Man, this guy is determined to be a victim. I’m glad we didn’t work out. No, it’s not the same person y’all :lachen:

Boy, I have dated some doozies in my day.

Basically what he admitted to me is he admits he’s done me wrong and he tried to find someone to love him like I did but he only found some unhealthy love. He’s resigned to be alone, but he wanna love and let his guard down, but noo because it’s not “allowed”. He don’t wanna be single, but he doesn’t wanna be in a relationship. I had to stop talking to him and go elsewhere on Al Gore’s Internet.
I told myself I was going to start back "seriously dating" in July, so I got back on Tinder because of course I don't know where to start. One guy is mad because I won't send him a pic. I have 7 pics on my profile, close up, full body, different hairstyles etc. Go look at one of those. One described himself as someone who likes to have intellectual conversations, but gave one word answers. Why message me if you're not actually interested in actually conversing. One seemed promising at first during a phone convo, but then displayed high levels of f boy tendencies, like wyd-ing me to death in like 4 hours (why ask me wyd-ing if you're not making plans? because you really don't care what i'm doing, go away), saying he's been in situationships for the past 5 years but no relationships, would have to talk to a woman for "at least 8 months" ( :huh: ) before getting into a relationship, Facetiming me at 12:30am (declined)...yeahhh not interested. Now one dude wants to take me to "get ice cream" tonight. If you don't want to buy dinner, don't invite me places during dinner time. It's quite simple. Not interested, and I'm not going to go just to have something to do.

I think I'm going to take myself out tonight.
Anybody else just doesn't feel like dating? Like I literally have an online dating account, have gotten SO many people try to hit me up, they all look ratchet, hood, like they eat boogers, potential killers, they only want one thing etc...

Like, especially with knowing the domestic violence rates for US, it is scary too. And it doesn't hurt I stay watching "For My Man" and "Fatal Attraction" lol and smh.

It is scary out here. Especially since now that I am in my 30s. This seems to be the age a lot of these fools tend to murder the women they are with.

It just feels like the pickings are slim and at this point, it doesn't seem worth it to even "try" if that makes sense. It feels like it is only getting worse out here with so many dudes wanting to split bills, go on coffee dates and such. Pew
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Anybody else just doesn't feel like dating? Like I literally have a POF account, have gotten SO many people try to hit me up, they all look ratchet, hood, like they eat boogers, potential killers, they only want one thing etc...

Like, especially with knowing the domestic violence rates for US, it is scary too. And it doesn't hurt I stay watching "For My Man" and "Fatal Attraction" lol and smh.

It is scary out here. Especially since now that I am in my 30s. This seems to be the age a lot of these fools tend to murder the women they are with.

It just feels like the pickings are slim and at this point, it doesn't seem worth it to even "try" if that makes sense. It feels like it is only getting worse out here with so many dudes wanting to split bills, go on coffee dates and such. Pew
I felt like that when I was forcing myself. Now, I’m just like whatever happens will happen. Keeps me unattached to an outcome.
I been single for about 6 months now. My last relationship was super short lived.
I do need to start getting back on dating scene. However with all things going with my health. And now i have a new landlord. Oh and i need to get a car too. I live in the middle of nowhere. I dont have the money for a cab, just to go on a date.I real need to be doing more praying. Then dating at this point. hopefully i will have some things done in a couple of months.

Well let me start by being honest about my dating live.
I only really date older men.

First of all im a homebody and not the most friendly person at time.
I keep to myself and dont trust nobody. You have to show me you real care before i let you in. That just how i am. Now i do like people and i can be friendly at times. I love to talk, alot.
However these man are super sorry and wack.
They want you to take care of them. Just straight up foolish.
Alot of them just want friends with benefits. Or try to get you pregnant and hoping you still. Then there is the abuse men who cant even deal with.

And last type i can't take are the ones. Who are super smart and have great personality. But don't see black girl as equals. will only sleep with at some point. But dont care for you as a mate. I been dealing with this a lot.
No dont even fall for games.

Sometimes i feel like there are no good black left in the world.

Sorry that its super long.
I work with a bunch of losers. These men are horrible. 85% are in committed relationships or married and approach every new attractive woman to see who can get her first.

The comments between the married men about getting side pieces was so enlightening yesterday. If it were left up to these men, married wouldnt be a thing.

How do you talk about your childrens mother and giving her what she wanted for her birthday AND in the next breath, state how youre looking for a piece on the side but you have to choose carefully because your last one tried to blackmail you .........:confused:

This man refuses to marry her. He says, he knows she deserves it but he cant do it. They have been together for almost 15 years. Beautiful children! Beautiful significant other! Not only are you cheating on her, you dont even respect her. SMH
I work with a bunch of losers. These men are horrible. 85% are in committed relationships or married and approach every new attractive woman to see who can get her first.

The comments between the married men about getting side pieces was so enlightening yesterday. If it were left up to these men, married wouldnt be a thing.

How do you talk about your childrens mother and giving her what she wanted for her birthday AND in the next breath, state how youre looking for a piece on the side but you have to choose carefully because your last one tried to blackmail you .........:confused:

This man refuses to marry her. He says, he knows she deserves it but he cant do it. They have been together for almost 15 years. Beautiful children! Beautiful significant other! Not only are you cheating on her, you dont even respect her. SMH
Wow that real dirty.. God don't like ugly. Every dog has there day.
How do you talk about your childrens mother and giving her what she wanted for her birthday AND in the next breath, state how youre looking for a piece on the side but you have to choose carefully because your last one tried to blackmail you .........:confused:

This man refuses to marry her. He says, he knows she deserves it but he cant do it. They have been together for almost 15 years. Beautiful children! Beautiful significant other! Not only are you cheating on her, you dont even respect her. SMH

Does she want to be married? Is he rich? She is benefitting in any way (status, being well-kept, etc)?
I work with a bunch of losers. These men are horrible. 85% are in committed relationships or married and approach every new attractive woman to see who can get her first.

The comments between the married men about getting side pieces was so enlightening yesterday. If it were left up to these men, married wouldnt be a thing.

How do you talk about your childrens mother and giving her what she wanted for her birthday AND in the next breath, state how youre looking for a piece on the side but you have to choose carefully because your last one tried to blackmail you .........:confused:

This man refuses to marry her. He says, he knows she deserves it but he cant do it. They have been together for almost 15 years. Beautiful children! Beautiful significant other! Not only are you cheating on her, you dont even respect her. SMH
He settled but marriage will seal that. She’s probably also building with him, so she can’t leave.
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Does she want to be married? Is he rich? She is benefitting in any way (status, being well-kept, etc)?
He has investment properties. He’s making 6 figures. 2 kids. Pension. 401k etc.
I haven’t gotten into his business other than what I have heard while standing around. Once he approached me ,I kept it civil.
He has investment properties. He’s making 6 figures. 2 kids. Pension. 401k etc.
I haven’t gotten into his business other than what I have heard while standing around. Once he approached me ,I kept it civil.

Hmmm...... not knowing her background, she probably started out like most women, falling in love and hoping for the best. She just didn’t respect herself enough to have strong boundaries and also walk away when she realized he wasn’t going to marry her.

I strongly suspect he will leave her or kick her out once the kids reach 18. Unless, she was smart and a few of those properties and investments are joint, she will end up with nothing.
Hmmm...... not knowing her background, she probably started out like most women, falling in love and hoping for the best. She just didn’t respect herself enough to have strong boundaries and also walk away when she realized he wasn’t going to marry her.

I strongly suspect he will leave her or kick her out once the kids reach 18. Unless, she was smart and a few of those properties and investments are joint, she will end up with nothing.

Yep, better get her name on those papers quick. Don't let him kick you to the curb without getting your share of the pie.
I went to a cookout yesterday that was a lot of was full of tall, sexy men. I got several numbers and I have a date with one of them this coming Tuesday and another one just texted to see if I could go out with him tomorrow night, but I already have plans :kiss3:. Now, the problem is the Tuesday one is a Pisces and Pisces men and I have a history of not getting along lol. The other one that just texted is a Scorpio and Scorpio men and I have a history of REALLY not getting along :laugh:. But at the same time I don't know their whole birth chart. So who knows, we may get along. We'll see how it goes!

The Libra guy and I are still going strong. He invited me over this past Tuesday and made dinner and it was good! I just feel like we "click" and things are easy between us. TBH, I'm breaking my own rules and I'm kind of sprung on him :laugh: On our first date, we both said we were not looking for an exclusive relationship right now. But if he were to bring up us being exclusive, I'd be with it. But I won't be the one to bring that topic up first lol.
I work with a bunch of losers. These men are horrible. 85% are in committed relationships or married and approach every new attractive woman to see who can get her first.

The comments between the married men about getting side pieces was so enlightening yesterday. If it were left up to these men, married wouldnt be a thing.

How do you talk about your childrens mother and giving her what she wanted for her birthday AND in the next breath, state how youre looking for a piece on the side but you have to choose carefully because your last one tried to blackmail you .........:confused:

This man refuses to marry her. He says, he knows she deserves it but he cant do it. They have been together for almost 15 years. Beautiful children! Beautiful significant other! Not only are you cheating on her, you dont even respect her. SMH
Are these black folks or a mix?