Out of town bae is on time out. He was in town this past week.

He let me know a couple of weeks ago he would be in my city as he usually does. Stated that we wanted to see me, I said I was fine with that and to just let me know his availability.
Usually he will text me when he lands and give me a couple days and times that we can link up. This time around he sends a text at 11 PM the day before he leaves. I responded the next morning, I was busy.
I guess he is in his feelings now. Not my problem... he did this not me.

I will be in his city soon and will return the favor, lol.
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@Damaris.Elle Glad you were able to get all that insight/ glimpse of his character type (immature, self-centered, immature, immature...) on HIS dime. :clapping:

He needs some time to.grow up. In the meantime,


But out of curiosity, did you have sex while he was semi drunk? If so, Idk maybe for future reference you may want to pass on that, especially if you are not in an established relationship since sloppy drunk sex is not usually the best anyway.
@Damaris.Elle Glad you were able to get all that insight/ glimpse of his character type (immature, self-centered, immature, immature...) on HIS dime. :clapping:

He needs some time to.grow up. In the meantime,


But out of curiosity, did you have sex while he was semi drunk? If so, Idk maybe for future reference you may want to pass on that, especially if you are not in an established relationship since sloppy drunk sex is not usually the best anyway.

This fool is 34. You would think by that age....*deep sigh*

Can't say I agree with the bolded based on past experience :lol: I've had some of the best sex while being tipsy...we were both tipsy during the sex.
Thirty four??!!! Girlll...:eek: That should not surprise me tho lol but still:lachen:

You are too funny! I had started to edit my answer about the drunk sex to allow the for the exception if both parties were tipsy lol... yeah, you are right lol.:lachen::lachen:

This fool is 34. You would think by that age....*deep sigh*

Can't say I agree with the bolded based on past experience :lol: I've had some of the best sex while being tipsy...we were both tipsy during the sex.
I dont like hot and cold.

He always answers when I call though. He returns my phone calls and he certainly listens to me. Weird thing is, he can sense when Im upset or my tone is off.

Hes a puzzle and I dont like puzzles. Just open up. Be direct. I dont have time trying to word smith you.
Was supposed to have 2 coffee dates today, but the second one stood me up. I enjoyed the first so much that I'm only upset about the 2nd one because I could have spent more time with the first.

Man was fine. Real fine. And so funny!! We laughed the entire time. The chemistry was intense. We're both Aries :look:.

He called me and we talked for another 2.5 hours :drunk:
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It’s not always something bad. For some ppl it’s their preferred messaging app. Especially if they communicate with a lot of ppl outside of the country.
It’s definitely not as bad as people as people have made it out to be. But I find it to be very petty. Like a petty person made it and keeps making it pettier. I’ve got my settings so high, you can really just try.
It’s not always something bad. For some ppl it’s their preferred messaging app. Especially if they communicate with a lot of ppl outside of the country.
I use it a lot when i'm outside the states and to communicate with family in Grenada and Canada. In my head I'm like whatsapp and my real phone number are one in the same. I have a google number that I use off and on but once I give you my whatsapp you have my number. My thing is at the beginning of the year I deleted almost 60 numbers (from the past year and a half) in my phone from guys who just stopped communicating it gets annoying after awhile.

@shespoison Have fun eat a macaroon for me.
Ahhhh I see @cinnespice maybe that's their way of asking if you use whatsapp. I had quit whatsapp for a year and I had a bunch of ppl text me like "so you just ignoring my messages?" So I can see why they would ask

But I will never claim to understand why men ask things the way they do. I'm just speaking from my point of view on whatsapp. I actually hate that app :lol: I wish it would FOAD like BBM did.
I have a friend who told me thats normal and men need to look at something. I just said ok, but politely declined that. I think men think you have a special collection you will share with them.
I get it, just annoyed.. Dude just text me a picture out of no where and it was him in a sweater. I was like oh throw back. He was like no yesterday. It was 80 degrees in tri-state area, Lol... Then hit me with a send picture message... I just feel like it is starting off like before... Just a bunch of text messages... :sad:
Dr. Who (a British Trinidadian) called me for the first time last night. His voice is so dang low and growly. Sounds kinda like Idris Elba :drool: He was already number 1 on my list, so the voice is just icing on the cake. He called me from a hospital phone. He's supposed to be an ER doctor, but we shall see :rolleyes: