:lachen: when his counting hit 30 and i said don't stop his face was like o_O.
I was speaking with a WW (32 about to be 33) today who told me that she's really into this guy she met at a wedding but lives in California. I suggested going out to meet other men and she told me that she's really happy with how things are. She is committed to a long distance relationship with a man that is not her boyfriend. Ladies don't do this.
I think I’m going to focus on one app at a time. It’s getting to be overwhelming. I’m going to delete all but one dating app and focus on it for a while then switch it up when things start to get dull. It’s just too many people to browse through and reach out to.
@NaturalEnigma Which one are you sticking with?

For now, Coffee Meets Bagel. It’s the app I’ve had the most success with, but for the past couple of months it’s been pretty dead not going to lie. I’m going to give it one more month then try something else.

I’m going to start trying new dating sites or sites that are not as popular. I’m going for the less is more idea. When they are too many people to browse I think it’s hard to capture someone’s attention. Plus maybe I might find a hidden gem. I think I’ve tried the popular sites Hinge, Tinder, Bumble, Okcupid etc enough to know there is not much there. I might also try the paid sites again like Match and Eharmony. Not for long though I’ll probably try a 1 month or 3 month subscription.
Went out for the first time in weeks and had a really good time. No dates but lots of invitations to do cool things - this man is taking me to lunch and a boat party on Friday so I need to find a cute bathing suit. Not looking for anything serious but I have my eye open for potential....I just want to have a good time with someone who makes me feel good.

Side note: Having no intentions and thus zero expectations for specific outcomes means I’ve gotten really good at flirting. :curtain:
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young tenderoni hasnt confirmed date for tomorrow and i'm not surprised. I made a joke about him still being at school and i don' think it went down well especially as I'm older than him and make 4x his salary at a big company. Tis a shame as he would have been a great transition from my former fbuddy/fake boyfriend who i saw on friday.:cry3: I went to the 'peak' of about 10 mountains in that one session - i think i lost hearing in my eyes and lost the sense of touch in my ears. I had never experienced that before. but he admitted he was going to try and work things out with the mother of his kids so i made it clear that was our last time seeing each other.

i had a husband pile date on wed and he said the right things, a lil arrogant for not a looker but i'll see him again. i get the impression he likes a woman who chases abit and that's not me. I couldn't find any info on him online so i can't verify his stories.
I’m not sure if the person is on here so I never wanna put too much out there
Streets is watching :look:
I just want to have a good time with someone who makes me feel good.
This is where I'm at. Second date with a guy tonight. He's already made his intentions known (looking for long-term serious relationship, marriage) and I respect that but I'm not there.

So I'm gonna let him know tonight. He's the only dude who has stepped to me since *incoherent mumbling* so I'm really shooting myself in the foot here. But I just wanna be honest with him. It makes life so much easier.
Earlier this year, I read this article on dating burnout and treating dating as discovering, not deciding. The idea isn't revolutionary (nor new, probably) but it was a big mindset shift for me. Here's an excerpt:

This week I spoke with my client, “Sue,” who recently entered the online dating world. Right off the bat she had scoped out a profile she really liked and emailed him... The next thing you know…she has a date!... At the end of the date, they both agreed they wanted to see each other again. She felt a major connection...But it’s likely you also know the end of this story: he never followed through..

Sue was emotionally drained...And then those words I hate to hear started coming: Why does this always happen? I’m done! This is bulls#%!...After one date she jumped in HEART first…and created her own crash and burn drama.

I've seen on here before people getting emotionally invested even before the first date or a couple dates in, replete with feelings of being burdened, upset or bitter (esp. with dating as a whole) when things go "wrong". This isn't a judgement as I've been there in the past before. So, I think the article might be helpful for some who need it.