On Friday I met up with a guy at a bar. It wasn't until I received an "I'm on my way" text that I realized its a date. Towards the end he asks again if I wanted anything to eat and we could share, I said I wanted french fries. He has trouble ordering from the tablet so a staff comes over to help. He chooses nachos (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, the place is loud and maybe he didn't hear me) and then makes a comment to the staff to excuse us as we work out how to pay the bill.


$18. He wants to discuss how to split $18. I told him "I'm not interested in eating". I said to myself this can't be a date and I'm ready to go. I didn't want to be rude so I waited until he finished his food to motion that I'm ready to leave. He wasn't my type before I met up with him and this erased any possibility of there being a chance.

Today he sent a text asking if he could call me. I replied back and said tomorrow. I wish I could ignore him but we're apart of the same volunteer organization.

Yesterday I went out with a guy that I've known for years. The conversation was light and flowed smoothly. There was no discussion about us being a couple, just a couple getting to know each other on a different level. He was very respectful of my space but still engaging. Before the date was over he made several suggestions on things we could do together in the future. As we were departing he gave me a long hug goodbye.
I would just ignore his texts and say Oh I didn't see them and just be friendly at your volunteer organization. He'll get the point.
And we need details

We went to this cute little restaurant in BK. We got there around 8 and basically shut the place down. We ended up going to another bar afterward.

He has a lot of game. He asked if he could kiss me. It triggered a memory because he asked me that the first time I met him and I told him “I don’t know you like that.” Anyway, this time I did and it was spicy.

We talked a lot and about everything. I want to say more but I’m sure someone one here knows him so imma keep it light.
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We went to this cute little restaurant in BK. We got there around 8 and basically shut the place down. We ended up going to another bar afterwards.

He has a lot of game. He asked if he could kiss me. It triggered a memory because he asked me that the first time I met him and I told him “I don’t know you like that.” Anyway, this time I did and it was spicy.

We talked a lot and about everything. I want to say more but I’m sure someone one here knows him so imma keep it light. I will say, I can tell he’s nasty nasty. Amen.
That sounds good. And yes, this city is very small.
We went to this cute little restaurant in BK. We got there around 8 and basically shut the place down. We ended up going to another bar afterwards.

He has a lot of game. He asked if he could kiss me. It triggered a memory because he asked me that the first time I met him and I told him “I don’t know you like that.” Anyway, this time I did and it was spicy.

We talked a lot and about everything. I want to say more but I’m sure someone one here knows him so imma keep it light. I will say, I can tell he’s nasty nasty. Amen.

I snapped my fingers at the nasty part! Yes!!!
My gf was dating a guy for three months and he showed his tail.

I told her that’s when the real person tends to show up at that marker.

They had planned a trip and everything. He’s basically an obnoxious buttface that considers it okay to call women out their names with a relish. She called him on it and he said, well if you feel I’m such a sexist pig it’s over. Smh.

Find a man is easy. Finding a quality man seems to be the stickler.
Dating Update: I guess since in here, the dating life has been a dud... Only thing new in life is a new Credit Score... Lol :sad:

LADIES, always always always remember the following, see image below!

I rehashed with some past dudes, total mistake and waste of time, like why did I expect anything new...

true words. Every time the last guy reaches out to me...there is absolutely nothing new coming from his mouth.
The last time he reached out to me he wrote: "still thinking about you".
I wrote back: "good 4 u"

...i had time that day lol
Fairy tales versus reality.

Love never happened like the movies.

Those times of love given and received, have been beautiful though. A thought, a gesture.. a kiss... magic.

Just never ending like those princesses.

Life. I used to think I would change a few things but then I realized, I wouldn't be who I am now. So, no.. I wouldn't change anything at all.
The good reverend texted me throughout the day like a normal person. He seems really sweet. I just can’t tell if he is really interested or if he’s gaming.

Has he given you the talk about the church and getting you to convert etc? Appreciate it’s early days. Put it another way if you guys got serious would you be happy to embrace the church life?

I was talking to a nice guy but he then mentioned that he wanted a “god fearing woman.” I didn’t take it any further because I’m far from it. :look:
Dating Update: I guess since in here, the dating life has been a dud... Only thing new in life is a new Credit Score... Lol :sad:

LADIES, always always always remember the following, see image below!

I rehashed with some past dudes, total mistake and waste of time, like why did I expect anything new...


Because thanks really wasn’t enough.

Been there, done it and distributed the t shirt.
On Friday I met up with a guy at a bar. It wasn't until I received an "I'm on my way" text that I realized its a date. Towards the end he asks again if I wanted anything to eat and we could share, I said I wanted french fries. He has trouble ordering from the tablet so a staff comes over to help. He chooses nachos (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, the place is loud and maybe he didn't hear me) and then makes a comment to the staff to excuse us as we work out how to pay the bill.


$18. He wants to discuss how to split $18. I told him "I'm not interested in eating". I said to myself this can't be a date and I'm ready to go. I didn't want to be rude so I waited until he finished his food to motion that I'm ready to leave. He wasn't my type before I met up with him and this erased any possibility of there being a chance.

Today he sent a text asking if he could call me. I replied back and said tomorrow. I wish I could ignore him but we're apart of the same volunteer organization.

Yesterday I went out with a guy that I've known for years. The conversation was light and flowed smoothly. There was no discussion about us being a couple, just a couple getting to know each other on a different level. He was very respectful of my space but still engaging. Before the date was over he made several suggestions on things we could do together in the future. As we were departing he gave me a long hug goodbye.


I’m in tears how mean (or broke) does a “man” have to be to be quibbling over $18. smh

These situations are the best ways to separate boys from men.
@LovingLady $18!? Smh what a mess.

I dont like cheap men but I see how they get over:
I was out with a couple of friends. They were always on and off again as a couple this day they were off and he called himself trying to win her back.
We go to lunch. The bill is $33 I pull out cash to pay my portion thinking he would handle the $22 for the both of them. This man looked at her and asked her how she wanted to pay her portion. I was flabbergasted. She happily pulled out her card and paid. I thought oh it is for real over.
I see them later that night at a bar we all meet up at. Drinks weren't more than $7 each. Bill came out he asked for her share again. Hmmm it is a wrap right? Nope they bid the group good night and go back to her house.

This man isn't broke he is a whole investment banker. She made 30% of what he did and he fully expected her to go Dutch. She went along with it.
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