Thanks girls, I appreciate the feedback. Can’t say it doesn’t hurt though. We spent so much time together on the daily that I somehow ended up attached. So it feels like I’m going through a real breakup. Feels like he love bombed me and was never really sincere. Can’t believe I fell for it. I opened myself up to him, telling him everything about me. I regret that part, won’t ever do that again.
I feel you pain :bighug:.
That's why I put long distance on my no-go list.
I’m back y’all! :drunk:

So I’ve been completely single for like 2 weeks now. Last night I happened to see an old friend and he made some serious confessions last night when I asked if he missed me in a joking manner. Now I feel bad. I had no intention on igniting that old flame, but now he’s all :2inlove: and I’m like :look:. We do have a date in a week though :lol:

I’ve been seeing this new dude since the beginning of March, we’ve been on a few dates. I’ve had been curving him because I didn’t know what was happening with the ex-bf but now it’s full steam ahead. I like him & I don’t want him to be a rebound. I wish he had approached me after the summer.

Also this is the summer I turn 30. Pray for me, I’ve been having so much fun this year in between the fighting with the ex. The summer is just going to be the icing on the cake. I have 3 more trips planned, with 1 possible. New bae wants to take me to Cali but I’m not sure I’m here for that so early.
I wasn’t even single a week before ex-bae popped up. He too made quite a number of confessions regarding his feelings for me but says he just wants to be friends. After a week I realized that he wants us to return to what we were without the title. I couldn’t get the last guy to take care of much but this one wants to do it all emotionally and financially, with the exception of fully stepping up. That’s why we broke up, years ago. Dummy. A few times I tested, over the smallest things he would stop and call or come by if I requested.

Then I remembered, he has a girlfriend. Which he sees as no problem and any time I bring her up he does not say anything. If I hadn’t already known he probably would not have told me.

I can’t lie, he makes me feel great and he understands me so well that he can talk me off any wall. That’s dangerous too because I realize he can talk me out of just about anything, and he’s done so a few times when I tried to let go. I’m only falling because he’s giving me things I miss and was lacking in my previous relationship.

I have said goodbye but it’s so hard. I have my mothers genes and I already feel the pressure and pain of being alone. I live a ways from home with very few friends and a sister who hardly talks to me. When I broke up with my ex I was feeling alone in the relationship. I was coming to grips with that fact, then here comes dumbo. I shouldn’t have let him back in and now I’m dealing with it. I’m too old for this.
I wasn’t even single a week before ex-bae popped up. He too made quite a number of confessions regarding his feelings for me but says he just wants to be friends. After a week I realized that he wants us to return to what we were without the title. I couldn’t get the last guy to take care of much but this one wants to do it all emotionally and financially, with the exception of fully stepping up. That’s why we broke up, years ago. Dummy. A few times I tested, over the smallest things he would stop and call or come by if I requested.

Then I remembered, he has a girlfriend. Which he sees as no problem and any time I bring her up he does not say anything. If I hadn’t already known he probably would not have told me.

I can’t lie, he makes me feel great and he understands me so well that he can talk me off any wall. That’s dangerous too because I realize he can talk me out of just about anything, and he’s done so a few times when I tried to let go. I’m only falling because he’s giving me things I miss and was lacking in my previous relationship.

I have said goodbye but it’s so hard. I have my mothers genes and I already feel the pressure and pain of being alone. I live a ways from home with very few friends and a sister who hardly talks to me. When I broke up with my ex I was feeling alone in the relationship. I was coming to grips with that fact, then here comes dumbo. I shouldn’t have let him back in and now I’m dealing with it. I’m too old for this.
Hold on and remember you deserve more. You deserve everything you ask for. Not stolen moments. @MCMLXXXIV
I wasn’t even single a week before ex-bae popped up. He too made quite a number of confessions regarding his feelings for me but says he just wants to be friends. After a week I realized that he wants us to return to what we were without the title. I couldn’t get the last guy to take care of much but this one wants to do it all emotionally and financially, with the exception of fully stepping up. That’s why we broke up, years ago. Dummy. A few times I tested, over the smallest things he would stop and call or come by if I requested.

Then I remembered, he has a girlfriend. Which he sees as no problem and any time I bring her up he does not say anything. If I hadn’t already known he probably would not have told me.

I can’t lie, he makes me feel great and he understands me so well that he can talk me off any wall. That’s dangerous too because I realize he can talk me out of just about anything, and he’s done so a few times when I tried to let go. I’m only falling because he’s giving me things I miss and was lacking in my previous relationship.

I have said goodbye but it’s so hard. I have my mothers genes and I already feel the pressure and pain of being alone. I live a ways from home with very few friends and a sister who hardly talks to me. When I broke up with my ex I was feeling alone in the relationship. I was coming to grips with that fact, then here comes dumbo. I shouldn’t have let him back in and now I’m dealing with it. I’m too old for this.

You’ve heard the phrase, “Nature abhors a vacuum?” It makes perfect sense that you fell for your ex’s attention. I think that’s why it’s so important to acknowledge loneliness and to fill it with something more healthy even if it’s just a placeholder for what you really want. You must find support for yourself. When I went through my divorce I could have easily ended up with some jerk preying on me. But instead I leaned on friends and a divorce recovery specialist who provided tons of support, guidance, and friendship. Forgive yourself and take good care of you. Go to MeetUp groups, visit different churches, join new groups, take a class, etc. As humans we crave companionship and the comfort of other human beings. You need and deserve that. It’s as important as water and food.
Whenever I'm on a dating site, I only consider guys between 31-40 years old. But I'm 31, so I get a lot of guys in their early 40s. Is that too old?? When I was in my 20s, I wouldn't touch a guy more than 3 years than me. I don't want to limit my pool too much, but I don't want to walk around looking like I have a daddy complex o_O
Whenever I'm on a dating site, I only consider guys between 31-40 years old. But I'm 31, so I get a lot of guys in their early 40s. Is that too old?? When I was in my 20s, I wouldn't touch a guy more than 3 years than me. I don't want to limit my pool too much, but I don't want to walk around looking like I have a daddy complex o_O
31 and 40 is not a big deal. If you were 19/20 and trying to get a 40 year old, then that's a little different
my energy must be all the way off like wooowwww. :confused: except for the occasional date I've not really been entertaining men/ no proper roster since i started this new job which means i haven't had 'company' since jan. I started the application in Jan and since then i devoted my energy mentally and emotionally to settling into the role and in doing so i must have messed up my energy because except mr ceo no one is really bothering me. In fact it feels like men who once wanted to rock my world are avoiding me! Mr ceo is in husband pile so I'm taking my time with him.

I need intimacy. In my mid twenties I did 2 years without even kissing a guy and it was horrible. I travelled, built my career but the lack of intimacy took a toll on me.

I'm repelling intimacy and I don't know why.
Im listening to my coworker and his gf on the phone.

They are about as boring as rice cooking but they are so happy.

bless they heart, lololol.

They met on bumble. Been dating 3 months and hes sitting on Facetime with her while shes in the ER waiting on her father to has surgery.

YT of course. I met his previous gf and she was pretty. This one is sounds so boring.( shes okay in the face) Shes a HS teacher.

Hes telling all his business.
Im listening to my coworker and his gf on the phone.

They are about as boring as rice cooking but they are so happy.

bless they heart, lololol.

They met on bumble. Been dating 3 months and hes sitting on Facetime with her while shes in the ER waiting on her father to has surgery.

YT of course. I met his previous gf and she was pretty. This one is sounds so boring.( shes okay in the face) Shes a HS teacher.

Hes telling all his business.
How does one sound boring?
Online dating take what? Four :laugh: :laugh:. Got an inbox full of no's, but one of the guys that I politely declined (too young) connected me to one of his friends :eek:! We're having a good conversation so far. I let him know upfront that we need to meet in person and that I'm going to keep vetting/talking to other guys. Here's to hoping that I've become a pro at online dating :alcoholic:
Online dating take what? Four :laugh: :laugh:. Got an inbox full of no's, but one of the guys that I politely declined (too young) connected me to one of his friends :eek:! We're having a good conversation so far. I let him know upfront that we need to meet in person and that I'm going to keep vetting/talking to other guys. Here's to hoping that I've become a pro at online dating :alcoholic:

Could you share some tips? I'm failing dismally at the moment.
So that ex I saw online did contact me with “I know you don’t I?” I thought the fact that our very last encounter involving me closing a door in his face would mean he wouldn’t contact me again.

I didn’t think he’d recognise me but he not only recognised me he used my full name. It’s just so awkward because I don’t know what to say. :ohwell::perplexed:
So that ex I saw online did contact me with “I know you don’t I?” I thought the fact that our very last encounter involving me closing a door in his face would mean he wouldn’t contact me again.

I didn’t think he’d recognise me but he not only recognised me he used my full name. It’s just so awkward because I don’t know what to say. :ohwell::perplexed:
Don’t say anything :lol: ignore the message and continue living. It’s only a big deal if you make it one.