must be married/with child by now :look: but his ass doesn't post anything personal on his SM so I didn't find anything. But l wouldn't have been having a second thought about him if I hadn't dreamt about him. I've had dreams about him before... sporadically. I will say I have had some crazy confirmations about us being together in the past which is why I started crushing on him but I've long since suppressed that and put it out of my mind. I really do not want to be with him. I hope it's nothing. I really want to close the door to men from my past. I've tried to before but I've let a few back in. But I want to completely close the door this time. I'll be moving soon to another state so hoping that will help.

What is your real life relationship/contact with this person?
No, I can't say that I've worried about it and I don't think I'm missing out on anything. I really don't know what this is all about. Clearly something with him is going on in my subconscious for me to be having these dreams but I don't know. I did start checking his social media pages this morning thinking he must be married/with child by now :look: but his ass doesn't post anything personal on his SM so I didn't find anything. But l wouldn't have been having a second thought about him if I hadn't dreamt about him. I've had dreams about him before... sporadically. I will say I have had some crazy confirmations about us being together in the past which is why I started crushing on him but I've long since suppressed that and put it out of my mind. I really do not want to be with him. I hope it's nothing. I really want to close the door to men from my past. I've tried to before but I've let a few back in. But I want to completely close the door this time. I'll be moving soon to another state so hoping that will help.

What is your real life relationship/contact with this person?
Can I PM you?
No, I can't say that I've worried about it and I don't think I'm missing out on anything. I really don't know what this is all about. Clearly something with him is going on in my subconscious for me to be having these dreams but I don't know. I did start checking his social media pages this morning thinking he must be married/with child by now :look: but his ass doesn't post anything personal on his SM so I didn't find anything. But l wouldn't have been having a second thought about him if I hadn't dreamt about him. I've had dreams about him before... sporadically. I will say I have had some crazy confirmations about us being together in the past which is why I started crushing on him but I've long since suppressed that and put it out of my mind. I really do not want to be with him. I hope it's nothing. I really want to close the door to men from my past. I've tried to before but I've let a few back in. But I want to completely close the door this time. I'll be moving soon to another state so hoping that will help.

What is your real life relationship/contact with this person?
You need to cut the cord from the relationship. Have you looked into doing a cord cutting session? This is also called a soul tie. The energy is still connected, even though you are physically apart. Don’t go searching for him anymore. He will show up physically sooner or later. If you believe in Universal Laws or LOA, even biblical principles, then you know what’s going on.
What is going on with you that you feel a lack of? It’s an Ego thing. The Ego comes from the subconscious level, so what attention or feelings are you missing from that particular relationship? Get real honest. The conscious level will tell you that you are good with not being me with him, etc.. but your subconscious always wants to go back to what it feels is lacking or what feels comfortable. The subconscious level is the survival mode of your being. Just give what I am saying some thought. You may or may not agree.
You know the mind never stays presents it always goes back to the past or tries to figure out what the future will be off of old belief systems. We have to work diligently to stay in the present.

The soul tie might be finally breaking- his energy leaving, and you feel it and are trying to hold on it. That’s why you went checking to see what is going on in his life like is he married, children, moved, etc.. I say do a cord cutting session so you can totally disconnect.
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young tenderoni and i had our second date yesterday and our first kiss awwww. he made a joke and i played dumb.
" no i don't get it"
because its long
huh? what's long i really don't get it
he started blushing - it comes down my thigh
Owwwwwww i got it i just wanted you to say:angeldevil:

more importantly i met husband candidate on vacation last week. he was invited by a friend and flew in from the UK. he's fine, paid paid and a just a cool,calm collected guy. 5 years younger but hey ho :look:. This one is a lonnnnng game; he's the ideal eligible bachelor so I'm in it to win it.
You need to cut the cord from the relationship. Have you looked into doing a cord cutting session? This is also called a soul tie. The energy is still connected, even though you are physically apart. Don’t go searching for him anymore. He will show up physically sooner or later. If you believe in Universal Laws or LOA, even biblical principles, then you know what’s going on.
What is going on with you that you feel a lack of? It’s an Ego thing. The Ego comes from the subconscious level, so what attention or feelings are you missing from that particular relationship? Get real honest. The conscious level will tell you that you are good with not being me with him, etc.. but your subconscious always wants to go back to what it feels is lacking or what feels comfortable. The subconscious level is the survival mode of your being. Just give what I am saying some thought. You may or may not agree.
You know the mind never stays presents it always goes back to the past or tries to figure out what the future will be off of old belief systems. We have to work diligently to stay in the present.

The soul tie might be finally breaking- his energy level, and you feel it and are trying to hold on it. That’s why you went checking to see what is going on in his life like is he married, children, moved, etc.. I say do a cord cutting session so you can totally disconnect.

Thank you. You’re right... it’s a soul tie that I didn’t recognize until now.
I think I'm jaded.

I've met guys at bars, restaurants, online, but I'm so over men and their BS. I'm just like :rolleyes: at every situation. Like, oh ok, yea, sure...and at the first sign of BS I just block them.

I'm also over every guy asking for my IG name, calling themselves a photographer, actor, traveler. What's wrong with having a career? I like working in corporate america, it's called financial security and I like to feel secure!

I met a guy who directed me to his perfectly curated Instagram page, wearing very nice clothes, professional photo-shoots, etc...and then he told me he worked at an afterschool program, full-time, which is fine, but what do you do in the summer? Another guy told me that the mercury in the fish I eat (I told him I was pescaterian, mostly) is bad for my womb. Why are you in my ovaries, sir?

This sounds judgmental, but I needed to get this off my chest.

::that was a vent::

People's instagrams have gotten fancy, haven't they? I'm like dang why do you have professional photo shoots when you work a regular 9 to 5? What are you promoting? All the color-coordination and well-selected captions. It's a lot
So the 28-year-old I'm dating wants marriage and 2 children. He asked what's my timeline of having another child and if I'm ready for more. I am and shared with him within the next year or 2. Apparently, he's in the middle launching a few businesses and will be ready to settle down then.

Getting to know him has been fun and I'm liking what I see. I'm taking it slow and he wants more.
From my facebook timeline



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But do women in their 20s and 30s really use their vacation time to go to church conventions? WDDDA?

In the South. My cousin would do this in her 30s with her siblings and mother. Probably 20s, too. She met her husband at church. I don't know the details, but I believe it may have been secretly arranged somehow. I think this because she never mentioned dating or having a boyfriend. Just suddenly there was a wedding. She was about 400lbs & late 30s, and he was a skinny, younger man who she claims spent his free time at bible study instead of partying.
In the South. My cousin would do this in her 30s with her siblings and mother. Probably 20s, too. She met her husband at church. I don't know the details, but I believe it may have been secretly arranged somehow. I think this because she never mentioned dating or having a boyfriend. Just suddenly there was a wedding. She was about 400lbs & late 30s, and he was a skinny, younger man who she claims spent his free time at bible study instead of partying.
How are they now? Still together?

I hate dating, so I've always been for arranged marriages. Let's skip past the awkward "what are we doing" phase