This guy is a trip.

He told me he was buying us tickets and gave me some date and time options. There was no asking involved and it was kind of a turn on.

He just texted me now letting me know that he can’t wait to see me tomorrow. I damn near squealed but I’m not going to text back until tomorrow.

The thing is, we’ve tried to date before and there were some hiccups. Looking back, I can see where I went wrong. I’m doing the opposite of what I did before and this ish is working miracles.
@LushLox @cinnespice thanks for sharing your experience. It stinks that a paid service wouldn't have better results.

CJ is officially getting on my nerves. All this man does is text me. He suggests that we meet up but there is zero follow through. When is he going to realize that you have to plan things days in advance with me. Texting me the day of saying "What are your plans for today" is not going to work. He just texted "Hows the evening going". I'm not responding.
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: @ That's f%%%d all the way up. IDK why I find that line so funny.

I won’t front...after the annoyance wore off I laughed too. He’s such a little miscreant.

A) I thought I was the only one who told people they waste my unlimited texts :look:

B) you went in

C) I feel zero ounce of sorry for him

D) I’m mad you have a Joanne the Scammer app:look:

:laugh: I tell folks that all the time, I should’ve took a note from Joanne and told him to cash app me $500 and I’ll forgive him...then blocked him as soon as it came through.

I’m getting soft.

Thank you @UniquelyDivine for sharing, that was awesome :lol:.

Just spreading some Holiday cheer :giggle: no better Christmas miracle than getting the opportunity to make a no good ninja feel stupid.

I signed up for Bumble again today (was on for like, one day years ago), then just deleted it a moment ago. I matched with this whyte doctor, and I sent him a message like 45-min.-1 hr. later. He didn't respond and unmatched. I'm not upset or anything, but it just reminded me that this is a game for many (most) of these guys, and I'm over it. I seriously feel like it's a waste of my energy. :down::moon:
I signed up for Bumble again today (was on for like, one day years ago), then just deleted it a moment ago. I matched with this whyte doctor, and I sent him a message like 45-min.-1 hr. later. He didn't respond and unmatched. I'm not upset or anything, but it just reminded me that this is a game for many (most) of these guys, and I'm over it. I seriously feel like it's a waste of my energy. :down::moon:

it's like you literally have to prepare yourself for online dating. It's such a chore. I can't be bothered.
Welp.... I thought at least one of the guys I was seeing would make it into the new year but it looks like I’m leaving both of them behind.

I haven’t heard from either of them today!!! And to think I was about to get the one I’ve been seeing the longest a gift just in case he got me one. Hmph. Glad I didn’t. He’s been sick the past few days maybe I should give him a pass? I don’t think I will though. Ahhh, well. Moving along!!

Merry Christmas y’all!!!
Hi Everyone,

Hope y’all are having an incredible Christmas! I have 2 questions:

1. Do you think it’s possible to be friends with someone you’re in love with?

2. If someone you were dating and intimate with (but have been in and out of contact with for months) still reaches out to you, wanting to hang out (but you know they hope it would lead to sex), HOWEVER, you find out they are either married/in a relationship, but have denied it several times... (sorry for the long drawn question), would you reach out to tell them you found out the truth (you finally have proof), or only say something when they may try to reach out again?
Hi Everyone,

Hope y’all are having an incredible Christmas! I have 2 questions:

1. Do you think it’s possible to be friends with someone you’re in love with?

2. If someone you were dating and intimate with (but have been in and out of contact with for months) still reaches out to you, wanting to hang out (but you know they hope it would lead to sex), HOWEVER, you find out they are either married/in a relationship, but have denied it several times... (sorry for the long drawn question), would you reach out to tell them you found out the truth (you finally have proof), or only say something when they may try to reach out again?
No. That’s not really a friendship if one has romantic feelings for the other.
And block/never reach out again
Hi Everyone,

Hope y’all are having an incredible Christmas! I have 2 questions:

1. Do you think it’s possible to be friends with someone you’re in love with?

2. If someone you were dating and intimate with (but have been in and out of contact with for months) still reaches out to you, wanting to hang out (but you know they hope it would lead to sex), HOWEVER, you find out they are either married/in a relationship, but have denied it several times... (sorry for the long drawn question), would you reach out to tell them you found out the truth (you finally have proof), or only say something when they may try to reach out again?

2.I’d only bring it up If they contact me in the future

I.E. why are you hitting me up when you’re well aware you’re in a relationship. Please lose my contact information. Have a nice day. :)
Hi Everyone,

Hope y’all are having an incredible Christmas! I have 2 questions:

1. Do you think it’s possible to be friends with someone you’re in love with?

2. If someone you were dating and intimate with (but have been in and out of contact with for months) still reaches out to you, wanting to hang out (but you know they hope it would lead to sex), HOWEVER, you find out they are either married/in a relationship, but have denied it several times... (sorry for the long drawn question), would you reach out to tell them you found out the truth (you finally have proof), or only say something when they may try to reach out again?
1. Yes but it rips you half when that person falls in love with someone and its not you.
2. You would be blocked I can find better use with my time.
I spent most of the day alone until one of my boos saved me and took me to the movies. I’ve been trying not to like this guy too much because he is too broke for me but we have so much fun together.

He is the most consistent communicator I have EVER dated and I love it. He is always on time and always eager to see me without being overwhelming and corny. We enjoy the same stupid stuff. We have a ball just being in each other’s apartments, dancing and singing like we are the only ppl in the world. I am satisfied with where we are now but I am concerned about him becoming as distraction. I want a child and I will not have one with a man who can’t easily take care of us all.
Just spreading some Holiday cheer :giggle: no better Christmas miracle than getting the opportunity to make a no good ninja feel stupid.
Men have a perverse sense of entitlement. I like how you let him know that your feelings for him is zero.

@Silkycoils is that you in the avatar? I'm willing to bet if you visited New York (during warmer weather) and take a stroll along Wall Street or Fifth Avenue, you will have to fight men off.
My answers are in red.
Hi Everyone,

Hope y’all are having an incredible Christmas! I have 2 questions:

1. Do you think it’s possible to be friends with someone you’re in love with?
No, why would I want that. If a guy and I are just friends and I'm in love with him that means he friend zoned me. I friend zone guys, guys don't friend zone me.

2. If someone you were dating and intimate with (but have been in and out of contact with for months) still reaches out to you, wanting to hang out (but you know they hope it would lead to sex), HOWEVER, you find out they are either married/in a relationship, but have denied it several times... (sorry for the long drawn question), would you reach out to tell them you found out the truth (you finally have proof), or only say something when they may try to reach out again?
I would block him. I don't have the time to explain to trifling men how I know they're trifling.
Men have a perverse sense of entitlement. I like how you let him know that your feelings for him is zero.

@Silkycoils is that you in the avatar? I'm willing to bet if you visited New York (during warmer weather) and take a stroll along Wall Street or Fifth Avenue, you will have to fight men off.

Thank you Lady. :) Yes, that's me. :) I'm a little older, but still look pretty much the same. :lachen:

Ion know . . .I used to do temp work on Wall Street and never got hollered at. :lachen: You know who loves to holler at me . . .airplane cleaners and hotel workers (the ones who put out the beach chairs :look: ). No shade towards them, but they're not my target income demographic. :look: :D
Thanks again for the compliment. :)
@shespoison I have two questions or you.
1. Are you the apple of his eye?
2. Has he ever talked about his goals for the future and the actionable steps he's taking to achieve them?
1. The way he treats me, I would guess yes.
2. He has a decent job and the ability to make more money but he is a creative soo that’s a money drain.

Edited because I talk too much.
Last edited:
I went to Kwanzaa Krawl yesterday and it was too much fun. The first spot I went to is owned by a woman I went to high school with and her husband.

Anyway...there was a fine man lingering around me and I noticed he was alone so I asked him if he came by himself. He said his friends were late and we started talking for a bit and then his friend, a woman came so I slid back into my corner and drank my rum punch.

He came back over to me after a while to make a comment about something I said earlier but that was that. I didn’t see him again until 2 bars later. Idk how we ended up holding hands strolling down the streets of bk.

We ran away from our friends and took an Uber to another Krawl spot. We danced all reckless for about 5 mins before I decided I should take my behind home.

When I got home I looked at his ig and saw he was a Reverend. I hollered. I knew his home girl looked like an usher but I ain’t know she was an usher usher.