Tomorrow i have a first date with a potential husband candidate that so far ticks qualifying criteria. He's successful, in his 40s, handsome, 6ft 5, built like a tree and a seemingly good sense of humour.

it's been sooooo long that i've had a husband candidate that i need to remind myself: don't get nervous, remain in my feminine energy and just receive and radiate.

I'm going to have a good time.
He's going to announce your relationship in front of the church and there are going to be chicks whaling and running out of the sanctuary. Then somebody's mother is going to want to talk to him to see what TF happened :lol:. Then everybody is going to want to be your new best friend. :lachen:

I'm playing w/u but I've definitely seen it happen.

Don't forget the 'God told me that he would be my husband' ladies! :spinning:
Mr. C has been in the Caribbean for almost a week now, and he's sent me some pics while he's been there. He said that he'll get up at 4am before he has to leave to get me a picture of the sunrise :love3: :love3:. His family has 3 houses there and one's on the beach!! He keeps talking about what we'll do when I come back with him. He wants to show me how to milk a cow :laugh:
Lots of travel keeps me optimistic. I always meet someone who keeps me inspired (domestic and international). Would you do a long distance relationship? I have no interest in one at this point, so I’m on hiatus until I move to a city where I want to stay put.
Thanks lady! I travel as much as I can. I'm in med school so time off is limited but I get out at every opportunity. I have met so many men while travelling but haven't been able to make long distance work.

Anyway, I read a great article yesterday about ways of thinking which cause bitterness. I'm going to spend the next little while just working on my mind and re-cultivate my joy.
Tomorrow i have a first date with a potential husband candidate that so far ticks qualifying criteria. He's successful, in his 40s, handsome, 6ft 5, built like a tree and a seemingly good sense of humour.

it's been sooooo long that i've had a husband candidate that i need to remind myself: don't get nervous, remain in my feminine energy and just receive and radiate.

I'm going to have a good time.

NAAAAAHHHHH :lachen:False alarm ladies.
The date was ok not a bad date but he ain't it:

  • He's not as successful as I thought
  • He couldn't understand why his friend who just had a baby has put his focus on his wife and newborn "you don't just abandon your friends because you have a new baby and partner" Sir, you're 41. bros before ho*es can no longer be your mantra
  • With more prying, turns out he's neither here nor there about settling down
  • He's very handsome but my kitty was quiet - I wasn't sexually attracted to him
  • He said he had dated a black girl in the past. I asked dated dated or just slept with...He said it was a fwb situation but it lasted pretty long for like 3months. boy bye
i looked fire though and my feminine energy was flowing :smooches:,
I hope! I hope that we mesh face to face as well as we've been with all of this talking and video chatting :pray: :pray:!!! We had a hilarious conversation about having kids and raising them. We're on the same page about it, but he brought it up pretty much out of nowhere LOL!!
I was feeling a way because my boo ain’t call or text me alll day. It’s Holy Week and I know he’s been busy...he has guests staying over his house and he is officiating a wedding in between all the madness but could you go a day without contacting this precious being? :cry3:

I’m out here dodging the D left and right but you can’t hit me up? I don’t get it. If you’re not locked up or in a coma call/text a heaux ok?

Anyway, he JUST sent me a sweet message and I’m so glad because I was 30 mins from deleting his number and being too busy for the next 3 days.
1. I've become a savage at un-matching and mainly down to income potential. Sorry but I cannot date someone who is not in a better financial position than me. I cannot be the breadwinner in my family. I'm kinda pricing myself out of a sizeable chunk of the market but that's ok...for now lol

I've included in my profile: be prepared to talk on the phone to help filter things out further. Every guy I've fallen for I've been able to have those old skool phone convos with. I know whatsapp is king but I need to be able to talk to you. If your personality doesn't bang on the phone with me, chances are it won't in person.
The good reverend is sooo busy all the time. He doesn’t even have time for himself. He tries to make time for me but it ain’t enough.

It was all good when I was dating other people but now it’s wack. It causing us to move super slow and I am already frustrated.

He is an amazing person but I want to go back to dating other people. I’m trying not to make a rash decision but I don’t have the patience for this situation and mostly likely never will...nor do I want to.

I’m going to talk to my unofficial counselor and see what he says.
1. I've become a savage at un-matching and mainly down to income potential. Sorry but I cannot date someone who is not in a better financial position than me. I cannot be the breadwinner in my family. I'm kinda pricing myself out of a sizeable chunk of the market but that's ok...for now lol

I've included in my profile: be prepared to talk on the phone to help filter things out further. Every guy I've fallen for I've been able to have those old skool phone convos with. I know whatsapp is king but I need to be able to talk to you. If your personality doesn't bang on the phone with me, chances are it won't in person.

Because thanks wasn't enough, yes to the whole post!
When you see your ex online :perplexed:

I've actually seen two exes, one sent me a message but at first he didn't recognise me. I said hello purely out of politeness, that doesn't mean I want to rekindle things with you love.

The other one I've just seen, he hasn't messaged me as yet but I don't think he will. Last time I saw him I closed a door in his face so I doubt I'll be hearing from him. :lol:
The good reverend is sooo busy all the time. He doesn’t even have time for himself. He tries to make time for me but it ain’t enough.

It was all good when I was dating other people but now it’s wack. It causing us to move super slow and I am already frustrated.

He is an amazing person but I want to go back to dating other people. I’m trying not to make a rash decision but I don’t have the patience for this situation and mostly likely never will...nor do I want to.

I’m going to talk to my unofficial counselor and see what he says.
The guy I'm talking to is a self-proclaimed workaholic. And he absolutely loves his job. But thankfully he's needy, so he keeps up with texting and calling me. I know that work's going to be the other woman as long as this thing continues, and right now I can deal with that. But it's made our relationship move slow too. Our schedules don't mesh, but honestly my schedule doesn't mesh with anybody's LOL! That's a big reason why I'm looking for a new job.

We have our date planned. Yes, I set up the where. He's new to ATL and he's never even been to the city I live in. Plus, I picked the perfect place since there's going to be a festival going on that day that I didn't even know about until today.
I stopped speaking to a guy because his voice sounded like a mass murderer. Scared the daylights out of me.

Lol that's terrifying.
I wouldn't say this guy sounds like a mass murderer, but he has a REALLY deep voice and it's...weird. I've never heard a voice that deep. It kind of reminds me of how it sounds on TV when they're interviewing someone and they're trying to hide their identity so they darken the room so you can only see the person's outline and they mask the person's voice. That's what his voice reminds me of.
Lol that's terrifying.
I wouldn't say this guy sounds like a mass murderer, but he has a REALLY deep voice and it's...weird. I've never heard a voice that deep. It kind of reminds me of how it sounds on TV when they're interviewing someone and they're trying to hide their identity so they darken the room so you can only see the person's outline and they mask the person's voice. That's what his voice reminds me of.
Maybe he was using something to mask his voice? I don’t put nothing past folks these days..
A mans voice is a big part of the attraction piece to me. If it sounds off it’s going to be a struggle for me to continue.

True. I never really thought about it very much until now...I wouldn't be able to have sex with someone who has a weird voice. It's not going to work if every time he talks dirty while we're having sex, I dry up :lachen:

Maybe he was using something to mask his voice? I don’t put nothing past folks these days..

Yeah maybe...and if he was that's creepy.
Oh brother. My jet setting professional gambler friend is now texting me from Egypt. This is getting ancient, no pun intended. I don't want him and the fact that he's texting me from all these great places only irks me. I want to say ninja if there's no ticket for me then stop texting me. But then he'll think I'm actually interested in going somewhere with him.
I'm not sure where I want to post this but all the Dallas posters I can remember haven't posted in years and I don't want to make a whole new thread....can anyone remember any ladies in Dallas that are still active here?
I'm not sure where I want to post this but all the Dallas posters I can remember haven't posted in years and I don't want to make a whole new thread....can anyone remember any ladies in Dallas that are still active here?
Active on the board in general, or in this thread?

I live in Dallas, but I travel a lot for work so I really just pay rent here lol.
Oh brother. My jet setting professional gambler friend is now texting me from Egypt. This is getting ancient, no pun intended. I don't want him and the fact that he's texting me from all these great places only irks me. I want to say ninja if there's no ticket for me then stop texting me. But then he'll think I'm actually interested in going somewhere with him.
When his text comes in, don’t open it, just quickly delete it if you don’t want to block him. Also put him on do not disturb.
This guy is great on paper. Hes even a nice person but hes never been in a healthy relationship.

I think I want to friendzone him but I keep wondering if I'm giving up security for the neck tingling feeling when I look at you. We dated in the past and wasted a bunch of years. I'm not too keen to jump back into that boat.