I went to a cookout yesterday that was a lot of fun...it was full of tall, sexy men. I got several numbers and I have a date with one of them this coming Tuesday and another one just texted to see if I could go out with him tomorrow night, but I already have plans :kiss3:. Now, the problem is the Tuesday one is a Pisces and Pisces men and I have a history of not getting along lol. The other one that just texted is a Scorpio and Scorpio men and I have a history of REALLY not getting along :laugh:. But at the same time I don't know their whole birth chart. So who knows, we may get along. We'll see how it goes!

The Libra guy and I are still going strong. He invited me over this past Tuesday and made dinner and it was good! I just feel like we "click" and things are easy between us. TBH, I'm breaking my own rules and I'm kind of sprung on him :laugh: On our first date, we both said we were not looking for an exclusive relationship right now. But if he were to bring up us being exclusive, I'd be with it. But I won't be the one to bring that topic up first

What is your sign?

What is your sign?
I just watched an ex, who was trying to drive through 3 states to see me less than two months ago, get engaged on Facebook to his baby momma.

I’m proud of myself, listened to my intuition when he started calling me and asking for pics.

She looked so happy, I was smiling. I pray he turns out to be all she hopes.
Shadow period of mercury going retrograde. Get your garlic ready.

make that 10. i kid y'all not. all guys I've never gotten past date 2 with. Except... I arrived back in my city on Thursday, as I was getting off the train I saw a guy who I briefly mistook for my ex f-buddy. 10 min later another guy who looked like him: build height complexion, bald head. I was shook! I text my friend " omg I've just seen 2 fake Daniels. wtf!"

The next day I leave my appointment and instead of taking the same route i arrived with, i opt for the longer one across the bridge. I cross the bridge and who do I see? My ex f-buddy. I hadn't seen him since jan.

Let me go read up on this mecury retro
Friday I went on my first 1st date in...well, years.

I've been on Match for a bit and until recently all I've had were low prospects. Dudes who like you who don't reply when you like them back, or the ones that start off with "hey" or "wassup" and then the conversation just never gets better. I'd been chatting with this guy for a few weeks and after a bit of flirtatious trash talk about our favorite local pizza spots, we went out for pizza. It was a nice, effortless conversation and a second date was discussed before we left. I've been chatting with someone else and I think that'll result in a 1st date soon too.

I'm guardedly optimistic.
Man I threw all my men’s away.

Except my occasional emergency “friend.” I can’t get over the fact that men spend soooo much energy into getting my attention just to waste my time.

I went out with physician bae two weeks ago to celebrate his new job and he randomly revealed some crap to me. He said how he never really cared about rejection until he met me and that I am the only woman that doesn’t accept his nonsense and he hated it but he also appreciates it because it’s a challenge. He admitted to all the gaslighting in a round about way. All that I did was stop sleeping with him and didn’t allow him to come inside my apt alone anymore.

I kept my mouth shut but it all really bothered me. He told me how “shocked” he was when I would ignore his text messages. He really is a piece of work. He actually thinks he is a good person and I told his he’s a prick. For some reason men don’t factor in the way they treat women in whether they are a good person or not and it is mind boggling.

Between that conversation with him and others I’ve had with males recently, I’m just over it. These dudes are horrible and clueless.

Oh, he also said My bull crap tolerance is too low! I explained to him how I don’t care and I’d rather be alone than accept bull. I don’t put ppl through unnecessary pain so I’m unwilling to deal with it from others. He had nothing to say to that.

If he was ANYONE else I would just throw him away but I love him as a human and he is very useful in many nonromantic ways.

Soon as he starts getting PAID PAID imma make him pay my rent for all the stress he’s caused me.

Hey ladies!! I miss you guys. How's the dating scene treating everyone? During my hiatus (from this site and dating) several men that should've stay lost reappeared. All I do is read their text and them pretend like I didn't see it.

I am seeing someone but nothing is official yet. I'm still keeping myself open to meeting men and attending regular (free) events throughout the city.

Hey ladies!! I miss you guys. How's the dating scene treating everyone? During my hiatus (from this site and dating) several men that should've stay lost reappeared. All I do is read their text and them pretend like I didn't see it.

I am seeing someone but nothing is official yet. I'm still keeping myself open to meeting men and attending regular (free) events throughout the city.
You need that garlic too. Let me start a business real quick :lachen:
For real though, retrograde never fails.
It is going to take everything in me to get off of the proverbial bench. I haven't been on a date since March and I got offline in February.

I'm challenging myself to go on dates with 7 different guys by end of summer. I'll use this post for accountability. It's really a shame that I'm allergic to cats.

It's July so what number are we at?
^NOPE. The hell I look like doing all of that?!
@meka72 I saw that earlier. This is why you cannot be Bob the builder on these kneegrows. My back is for laying on and being blown out :look:
Not carrying or building.
I would have never done this but I definitely dated down (not this far down though) one time. I’m so glad that raggedy relationship ended and I’ve seen the light.
Is this the price of dating? If so, I'm glad that I have two cats lol. After saying all this, he never said that he loved her or what she brings to his life besides previously subsidizing it.

ETA: she is absolutely beautiful!

I feel bad for her. This dude is trash and he's talking about her doing all this like that's what makes her worthy of marriage. No it makes him look pitiful and like she felt like she couldn't do any better than his sorry self. The mom comments are funny and should make him feel pathetic but I also feel bad because they must be hurtful to that woman. Why do women do this?