so for those of you who want to see what a narcissist does to love bomb you, see below. I stopped dating this man in summer of 2017 because he didn't want a commitment. I don't speak to him. But he hits me up every year around this time since it's close to my bday to spill his heart out. Then he goes back into hiding for another year until my next bday. I don't talk to this guy at all. I have no idea what's going on in his life. The last communication I had with him was this time last year for my bday when I told him "thanks for bday wishes".

I've spent a lot of time learning about narcissism because of him. So I'm not triggered by this. It's comical to me now. It's unlike anything I've ever experienced. I knew he was going to contact me the closer it gets to my bday (3 weeks out)...and I was right. Like clockwork. This is what he just wrote me in email:

A guy does the same thing to me, year after year.

This year he emailed me and I replied to see where the fool would take it. He starts dialog and I say, well lets speak, give me your number, he replies, give me yours. I immediately stop responding. He continues to email for a few days and now its been every other week.

I knew he wanted to get my number. Im not stupid and he knew I was going to call him on block. smh.
A guy does the same thing to me, year after year.

This year he emailed me and I replied to see where the fool would take it. He starts dialog and I say, well lets speak, give me your number, he replies, give me yours. I immediately stop responding. He continues to email for a few days and now its been every other week.

I knew he wanted to get my number. Im not stupid and he knew I was going to call him on block. smh.
What does he say to you? Like what is his motive after he gets your number?
I changed my dating preferences on my apps to only guys that are Christian or Catholic. You’ll be amazed at how many people I eliminated by doing that. I prefer black guys but I’m open to dating men from other cultures. Many Asian men practice Hinduism or Buddhism and there are a good number of white people and diverse groups of men that are atheists or have on their profile “spiritual but not religious” I took them out too. So my dating pool has gotten significantly smaller. At first I panicked becuase it was already slim pickens from the get go but God is so important in my life and I need a significant other that can attend church with me, someone I can talk to about spiritual things, someone who can pray for me and our family if we have one. I’ll feel more in tune with him if he believes and follows the lord.
I'll do the same when I reinstate my OKcupid profile :yep: . The bold is why I want a Christian husband too. I know that I want my children raised knowing the Lord and knowing the church. I was raised agnostic, and this is so important to me even while I'm struggling with my faith.
Earlier this week I met this man while I was walking down the street and we exchanged numbers. We've been texting and he says it was so random how we met and I say I tend to meet people like this pretty frequently and he responded "a pot of gold is never short of takers."

Me reading that:

I changed my dating preferences on my apps to only guys that are Christian or Catholic. You’ll be amazed at how many people I eliminated by doing that. I prefer black guys but I’m open to dating men from other cultures. Many Asian men practice Hinduism or Buddhism and there are a good number of white people and diverse groups of men that are atheists or have on their profile “spiritual but not religious” I took them out too. So my dating pool has gotten significantly smaller. At first I panicked becuase it was already slim pickens from the get go but God is so important in my life and I need a significant other that can attend church with me, someone I can talk to about spiritual things, someone who can pray for me and our family if we have one. I’ll feel more in tune with him if he believes and follows the lord.
Still gotta be careful. So many guys out there say they follow the lord but its probably more like the devil. Only time will tell. I have had guys that said that and actions were a total 180 from what they said they believed. I can't tell you how many times I seen a guy say he is a god fearing man seeking a god fearing woman then turn around and start talking about coloring and other stuff 10 minutes later:confused: I don't follow Catholicism any more but I can't see myself dating an atheist either.

I also found doesn't matter what I put in my profile, guys don't read and even if they do they don't comprehend. After we get past all of that I still have to vet the living daylights out of that person. These men be out here pulling wool over eyes. I got 4 eyes :cool:so when 2 of them get cloudy I readjust my contact lens and see them for what they are.
Last night I prayed to two female relatives who have passed. I told them that I was really lonely and wished I had a husband and family. I told them them I wish I had an active dating life while I waited for my husband to reveal himself. I’m going through a lot right now and wish I had a partner to confide in.

Today I ran out to run a quick errand, I threw on a head wrap and put on a pinkish colored lipstick. Jeans, sneakers, nothing special. I am so used to being invisible so it was surprising that in that hour I was out, 3 men made it clear they liked what they saw, with 2 actually speaking to me.

It felt nice. I’ve been invisible for so long.
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Last night I prayed to two female relatives who have passed. I told them that I was really lonely and wished I had a husband and family. I told them them I wish I had an active dating life while I waited for my husband to reveal himself. I’m going through a lot right now and wish I had a partner to confide in.

Today I ran out to run a quick errand, I threw on a head wrap and put on a pinkish colored lipstick. Jeans, sneakers, nothing special. I am so used to being invisible so it was surprising that in that hour I was out, 3 men made it clear they liked what they saw, with 2 actually speaking to me.

It felt nice. I’ve been invisible for so long.
:giveheart:Your not invisible watch the ancestors pull through for you.
Still gotta be careful. So many guys out there say they follow the lord but its probably more like the devil. Only time will tell. I have had guys that said that and actions were a total 180 from what they said they believed. I can't tell you how many times I seen a guy say he is a god fearing man seeking a god fearing woman then turn around and start talking about coloring and other stuff 10 minutes later:confused: I don't follow Catholicism any more but I can't see myself dating an atheist either.

I also found doesn't matter what I put in my profile, guys don't read and even if they do they don't comprehend. After we get past all of that I still have to vet the living daylights out of that person. These men be out here pulling wool over eyes. I got 4 eyes :cool:so when 2 of them get cloudy I readjust my contact lens and see them for what they are.

Oh absolutely, there are a lot of people out there that call themselves Christians, that go to church and speak of God all the time but they’re a hot mess. They’re abusive, manipulators, liars and cheaters and what’s even worse they don’t hold themselves accountable and use religion as a hall pass to act a fool. I won’t really know who they are until we start dating.
Last night I prayed to two female relatives who have passed. I told them that I was really lonely and wished I had a husband and family. I told them them I wish I had an active dating life while I waited for my husband to reveal himself. I’m going through a lot right now and wish I had a partner to confide in.

Today I ran out to run a quick errand, I threw on a head wrap and put on a pinkish colored lipstick. Jeans, sneakers, nothing special. I am so used to being invisible so it was surprising that in that hour I was out, 3 men made it clear they liked what they saw, with 2 actually speaking to me.

It felt nice. I’ve been invisible for so long.
Several years ago when I first left my home state to relocate to the southwest I went through a period where I was lonelier than I had ever been in my life. I had no friends out here, no family, and a job I hated. My mother had just recently passed after my move and I missed her greatly. One night coming home from work around midnight, I just sat in my car and said a prayer to her to send someone to me, someone kind and loving, and could make me laugh. Not even a week later a new female coworker invited me out to dinner with her and her friends. She knew how sad I had been and hoped meeting some new people would cheer me up. The guy she sat me next to that night years later ended up becoming my husband. I feel that you will find exactly what you're looking for when you least expect it.:smile:
Lol I've never dated one either. I'm an Aquarius, so technically we're supposed to get along. I understand going with the flow. We can go with the our scheduled date, happening at a scheduled time :lachen:

I ended up telling him I wanted to re-schedule, so we didn't go out Saturday. We went out last night and it was a lot of fun. We had very good conversation, we both work in similar fields and seem to have the same expectations when it comes to relationships (neither of us want an exclusive relationship right now). We may see each other again this weekend.
Several years ago when I first left my home state to relocate to the southwest I went through a period where I was lonelier than I had ever been in my life. I had no friends out here, no family, and a job I hated. My mother had just recently passed after my move and I missed her greatly. One night coming home from work around midnight, I just sat in my car and said a prayer to her to send someone to me, someone kind and loving, and could make me laugh. Not even a week later a new female coworker invited me out to dinner with her and her friends. She knew how sad I had been and hoped meeting some new people would cheer me up. The guy she sat me next to that night years later ended up becoming my husband. I feel that you will find exactly what you're looking for when you least expect it.:smile:

This is a beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing it.
Hmm i proceeding with caution with this guy. He's a guy I met at work on a friendly basis. I wasnt really receptive at first but he seems eager to be friends with me. I know he has a crush on this other woman I know thats why im not thinking too much of it. He's totally not my type physically and is uber talkative. He seems to always want to know what Im doing later and invting me out. But Ive had male friends before who did just like to go out. I dont want to label him as tryna get with me and rebuff him but i also dont want to be blind sided if it ends up being true. We went to the gym together today and grabbed something to eat. Uber talkative lol. But whatever, we shall see.